- Ifc: replace old algorithm to merge nested polygons with a version that reduces the problem to an instance of the quadrulate algorithm. This great reduces artifacts in walls.

git-svn-id: https://assimp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/assimp/trunk@1312 67173fc5-114c-0410-ac8e-9d2fd5bffc1f
aramis_acg 2012-10-20 21:26:49 +00:00
parent 0696d97399
commit a3d5b2e0d7
2 changed files with 75 additions and 207 deletions

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@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ namespace Assimp {
#define from_int64(p) (static_cast<IfcFloat>((p)) / max_ulong64)
#define one_vec (IfcVector2(static_cast<IfcFloat>(1.0),static_cast<IfcFloat>(1.0)))
bool TryAddOpenings_Quadrulate(const std::vector<TempOpening>& openings,
const std::vector<IfcVector3>& nors,
TempMesh& curmesh);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ProcessPolyloop(const IfcPolyLoop& loop, TempMesh& meshout, ConversionData& /*conv*/)
@ -173,250 +179,105 @@ void FixupFaceOrientation(TempMesh& result)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RecursiveMergeBoundaries(TempMesh& final_result, const TempMesh& in, const TempMesh& boundary, std::vector<IfcVector3>& normals, const IfcVector3& nor_boundary)
void ProcessPolygonBoundaries(TempMesh& result, const TempMesh& inmesh, size_t master_bounds = (size_t)-1)
ai_assert(in.vertcnt.size() >= 1);
ai_assert(boundary.vertcnt.size() == 1);
std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator end = in.vertcnt.end(), begin=in.vertcnt.begin(), iit, best_iit;
TempMesh out;
// iterate through all other bounds and find the one for which the shortest connection
// to the outer boundary is actually the shortest possible.
size_t vidx = 0, best_vidx_start = 0;
size_t best_ofs, best_outer = boundary.verts.size();
IfcFloat best_dist = 1e10;
for(std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator iit = begin; iit != end; vidx += *iit++) {
for(size_t vofs = 0; vofs < *iit; ++vofs) {
const IfcVector3& v = in.verts[vidx+vofs];
for(size_t outer = 0; outer < boundary.verts.size(); ++outer) {
const IfcVector3& o = boundary.verts[outer];
const IfcFloat d = (o-v).SquareLength();
if (d < best_dist) {
best_dist = d;
best_ofs = vofs;
best_outer = outer;
best_iit = iit;
best_vidx_start = vidx;
// handle all trivial cases
if(inmesh.vertcnt.empty()) {
ai_assert(best_outer != boundary.verts.size());
// now that we collected all vertex connections to be added, build the output polygon
const size_t cnt = boundary.verts.size() + *best_iit+2;
for(size_t outer = 0; outer < boundary.verts.size(); ++outer) {
const IfcVector3& o = boundary.verts[outer];
if (outer == best_outer) {
for(size_t i = best_ofs; i < *best_iit; ++i) {
out.verts.push_back(in.verts[best_vidx_start + i]);
// we need the first vertex of the inner polygon twice as we return to the
// outer loop through the very same connection through which we got there.
for(size_t i = 0; i <= best_ofs; ++i) {
out.verts.push_back(in.verts[best_vidx_start + i]);
// reverse face winding if the normal of the sub-polygon points in the
// same direction as the normal of the outer polygonal boundary
if (normals[std::distance(begin,best_iit)] * nor_boundary > 0) {
// also append a copy of the initial insertion point to be able to continue the outer polygon
ai_assert(out.verts.size() == cnt);
if (in.vertcnt.size()-std::count(begin,end,0) > 1) {
// Recursively apply the same algorithm if there are more boundaries to merge. The
// current implementation is relatively inefficient, though.
TempMesh temp;
// drop the boundary that we just processed
const size_t dist = std::distance(begin, best_iit);
TempMesh remaining = in;
remaining.vertcnt.erase(remaining.vertcnt.begin() + dist);
normals.erase(normals.begin() + dist);
else final_result.Append(out);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MergePolygonBoundaries(TempMesh& result, const TempMesh& inmesh, size_t master_bounds = -1)
// standard case - only one boundary, just copy it to the result vector
if (inmesh.vertcnt.size() <= 1) {
if(inmesh.vertcnt.size() == 1) {
ai_assert(std::count(inmesh.vertcnt.begin(), inmesh.vertcnt.end(), 0) == 0);
// XXX get rid of the extra copy if possible
TempMesh meshout = inmesh;
typedef std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator face_iter;
// handle polygons with holes. Our built in triangulation won't handle them as is, but
// the ear cutting algorithm is solid enough to deal with them if we join the inner
// holes with the outer boundaries by dummy connections.
