diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 0f0e5a793..20c735c4c 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ IF (WIN32) ELSE() OPTION( ASSIMP_BUILD_ZLIB "Build your own zlib" - OFF + ON ) ENDIF() diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18c914718 --- /dev/null +++ b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our +community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender +identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, +nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity +and orientation. + +We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, +diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our +community include: + +* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people +* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences +* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback +* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, + and learning from the experience +* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the + overall community + +Examples of unacceptable behavior include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or + advances of any kind +* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email + address, without their explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Enforcement Responsibilities + +Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of +acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, +or harmful. + +Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject +comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are +not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation +decisions when appropriate. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when +an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. +Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, +posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at +. +All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly. + +All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the +reporter of any incident. + +## Enforcement Guidelines + +Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining +the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct: + +### 1. Correction + +**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed +unprofessional or unwelcome in the community. + +**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing +clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the +behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested. + +### 2. Warning + +**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series +of actions. + +**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No +interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with +those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This +includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels +like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or +permanent ban. + +### 3. Temporary Ban + +**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including +sustained inappropriate behavior. + +**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public +communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or +private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction +with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. +Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban. + +### 4. Permanent Ban + +**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community +standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an +individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals. + +**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within +the community. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], +version 2.0, available at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct.html. + +Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct +enforcement ladder](https://github.com/mozilla/diversity). + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations. diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md index 917b8e8aa..9a8ac7c33 100644 --- a/Readme.md +++ b/Readme.md @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ================================== -A library to import and export various 3d-model-formats including scene-post-processing to generate missing render data. + +Open Asset Import Library is a library to load various 3d file formats into a shared, in-memory format. It supports more than __40 file formats__ for import and a growing selection of file formats for export. + ### Current project status ### [![Financial Contributors on Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/assimp/all/badge.svg?label=financial+contributors)](https://opencollective.com/assimp) ![C/C++ CI](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/workflows/C/C++%20CI/badge.svg) @@ -14,7 +16,6 @@ A library to import and export various 3d-model-formats including scene-post-pro [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp](https://badges.gitter.im/assimp/assimp.svg)](https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![Average time to resolve an issue](http://isitmaintained.com/badge/resolution/assimp/assimp.svg)](http://isitmaintained.com/project/assimp/assimp "Average time to resolve an issue") [![Percentage of issues still open](http://isitmaintained.com/badge/open/assimp/assimp.svg)](http://isitmaintained.com/project/assimp/assimp "Percentage of issues still open") -[![Total alerts](https://img.shields.io/lgtm/alerts/g/assimp/assimp.svg?logo=lgtm&logoWidth=18)](https://lgtm.com/projects/g/assimp/assimp/alerts/)
APIs are provided for C and C++. There are various bindings to other languages (C#, Java, Python, Delphi, D). Assimp also runs on Android and iOS. @@ -23,15 +24,19 @@ Additionally, assimp features various __mesh post processing tools__: normals an ### Latest Doc's ### Please check the latest documents at [Asset-Importer-Lib-Doc](https://assimp-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). -### Get involved ### -This is the development repo containing the latest features and bugfixes. For productive use though, we recommend one of the stable releases available from [Github Assimp Releases](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/releases). -
-You find a bug in the docs? Use [Doc-Repo](https://github.com/assimp/assimp-docs). -
