Improved comments in HL1MDLFile.h

Marc-Antoine Lortie 2019-12-25 12:57:48 -05:00
parent 7e957768db
commit 2026d52df4
2 changed files with 341 additions and 93 deletions

View File

/** @file HL1FileData.h
* @brief Definition of in-memory structures for the
* Half-Life 1 MDL file format.
* Half-Life 1 MDL file format.
@ -58,175 +58,357 @@ namespace HalfLife {
using vec3_t = float[3];
/** \struct Header_HL1
* \brief Data structure for the HL1 MDL file header.
struct Header_HL1 : HalfLifeMDLBaseHeader {
//! The model name.
char name[64];
//! The total file size in bytes.
int32_t length;
vec3_t eyeposition; // ideal eye position
vec3_t min; // ideal movement hull size
//! Ideal eye position.
vec3_t eyeposition;
//! Ideal movement hull size.
vec3_t min;
vec3_t max;
vec3_t bbmin; // clipping bounding box
//! Clipping bounding box.
vec3_t bbmin;
vec3_t bbmax;
int32_t unused; // was flags
//! Was "flags".
int32_t unused;
int32_t numbones; // bones
//! The number of bones.
int32_t numbones;
//! Offset to the first bone chunk.
int32_t boneindex;
int32_t numbonecontrollers; // bone controllers
//! The number of bone controllers.
int32_t numbonecontrollers;
//! Offset to the first bone controller chunk.
int32_t bonecontrollerindex;
int32_t numhitboxes; // complex bounding boxes
//! The number of hitboxes.
int32_t numhitboxes;
//! Offset to the first hitbox chunk.
int32_t hitboxindex;
int32_t numseq; // animation sequences
//! The number of sequences.
int32_t numseq;
//! Offset to the first sequence description chunk.
int32_t seqindex;
int32_t numseqgroups; // demand loaded sequences
//! The number of sequence groups.
int32_t numseqgroups;
//! Offset to the first sequence group chunk.
int32_t seqgroupindex;
int32_t numtextures; // raw textures
//! The number of textures.
int32_t numtextures;
//! Offset to the first texture chunk.
int32_t textureindex;
//! Offset to the first texture's image data.
int32_t texturedataindex;
int32_t numskinref; // replaceable textures
//! The number of replaceable textures.
int32_t numskinref;
//! The number of skin families.
int32_t numskinfamilies;
//! Offset to the first replaceable texture.
int32_t skinindex;
//! The number of bodyparts.
int32_t numbodyparts;
//! Offset the the first bodypart.
int32_t bodypartindex;
int32_t numattachments; // queryable attachable points
//! The number of attachments.
int32_t numattachments;
//! Offset the the first attachment chunk.
int32_t attachmentindex;
int32_t unused2; // was "soundtable"
int32_t unused3; // was "soundindex"
int32_t unused4; // was "soundgroups"
int32_t unused5; // was "soundgroupindex"
//! Was "soundtable".
int32_t unused2;
int32_t numtransitions; // animation node to animation node transition graph
//! Was "soundindex".
int32_t unused3;
//! Was "soundgroups".
int32_t unused4;
//! Was "soundgroupindex".
int32_t unused5;
//! The number of nodes in the sequence transition graph.
int32_t numtransitions;
//! Offset the the first sequence transition.
int32_t transitionindex;
// header for demand loaded sequence group data
/** \struct SequenceHeader_HL1
* \brief Data structure for the file header of a demand loaded
* HL1 MDL sequence group file.
struct SequenceHeader_HL1 : HalfLifeMDLBaseHeader {
//! The sequence group file name.
char name[64];
//! The total file size in bytes.
int32_t length;
// bones
/** \struct Bone_HL1
* \brief Data structure for a bone in HL1 MDL files.
struct Bone_HL1 {
char name[32]; // bone name for symbolic links
int32_t parent; // parent bone
int32_t unused; // was "flags" -- ??
int32_t bonecontroller[6]; // bone controller index, -1 == none
float value[6]; // default DoF values
float scale[6]; // scale for delta DoF values
//! The bone name.
char name[32];
//! The parent bone index. (-1) If it has no parent.
int32_t parent;
//! Was "flags".
int32_t unused;
//! Available bone controller per motion type.
//! (-1) if no controller is available.
int32_t bonecontroller[6];
/*! Default position and rotation values where
* scale[0] = position.X
* scale[1] = position.Y
* scale[2] = position.Z
* scale[3] = rotation.X
* scale[4] = rotation.Y
* scale[5] = rotation.Z
float value[6];
/*! Compressed scale values where
* scale[0] = position.X scale
* scale[1] = position.Y scale
* scale[2] = position.Z scale
* scale[3] = rotation.X scale
* scale[4] = rotation.Y scale
