SCHNAUZE VOLL ... erm... sorry.

- documentation continued. Still work in progress.

git-svn-id: 67173fc5-114c-0410-ac8e-9d2fd5bffc1f
ulfjorensen 2008-05-22 23:33:51 +00:00
parent d228356efb
commit 16621e07cd
1 changed files with 147 additions and 4 deletions

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@page data Data Structures
Grundlegend: Koordinatensystem, aiScene (Link), Erklärung Hierarchie, Nodes, Verweis auf Meshes, Mesh-Sammlung,
Einzel-Mesh, Mesh-Komponentenbauweise, Verweis auf Material, Material-Sammlung, Erklärung Material-Tags,
Animations-Sammlung, Einzel-Animation, Interpretation der Keyframes.
Bones: Finden und Zuordnen der Bone-Hierarchie zu Meshes.
The ASSIMP library returns the imported data in a collection of structures. aiScene forms the root
of the data, from here you gain access to all the nodes, meshes, materials, animations or textures
that were read from the imported file. The aiScene is returned from a successful call to
Assimp::Importer::ReadFile(), aiImportFile() or aiImportFileEx() - see the @link usage Usage page @endlink
for further information on how to use the library.
By default, all 3D data is provided in a right-handed coordinate system such as OpenGL uses. In
this coordinate system, +X points to the right, +Y points away from the viewer into the screen and
+Z points upwards. Several modelling packages such as 3D Studio Max use this coordinate system as well.
By contrast, some other environments use left-handed coordinate systems, a prominent example being
DirectX. If you need the imported data to be in a left-handed coordinate system, supply the
aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded flag to the ReadFile() function call.
All matrices in the library are row-major. That means that the matrices are stored row by row in memory,
which is similar to the OpenGL matrix layout. A typical 4x4 matrix including a translational part looks like this:
X1 Y1 Z1 T1
X2 Y2 Z2 T2
X3 Y3 Z3 T3
0 0 0 1
... with (X1, X2, X3) being the X base vector, (Y1, Y2, Y3) being the Y base vector, (Z1, Z2, Z3)
being the Z base vector and (T1, T2, T3) being the translation part. If you want to use thess matrices
in DirectX functions, you have to transpose them.
@section hierarchy The Node Hierarchy
Nodes are little named entities in the scene that have a place and orientation relative to their parents.
Starting from the scene's root node all nodes can have 0 to x child nodes, thus forming a hierarchy.
They form the base on which the scene is built on: a node can refer to 0..x meshes, can be referred to
by a bone of a mesh or can be animated by a key sequence of an animation. DirectX calls them "frames",
others call them "objects", we call them aiNode.
A node can potentially refer to single or multiple meshes. The meshes are not stored inside the node, but
instead in an array of aiMesh inside the aiScene. A node only refers to them by their array index. This also means
that multiple nodes can refer to the same mesh, which provides a simple form of instancing. A mesh referred to
by this way lives in the node's local coordinate system. If you want the mesh's orientation in global
space, you'd have to concatenate the transformations from the referring node and all of its parents.
Most of the file formats don't really support complex scenes, though, but a single model only. But there are
more complex formats such as .3ds, .x or .collada scenes which may contain an arbitrary complex
hierarchy of nodes and meshes. I for myself would suggest a recursive filter function such as the
following pseudocode:
void CopyNodesWithMeshes( aiNode node, SceneObject targetParent, Matrix4x4 accTransform)
SceneObject parent;
Matrix4x4 transform;
// if node has meshes, create a new scene object for it
if( node.mNumMeshes > 0)
SceneObjekt newObject = new SceneObject;
targetParent.addChild( newObject);
// copy the meshes
CopyMeshes( node, newObject);
// the new object is the parent for all child nodes
parent = newObject;
} else
// if no meshes, skip the node, but keep its transformation
parent = targetParent;
transform = node.mTransformation * accTransform;
// continue for all child nodes
for( all node.mChildren)
CopyNodesWithMeshes( node.mChildren[a], parent, transform);
This function copies a node into the scene graph if it has children. If yes, a new scene object
is created for the import node and the node's meshes are copied over. If not, no object is created.
Potential child objects will be added to the old targetParent, but there transformation will be correct
