finished first version of extport animation data
// Header files, standart library.
#include <memory>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "glTFAssetWriter.h"
@ -624,6 +625,124 @@ void glTFExporter::ExportMetadata()
inline Ref<Accessor> ExportAnimationData(Asset& a, std::string& animId, Ref<Buffer>& buffer,
unsigned int count, void* data, AttribType::Value typeIn, AttribType::Value typeOut, ComponentType compType)
if (!count || !data) return Ref<Accessor>();
unsigned int numCompsIn = AttribType::GetNumComponents(typeIn);
unsigned int numCompsOut = AttribType::GetNumComponents(typeOut);
unsigned int bytesPerComp = ComponentTypeSize(compType);
size_t offset = buffer->byteLength;
size_t length = count * numCompsOut * bytesPerComp;
// bufferView
Ref<BufferView> bv = a.bufferViews.Create(a.FindUniqueID(animId, "view"));
bv->buffer = buffer;
bv->byteOffset = unsigned(offset);
bv->byteLength = length; //! The target that the WebGL buffer should be bound to.
// bv->target = isIndices ? BufferViewTarget_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER : BufferViewTarget_ARRAY_BUFFER;
bv->target = BufferViewTarget_ARRAY_BUFFER;
// accessor
Ref<Accessor> acc = a.accessors.Create(a.FindUniqueID(animId, "accessor"));
acc->bufferView = bv;
acc->byteOffset = 0;
acc->byteStride = 0;
acc->componentType = compType;
acc->count = count;
acc->type = typeOut;
// calculate min and max values
// Allocate and initialize with large values.
float float_MAX = 10000000000000;
for (int i = 0 ; i < numCompsOut ; i++) {
acc->min.push_back( float_MAX);
// Search and set extreme values.
float valueTmp;
for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
for (int j = 0 ; j < numCompsOut ; j++) {
if (numCompsOut == 1) {
valueTmp = static_cast<unsigned short*>(data)[i];
} else {
valueTmp = static_cast<aiVector3D*>(data)[i][j];
if (valueTmp < acc->min[j]) {
acc->min[j] = valueTmp;
if (valueTmp > acc->max[j]) {
acc->max[j] = valueTmp;
// copy the data
acc->WriteData(count, data, numCompsIn*bytesPerComp);
return acc;
inline void ExtractAnimationData(Asset& mAsset, std::string& animId, Ref<Animation>& animRef, Ref<Buffer>& buffer, const aiNodeAnim* nodeChannel)
// Extract TIME parameter data.
// Check if the timeStamps are the same for mPositionKeys, mRotationKeys, and mScalingKeys.
typedef float TimeType;
std::vector<TimeType> timeData;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nodeChannel->mNumPositionKeys; ++i) {
// timeData[i] = uint16_t(nodeChannel->mPositionKeys[i].mTime);
timeData[i] = nodeChannel->mPositionKeys[i].mTime;
Ref<Accessor> timeAccessor = ExportAnimationData(mAsset, animId, buffer, nodeChannel->mNumPositionKeys, &timeData[0], AttribType::SCALAR, AttribType::SCALAR, ComponentType_FLOAT);
if (timeAccessor) animRef->Parameters.TIME = timeAccessor;
// Extract translation parameter data
C_STRUCT aiVector3D* translationData = new aiVector3D[nodeChannel->mNumPositionKeys];
for (size_t i = 0; i < nodeChannel->mNumPositionKeys; ++i) {
translationData[i] = nodeChannel->mPositionKeys[i].mValue;
Ref<Accessor> tranAccessor = ExportAnimationData(mAsset, animId, buffer, nodeChannel->mNumPositionKeys, translationData, AttribType::VEC3, AttribType::VEC3, ComponentType_FLOAT);
if (tranAccessor) animRef->Parameters.translation = tranAccessor;
// Extract scale parameter data
C_STRUCT aiVector3D* scaleData = new aiVector3D[nodeChannel->mNumScalingKeys];
for (size_t i = 0; i < nodeChannel->mNumScalingKeys; ++i) {
scaleData[i] = nodeChannel->mScalingKeys[i].mValue;
Ref<Accessor> scaleAccessor = ExportAnimationData(mAsset, animId, buffer, nodeChannel->mNumScalingKeys, scaleData, AttribType::VEC3, AttribType::VEC3, ComponentType_FLOAT);
