- Collada loader now loads bones

git-svn-id: https://assimp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/assimp/trunk@370 67173fc5-114c-0410-ac8e-9d2fd5bffc1f
ulfjorensen 2009-03-27 20:43:22 +00:00
parent 48d768f15f
commit c89944b2af
4 changed files with 200 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -333,6 +333,8 @@ struct Mesh
// Faces. Stored are only the number of vertices for each face. 1 == point, 2 == line, 3 == triangle, 4+ == poly
std::vector<size_t> mFaceSize;
// Position indices for all faces in the sequence given in mFaceSize - necessary for bone weight assignment
std::vector<size_t> mFacePosIndices;
// Submeshes in this mesh, each with a given material
std::vector<SubMesh> mSubMeshes;

View File

@ -480,86 +480,13 @@ void ColladaLoader::BuildMeshesForNode( const ColladaParser& pParser, const Coll
} else
// else we have to add the mesh to the collection and store its newly assigned index at the node
aiMesh* dstMesh = new aiMesh;
// count the vertices addressed by its faces
const size_t numVertices = std::accumulate( srcMesh->mFaceSize.begin() + faceStart,
srcMesh->mFaceSize.begin() + faceStart + submesh.mNumFaces, 0);
// copy positions
dstMesh->mNumVertices = numVertices;
dstMesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[numVertices];
std::copy( srcMesh->mPositions.begin() + vertexStart, srcMesh->mPositions.begin() +
vertexStart + numVertices, dstMesh->mVertices);
// normals, if given. HACK: (thom) Due to the fucking Collada spec we never
// know if we have the same number of normals as there are positions. So we
// also ignore any vertex attribute if it has a different count
if( srcMesh->mNormals.size() == srcMesh->mPositions.size())
dstMesh->mNormals = new aiVector3D[numVertices];
std::copy( srcMesh->mNormals.begin() + vertexStart, srcMesh->mNormals.begin() +
vertexStart + numVertices, dstMesh->mNormals);
// tangents, if given.
if( srcMesh->mTangents.size() == srcMesh->mPositions.size())
dstMesh->mTangents = new aiVector3D[numVertices];
std::copy( srcMesh->mTangents.begin() + vertexStart, srcMesh->mTangents.begin() +
vertexStart + numVertices, dstMesh->mTangents);
// bitangents, if given.
if( srcMesh->mBitangents.size() == srcMesh->mPositions.size())
dstMesh->mBitangents = new aiVector3D[numVertices];
std::copy( srcMesh->mBitangents.begin() + vertexStart, srcMesh->mBitangents.begin() +
vertexStart + numVertices, dstMesh->mBitangents);
// same for texturecoords, as many as we have
for( size_t a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS; a++)
if( srcMesh->mTexCoords[a].size() == srcMesh->mPositions.size())
dstMesh->mTextureCoords[a] = new aiVector3D[numVertices];
for( size_t b = 0; b < numVertices; ++b)
dstMesh->mTextureCoords[a][b] = srcMesh->mTexCoords[a][vertexStart+b];
dstMesh->mNumUVComponents[a] = srcMesh->mNumUVComponents[a];
// same for vertex colors, as many as we have
for( size_t a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS; a++)
if( srcMesh->mColors[a].size() == srcMesh->mPositions.size())
dstMesh->mColors[a] = new aiColor4D[numVertices];
std::copy( srcMesh->mColors[a].begin() + vertexStart, srcMesh->mColors[a].begin() + vertexStart + numVertices, dstMesh->mColors[a]);
// create faces. Due to the fact that each face uses unique vertices, we can simply count up on each vertex
size_t vertex = 0;
dstMesh->mNumFaces = submesh.mNumFaces;
dstMesh->mFaces = new aiFace[dstMesh->mNumFaces];
for( size_t a = 0; a < dstMesh->mNumFaces; ++a)
size_t s = srcMesh->mFaceSize[ faceStart + a];
aiFace& face = dstMesh->mFaces[a];
face.mNumIndices = s;
face.mIndices = new unsigned int[s];
for( size_t b = 0; b < s; ++b)
face.mIndices[b] = vertex++;
aiMesh* dstMesh = CreateMesh( pParser, srcMesh, submesh, srcController, vertexStart, faceStart);
// store the mesh, and store its new index in the node
newMeshRefs.push_back( mMeshes.size());
mMeshIndexByID[index] = mMeshes.size();
mMeshes.push_back( dstMesh);
vertexStart += numVertices; faceStart += submesh.mNumFaces;
vertexStart += dstMesh->mNumVertices; faceStart += submesh.mNumFaces;
// assign the material index
dstMesh->mMaterialIndex = matIdx;
@ -576,6 +503,192 @@ void ColladaLoader::BuildMeshesForNode( const ColladaParser& pParser, const Coll
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates a mesh for the given ColladaMesh face subset and returns the newly created mesh
aiMesh* ColladaLoader::CreateMesh( const ColladaParser& pParser, const Collada::Mesh* pSrcMesh, const Collada::SubMesh& pSubMesh,
const Collada::Controller* pSrcController, size_t pStartVertex, size_t pStartFace)
aiMesh* dstMesh = new aiMesh;
// count the vertices addressed by its faces
const size_t numVertices = std::accumulate( pSrcMesh->mFaceSize.begin() + pStartFace,
pSrcMesh->mFaceSize.begin() + pStartFace + pSubMesh.mNumFaces, 0);
// copy positions
dstMesh->mNumVertices = numVertices;
dstMesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[numVertices];
std::copy( pSrcMesh->mPositions.begin() + pStartVertex, pSrcMesh->mPositions.begin() +
pStartVertex + numVertices, dstMesh->mVertices);
// normals, if given. HACK: (thom) Due to the fucking Collada spec we never
// know if we have the same number of normals as there are positions. So we
// also ignore any vertex attribute if it has a different count
if( pSrcMesh->mNormals.size() == pSrcMesh->mPositions.size())
dstMesh->mNormals = new aiVector3D[numVertices];
std::copy( pSrcMesh->mNormals.begin() + pStartVertex, pSrcMesh->mNormals.begin() +
pStartVertex + numVertices, dstMesh->mNormals);
// tangents, if given.
if( pSrcMesh->mTangents.size() == pSrcMesh->mPositions.size())
dstMesh->mTangents = new aiVector3D[numVertices];
std::copy( pSrcMesh->mTangents.begin() + pStartVertex, pSrcMesh->mTangents.begin() +
pStartVertex + numVertices, dstMesh->mTangents);
// bitangents, if given.
if( pSrcMesh->mBitangents.size() == pSrcMesh->mPositions.size())
dstMesh->mBitangents = new aiVector3D[numVertices];
std::copy( pSrcMesh->mBitangents.begin() + pStartVertex, pSrcMesh->mBitangents.begin() +
pStartVertex + numVertices, dstMesh->mBitangents);
// same for texturecoords, as many as we have
for( size_t a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS; a++)
if( pSrcMesh->mTexCoords[a].size() == pSrcMesh->mPositions.size())
dstMesh->mTextureCoords[a] = new aiVector3D[numVertices];
for( size_t b = 0; b < numVertices; ++b)
dstMesh->mTextureCoords[a][b] = pSrcMesh->mTexCoords[a][pStartVertex+b];
dstMesh->mNumUVComponents[a] = pSrcMesh->mNumUVComponents[a];