-Please check our Wiki as well: https://github.com/assimp/assimp/wiki +### Prebuild binaries ### +Please check our [Itchi Projectspace](https://kimkulling.itch.io/the-asset-importer-lib) If you want to check our Model-Database, use the following repo: https://github.com/assimp/assimp-mdb +### Communities ### +- Ask a question at [The Assimp-Discussion Board](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/discussions) +- Ask on [Assimp-Community on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assimp/) +- Ask on [StackOverflow with the assimp-tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/assimp?sort=newest). +- Nothing has worked? File a question or an issue-report at [The Assimp-Issue Tracker](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/issues) + +And we also have a Gitter-channel:Gitter [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp](https://badges.gitter.im/assimp/assimp.svg)](https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
+ #### Supported file formats #### You can find the complete list of supported file-formats [here](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/blob/master/doc/Fileformats.md) @@ -66,28 +71,18 @@ Open Asset Import Library is implemented in C++. The directory structure looks l /port Ports to other languages and scripts to maintain those. /test Unit- and regression tests, test suite of models /tools Tools (old assimp viewer, command line `assimp`) - /samples A small number of samples to illustrate possible - use cases for Assimp + /samples A small number of samples to illustrate possible use-cases for Assimp The source code is organized in the following way: code/Common The base implementation for importers and the infrastructure + code/CApi Special implementations which are only used for the C-API + code/Geometry A collection of geometry tools + code/Material The material system + code/PBR An exporter for physical based models code/PostProcessing The post-processing steps code/AssetLib/ Implementation for import and export for the format -### Where to get help ### -To find our documentation, visit [our website](https://assimp.org/) or check out [Wiki](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/wiki) - -If the docs don't solve your problem, you can: -- Ask on [StackOverflow with the assimp-tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/assimp?sort=newest). -- Ask on [Assimp-Community on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assimp/) -- Ask a question at [The Assimp-Discussion Board](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/discussions) -- Nothing has worked? File a question or an issue-report at [The Assimp-Issue Tracker](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/issues) - -Open Asset Import Library is a library to load various 3d file formats into a shared, in-memory format. It supports more than __40 file formats__ for import and a growing selection of file formats for export. - -And we also have a Gitter-channel:Gitter [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp](https://badges.gitter.im/assimp/assimp.svg)](https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
- ### Contributing ### Contributions to assimp are highly appreciated. The easiest way to get involved is to submit a pull request with your changes against the main repository's `master` branch. diff --git a/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.cpp index 769e8a6ee..aa29956df 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.cpp @@ -266,8 +266,15 @@ void Discreet3DSImporter::ParseMainChunk() { }; ASSIMP_3DS_END_CHUNK(); +#if defined(__clang__) +#pragma clang diagnostic push +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunreachable-code-return" +#endif // recursively continue processing this hierarchy level return ParseMainChunk(); +#if defined(__clang__) +#pragma clang diagnostic pop +#endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.h index f47fcfef9..6bd73f412 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.h @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ using namespace D3DS; class Discreet3DSImporter : public BaseImporter { public: Discreet3DSImporter(); - ~Discreet3DSImporter(); + ~Discreet3DSImporter() override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. diff --git a/code/AssetLib/3MF/3MFTypes.h b/code/AssetLib/3MF/3MFTypes.h index 02238ceab..8207b568b 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/3MF/3MFTypes.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/3MF/3MFTypes.h @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public: // empty } - ~EmbeddedTexture() = default; + ~EmbeddedTexture() override = default; ResourceType getType() const override { return ResourceType::RT_EmbeddedTexture2D; @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public: // empty } - ~Texture2DGroup() = default; + ~Texture2DGroup() override = default; ResourceType getType() const override { return ResourceType::RT_Texture2DGroup; @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public: // empty } - ~BaseMaterials() = default; + ~BaseMaterials() override = default; ResourceType getType() const override { return ResourceType::RT_BaseMaterials; @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ public: // empty } - ~Object() = default; + ~Object() override = default; ResourceType getType() const override { return ResourceType::RT_Object; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.hpp b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.hpp index 601eae4e4..27f733043 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.hpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.hpp @@ -282,11 +282,11 @@ public: bool Find_NodeElement(const std::string &pID, const AMFNodeElementBase::EType pType, AMFNodeElementBase **pNodeElement) const; bool Find_ConvertedNode(const std::string &pID, NodeArray &nodeArray, aiNode **pNode) const; bool Find_ConvertedMaterial(const std::string &pID, const SPP_Material **pConvertedMaterial) const; - void Throw_CloseNotFound(const std::string &nodeName); - void Throw_IncorrectAttr(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName); - void Throw_IncorrectAttrValue(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName); - void Throw_MoreThanOnceDefined(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pNodeType, const std::string &pDescription); - void Throw_ID_NotFound(const std::string &pID) const; + AI_WONT_RETURN void Throw_CloseNotFound(const std::string &nodeName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; + AI_WONT_RETURN void Throw_IncorrectAttr(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; + AI_WONT_RETURN void Throw_IncorrectAttrValue(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; + AI_WONT_RETURN void Throw_MoreThanOnceDefined(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pNodeType, const std::string &pDescription) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; + AI_WONT_RETURN void Throw_ID_NotFound(const std::string &pID) const AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; void XML_CheckNode_MustHaveChildren(pugi::xml_node &node); bool XML_SearchNode(const std::string &nodeName); void ParseHelper_FixTruncatedFloatString(const char *pInStr, std::string &pOutString); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Postprocess.cpp b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Postprocess.cpp index a65f9260e..d5160870a 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Postprocess.