Rewrite complete loader into a recursive form

missing the materials
diiigle 2014-01-05 22:21:15 +01:00
parent df10f5e1c9
commit b095ea7078
2 changed files with 279 additions and 197 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "LDrawImporter.h"
using namespace Assimp;
using namespace LDraw;
static const aiImporterDesc desc = {
"LDraw Importer",
@ -57,20 +58,13 @@ void LDrawImporter::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp)
void LDrawImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile,
aiScene* pScene, IOSystem* pIOHandler)
boost::scoped_ptr<IOStream> file(pIOHandler->Open(pFile, "rb"));
this->pIOHandler = pIOHandler;
std::string filepath = FindPath(pFile);
// Check whether we can read from the file
if (file.get() == NULL) {
if (filepath == "") {
ThrowException("Failed to open LDraw file " + pFile + ".");
// Your task: fill pScene
// Throw a ImportErrorException with a meaningful (!) error message if
// something goes wrong.
std::vector<char> vecBuffer;
TextFileToBuffer(file.get(), vecBuffer);
const char * buffer = &vecBuffer[0];
char DS = pIOHandler->getOsSeparator();
//ensure _libPath points to a valid path
if (_libPath == ""){
@ -83,24 +77,141 @@ void LDrawImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile,
//Load the materials from <LDrawLibRoot>/ldconfig.ldr
std::string configPath = FindPath("ldconfig.ldr", pIOHandler);
std::string configPath = FindPath("ldconfig.ldr");
if (configPath == ""){
DefaultLogger::get()->info("LDraw: Could not find ldconfig.ldr, using assimp default material");
ReadMaterials(configPath, pIOHandler);
//setup a batch loader, it's quite probable we will need it
BatchLoader loader(pIOHandler);
BatchLoader::PropertyMap loaderParams = BatchLoader::PropertyMap();
SetGenericProperty(loaderParams.strings, AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_LDRAW_LIB_PATH, _libPath);
//Load the scene structure into our intermediate LDrawNode structure
LDrawNode *root = new LDrawNode();
root->file.path = filepath;
root->file.transformation = aiMatrix4x4();
ProcessNode(filepath, root, UINT_MAX);
std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<std::vector<aiVector3D>, std::vector<aiFace>>> meshes;
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, aiMatrix4x4*>> fileIds = std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, aiMatrix4x4*>>();
//convert the LDrawNode structure into assimps scene structure
pScene->mRootNode = new aiNode(pFile);
pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation = aiMatrix4x4();
unsigned int primitivesType = 0;
std::vector<aiMesh*> aiMeshes;
ConvertNode(pScene->mRootNode, root, &aiMeshes);
//copy the collected meshes
pScene->mNumMeshes = aiMeshes.size();
pScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh*[pScene->mNumMeshes];
std::copy(aiMeshes.begin(), aiMeshes.end(), pScene->mMeshes);
bool LDrawImporter::ReadNumFloats(const char* line, float* & out, unsigned int num)
out = new float[num];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i){
std::string token = GetNextToken(line);
if (token == ""){
//unexpected end of line
return false;
out[i] = fast_atof(token.c_str());
return true;
void LDrawImporter::ReadMaterials(std::string filename){
if (!pIOHandler->Exists(filename)) return;
boost::scoped_ptr<StreamReaderLE> stream(new StreamReaderLE(pIOHandler->Open(filename, "rb")));
for (LineSplitter splitter(*stream.get()); splitter; ++splitter) {
const char* cmd = splitter[0];
//only read line type 0 (comments)
if (IsNumeric(*cmd) && *cmd == '0'){
cmd = splitter[1];
if (*cmd != '!') continue;
if (TokenMatchI(cmd,"!colour",7)){
//name of the color
if (TokenMatchI(cmd, "code", 4)){
ColorIndex code = strtoul10(cmd, &cmd);
if (TokenMatchI(cmd, "value", 5)){
//skip the # before the hex values
aiColor3D value;
value.r = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
value.g = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
value.b = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
if (TokenMatchI(cmd, "edge", 4)){
//skip the # before the hex values
aiColor3D edge;
edge.r = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
edge.g = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
edge.b = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
LDrawMaterial mat = LDrawMaterial(code, value, edge);
materials.insert(std::pair<ColorIndex, LDrawMaterial>(code, mat));
std::string LDrawImporter::FindPath(std::string subpath){
char DS = pIOHandler->getOsSeparator();
//find the full path of the file
std::string fullpath;
