@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ if sys.version_info < (2,6):
import ctypes
import os
import numpy
try: import numpy
except: numpy = None
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("pyassimp")
@ -33,12 +35,30 @@ _assimp_lib = AssimpLib()
def make_tuple(ai_obj, type = None):
res = None
# ai_obj._fields_ = [ ("attr", c_type), ... ]
# getattr(ai_obj, e[0]).__class__ == float
if isinstance(ai_obj, structs.Matrix4x4):
if numpy:
res = numpy.array([getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]).reshape((4,4))
#import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
res = [getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]
res = [res[i:i+4] for i in xrange(0,16,4)]
elif isinstance(ai_obj, structs.Matrix3x3):
if numpy:
res = numpy.array([getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]).reshape((3,3))
res = [getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]
res = [res[i:i+3] for i in xrange(0,9,3)]
if numpy:
res = numpy.array([getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_])
res = [getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]
return res
# It is faster and more correct to have an init function for each assimp class
@ -135,9 +155,14 @@ def _init(self, target = None, parent = None):
if obj._type_ in structs.assimp_structs_as_tuple:
if numpy:
setattr(target, name, numpy.array([make_tuple(obj[i]) for i in range(length)], dtype=numpy.float32))
logger.debug(str(self) + ": Added an array of numpy arrays (type "+ str(type(obj)) + ") as self." + name)
setattr(target, name, [make_tuple(obj[i]) for i in range(length)])
logger.debug(str(self) + ": Added a list of lists (type "+ str(type(obj)) + ") as self." + name)
setattr(target, name, [obj[i] for i in range(length)]) #TODO: maybe not necessary to recreate an array?
@ -292,7 +317,10 @@ def release(scene):
def _finalize_texture(tex, target):
setattr(target, "achformathint", tex.achFormatHint)
if numpy:
data = numpy.array([make_tuple(getattr(tex, "pcData")[i]) for i in range(tex.mWidth * tex.mHeight)])
data = [make_tuple(getattr(tex, "pcData")[i]) for i in range(tex.mWidth * tex.mHeight)]
setattr(target, "data", data)
def _finalize_mesh(mesh, target):
@ -308,11 +336,18 @@ def _finalize_mesh(mesh, target):
def fill(name):
mAttr = getattr(mesh, name)
if numpy:
if mAttr:
data = numpy.array([make_tuple(getattr(mesh, name)[i]) for i in range(nb_vertices)], dtype=numpy.float32)
setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), data)
setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), numpy.array([], dtype="float32"))
if mAttr:
data = [make_tuple(getattr(mesh, name)[i]) for i in range(nb_vertices)]
setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), data)
setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), [])
def fillarray(name):
mAttr = getattr(mesh, name)
@ -322,7 +357,10 @@ def _finalize_mesh(mesh, target):
if mSubAttr:
data.append([make_tuple(getattr(mesh, name)[index][i]) for i in range(nb_vertices)])
if numpy:
setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.float32))
setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), data)
@ -332,7 +370,10 @@ def _finalize_mesh(mesh, target):
# prepare faces
if numpy:
faces = numpy.array([f.indices for f in target.faces], dtype=numpy.int32)
faces = [f.indices for f in target.faces]
setattr(target, 'faces', faces)
@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ import os
import ctypes
from ctypes import POINTER
import operator
import numpy
from numpy import linalg
try: import numpy
except: numpy = None
import logging;logger = logging.getLogger("pyassimp")
@ -46,20 +47,88 @@ def vec2tuple(x):
def transform(vector3, matrix4x4):
""" Apply a transformation matrix on a 3D vector.
:param vector3: a numpy array with 3 elements
:param matrix4x4: a numpy 4x4 matrix
:param vector3: array with 3 elements
:param matrix4x4: 4x4 matrix
if numpy:
return, numpy.append(vector3, 1.))