* scale[5] = rotation.Z scale
float scale[6];
// bone controllers
/** \struct BoneController_HL1
* \brief Data structure for a bone controller in HL1 MDL files.
struct BoneController_HL1 {
int32_t bone; // -1 == 0
int32_t type; // X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR, M
//! Bone affected by this controller.
int32_t bone;
//! The motion type.
int32_t type;
//! The minimum and maximum values.
float start;
float end;
int32_t unused; // was "rest" - byte index value at rest
int32_t index; // 0-3 user set controller, 4 mouth
// Was "rest".
int32_t unused;
// The bone controller channel.
int32_t index;
// intersection boxes
/** \struct Hitbox_HL1
* \brief Data structure for a hitbox in HL1 MDL files.
struct Hitbox_HL1 {
//! The bone this hitbox follows.
int32_t bone;
int32_t group; // intersection group
vec3_t bbmin; // bounding box
//! The hit group.
int32_t group;
//! The hitbox minimum and maximum extents.
vec3_t bbmin;
vec3_t bbmax;
// demand loaded sequence groups
/** \struct SequenceGroup_HL1
* \brief Data structure for a sequence group in HL1 MDL files.
struct SequenceGroup_HL1 {
char label[32]; // textual name
char name[64]; // file name
int32_t unused; // was "cache" - index pointer
int32_t unused2; // was "data" - hack for group 0
//! A textual name for this sequence group.
char label[32];
//! The file name.
char name[64];
//! Was "cache".
int32_t unused;
//! Was "data".
int32_t unused2;
// The type of blending for a sequence.
//! The type of blending for a sequence.
enum SequenceBlendMode_HL1 {
NoBlend = 1,
TwoWayBlending = 2,
FourWayBlending = 4,
// sequence descriptions
/** \struct SequenceDesc_HL1
* \brief Data structure for a sequence description in HL1 MDL files.
struct SequenceDesc_HL1 {
char label[32]; // sequence label
//! The sequence name.
char label[32];
float fps; // frames per second
int32_t flags; // looping/non-looping flags
//! Frames per second.
float fps;
//! looping/non-looping flags.
int32_t flags;
//! The sequence activity.
int32_t activity;
//! The sequence activity weight.
int32_t actweight;
//! The number of animation events.
int32_t numevents;
//! Offset the the first animation event chunk.
int32_t eventindex;
int32_t numframes; // number of frames per sequence
//! The number of frames in the sequence.
int32_t numframes;
int32_t unused; // was "numpivots" - number of foot pivots
int32_t unused2; // was "pivotindex"
//! Was "numpivots".
int32_t unused;
//! Was "pivotindex".
int32_t unused2;
//! Linear motion type.
int32_t motiontype;
int32_t motionbone;
vec3_t linearmovement;
int32_t unused3; // was "automoveposindex"
int32_t unused4; // was "automoveangleindex"
vec3_t bbmin; // per sequence bounding box
//! Linear motion bone.
int32_t motionbone;
//! Linear motion.
vec3_t linearmovement;
//! Was "automoveposindex".
int32_t unused3;
//! Was "automoveangleindex".
int32_t unused4;
//! The sequence minimum and maximum extents.
vec3_t bbmin;
vec3_t bbmax;
//! The number of blend animations.
int32_t numblends;
int32_t animindex; // mstudioanim_t pointer relative to start of sequence group data
// [blend][bone][X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR]
int32_t blendtype[2]; // X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR
float blendstart[2]; // starting value
float blendend[2]; // ending value
int32_t unused5; // was "blendparent"
//! Offset to first the AnimValueOffset_HL1 chunk.
//! This offset is relative to the SequenceHeader_HL1 of the file
//! that contains the animation data.
int32_t animindex;
int32_t seqgroup; // sequence group for demand loading
//! The motion type of each blend controller.
int32_t blendtype[2];
int32_t entrynode; // transition node at entry
int32_t exitnode; // transition node at exit
int32_t nodeflags; // transition rules
//! The starting value of each blend controller.
float blendstart[2];
int32_t unused6; // was "nextseq" - auto advancing sequences
//! The ending value of each blend controller.
float blendend[2];
//! Was "blendparent".
int32_t unused5;
//! The sequence group.
int32_t seqgroup;
//! The node at entry in the sequence transition graph.
int32_t entrynode;
//! The node at exit in the sequence transition graph.
int32_t exitnode;
//! Transition rules.
int32_t nodeflags;
//! Was "nextseq"
int32_t unused6;
// events