// same for vertex colors, as many as we have
for( size_t a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS; a++)
if( pSrcMesh->mColors[a].size() == pSrcMesh->mPositions.size())
dstMesh->mColors[a] = new aiColor4D[numVertices];
std::copy( pSrcMesh->mColors[a].begin() + pStartVertex, pSrcMesh->mColors[a].begin() + pStartVertex + numVertices, dstMesh->mColors[a]);
// create faces. Due to the fact that each face uses unique vertices, we can simply count up on each vertex
size_t vertex = 0;
dstMesh->mNumFaces = pSubMesh.mNumFaces;
dstMesh->mFaces = new aiFace[dstMesh->mNumFaces];
for( size_t a = 0; a < dstMesh->mNumFaces; ++a)
size_t s = pSrcMesh->mFaceSize[ pStartFace + a];
aiFace& face = dstMesh->mFaces[a];
face.mNumIndices = s;
face.mIndices = new unsigned int[s];
for( size_t b = 0; b < s; ++b)
face.mIndices[b] = vertex++;
// create bones if given
if( pSrcController)
// refuse if the vertex count does not match
// if( pSrcController->mWeightCounts.size() != dstMesh->mNumVertices)
// throw new ImportErrorException( "Joint Controller vertex count does not match mesh vertex count");
// resolve references - joint names
const Collada::Accessor& jointNamesAcc = pParser.ResolveLibraryReference( pParser.mAccessorLibrary, pSrcController->mJointNameSource);
const Collada::Data& jointNames = pParser.ResolveLibraryReference( pParser.mDataLibrary, jointNamesAcc.mSource);
// joint offset matrices
const Collada::Accessor& jointMatrixAcc = pParser.ResolveLibraryReference( pParser.mAccessorLibrary, pSrcController->mJointOffsetMatrixSource);
const Collada::Data& jointMatrices = pParser.ResolveLibraryReference( pParser.mDataLibrary, jointMatrixAcc.mSource);
// joint vertex_weight name list - should refer to the same list as the joint names above. If not, report and reconsider
const Collada::Accessor& weightNamesAcc = pParser.ResolveLibraryReference( pParser.mAccessorLibrary, pSrcController->mWeightInputJoints.mAccessor);
if( &weightNamesAcc != &jointNamesAcc)
throw new ImportErrorException( "Temporary implementational lazyness. If you read this, please report to the author.");
// vertex weights
const Collada::Accessor& weightsAcc = pParser.ResolveLibraryReference( pParser.mAccessorLibrary, pSrcController->mWeightInputWeights.mAccessor);
const Collada::Data& weights = pParser.ResolveLibraryReference( pParser.mDataLibrary, weightsAcc.mSource);
if( !jointNames.mIsStringArray || jointMatrices.mIsStringArray || weights.mIsStringArray)
throw new ImportErrorException( "Data type mismatch while resolving mesh joints");
// sanity check: we rely on the vertex weights always coming as pairs of BoneIndex-WeightIndex
if( pSrcController->mWeightInputJoints.mOffset != 0 || pSrcController->mWeightInputWeights.mOffset != 1)
throw new ImportErrorException( "Unsupported vertex_weight adresssing scheme. Fucking collada spec.");
// create containers to collect the weights for each bone
size_t numBones = jointNames.mStrings.size();
std::vector<std::vector<aiVertexWeight> > dstBones( numBones);
// build a temporary array of pointers to the start of each vertex's weights
typedef std::vector< std::pair<size_t, size_t> > IndexPairVector;
std::vector<IndexPairVector::const_iterator> weightStartPerVertex( pSrcController->mWeightCounts.size());
IndexPairVector::const_iterator pit = pSrcController->mWeights.begin();
for( size_t a = 0; a < pSrcController->mWeightCounts.size(); ++a)
weightStartPerVertex[a] = pit;
pit += pSrcController->mWeightCounts[a];
// now for each vertex put the corresponding vertex weights into each bone's weight collection
for( size_t a = pStartVertex; a < pStartVertex + numVertices; ++a)
// which position index was responsible for this vertex? that's also the index by which
// the controller assigns the vertex weights
size_t orgIndex = pSrcMesh->mFacePosIndices[a];
// find the vertex weights for this vertex
IndexPairVector::const_iterator iit = weightStartPerVertex[orgIndex];
size_t pairCount = pSrcController->mWeightCounts[orgIndex];
for( size_t b = 0; b < pairCount; ++b, ++iit)
size_t jointIndex = iit->first;
size_t vertexIndex = iit->second;
aiVertexWeight w;
w.mVertexId = a - pStartVertex;
w.mWeight = weights.mValues[vertexIndex];
dstBones[jointIndex].push_back( w);
// count the number of bones which influence vertices of the current submesh
size_t numRemainingBones = 0;
for( std::vector<std::vector<aiVertexWeight> >::const_iterator it = dstBones.begin(); it != dstBones.end(); ++it)
if( it->size() > 0)
// create bone array and copy bone weights one by one
dstMesh->mNumBones = numRemainingBones;
dstMesh->mBones = new aiBone*[numRemainingBones];
size_t boneCount = 0;
for( size_t a = 0; a < numBones; ++a)
// omit bones without weights
if( dstBones[a].size() == 0)
// create bone with its weights
aiBone* bone = new aiBone;
bone->mName = jointNames.mStrings[a];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.a1 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 0];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.a2 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 1];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.a3 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 2];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.a4 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 3];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.b1 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 4];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.b2 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 5];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.b3 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 6];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.b4 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 7];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.c1 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 8];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.c2 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 9];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.c3 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 10];
bone->mOffsetMatrix.c4 = jointMatrices.mValues[a*16 + 11];
bone->mNumWeights = dstBones[a].size();
bone->mWeights = new aiVertexWeight[bone->mNumWeights];
std::copy( dstBones[a].begin(), dstBones[a].end(), bone->mWeights);
// and insert bone
dstMesh->mBones[boneCount++] = bone;
return dstMesh;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stores all meshes in the given scene
void ColladaLoader::StoreSceneMeshes( aiScene* pScene)