IFCImporter::LogDebug("fixing polygon with holes for triangulation via ear-cutting");
std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator outer_polygon = meshout.vertcnt.end(), begin=meshout.vertcnt.begin(), end=outer_polygon, iit;
face_iter begin = inmesh.vertcnt.begin(), end = inmesh.vertcnt.end(), iit;
std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator outer_polygon_it = end;
// each hole results in two extra vertices
size_t outer_polygon_start = 0;
// major task here: given a list of nested polygon boundaries (one of which
// is the outer contour), reduce the triangulation task arising here to
// one that can be solved using the "quadrulation" algorithm which we use
// for pouring windows out of walls. The algorithm does not handle all
// cases but at least it is numerically stable and gives "nice" triangles.
// first compute newell normals for all polygons
// do not normalize 'normals', we need the original length for computing the polygon area
std::vector<IfcVector3> normals;
// see if one of the polygons is a IfcFaceOuterBound (in which case `master_bounds` is its index).
// sadly we can't rely on it, the docs say 'At most one of the bounds shall be of the type IfcFaceOuterBound'
// One of the polygons might be a IfcFaceOuterBound (in which case `master_bounds`
// is its index). Sadly we can't rely on it, the docs say 'At most one of the bounds
// shall be of the type IfcFaceOuterBound'
IfcFloat area_outer_polygon = 1e-10f;
if (master_bounds != (size_t)-1) {
outer_polygon = begin + master_bounds;
outer_polygon_start = std::accumulate(begin,outer_polygon,0);
area_outer_polygon = normals[master_bounds].SquareLength();
ai_assert(master_bounds < inmesh.vertcnt.size());
outer_polygon_it = begin + master_bounds;
else {
size_t vidx = 0;
for(iit = begin; iit != meshout.vertcnt.end(); vidx += *iit++) {
// find the polygon with the largest area, it must be the outer bound.
for(iit = begin; iit != end; iit++) {
// find the polygon with the largest area and take it as the outer bound.
IfcVector3& n = normals[std::distance(begin,iit)];
const IfcFloat area = n.SquareLength();
if (area > area_outer_polygon) {
area_outer_polygon = area;
outer_polygon = iit;
outer_polygon_start = vidx;
outer_polygon_it = iit;
ai_assert(outer_polygon != meshout.vertcnt.end());
std::vector<IfcVector3>& in = meshout.verts;
ai_assert(outer_polygon_it != end);
// skip over extremely small boundaries - this is a workaround to fix cases
// in which the number of holes is so extremely large that the
// triangulation code fails.
size_t vidx = 0, removed = 0, index = 0;
const IfcFloat threshold = area_outer_polygon * IFC_VERTICAL_HOLE_SIZE_THRESHOLD;
for(iit = begin; iit != end ;++index) {
const IfcFloat sqlen = normals[index].SquareLength();
if (sqlen < threshold) {
std::vector<IfcVector3>::iterator inbase = in.begin()+vidx;
const size_t outer_polygon_size = *outer_polygon_it;
const IfcVector3& master_normal = normals[std::distance(begin, outer_polygon_it)];
outer_polygon_start -= outer_polygon_start>vidx ? *iit : 0;
*iit++ = 0;
// generate fake openings to meet the interface for the quadrulate
// algorithm. It boils down to generating small boxes given the
// inner polygon and the surface normal of the outer contour.
// It is important that we use the outer contour's normal because
// this is the plane onto which the quadrulate algorithm will
// project the entire mesh.
std::vector<TempOpening> fake_openings;
IFCImporter::LogDebug("skip small hole below threshold");
else {
normals[index] /= sqrt(sqlen);
vidx += *iit++;
std::vector<IfcVector3>::const_iterator vit = inmesh.verts.begin(), outer_vit;
// see if one or more of the hole has a face that lies directly on an outer bound.