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Postprocess.cpp @@ -815,6 +815,7 @@ nl_clean_loop: for (; next_it != nodeArray.end(); ++next_it) { if ((*next_it)->FindNode((*nl_it)->mName) != nullptr) { // if current top node(nl_it) found in another top node then erase it from node_list and restart search loop. + // FIXME: this leaks memory on test models test8.amf and test9.amf nodeArray.erase(nl_it); goto nl_clean_loop; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASEParser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASEParser.cpp index 839d308de..8e7ca63d7 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASEParser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASEParser.cpp @@ -304,7 +304,6 @@ void Parser::Parse() { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_TOP_LEVEL_SECTION(); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -734,7 +733,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MapBlock(Texture &map) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MAP_XXXXXX"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -859,7 +857,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV1ObjectBlock(ASE::BaseNode &node) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_TOP_LEVEL_SECTION(); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -883,7 +880,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV2CameraSettingsBlock(ASE::Camera &camera) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("2", "CAMERA_SETTINGS"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -1189,7 +1185,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV2NodeTransformBlock(ASE::BaseNode &mesh) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("2", "*NODE_TM"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV2MeshBlock(ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1310,7 +1305,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV2MeshBlock(ASE::Mesh &mesh) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("2", "*MESH"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshWeightsBlock(ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1344,7 +1338,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshWeightsBlock(ASE::Mesh &mesh) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_WEIGHTS"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshBones(unsigned int iNumBones, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1414,7 +1407,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshBonesVertices(unsigned int iNumVertices, ASE::Mesh &mes } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("4", "*MESH_BONE_VERTEX"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshVertexListBlock( @@ -1443,7 +1435,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshVertexListBlock( } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_VERTEX_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1470,7 +1461,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, ASE::Mesh &mesh) } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_FACE_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshTListBlock(unsigned int iNumVertices, @@ -1503,7 +1493,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshTListBlock(unsigned int iNumVertices, } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_TVERT_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshTFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, @@ -1532,7 +1521,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshTFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_TFACE_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MappingChannel(unsigned int iChannel, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1567,7 +1555,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MappingChannel(unsigned int iChannel, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_MAPPING_CHANNEL"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshCListBlock(unsigned int iNumVertices, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1595,7 +1582,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshCListBlock(unsigned int iNumVertices, ASE::Mesh &mesh) } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_CVERTEX_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshCFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1623,7 +1609,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshCFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, ASE::Mesh &mesh) } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_CFACE_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshNormalListBlock(ASE::Mesh &sMesh) { @@ -1681,7 +1666,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshNormalListBlock(ASE::Mesh &sMesh) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_NORMALS"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshFace(ASE::Face &out) { diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Assjson/cencode.c b/code/AssetLib/Assjson/cencode.c index 614a2671f..ec771536d 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Assjson/cencode.c +++ b/code/AssetLib/Assjson/cencode.c @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ For details, see http://sourceforge.net/projects/libb64 #include "cencode.h" // changed from -const int CHARS_PER_LINE = 72; +static const int CHARS_PER_LINE = 72; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push) diff --git a/code/AssetLib/B3D/B3DImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/B3D/B3DImporter.cpp index e87744603..bf8145798 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/B3D/B3DImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/B3D/B3DImporter.cpp @@ -418,7 +418,6 @@ void B3DImporter::ReadTRIS(int v0) { ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("Bad triangle index: i0=", i0, ", i1=", i1, ", i2=", i2); #endif Fail("Bad triangle index"); - continue; } face->mNumIndices = 3; face->mIndices = new unsigned[3]; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderCustomData.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderCustomData.cpp index c74a6bb75..2359482e1 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderCustomData.