FEATURE: Add basic documentation for the logging mechanism and the default logger interface

git-svn-id: https://assimp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/assimp/trunk@36 67173fc5-114c-0410-ac8e-9d2fd5bffc1f
kimmi 2008-05-23 16:58:13 +00:00
parent 9cb8292158
commit 4b98ae5a53
1 changed files with 90 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -234,7 +234,96 @@ void DoTheImportThing( const std::string& pFile)
Auch das Logging noch erklären?
@section logging Logging in the AssetImporter
The ASSIMP library provides an easy mechanism to log messages. For instance if you want to check the state of your
import and you just want to check, after which preprocessing step the import-process was aborted you can take a look
at the log.
Per default the ASSIMP-library provides a default log implementation, where you can log your user specific message
by calling it as a singleton with the requested logging-type:
// Create a logger instance
// Now I am ready for logging my stuff
Assimp::DefaultLogger::get()->info("this is my info-call");
// Kill it after the work is done
At first you have to create the default-logger-instance (create). Now you are ready to rock and can log a
little bit around. After that you should kill it to release the default-singleton-instance.
If you want to integrate the ASSIMP-log into your own GUI it my be helpful to have a mechanism writing
the logs into your own log windows. The logger-interface provides this by implementing an interface called LogStream.
You can attach and detach this logstream to the default-logger instance or any implementation derived from Logger.
Just derivate your own logger from the abstract baseclass LogStream and overwrite the write-method:
class myStream :
public LogStream
// empty
// empty
void write(const std::string &message)
printf("%s\n", message.c_str();
// Attaching it to the default logger insstance:
unsigned int severity = 0;
severity |= Logger::DEBUGGING;
severity |= Logger::INFO;
severity |= Logger::WARN;
severity |= Logger::ERR;
// Attaching it to the default logger
Assimp::DefaultLogger::get()->attachStream( new myStream(), severity );
The severity level controls the kind of message which will be written into
the attached stream. If you just want to log errors and warnings set the warn
and error severity flag for the requested severity. It is also possible to remove
an self defined logstream from a error severity by detaching it with the severity flag set:
unsigned int severity = 0;
severity |= Logger::DEBUGGING;
// Detach debug messages from you self defined stream
Assimp::DefaultLogger::get()->attachStream( new myStream(), severity );
If you want to implement your own loger just build a derivate from the abstract base class
Logger and overwrite the methods debug, info, warn and error.
If you ust want to see the debug-messages in a debug-configurised build the Logger-interface
provides an logging severity. You can set it calling the method:
Logger::setLogSeverity( LogSeverity log_severity );
The normal logging severity supports just the basic stuff like, info, warnings and errors.
In the verbose level debug messages will be logged, too.