/** \struct AnimEvent_HL1
* \brief Data structure for an animation event in HL1 MDL files.
struct AnimEvent_HL1 {
//! The frame at which this animation event occurs.
int32_t frame;
//! The script event type.
int32_t event;
int32_t unused; // was "type"
//! was "type"
int32_t unused;
//! Options. Could be path to sound WAVE files.
char options[64];
// attachment
/** \struct Attachment_HL1
* \brief Data structure for an attachment in HL1 MDL files.
struct Attachment_HL1 {
char unused[32]; // was "name"
int32_t unused2; // was "type"
//! Was "name".
char unused[32];
//! Was "type".
int32_t unused2;
//! The bone this attachment follows.
int32_t bone;
vec3_t org; // attachment point
vec3_t unused3[3]; // was "vectors"
//! The attachment origin.
vec3_t org;
//! Was "vectors"
vec3_t unused3[3];
/** \struct AnimValueOffset_HL1
* \brief Data structure to hold offsets (one per motion type)
* to the first animation frame value for a single bone
* in HL1 MDL files.
struct AnimValueOffset_HL1 {
unsigned short offset[6];
// animation frames
/** \struct AnimValue_HL1
* \brief Data structure for an animation frame in HL1 MDL files.
union AnimValue_HL1 {
struct {
uint8_t valid;
@ -235,58 +417,121 @@ union AnimValue_HL1 {
short value;
// body part index
/** \struct Bodypart_HL1
* \brief Data structure for a bodypart in HL1 MDL files.
struct Bodypart_HL1 {
//! The bodypart name.
char name[64];
//! The number of available models for this bodypart.
int32_t nummodels;
//! Used to convert from a global model index
//! to a local bodypart model index.
int32_t base;
int32_t modelindex; // index into models array
//! The offset to the first model chunk.
int32_t modelindex;
// skin info
/** \struct Texture_HL1
* \brief Data structure for a texture in HL1 MDL files.
struct Texture_HL1 {
//! Texture file name.
char name[64];
//! Texture flags.
int32_t flags;
//! Texture width in pixels.
int32_t width;
//! Texture height in pixels.
int32_t height;
//! Offset to the image data.
//! This offset is relative to the texture file header.
int32_t index;
// studio models
/** \struct Model_HL1
* \brief Data structure for a model in HL1 MDL files.
struct Model_HL1 {
//! Model name.
char name[64];
int32_t unused; // was "type"
//! Was "type".
int32_t unused;
float unused2; // was "boundingradius"
//! Was "boundingradius".
float unused2;
//! The number of meshes in the model.
int32_t nummesh;
//! Offset to the first mesh chunk.
int32_t meshindex;
int32_t numverts; // number of unique vertices
int32_t vertinfoindex; // vertex bone info
int32_t vertindex; // vertex vec3_t
int32_t numnorms; // number of unique surface normals
int32_t norminfoindex; // normal bone info
int32_t normindex; // normal vec3_t
//! The number of unique vertices.
int32_t numverts;
int32_t unused3; // was "numgroups" - deformation groups
int32_t unused4; // was "groupindex"
//! Offset to the vertex bone array.
int32_t vertinfoindex;
//! Offset to the vertex array.
int32_t vertindex;
//! The number of unique normals.
int32_t numnorms;
//! Offset to the normal bone array.
int32_t norminfoindex;
//! Offset to the normal array.
int32_t normindex;
//! Was "numgroups".
int32_t unused3;
//! Was "groupindex".
int32_t unused4;
// meshes
/** \struct Mesh_HL1
* \brief Data structure for a mesh in HL1 MDL files.
struct Mesh_HL1 {
//! Can be interpreted as the number of triangles in the mesh.
int32_t numtris;
//! Offset to the start of the tris sequence.
int32_t triindex;
//! The skin index.
int32_t skinref;
int32_t numnorms; // per mesh normals
int32_t unused; // was "normindex" - normal vec3_t
//! The number of normals in the mesh.
int32_t numnorms;
//! Was "normindex".
int32_t unused;
/** \struct Trivert
* \brief Data structure for a trivert in HL1 MDL files.
struct Trivert {
short vertindex; // index into vertex array
short normindex; // index into normal array
short s, t; // s,t position on skin
//! Index into Model_HL1 vertex array.
short vertindex;
//! Index into Model_HL1 normal array.
short normindex;
//! Texture coordinates in absolute space (unnormalized).
short s, t;
#include <assimp/Compiler/poppack1.h>

View File

@ -53,7 +53,10 @@ namespace HalfLife {
/** Used to interface different Valve MDL formats. */
struct HalfLifeMDLBaseHeader
//! Magic number: "IDST"/"IDSQ"
char ident[4];
//! The file format version.
int32_t version;