in respect to the global space. This function also works great in filtering the bone nodes - nodes
that form the bone hierarchy for another mesh/node, but don't have any mesh themselfes.
@section meshes Meshes
All meshes of an imported scene are stored in an array of aiMesh* inside the aiScene. Nodes refer
to them by their index in the array and provide the coordinate system for them. One mesh uses
only a single material everywhere - if parts of the model use a different material, this part is
moved to a separate mesh at the same node. The mesh refers to its material in the same way as the
node refers to its meshes: materials are stored in an array inside aiScene, the mesh stores only
an index into this array.
An aiMesh is defined by a series of data channels. The presence of these data channels is defined
by the contents of the imported file: by default there are only those data channels present in the mesh
that were also found in the file. The only channels guarenteed to be always present are aiMesh::mVertices
and aiMesh::mFaces. You can test for the presence of other data by testing the pointers against NULL
or use the helper functions provided by aiMesh. You may also specify several post processing flags
at Importer::ReadFile() to let ASSIMP calculate or recalculate additional data channels for you.
At the moment, a single aiMesh may contain a set of triangles and polygons. A single vertex does always
have a position. In addition it may have one normal, one tangent and bitangent, zero to AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS
(4 at the moment) texture coords and zero to AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS (4) vertex colors. In addition
a mesh may or may not have a set of bones described by an array of aiBone structures. How to interpret
the bone information is described later on.
@section material Materials
All materials are stored in an array of aiMaterial inside the aiScene. Each aiMesh refers to one
material by its index in the array. Due to the vastly diverging definitions and usages of material
parameters there is no hard definition of a material structure. Instead a material is defined by
a set of properties accessible by their names. Have a look at aiMaterial.h to see what types of
properties are defined. In this file there are also various functions defined to test for the
presence of certain properties in a material and retrieve their values.
@section bones Bones
A mesh may have a set of bones. Bones are a means to deform a mesh according to the movement of
a skeleton. Each bone has a name and a set of vertices on which it has influence. Its offset matrix
declares the transformation needed to transform from mesh space to the local space of this bone.
Using the bones name you can find the corresponding node in the node hierarchy. This node in relation
to the other bones' nodes defines the skeleton of the mesh. Unfortunately there might also be
nodes which are not used by a bone in the mesh, but still affect the pose of the skeleton because
they have child nodes which are bones. So when creating the skeleton hierarchy for a mesh I
suggest the following method:
a) Create a map or a similar container to store which nodes are necessary for the skeleton.
Preinitialise it for all nodes with a "no". <br>
b) For each bone in the mesh: <br>
b1) Find the corresponding node in the scene's hierarchy by comparing names. <br>
b2) Mark this node as "yes" in the necessityMap. <br>
b3) Mark all of its parents the same way until you 1) find the mesh's node or 2) the parent of the mesh's node. <br>
c) Recursively iterate over the node hierarchy <br>
c1) If the node is marked as necessary, copy it into the skeleton and check its children <br>
c2) If the node is market as not necessary, skip it and do not iterate over its children. <br>
Reasons: you need all the parent nodes to keep the transformation chain intact. Depending on the
file format and the modelling package the node hierarchy of the skeleton is either a child
of the mesh node or a sibling of the mesh node. Therefore b3) stops at both the mesh's node and
the mesh's node's parent. The node closest to the root node is your skeleton root, from there you
start copying the hierarchy. You can skip every branch without a node being a bone in the mesh -
that's why the algorithm skips the whole branch if the node is marked as "not necessary".
You should now have a mesh in your engine with a skeleton that is a subset of the imported hierarchy.
@section anims Animations
@section textures Textures