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderCustomData.cpp @@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ struct CustomDataTypeDescription { * other (like CD_ORCO, ...) uses arrays of rawtypes or even arrays of Structures * use a special readfunction for that cases */ -std::array customDataTypeDescriptions = { { DECL_STRUCT_CUSTOMDATATYPEDESCRIPTION(MVert), +static std::array customDataTypeDescriptions = { { + DECL_STRUCT_CUSTOMDATATYPEDESCRIPTION(MVert), DECL_UNSUPPORTED_CUSTOMDATATYPEDESCRIPTION, DECL_UNSUPPORTED_CUSTOMDATATYPEDESCRIPTION, DECL_STRUCT_CUSTOMDATATYPEDESCRIPTION(MEdge), diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.cpp index 3a9a02fd0..ac10d7302 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.cpp @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ void Structure ::Convert( const FileDatabase &db) const { ReadFieldArray(dest.co, "co", db); - ReadFieldArray(dest.no, "no", db); + ReadFieldArray(dest.no, "no", db); ReadField(dest.flag, "flag", db); //ReadField(dest.mat_nr,"mat_nr",db); ReadField(dest.bweight, "bweight", db); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaParser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaParser.cpp index cce6a0db6..fcadd08a7 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaParser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaParser.cpp @@ -1855,7 +1855,6 @@ size_t ColladaParser::ReadPrimitives(XmlNode &node, Mesh &pMesh, std::vectormAspect = cam.AspectWidth() / cam.AspectHeight(); + // NOTE: Camera mPosition, mLookAt and mUp must be set to default here. + // All transformations to the camera will be handled by its node in the scenegraph. out_camera->mPosition = aiVector3D(0.0f); out_camera->mLookAt = aiVector3D(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); out_camera->mUp = aiVector3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); @@ -640,7 +642,7 @@ void FBXConverter::GetRotationMatrix(Model::RotOrder mode, const aiVector3D &rot bool FBXConverter::NeedsComplexTransformationChain(const Model &model) { const PropertyTable &props = model.Props(); - const auto zero_epsilon = ai_epsilon; + const auto zero_epsilon = Math::getEpsilon(); const aiVector3D all_ones(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); for (size_t i = 0; i < TransformationComp_MAXIMUM; ++i) { const TransformationComp comp = static_cast(i); @@ -1180,15 +1182,23 @@ unsigned int FBXConverter::ConvertMeshSingleMaterial(const MeshGeometry &mesh, c std::vector animMeshes; for (const BlendShape *blendShape : mesh.GetBlendShapes()) { for (const BlendShapeChannel *blendShapeChannel : blendShape->BlendShapeChannels()) { - const std::vector &shapeGeometries = blendShapeChannel->GetShapeGeometries(); - for (size_t i = 0; i < shapeGeometries.size(); i++) { + const auto& shapeGeometries = blendShapeChannel->GetShapeGeometries(); + for (const ShapeGeometry *shapeGeometry : shapeGeometries) { aiAnimMesh *animMesh = aiCreateAnimMesh(out_mesh); - const ShapeGeometry *shapeGeometry = shapeGeometries.at(i); - const std::vector &curVertices = shapeGeometry->GetVertices(); - const std::vector &curNormals = shapeGeometry->GetNormals(); - const std::vector &curIndices = shapeGeometry->GetIndices(); + const auto &curVertices = shapeGeometry->GetVertices(); + const auto &curNormals = shapeGeometry->GetNormals(); + const auto &curIndices = shapeGeometry->GetIndices(); //losing channel name if using shapeGeometry->Name() - animMesh->mName.Set(FixAnimMeshName(blendShapeChannel->Name())); + // if blendShapeChannel Name is empty or don't have a ".", add geoMetryName; + auto aniName = FixAnimMeshName(blendShapeChannel->Name()); + auto geoMetryName = FixAnimMeshName(shapeGeometry->Name()); + if (aniName.empty()) { + aniName = geoMetryName; + } + else if (aniName.find('.') == aniName.npos) { + aniName += "." + geoMetryName; + } + animMesh->mName.Set(aniName); for (size_t j = 0; j < curIndices.size(); j++) { const unsigned int curIndex = curIndices.at(j); aiVector3D vertex = curVertices.at(j); @@ -1410,13 +1420,12 @@ unsigned int FBXConverter::ConvertMeshMultiMaterial(const MeshGeometry &mesh, co std::vector animMeshes; for (const BlendShape *blendShape : mesh.GetBlendShapes()) { for (const BlendShapeChannel *blendShapeChannel : blendShape->BlendShapeChannels()) { - const std::vector &shapeGeometries = blendShapeChannel->GetShapeGeometries(); - for (size_t i = 0; i < shapeGeometries.size(); i++) { + const auto& shapeGeometries = blendShapeChannel->GetShapeGeometries(); + for (const ShapeGeometry *shapeGeometry : shapeGeometries) { aiAnimMesh *animMesh = aiCreateAnimMesh(out_mesh); - const ShapeGeometry *shapeGeometry = shapeGeometries.at(i); - const std::vector &curVertices = shapeGeometry->GetVertices(); - const std::vector &curNormals = shapeGeometry->GetNormals(); - const std::vector &curIndices = shapeGeometry->GetIndices(); + const auto& curVertices = shapeGeometry->GetVertices(); + const auto& curNormals = shapeGeometry->GetNormals(); + const auto& curIndices = shapeGeometry->GetIndices(); animMesh->mName.Set(FixAnimMeshName(shapeGeometry->Name())); for (size_t j = 0; j < curIndices.size(); j++) { unsigned int curIndex = curIndices.at(j); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDeformer.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDeformer.cpp index df134a401..1aab55ea9 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDeformer.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDeformer.cpp @@ -154,8 +154,10 @@ BlendShape::BlendShape(uint64_t id, const Element& element, const Document& doc, for (const Connection* con : conns) { const BlendShapeChannel* const bspc = ProcessSimpleConnection(*con, false, "BlendShapeChannel -> BlendShape", element); if (bspc) { - blendShapeChannels.push_back(bspc); - continue; + auto pr = blendShapeChannels.insert(bspc); + if (!pr.second) { + FBXImporter::LogWarn("there is the same blendShapeChannel id ", bspc->ID()); + } } } } @@ -179,8 +181,10 @@ BlendShapeChannel::BlendShapeChannel(uint64_t id, const Element& element, const for (const Connection* con : conns) { const ShapeGeometry* const sg = ProcessSimpleConnection(*con, false, "Shape -> BlendShapeChannel", element); if (sg) { - shapeGeometries.push_back(sg); - continue; + auto pr = shapeGeometries.insert(sg); + if (!pr.second) { + FBXImporter::LogWarn("there is the same shapeGeometrie id ", sg->ID()); + } } } } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.h b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.h index 8873d65fd..821d4d5cb 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.h @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #define INCLUDED_AI_FBX_DOCUMENT_H #include +#include #include #include #include "FBXProperties.h" @@ -855,14 +856,14 @@ public: return fullWeights; } - const std::vector& GetShapeGeometries() const { + const std::unordered_set& GetShapeGeometries() const { return shapeGeometries; } private: float percent; WeightArray fullWeights; - std::vector shapeGeometries; + std::unordered_set shapeGeometries; }; /** DOM class for BlendShape deformers */ @@ -872,12 +873,12 @@ public: virtual ~BlendShape(); - const std::vector& BlendShapeChannels() const { + const std::unordered_set& BlendShapeChannels() const { return blendShapeChannels; } private: - std::vector blendShapeChannels; + std::unordered_set blendShapeChannels; }; /** DOM class for skin deformer clusters (aka sub-deformers) */ diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMaterial.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMaterial.cpp index 2677d652a..2f575a511 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMaterial.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMaterial.cpp @@ -138,20 +138,6 @@ Material::Material(uint64_t id, const Element& element, const Document& doc, con // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Material::~Material() = default; - aiVector2D uvTrans; - aiVector2D uvScaling; - ai_real uvRotation; - - std::string type; - std::string relativeFileName; - std::string fileName; - std::string alphaSource; - std::shared_ptr props; - - unsigned int crop[4]{}; - - const Video* media; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Texture::Texture(uint64_t id, const Element& element, const Document& doc, const std::string& name) : Object(id,element,name), diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.cpp index ace4ad749..fcbaac169 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.cpp @@ -69,13 +69,16 @@ Geometry::Geometry(uint64_t id, const Element& element, const std::string& name, } const BlendShape* const bsp = ProcessSimpleConnection(*con, false, "BlendShape -> Geometry", element); if (bsp) { - blendShapes.push_back(bsp); + auto pr = blendShapes.insert(bsp); + if (!pr.second) { + FBXImporter::LogWarn("there is the same blendShape id ", bsp->ID()); + } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -const std::vector& Geometry::GetBlendShapes() const { +const std::unordered_set& Geometry::GetBlendShapes() const { return blendShapes; } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.h b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.h index f4a1a2673..3d67ec567 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.h @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public: /// @param name The name instance /// @param doc The document instance Geometry( uint64_t id, const Element& element, const std::string& name, const Document& doc ); - + /// @brief The class destructor, default. virtual ~Geometry() = default; @@ -72,11 +72,12 @@ public: /// @brief Get the BlendShape attached to this geometry or nullptr /// @return The blendshape arrays. - const std::vector& GetBlendShapes() const; + const std::unordered_set& GetBlendShapes() const; private: const Skin* skin; - std::vector blendShapes; + std::unordered_set blendShapes; + }; typedef std::vector MatIndexArray; @@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ public: /// @return The binomal vector. const std::vector& GetBinormals() const; - /// @brief Return list of faces - each entry denotes a face and specifies how many vertices it has. + /// @brief Return list of faces - each entry denotes a face and specifies how many vertices it has. /// Vertices are taken from the vertex data arrays in sequential order. /// @return The face indices vector. const std::vector& GetFaceIndexCounts() const; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.cpp index d71321452..11cd1a934 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.cpp @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ namespace { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + AI_WONT_RETURN void ParseError(const std::string& message, TokenPtr token) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; void ParseError(const std::string& message, TokenPtr token) { if(token) { @@ -188,15 +189,19 @@ Scope::Scope(Parser& parser,bool topLevel) ParseError("unexpected content: empty string."); } - elements.insert(ElementMap::value_type(str,new_Element(*n,parser))); + auto *element = new_Element(*n, parser); // Element() should stop at the next Key token (or right after a Close token) n = parser.CurrentToken(); if (n == nullptr) { if (topLevel) { + elements.insert(ElementMap::value_type(str, element)); return; } + delete element; ParseError("unexpected end of file",parser.LastToken()); + } else { + elements.insert(ElementMap::value_type(str, element)); } } } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.h index 95ce0a9eb..4d5f5f22f 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.h @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ protected: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Import a HMP4 file */ - void InternReadFile_HMP4(); + AI_WONT_RETURN void InternReadFile_HMP4() AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Import a HMP5 file diff --git a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOBLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOBLoader.cpp index a61e49a7f..e49adcf98 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOBLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOBLoader.cpp @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ void LWOImporter::LoadLWOBFile() if (mFileBuffer + head.length > end) { throw DeadlyImportError("LWOB: Invalid chunk length"); - break; } uint8_t* const next = mFileBuffer+head.length; switch (head.type) diff --git a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOLoader.cpp index dc7015d34..7e93b65f8 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOLoader.cpp @@ -1484,7 +1484,6 @@ void LWOImporter::LoadLWO2File() { if (mFileBuffer + head.length > end) { throw DeadlyImportError("LWO2: Chunk length points behind the file"); - break; } uint8_t *const next = mFileBuffer + head.length; mFileBuffer += bufOffset; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOMaterial.cpp b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOMaterial.cpp index 50bac884b..8d83dfb67 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOMaterial.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOMaterial.cpp @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ void LWOImporter::ConvertMaterial(const LWO::Surface &surf, aiMaterial *pcMat) { // (the diffuse value is just a scaling factor) // If a diffuse texture is set, we set this value to 1.0 - clr = (b && false ? aiColor3D(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) : surf.mColor); + clr = (b ? aiColor3D(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) : surf.mColor); clr.r *= surf.mDiffuseValue; clr.g *= surf.mDiffuseValue; clr.b *= surf.mDiffuseValue; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.h b/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.h index bb4843cf9..ad7367e2a 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.h @@ -365,9 +365,7 @@ public: static void ReportWarning (const char* warn, unsigned int line); - void ReportError (const char* error) { - return ReportError(error, lineNumber); - } + AI_WONT_RETURN void ReportError (const char* error) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; void ReportWarning (const char* warn) { return ReportWarning(warn, lineNumber); @@ -404,6 +402,9 @@ private: unsigned int lineNumber; }; +inline void MD5Parser::ReportError(const char* error) { + ReportError(error, lineNumber); +} // ------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool MD5Parser::SkipLine(const char* in, const char** out) { ++lineNumber; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.cpp index 93d37536c..a8141fcc1 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.cpp @@ -470,14 +470,16 @@ void HL1MDLLoader::read_bones() { temp_bones_.resize(header_->numbones); + // Create the main 'bones' node that will contain all MDL root bones. aiNode *bones_node = new aiNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BONES); rootnode_children_.push_back(bones_node); - bones_node->mNumChildren = static_cast(header_->numbones); - bones_node->mChildren = new aiNode *[bones_node->mNumChildren]; + + // Store roots bones IDs temporarily. + std::vector roots; // Create bone matrices in local space. for (int i = 0; i < header_->numbones; ++i) { - aiNode *bone_node = temp_bones_[i].node = bones_node->mChildren[i] = new aiNode(unique_bones_names[i]); + aiNode *bone_node = temp_bones_[i].node = new aiNode(unique_bones_names[i]); aiVector3D angles(pbone[i].value[3], pbone[i].value[4], pbone[i].value[5]); temp_bones_[i].absolute_transform = bone_node->mTransformation = @@ -485,9 +487,11 @@ void HL1MDLLoader::read_bones() { aiVector3D(pbone[i].value[0], pbone[i].value[1], pbone[i].value[2])); if (pbone[i].parent == -1) { - bone_node->mParent = scene_->mRootNode; + bone_node->mParent = bones_node; + roots.push_back(i); // This bone has no parent. Add it to the roots list. } else { - bone_node->mParent = bones_node->mChildren[pbone[i].parent]; + bone_node->mParent = temp_bones_[pbone[i].parent].node; + temp_bones_[pbone[i].parent].children.push_back(i); // Add this bone to the parent bone's children list. temp_bones_[i].absolute_transform = temp_bones_[pbone[i].parent].absolute_transform * bone_node->mTransformation; @@ -496,6 +500,36 @@ void HL1MDLLoader::read_bones() { temp_bones_[i].offset_matrix = temp_bones_[i].absolute_transform; temp_bones_[i].offset_matrix.Inverse(); } + + // Allocate memory for each MDL root bone. + bones_node->mNumChildren = static_cast(roots.size()); + bones_node->mChildren = new aiNode *[bones_node->mNumChildren]; + + // Build all bones children hierarchy starting from each MDL root bone. + for (size_t i = 0; i < roots.size(); ++i) + { + const TempBone &root_bone = temp_bones_[roots[i]]; + bones_node->mChildren[i] = root_bone.node; + build_bone_children_hierarchy(root_bone); + } +} + +void HL1MDLLoader::build_bone_children_hierarchy(const TempBone &bone) +{ + if (bone.children.empty()) + return; + + aiNode* bone_node = bone.node; + bone_node->mNumChildren = static_cast(bone.children.size()); + bone_node->mChildren = new aiNode *[bone_node->mNumChildren]; + + // Build each child bone's hierarchy recursively. + for (size_t i = 0; i < bone.children.size(); ++i) + { + const TempBone &child_bone = temp_bones_[bone.children[i]]; + bone_node->mChildren[i] = child_bone.node; + build_bone_children_hierarchy(child_bone); + } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.h index 0dba5099d..286b6e64c 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.h @@ -143,6 +143,14 @@ private: */ static bool get_num_blend_controllers(const int num_blend_animations, int &num_blend_controllers); + /** + * \brief Build a bone's node children hierarchy. + * + * \param[in] bone The bone for which we must build all children hierarchy. + */ + struct TempBone; + void build_bone_children_hierarchy(const TempBone& bone); + /** Output scene to be filled */ aiScene *scene_; @@ -198,11 +206,13 @@ private: TempBone() : node(nullptr), absolute_transform(), - offset_matrix() {} + offset_matrix(), + children() {} aiNode *node; aiMatrix4x4 absolute_transform; aiMatrix4x4 offset_matrix; + std::vector children; // Bone children }; std::vector temp_bones_; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.h index b7d87e88d..433100938 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.h @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ protected: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Import a CS:S/HL2 MDL file (not fully implemented) */ - void InternReadFile_HL2( ); + AI_WONT_RETURN void InternReadFile_HL2( ) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Check whether a given position is inside the valid range diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDPmxParser.h b/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDPmxParser.h index f2e387975..424fc725a 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDPmxParser.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDPmxParser.h @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include +#include #include "MMDCpp14.h" namespace pmx @@ -730,7 +731,7 @@ namespace pmx std::unique_ptr anchers; int pin_vertex_count; std::unique_ptr pin_vertices; - void Read(std::istream *stream, PmxSetting *setting); + AI_WONT_RETURN void Read(std::istream *stream, PmxSetting *setting) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; }; class PmxModel diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileImporter.cpp index 189757815..cf4515794 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileImporter.cpp @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Copyright (c) 2006-2020, assimp team +Copyright (c) 2006-2023, assimp team All rights reserved. @@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ ObjFileImporter::ObjFileImporter() : // Destructor. ObjFileImporter::~ObjFileImporter() { delete m_pRootObject; - m_pRootObject = nullptr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -270,7 +269,7 @@ aiNode *ObjFileImporter::createNodes(const ObjFile::Model *pModel, const ObjFile for (size_t