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@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ protected:
void BuildMeshesForNode( const ColladaParser& pParser, const Collada::Node* pNode,
aiNode* pTarget);
/** Creates a mesh for the given ColladaMesh face subset and returns the newly created mesh */
aiMesh* CreateMesh( const ColladaParser& pParser, const Collada::Mesh* pSrcMesh, const Collada::SubMesh& pSubMesh,
const Collada::Controller* pSrcController, size_t pStartVertex, size_t pStartFace);
/** Builds cameras for the given node and references them */
void BuildCamerasForNode( const ColladaParser& pParser, const Collada::Node* pNode,
aiNode* pTarget);

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@ -1758,6 +1758,9 @@ void ColladaParser::ReadPrimitives( Mesh* pMesh, std::vector<InputChannel>& pPer
if( pPrimType == Prim_TriFans || pPrimType == Prim_Polygon)
numPrimitives = 1;
pMesh->mFaceSize.reserve( numPrimitives);
pMesh->mFacePosIndices.reserve( indices.size() / numOffsets);
for( size_t a = 0; a < numPrimitives; a++)
// determine number of points for this primitive
@ -1801,6 +1804,9 @@ void ColladaParser::ReadPrimitives( Mesh* pMesh, std::vector<InputChannel>& pPer
// and extract per-index channels using there specified offset
BOOST_FOREACH( const InputChannel& input, pPerIndexChannels)
ExtractDataObjectFromChannel( input, vindex[input.mOffset], pMesh);
// store the vertex-data index for later assignment of bone vertex weights
pMesh->mFacePosIndices.push_back( vindex[perVertexOffset]);