if (pIOHandler->Exists(subpath)){
//we are lucky, file is full path referenced
fullpath = subpath;
//test the specified directories of the LDraw Library
static std::vector<std::string> paths{ "parts", "p", "", "models"};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i){
if (pIOHandler->Exists(_libPath + paths[i] + DS + subpath)){
fullpath = _libPath + paths[i] + DS + subpath;
else if (pIOHandler->Exists(_libPath + ".." + DS + paths[i] + DS + subpath))
fullpath = _libPath + ".." + DS + paths[i] + DS + subpath;
return fullpath;
void LDrawImporter::ProcessNode(std::string file, LDrawNode* current, ColorIndex colorindex)
std::vector<SubFileReference> subfiles;
std::map<ColorIndex, LDrawMesh> meshes;
//iterate through file, collect subfilereferences and meshes
boost::scoped_ptr<IOStream> fileStream(pIOHandler->Open(file, "rb"));
std::vector<char> vecBuffer;
TextFileToBuffer(fileStream.get(), vecBuffer);
const char * buffer = &vecBuffer[0];
//iterate line by line
char line[4096];
@ -141,14 +252,15 @@ void LDrawImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile,
if (subpath == ""){
ThrowException("sub-file reference with empty path/filename");
std::string fullpath = FindPath(subpath, pIOHandler);
if (fullpath == ""){
SubFileReference ref;
ref.transformation = *mat;
ref.color = ColorIndex(params[0]);
ref.path = FindPath(subpath);
if (ref.path == ""){
//we can't find it
ThrowException("Unable to find file '" + subpath + "'");
unsigned int id = loader.AddLoadRequest(fullpath, 0, &loaderParams);
fileIds.push_back(std::pair<unsigned int, aiMatrix4x4*>(id, mat));
else if (command == 2 || command == 3 || command == 4){
@ -156,11 +268,13 @@ void LDrawImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile,
float * params = NULL;
//read a colour constant and 2 (line) or 3 (triangle) or 4 (quad) vertices
if (!ReadNumFloats(lp, params, 1 + (command * 3))){
ThrowException(Formatter::format("could not read ") << (1 + (command * 3)) <<" command parameter floats from the line '" << line<<"'");
ThrowException(Formatter::format("could not read ") << (1 + (command * 3)) << " command parameter floats from the line '" << line << "'");
std::vector<aiVector3D> *vertices = &meshes[unsigned int(params[0])].first;
std::vector<aiFace> *faces = &meshes[unsigned int(params[0])].second;
LDrawMesh * mesh = &meshes[ColorIndex(params[0])];
std::vector<aiVector3D> *vertices = &mesh->vertices;
std::vector<aiFace> *faces = &mesh->faces;
unsigned int index = vertices->size();
@ -179,19 +293,19 @@ void LDrawImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile,
if (command == 3){
//it's a triangle
primitivesType = primitivesType | aiPrimitiveType_TRIANGLE;
mesh->primitivesType = mesh->primitivesType | aiPrimitiveType_TRIANGLE;
else if (command == 4){
//it's a quad
vertices->push_back(aiVector3D(params[10], params[11], params[12]));
f.mIndices[3] = index + 3;
primitivesType = primitivesType | aiPrimitiveType_POLYGON;
mesh->primitivesType = mesh->primitivesType | aiPrimitiveType_POLYGON;
//it's a line
primitivesType = primitivesType | aiPrimitiveType_LINE;
mesh->primitivesType = mesh->primitivesType | aiPrimitiveType_LINE;
@ -208,25 +322,85 @@ void LDrawImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile,
ThrowException("Line not starting with an Command Identifier");
aiScene * master = new aiScene();
//we did read the whole file, now build the scenegraph
master->mRootNode = new aiNode(pFile);
master->mRootNode->mTransformation = aiMatrix4x4();
if (!meshes.empty())
//load subfiles
for (std::vector<SubFileReference>::iterator sb = subfiles.begin(); sb != subfiles.end(); ++sb)
master->mNumMaterials = master->mRootNode->mNumMeshes = master->mNumMeshes = meshes.size();
master->mMeshes = new aiMesh*[master->mNumMeshes];
master->mMaterials = new aiMaterial*[master->mNumMaterials];
master->mRootNode->mMeshes = new unsigned int[master->mRootNode->mNumMeshes];
LDrawNode* child = new LDrawNode;
child->file = *sb;
//check cache for already loaded files
LDrawFile loadedFile;
loadedFile =>path);
child->children.insert(child->children.end(), loadedFile.subtree.children.begin(), loadedFile.subtree.children.end());
catch (std::out_of_range ex){
//not existing in cache, load it
ProcessNode(sb->path, child, sb->color);
loadedFile =>path);
////merge the childs meshes with ours
//for (std::map<ColorIndex, LDrawMesh>::iterator m = loadedFile.meshes.begin(); m != loadedFile.meshes.end(); ++m)
// //merge vertices
// std::vector<aiVector3D>* v = &meshes[m->first].vertices;
// v->reserve(v->size() + m->second.vertices.size());
