Merge pull request from marshallExocortex/obj_exporter__unique_vector_export

remove duplicate vertices, normals and uvs when exporting obj format
Alexander Gessler 2013-10-01 08:48:14 -07:00
commit 2abdf05a62
2 changed files with 71 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ void ExportSceneObj(const char* pFile,IOSystem* pIOSystem, const aiScene* pScene
boost::scoped_ptr<IOStream> outfile (pIOSystem->Open(pFile,"wt"));
if(outfile == NULL) {
throw DeadlyExportError("could not open output .obj file: " + std::string(pFile));
outfile->Write( exporter.mOutput.str().c_str(), static_cast<size_t>(exporter.mOutput.tellp()),1);
boost::scoped_ptr<IOStream> outfile (pIOSystem->Open(exporter.GetMaterialLibFileName(),"wt"));
if(outfile == NULL) {
throw DeadlyExportError("could not open output .mtl file: " + std::string(exporter.GetMaterialLibFileName()));
outfile->Write( exporter.mOutputMat.str().c_str(), static_cast<size_t>(exporter.mOutputMat.tellp()),1);
@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ void ObjExporter :: WriteGeometryFile()
// write vertex positions
mOutput << "# " << vp.size() << " vertex positions" << endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(const aiVector3D& v, vp) {
mOutput << "v " << v.x << " " << v.y << " " << v.z << endl;
@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ void ObjExporter :: WriteGeometryFile()
mOutput << endl;
// write uv coordinates
mOutput << "# " << vt.size() << " UV coordinates" << endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(const aiVector3D& v, vt) {
mOutput << "vt " << v.x << " " << v.y << " " << v.z << endl;
@ -213,6 +215,7 @@ void ObjExporter :: WriteGeometryFile()
mOutput << endl;
// write vertex normals
mOutput << "# " << vn.size() << " vertex normals" << endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(const aiVector3D& v, vn) {
mOutput << "vn " << v.x << " " << v.y << " " << v.z << endl;
@ -252,6 +255,31 @@ void ObjExporter :: WriteGeometryFile()
int ObjExporter::vecIndexMap::getIndex(const aiVector3D& vec)
vecIndexMap::dataType::iterator vertIt = vecMap.find(vec);
if(vertIt != vecMap.end()){// vertex already exists, so reference it
return vertIt->second;
vecMap[vec] = mNextIndex;
int ret = mNextIndex;
return ret;
void ObjExporter::vecIndexMap::getVectors( std::vector<aiVector3D>& vecs )
for(vecIndexMap::dataType::iterator it = vecMap.begin(); it != vecMap.end(); it++){
vecs[it->second-1] = it->first;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ObjExporter :: AddMesh(const aiString& name, const aiMesh* m, const aiMatrix4x4& mat)
@ -262,6 +290,7 @@ void ObjExporter :: AddMesh(const aiString& name, const aiMesh* m, const aiMatri
mesh.matname = GetMaterialName(m->mMaterialIndex);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m->mNumFaces; ++i) {
const aiFace& f = m->mFaces[i];
@ -281,21 +310,22 @@ void ObjExporter :: AddMesh(const aiString& name, const aiMesh* m, const aiMatri
for(unsigned int a = 0; a < f.mNumIndices; ++a) {
const unsigned int idx = f.mIndices[a];
// XXX need a way to check if this is an unique vertex or if we had it already,
// in which case we should instead reference the previous occurrence.
vp.push_back( mat * m->mVertices[idx] );
face.indices[a].vp = vp.size();
aiVector3D vert = mat * m->mVertices[idx];
face.indices[a].vp = vpMap.getIndex(vert);
if (m->mNormals) {
vn.push_back( m->mNormals[idx] );
face.indices[a].vn = vnMap.getIndex(m->mNormals[idx]);
face.indices[a].vn = 0;
face.indices[a].vn = vn.size();
if (m->mTextureCoords[0]) {
vt.push_back( m->mTextureCoords[0][idx] );
face.indices[a].vt = vtMap.getIndex(m->mTextureCoords[0][idx]);
face.indices[a].vt = 0;
face.indices[a].vt = vt.size();

View File

@ -112,6 +112,36 @@ private:
const aiScene* const pScene;
std::vector<aiVector3D> vp, vn, vt;
struct aiVectorCompare
bool operator() (const aiVector3D& a, const aiVector3D& b) const
if(a.x < b.x) return true;
if(a.x > b.x) return false;
if(a.y < b.y) return true;
if(a.y > b.y) return false;
if(a.z < b.z) return true;
return false;
class vecIndexMap
int mNextIndex;
typedef std::map<aiVector3D, int, aiVectorCompare> dataType;
dataType vecMap;
int getIndex(const aiVector3D& vec);
void getVectors( std::vector<aiVector3D>& vecs );
vecIndexMap vpMap, vnMap, vtMap;
std::vector<MeshInstance> meshes;
// this endl() doesn't flush() the stream