m0,m1,m2,m3 = matrix4x4; x,y,z = vector3
return [
m0[0]*x + m0[1]*y + m0[2]*z + m0[3],
m1[0]*x + m1[1]*y + m1[2]*z + m1[3],
m2[0]*x + m2[1]*y + m2[2]*z + m2[3],
m3[0]*x + m3[1]*y + m3[2]*z + m3[3]
def _inv(matrix4x4):
m0,m1,m2,m3 = matrix4x4
det = m0[3]*m1[2]*m2[1]*m3[0] - m0[2]*m1[3]*m2[1]*m3[0] - \
m0[3]*m1[1]*m2[2]*m3[0] + m0[1]*m1[3]*m2[2]*m3[0] + \
m0[2]*m1[1]*m2[3]*m3[0] - m0[1]*m1[2]*m2[3]*m3[0] - \
m0[3]*m1[2]*m2[0]*m3[1] + m0[2]*m1[3]*m2[0]*m3[1] + \
m0[3]*m1[0]*m2[2]*m3[1] - m0[0]*m1[3]*m2[2]*m3[1] - \
m0[2]*m1[0]*m2[3]*m3[1] + m0[0]*m1[2]*m2[3]*m3[1] + \
m0[3]*m1[1]*m2[0]*m3[2] - m0[1]*m1[3]*m2[0]*m3[2] - \
m0[3]*m1[0]*m2[1]*m3[2] + m0[0]*m1[3]*m2[1]*m3[2] + \
m0[1]*m1[0]*m2[3]*m3[2] - m0[0]*m1[1]*m2[3]*m3[2] - \
m0[2]*m1[1]*m2[0]*m3[3] + m0[1]*m1[2]*m2[0]*m3[3] + \
m0[2]*m1[0]*m2[1]*m3[3] - m0[0]*m1[2]*m2[1]*m3[3] - \
m0[1]*m1[0]*m2[2]*m3[3] + m0[0]*m1[1]*m2[2]*m3[3]
return[[( m1[2]*m2[3]*m3[1] - m1[3]*m2[2]*m3[1] + m1[3]*m2[1]*m3[2] - m1[1]*m2[3]*m3[2] - m1[2]*m2[1]*m3[3] + m1[1]*m2[2]*m3[3]) /det,
( m0[3]*m2[2]*m3[1] - m0[2]*m2[3]*m3[1] - m0[3]*m2[1]*m3[2] + m0[1]*m2[3]*m3[2] + m0[2]*m2[1]*m3[3] - m0[1]*m2[2]*m3[3]) /det,
( m0[2]*m1[3]*m3[1] - m0[3]*m1[2]*m3[1] + m0[3]*m1[1]*m3[2] - m0[1]*m1[3]*m3[2] - m0[2]*m1[1]*m3[3] + m0[1]*m1[2]*m3[3]) /det,
( m0[3]*m1[2]*m2[1] - m0[2]*m1[3]*m2[1] - m0[3]*m1[1]*m2[2] + m0[1]*m1[3]*m2[2] + m0[2]*m1[1]*m2[3] - m0[1]*m1[2]*m2[3]) /det],
[( m1[3]*m2[2]*m3[0] - m1[2]*m2[3]*m3[0] - m1[3]*m2[0]*m3[2] + m1[0]*m2[3]*m3[2] + m1[2]*m2[0]*m3[3] - m1[0]*m2[2]*m3[3]) /det,
( m0[2]*m2[3]*m3[0] - m0[3]*m2[2]*m3[0] + m0[3]*m2[0]*m3[2] - m0[0]*m2[3]*m3[2] - m0[2]*m2[0]*m3[3] + m0[0]*m2[2]*m3[3]) /det,
( m0[3]*m1[2]*m3[0] - m0[2]*m1[3]*m3[0] - m0[3]*m1[0]*m3[2] + m0[0]*m1[3]*m3[2] + m0[2]*m1[0]*m3[3] - m0[0]*m1[2]*m3[3]) /det,
( m0[2]*m1[3]*m2[0] - m0[3]*m1[2]*m2[0] + m0[3]*m1[0]*m2[2] - m0[0]*m1[3]*m2[2] - m0[2]*m1[0]*m2[3] + m0[0]*m1[2]*m2[3]) /det],
[( m1[1]*m2[3]*m3[0] - m1[3]*m2[1]*m3[0] + m1[3]*m2[0]*m3[1] - m1[0]*m2[3]*m3[1] - m1[1]*m2[0]*m3[3] + m1[0]*m2[1]*m3[3]) /det,
( m0[3]*m2[1]*m3[0] - m0[1]*m2[3]*m3[0] - m0[3]*m2[0]*m3[1] + m0[0]*m2[3]*m3[1] + m0[1]*m2[0]*m3[3] - m0[0]*m2[1]*m3[3]) /det,
( m0[1]*m1[3]*m3[0] - m0[3]*m1[1]*m3[0] + m0[3]*m1[0]*m3[1] - m0[0]*m1[3]*m3[1] - m0[1]*m1[0]*m3[3] + m0[0]*m1[1]*m3[3]) /det,