// unsigned int offset = v->size();
// v->insert(v->end(), m->second.vertices.begin(), m->second.vertices.end());
// std::vector<aiFace>* f = &meshes[m->first].faces;
// f->reserve(f->size() + m->second.faces.size());
// for (std::vector<aiFace>::iterator fnew = m->second.faces.begin(); fnew != m->second.faces.end(); ++fnew)
// {
// for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fnew->mNumIndices; ++i)
// {
// fnew->mIndices[i] += offset;
// }
// f->push_back(*fnew);
// }
// meshes[m->first].primitivesType = meshes[m->first].primitivesType | m->second.primitivesType;
//cache file
LDrawFile thisfile;
thisfile.meshes = meshes;
thisfile.subtree = *current;
fileCache.insert(std::pair<std::string, LDrawFile>(file, thisfile));
void LDrawImporter::ConvertNode(aiNode* node, LDrawNode* current, std::vector<aiMesh*>* aiMeshes)
node->mTransformation = current->file.transformation;
node->mName = current->file.path;
//check cache for loaded meshes
LDrawFile loadedFile;
loadedFile =>file.path);
catch (std::out_of_range ex){
//not existing in cache, something went wrong
ThrowException("could not find the file in the cache: " + current->file.path);
std::map<ColorIndex, LDrawMesh>* meshes = &loadedFile.meshes;
if (!meshes->empty())
node->mNumMeshes = meshes->size();
node->mMeshes = new unsigned int[node->mNumMeshes];
unsigned int index = 0;
for (std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<std::vector<aiVector3D>, std::vector<aiFace>>>::iterator i = meshes.begin(); i != meshes.end(); ++i, ++index)
for (std::map<ColorIndex, LDrawMesh>::iterator i = meshes->begin(); i != meshes->end(); ++i, ++index)
std::vector<aiVector3D>* vertices = &i->second.first;
std::vector<aiFace>* faces = &i->second.second;
LDrawMesh * ldrMesh = &i->second;
std::vector<aiVector3D>* vertices = &ldrMesh->vertices;
std::vector<aiFace>* faces = &ldrMesh->faces;
aiMesh* mesh = new aiMesh();
mesh->mNumFaces = faces->size();
@ -235,160 +409,24 @@ void LDrawImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile,
mesh->mNumVertices = vertices->size();
mesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[mesh->mNumVertices];
std::copy(vertices->begin(), vertices->end(), mesh->mVertices);
mesh->mPrimitiveTypes = primitivesType;
mesh->mPrimitiveTypes = ldrMesh->primitivesType;
aiMaterial * material = new aiMaterial();
master->mMaterials[index] = material;
master->mMeshes[index] = mesh;
master->mRootNode->mMeshes[index] = index;
LDraw::LDrawMaterial * rawMaterial;
rawMaterial = &>first);
catch (std::out_of_range ex){
//we don't know that material
material->AddProperty(&rawMaterial->color,1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE);
if (rawMaterial->alpha != 1.0f)
material->AddProperty(&rawMaterial->alpha, 1, AI_MATKEY_OPACITY);
if (rawMaterial->luminance != 0.0f)
material->AddProperty(&(rawMaterial->color * rawMaterial->luminance), 1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_EMISSIVE);
unsigned int pos = aiMeshes->size();
node->mMeshes[index] = pos;
if (fileIds.size() != 0){
//we did queue some sub files, get them
std::vector<AttachmentInfo> attatched(fileIds.size());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fileIds.size(); ++i)
aiScene* sc = loader.GetImport(fileIds[i].first);
//check for duplicates with diffrent transformation matrix
int duplID = -1;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fileIds.size(); j++){
if (j == i) continue; //don't check ourself for duplicates
if (fileIds[j].first == fileIds[i].first && *fileIds[j].second != *fileIds[i].second){
//we found a scene with same id but diffrent transformation => true duplicate
duplID = j;
aiScene * scene;
if (duplID != -1 && duplID < i){
//duplicate was found and loaded scene was already used
SceneCombiner::CopyScene(&scene, sc);
scene = sc;
scene->mRootNode->mTransformation = *fileIds[i].second;
attatched[i] = AttachmentInfo(scene, master->mRootNode);
SceneCombiner::MergeScenes(&pScene, master, attatched, AI_INT_MERGE_SCENE_GEN_UNIQUE_NAMES_IF_NECESSARY);
node->mNumChildren = current->children.size();
node->mChildren = new aiNode*[node->mNumChildren];
unsigned int nodeIndex = 0;
for (std::vector<LDrawNode>::iterator child = current->children.begin(); child != current->children.end(); ++child, ++nodeIndex)
SceneCombiner::CopySceneFlat(&pScene, master);
aiNode * nodeChild = new aiNode();
ConvertNode(nodeChild, &(*child), aiMeshes);
nodeChild->mParent = node;
node->mChildren[nodeIndex] = nodeChild;
bool LDrawImporter::ReadNumFloats(const char* line, float* & out, unsigned int num)