// this happens for doors, for example.
vidx = 0;
for(iit = begin; ; vidx += *iit++) {
if (iit == end) {
if (iit == outer_polygon) {
for(iit = begin; iit != end; vit += *iit++) {
if (iit == outer_polygon_it) {
outer_vit = vit;
for(size_t vofs = 0; vofs < *iit; ++vofs) {
if (!*iit) {
const size_t next = (vofs+1)%*iit;
const IfcVector3& v = in[vidx+vofs], &vnext = in[vidx+next],&vd = (vnext-v).Normalize();
TempOpening& opening = fake_openings.back();
for(size_t outer = 0; outer < *outer_polygon; ++outer) {
const IfcVector3& o = in[outer_polygon_start+outer], &onext = in[outer_polygon_start+(outer+1)%*outer_polygon], &od = (onext-o).Normalize();
opening.extrusionDir = master_normal;
opening.solid = NULL;
if (fabs(vd * od) > 1.f-1e-6f && (onext-v).Normalize() * vd > 1.f-1e-6f && (onext-v)*(o-v) < 0) {
IFCImporter::LogDebug("got an inner hole that lies partly on the outer polygonal boundary, merging them to a single contour");
opening.profileMesh = boost::make_shared<TempMesh>();
// in between outer and outer+1 insert all vertices of this loop, then drop the original altogether.
std::vector<IfcVector3> tmp(*iit);
const size_t start = (v-o).SquareLength() > (vnext-o).SquareLength() ? vofs : next;
std::vector<IfcVector3>::iterator inbase = in.begin()+vidx, it = std::copy(inbase+start, inbase+*iit,tmp.begin());
std::copy(inbase, inbase+start,it);
vidx += outer_polygon_start<vidx ? *iit : 0;
inbase = in.begin()+vidx;
outer_polygon_start -= outer_polygon_start>vidx ? *iit : 0;
*outer_polygon += tmp.size();
*iit++ = 0;
goto next_loop;
std::copy(vit, vit + *iit, std::back_inserter(opening.profileMesh->verts));
if ( meshout.vertcnt.size() - removed <= 1) {
// fill a mesh with ONLY the main polygon
TempMesh temp;
std::copy(outer_vit, outer_vit+outer_polygon_size,
TryAddOpenings_Quadrulate(fake_openings, normals, temp);
// extract the outer boundary and move it to a separate mesh
TempMesh boundary;
std::vector<IfcVector3>::iterator b = in.begin()+outer_polygon_start;
std::vector<IfcVector3>::iterator norit = normals.begin()+std::distance(meshout.vertcnt.begin(),outer_polygon);
const IfcVector3 nor_boundary = *norit;
// keep merging the closest inner boundary with the outer boundary until no more boundaries are left
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ProcessConnectedFaceSet(const IfcConnectedFaceSet& fset, TempMesh& result, ConversionData& conv)
BOOST_FOREACH(const IfcFace& face, fset.CfsFaces) {
// size_t ob = -1, cnt = 0;
TempMesh meshout;
BOOST_FOREACH(const IfcFaceBound& bound, face.Bounds) {
@ -446,12 +307,10 @@ void ProcessConnectedFaceSet(const IfcConnectedFaceSet& fset, TempMesh& result,
ProcessPolygonBoundaries(result, meshout);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ProcessRevolvedAreaSolid(const IfcRevolvedAreaSolid& solid, TempMesh& result, ConversionData& conv)
@ -1430,7 +1289,7 @@ void CleanupOuterContour(const std::vector<IfcVector2>& contour_flat, TempMesh&
// undo the projection, generate output quads
// swap data arrays
@ -1550,8 +1409,8 @@ bool TryAddOpenings_Quadrulate(const std::vector<TempOpening>& openings,
for (std::vector<BoundingBox>::iterator it = bbs.begin(); it != bbs.end();) {
const BoundingBox& ibb = *it;
if (ibb.first.x < bb.second.x && ibb.second.x > bb.first.x &&
ibb.first.y < bb.second.y && ibb.second.y > bb.second.x) {
if (ibb.first.x <= bb.second.x && ibb.second.x >= bb.first.x &&
ibb.first.y <= bb.second.y && ibb.second.y >= bb.second.x) {
// take these two contours and try to merge them. If they overlap (which
// should not happen, but in fact happens-in-the-real-world [tm] ),
@ -1669,6 +1528,7 @@ void ProcessExtrudedAreaSolid(const IfcExtrudedAreaSolid& solid, TempMesh& resul
IfcVector3 min = in[0];
dir *= IfcMatrix3(trafo);
std::vector<IfcVector3> nors;
const bool openings = !!conv.apply_openings && conv.apply_openings->size();

View File

@ -80,6 +80,14 @@ struct TempOpening
IfcVector3 extrusionDir;
boost::shared_ptr<TempMesh> profileMesh;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: solid()
, extrusionDir()
, profileMesh()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TempOpening(const IFC::IfcExtrudedAreaSolid* solid,IfcVector3 extrusionDir,boost::shared_ptr<TempMesh> profileMesh)
: solid(solid)