if (scaleAccessor) animRef->Parameters.scale = scaleAccessor;
// Extract rotation parameter data
C_STRUCT aiQuaternion* rotationData = new aiQuaternion[nodeChannel->mNumRotationKeys];
for (size_t i = 0; i < nodeChannel->mNumRotationKeys; ++i) {
rotationData[i] = nodeChannel->mRotationKeys[i].mValue;
Ref<Accessor> rotAccessor = ExportAnimationData(mAsset, animId, buffer, nodeChannel->mNumRotationKeys, rotationData, AttribType::VEC4, AttribType::VEC4, ComponentType_FLOAT);
if (rotAccessor) animRef->Parameters.rotation = rotAccessor;
void glTFExporter::ExportAnimations()
// //--------------------------
@ -649,33 +768,50 @@ void glTFExporter::ExportAnimations()
// std::string bufferId = mAsset->FindUniqueID("", bufferIdPrefix.c_str());
// Ref<Buffer> b = mAsset->GetBodyBuffer();
Ref<Buffer> bufferRef = mAsset->buffers.Get(unsigned (0));
std::cout<<"GetBodyBuffer " << bufferRef << "\n";
// // Setup to output buffer data
// //--------------------------
// aiString aiName;
std::cout<<"mNumAnimations " << mScene->mNumAnimations << "\n";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mScene->mNumAnimations; ++i) {
const aiAnimation* anim = mScene->mAnimations[i];
std::string name;
std::string nameAnim;
if (anim->mName.length > 0) {
name = anim->mName.C_Str();
nameAnim = anim->mName.C_Str();
name = mAsset->FindUniqueID(name, "animation");
Ref<Animation> animRef = mAsset->animations.Create(name);
// These are accessors to bufferviews to buffer data.
Ref<Accessor> acc = mAsset->accessors.Get(unsigned (0));
animRef->Parameters.TIME = acc;
animRef->Parameters.rotation = acc;
animRef->Parameters.scale = acc;
animRef->Parameters.translation = acc;
std::cout<<"mNumChannels " << anim->mNumChannels << "\n";
for (unsigned int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < anim->mNumChannels; ++channelIndex) {
const aiNodeAnim* nodeChannel = anim->mChannels[channelIndex];
// It appears that assimp stores this type of animation as multiple animations.
// where each aiNodeAnim in mChannels animates a specific node.
std::string name = nameAnim + "_" + std::to_string(channelIndex);
name = mAsset->FindUniqueID(name, "animation");
Ref<Animation> animRef = mAsset->animations.Create(name);
// Loop over the data and check to see if it exactly matches an existing buffer.
// If yes, then reference the existing corresponding accessor.
// Otherwise, add to the buffer and create a new accessor.
/******************* Parameters ********************/
// If compression is used then you need parameters of uncompressed region: begin and size. At this step "begin" is stored.
// if(comp_allow) idx_srcdata_begin = bufferRef->byteLength;
ExtractAnimationData(*mAsset, name, animRef, bufferRef, nodeChannel);
// These are accessors to bufferviews to buffer data.
// Ref<Accessor> acc = mAsset->accessors.Get(unsigned (0));
// animRef->Parameters.TIME = acc;
// animRef->Parameters.rotation = acc;
// animRef->Parameters.scale = acc;
// animRef->Parameters.translation = acc;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
std::string channelType;
switch (j) {
@ -700,12 +836,14 @@ void glTFExporter::ExportAnimations()
animRef->Samplers[j].input = "TIME";
animRef->Samplers[j].interpolation = "LINEAR";
std::cout<<"mNumMeshChannels " << anim->mNumMeshChannels << "\n";
for (unsigned int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < anim->mNumMeshChannels; ++channelIndex) {
const aiMeshAnim* meshChannel = anim->mMeshChannels[channelIndex];
} // End: for-loop mNumAnimations
} // End: for-loop mNumAnimations
Reference in New Issue