( m0[3]*m1[1]*m2[0] - m0[1]*m1[3]*m2[0] - m0[3]*m1[0]*m2[1] + m0[0]*m1[3]*m2[1] + m0[1]*m1[0]*m2[3] - m0[0]*m1[1]*m2[3]) /det],
[( m1[2]*m2[1]*m3[0] - m1[1]*m2[2]*m3[0] - m1[2]*m2[0]*m3[1] + m1[0]*m2[2]*m3[1] + m1[1]*m2[0]*m3[2] - m1[0]*m2[1]*m3[2]) /det,
( m0[1]*m2[2]*m3[0] - m0[2]*m2[1]*m3[0] + m0[2]*m2[0]*m3[1] - m0[0]*m2[2]*m3[1] - m0[1]*m2[0]*m3[2] + m0[0]*m2[1]*m3[2]) /det,
( m0[2]*m1[1]*m3[0] - m0[1]*m1[2]*m3[0] - m0[2]*m1[0]*m3[1] + m0[0]*m1[2]*m3[1] + m0[1]*m1[0]*m3[2] - m0[0]*m1[1]*m3[2]) /det,
( m0[1]*m1[2]*m2[0] - m0[2]*m1[1]*m2[0] + m0[2]*m1[0]*m2[1] - m0[0]*m1[2]*m2[1] - m0[1]*m1[0]*m2[2] + m0[0]*m1[1]*m2[2]) /det]]
def get_bounding_box(scene):
bb_min = [1e10, 1e10, 1e10] # x,y,z
bb_max = [-1e10, -1e10, -1e10] # x,y,z
return get_bounding_box_for_node(scene.rootnode, bb_min, bb_max, linalg.inv(scene.rootnode.transformation))
inv = numpy.linalg.inv if numpy else _inv
return get_bounding_box_for_node(scene.rootnode, bb_min, bb_max, inv(scene.rootnode.transformation))
def get_bounding_box_for_node(node, bb_min, bb_max, transformation):
if numpy:
transformation =, node.transformation)
t0,t1,t2,t3 = transformation
T0,T1,T2,T3 = node.transformation
transformation = [ [
t0[0]*T0[0] + t0[1]*T1[0] + t0[2]*T2[0] + t0[3]*T3[0],
t0[0]*T0[1] + t0[1]*T1[1] + t0[2]*T2[1] + t0[3]*T3[1],
t0[0]*T0[2] + t0[1]*T1[2] + t0[2]*T2[2] + t0[3]*T3[2],
t0[0]*T0[3] + t0[1]*T1[3] + t0[2]*T2[3] + t0[3]*T3[3]
t1[0]*T0[0] + t1[1]*T1[0] + t1[2]*T2[0] + t1[3]*T3[0],
t1[0]*T0[1] + t1[1]*T1[1] + t1[2]*T2[1] + t1[3]*T3[1],
t1[0]*T0[2] + t1[1]*T1[2] + t1[2]*T2[2] + t1[3]*T3[2],
t1[0]*T0[3] + t1[1]*T1[3] + t1[2]*T2[3] + t1[3]*T3[3]
t2[0]*T0[0] + t2[1]*T1[0] + t2[2]*T2[0] + t2[3]*T3[0],
t2[0]*T0[1] + t2[1]*T1[1] + t2[2]*T2[1] + t2[3]*T3[1],
t2[0]*T0[2] + t2[1]*T1[2] + t2[2]*T2[2] + t2[3]*T3[2],
t2[0]*T0[3] + t2[1]*T1[3] + t2[2]*T2[3] + t2[3]*T3[3]
t3[0]*T0[0] + t3[1]*T1[0] + t3[2]*T2[0] + t3[3]*T3[0],
t3[0]*T0[1] + t3[1]*T1[1] + t3[2]*T2[1] + t3[3]*T3[1],
t3[0]*T0[2] + t3[1]*T1[2] + t3[2]*T2[2] + t3[3]*T3[2],
t3[0]*T0[3] + t3[1]*T1[3] + t3[2]*T2[3] + t3[3]*T3[3]
] ]
for mesh in node.meshes:
for v in mesh.vertices:
v = transform(v, transformation)
Reference in New Issue