out = new float[num];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i){
std::string token = GetNextToken(line);
if (token == ""){
//unexpected end of line
return false;
out[i] = fast_atof(token.c_str());
return true;
void LDrawImporter::ReadMaterials(std::string filename, IOSystem* pIOHandler){
if (!pIOHandler->Exists(filename)) return;
boost::scoped_ptr<StreamReaderLE> stream(new StreamReaderLE(pIOHandler->Open(filename, "rb")));
for (LineSplitter splitter(*stream.get()); splitter; ++splitter) {
const char* cmd = splitter[0];
//only read line type 0 (comments)
if (IsNumeric(*cmd) && *cmd == '0'){
cmd = splitter[1];
if (*cmd != '!') continue;
if (TokenMatchI(cmd,"!colour",7)){
//name of the color
if (TokenMatchI(cmd, "code", 4)){
unsigned int code = strtoul10(cmd, &cmd);
if (TokenMatchI(cmd, "value", 5)){
//skip the # before the hex values
aiColor3D value;
value.r = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
value.g = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
value.b = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
if (TokenMatchI(cmd, "edge", 4)){
//skip the # before the hex values
aiColor3D edge;
edge.r = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
edge.g = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
edge.b = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd);
cmd += 2;
LDraw::LDrawMaterial mat = LDraw::LDrawMaterial(code, value, edge);
materials.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, LDraw::LDrawMaterial>(code, mat));
std::string LDrawImporter::FindPath(std::string subpath, IOSystem* pIOHandler){
char DS = pIOHandler->getOsSeparator();
//find the full path of the file
std::string fullpath;
if (pIOHandler->Exists(subpath)){
//we are lucky, file is full path referenced
fullpath = subpath;
//test the specified directories of the LDraw Library
static std::vector<std::string> paths{ "parts", "p", "", "models"};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i){
if (pIOHandler->Exists(_libPath + paths[i] + DS + subpath)){
fullpath = _libPath + paths[i] + DS + subpath;
else if (pIOHandler->Exists(_libPath + ".." + DS + paths[i] + DS + subpath))
fullpath = _libPath + ".." + DS + paths[i] + DS + subpath;
return fullpath;

View File

@ -16,13 +16,14 @@
namespace Assimp{
namespace LDraw{
typedef unsigned int ColorIndex;
struct LDrawMaterial
LDrawMaterial(unsigned int code, aiColor3D color, aiColor3D edge) :
code(code), color(color), edge(edge)
//identification of the color in LDraw files
unsigned int code;
ColorIndex code;
//the main color of the material
aiColor3D color;
//the contrast color of the material
@ -32,8 +33,36 @@ namespace Assimp{
//factor of light emmision
float luminance = 0.0f;
struct LDrawMesh
std::vector<aiVector3D> vertices;
std::vector<aiFace> faces;
unsigned int primitivesType = 0;
struct SubFileReference
aiMatrix4x4 transformation;
std::string path;
ColorIndex color;
struct LDrawNode
SubFileReference file;
std::vector<LDrawNode> children;
struct LDrawFile
std::map<ColorIndex, LDrawMesh> meshes;
LDrawNode subtree;
using namespace LDraw;
class LDrawImporter : public BaseImporter
@ -75,19 +104,34 @@ namespace Assimp{
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
//try to read the LDraw materials from _libPath/ldconfig.ldr
void ReadMaterials(std::string filename, IOSystem* pIOHandler);
void ReadMaterials(std::string filename);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
//Build up a scene structure tree of LDrawNode
void ProcessNode(std::string file, LDrawNode* current, unsigned int colorindex);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
//Convert the LDrawNode structure to assimps scene structure
void ConvertNode(aiNode* node, LDrawNode* current, std::vector<aiMesh*>* aiMeshes);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
//try to find the full path of file in the LDrawLibrary
//returns "" if unsuccessful
std::string FindPath(std::string subpath, IOSystem* pIOHandler);
std::string FindPath(std::string subpath);
//IOSystem short reference
IOSystem* pIOHandler = NULL;
//path to the root folder of the library
std::string _libPath = "";
//container for the LDraw color definitions
std::map<unsigned int, LDraw::LDrawMaterial> materials = std::map<unsigned int,LDraw::LDrawMaterial>();
std::map<ColorIndex, LDraw::LDrawMaterial> materials = std::map<ColorIndex,LDraw::LDrawMaterial>();
//cache for already loaded files
std::map<std::string, LDrawFile> fileCache = std::map<std::string, LDrawFile>();
}; //end of class LDrawImporter