i = 0; i < pObject->m_Meshes.size(); ++i) { unsigned int meshId = pObject->m_Meshes[i]; aiMesh *pMesh = createTopology(pModel, pObject, meshId); - if (pMesh) { + if (pMesh != nullptr) { if (pMesh->mNumFaces > 0) { MeshArray.push_back(pMesh); } else { @@ -324,14 +323,13 @@ aiMesh *ObjFileImporter::createTopology(const ObjFile::Model *pModel, const ObjF return nullptr; } - std::unique_ptr pMesh(new aiMesh); + aiMesh *pMesh = new aiMesh; if (!pObjMesh->m_name.empty()) { pMesh->mName.Set(pObjMesh->m_name); } for (size_t index = 0; index < pObjMesh->m_Faces.size(); index++) { const ObjFile::Face *inp = pObjMesh->m_Faces[index]; - //ai_assert(nullptr != inp); if (inp->mPrimitiveType == aiPrimitiveType_LINE) { pMesh->mNumFaces += static_cast(inp->m_vertices.size() - 1); @@ -387,9 +385,9 @@ aiMesh *ObjFileImporter::createTopology(const ObjFile::Model *pModel, const ObjF } // Create mesh vertices - createVertexArray(pModel, pData, meshIndex, pMesh.get(), uiIdxCount); + createVertexArray(pModel, pData, meshIndex, pMesh, uiIdxCount); - return pMesh.release(); + return pMesh; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileParser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileParser.cpp index c7121083a..ed416dc93 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileParser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileParser.cpp @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ void ObjFileParser::parseFile(IOStreamBuffer &streamBuffer) { getNameNoSpace(m_DataIt, m_DataItEnd, name); insideCstype = name == "cstype"; goto pf_skip_line; - } break; + } default: { pf_skip_line: diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreXmlSerializer.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreXmlSerializer.cpp index a8faaec34..8a1b88510 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreXmlSerializer.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreXmlSerializer.cpp @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace Assimp { namespace Ogre { //AI_WONT_RETURN void ThrowAttibuteError(const XmlParser *reader, const std::string &name, const std::string &error = "") AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; - +AI_WONT_RETURN void ThrowAttibuteError(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &name, const std::string &error) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; AI_WONT_RETURN void ThrowAttibuteError(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &name, const std::string &error) { if (!error.empty()) { throw DeadlyImportError(error, " in node '", nodeName, "' and attribute '", name, "'"); @@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ bool OgreXmlSerializer::ReadAttribute(XmlNode &xmlNode, const char *name) } ThrowAttibuteError(xmlNode.name(), name, "Boolean value is expected to be 'true' or 'false', encountered '" + value + "'"); - return false; } // Mesh XML constants diff --git a/code/AssetLib/OpenGEX/OpenGEXImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/OpenGEX/OpenGEXImporter.cpp index 1bd981656..16268ead5 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/OpenGEX/OpenGEXImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/OpenGEX/OpenGEXImporter.cpp @@ -460,14 +460,12 @@ void OpenGEXImporter::handleMetricNode(DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { void OpenGEXImporter::handleNameNode(DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { if (nullptr == m_currentNode) { throw DeadlyImportError("No current node for name."); - return; } Value *val(node->getValue()); if (nullptr != val) { if (Value::ValueType::ddl_string != val->m_type) { throw DeadlyImportError("OpenGEX: invalid data type for value in node name."); - return; } const std::string name(val->getString()); @@ -508,7 +506,6 @@ static void getRefNames(DDLNode *node, std::vector &names) { void OpenGEXImporter::handleObjectRefNode(DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { if (nullptr == m_currentNode) { throw DeadlyImportError("No parent node for name."); - return; } std::vector objRefNames; @@ -532,7 +529,6 @@ void OpenGEXImporter::handleObjectRefNode(DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { void OpenGEXImporter::handleMaterialRefNode(ODDLParser::DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { if (nullptr == m_currentNode) { throw DeadlyImportError("No parent node for name."); - return; } std::vector matRefNames; @@ -672,14 +668,12 @@ static void setMatrix(aiNode *node, DataArrayList *transformData) { void OpenGEXImporter::handleTransformNode(ODDLParser::DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { if (nullptr == m_currentNode) { throw DeadlyImportError("No parent node for name."); - return; } DataArrayList *transformData(node->getDataArrayList()); if (nullptr != transformData) { if (transformData->m_numItems != 16) { throw DeadlyImportError("Invalid number of data for transform matrix."); - return; } setMatrix(m_currentNode, transformData); } @@ -835,7 +829,6 @@ static void copyColor4DArray(size_t numItems, DataArrayList *vaList, aiColor4D * void OpenGEXImporter::handleVertexArrayNode(ODDLParser::DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { if (nullptr == node) { throw DeadlyImportError("No parent node for name."); - return; } Property *prop = node->getProperties(); @@ -876,12 +869,10 @@ void OpenGEXImporter::handleVertexArrayNode(ODDLParser::DDLNode *node, aiScene * void OpenGEXImporter::handleIndexArrayNode(ODDLParser::DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { if (nullptr == node) { throw DeadlyImportError("No parent node for name."); - return; } if (nullptr == m_currentMesh) { throw DeadlyImportError("No current mesh for index data found."); - return; } DataArrayList *vaList = node->getDataArrayList(); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Q3D/Q3DLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Q3D/Q3DLoader.cpp index a91788c78..22d1065de 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Q3D/Q3DLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Q3D/Q3DLoader.cpp @@ -382,11 +382,10 @@ void Q3DImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, // TODO goto outer; - } break; + } default: throw DeadlyImportError("Quick3D: Unknown chunk"); - break; }; } outer: diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Raw/RawLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/Raw/RawLoader.h index 6e4c4d110..54314f728 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Raw/RawLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Raw/RawLoader.h @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ namespace Assimp { class RAWImporter : public BaseImporter { public: RAWImporter(); - ~RAWImporter(); + ~RAWImporter() override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. diff --git a/code/AssetLib/SIB/SIBImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/SIB/SIBImporter.cpp index 323a69a00..9f299180b 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/SIB/SIBImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/SIB/SIBImporter.cpp @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static const aiImporterDesc desc = { struct SIBChunk { uint32_t Tag; uint32_t Size; -} PACK_STRUCT; +}; enum { POS, diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Unreal/UnrealLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/Unreal/UnrealLoader.h index a931a86dd..fda784cfb 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Unreal/UnrealLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Unreal/UnrealLoader.h @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace Assimp { class UnrealImporter : public BaseImporter { public: UnrealImporter(); - ~UnrealImporter(); + ~UnrealImporter() override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @brief Returns whether we can handle the format of the given file diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X/XFileParser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/X/XFileParser.cpp index 8786c3166..770c75a77 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X/XFileParser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X/XFileParser.cpp @@ -839,7 +839,6 @@ void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectAnimationKey(AnimBone *pAnimBone) { default: ThrowException("Unknown key type ", keyType, " in animation."); - break; } // end switch // key separator diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.hpp b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.hpp index 8852b71ec..705a2472e 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.hpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.hpp @@ -55,6 +55,18 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include namespace Assimp { +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_ArgOutOfRange(const std::string &argument) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_CloseNotFound(const std::string &node) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrValue) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrD(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrValue) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrB(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrValue) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrI(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrValue) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_DEF_And_USE(const std::string &nodeName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_IncorrectAttr(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_IncorrectAttrValue(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_MoreThanOnceDefined(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pNodeType, const std::string &pDescription) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_TagCountIncorrect(const std::string &pNode) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_USE_NotFound(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrValue) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; inline void Throw_ArgOutOfRange(const std::string &argument) { throw DeadlyImportError("Argument value is out of range for: \"" + argument + "\"."); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DXmlHelper.cpp b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DXmlHelper.cpp index ff24b74b3..7ed2e8237 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DXmlHelper.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DXmlHelper.cpp @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ bool X3DXmlHelper::getColor3DAttribute(XmlNode &node, const char *attributeName, tokenize(val, values, " "); if (values.size() != 3) { Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(node.name(), attributeName); - return false; } auto it = values.begin(); color.r = stof(*it++); @@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ bool X3DXmlHelper::getVector2DAttribute(XmlNode &node, const char *attributeName tokenize(val, values, " "); if (values.size() != 2) { Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(node.name(), attributeName); - return false; } auto it = values.begin(); color.x = stof(*it++); @@ -47,7 +45,6 @@ bool X3DXmlHelper::getVector3DAttribute(XmlNode &node, const char *attributeName tokenize(val, values, " "); if (values.size() != 3) { Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(node.name(), attributeName); - return false; } auto it = values.begin(); color.x = stof(*it++); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFAsset.h b/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFAsset.h index d2ae84b49..b5e6375ad 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFAsset.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFAsset.h @@ -513,21 +513,22 @@ struct Camera : public Object { }; Type type; + struct Perspective { + float aspectRatio; //! - void ExtractData(T *&outData); + size_t ExtractData(T *&outData, const std::vector *remappingIndices = nullptr); void WriteData(size_t count, const void *src_buffer, size_t src_stride); void WriteSparseValues(size_t count, const void *src_data, size_t src_dataStride); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.inl b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.inl index 0e2998357..b4ea77c79 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.inl +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.inl @@ -962,14 +962,15 @@ inline size_t Accessor::GetMaxByteSize() { } template -void Accessor::ExtractData(T *&outData) { +size_t Accessor::ExtractData(T *&outData, const std::vector *remappingIndices) { uint8_t *data = GetPointer(); if (!data) { throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF2: data is null when extracting data from ", getContextForErrorMessages(id, name)); } + const size_t usedCount = (remappingIndices != nullptr) ? remappingIndices->size() : count; const size_t elemSize = GetElementSize(); - const size_t totalSize = elemSize * count; + const size_t totalSize = elemSize * usedCount; const size_t stride = GetStride(); @@ -980,18 +981,31 @@ void Accessor::ExtractData(T *&outData) { } const size_t maxSize = GetMaxByteSize(); - if (count * stride > maxSize) { - throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: count*stride ", (count * stride), " > maxSize ", maxSize, " in ", getContextForErrorMessages(id, name)); - } - outData = new T[count]; - if (stride == elemSize && targetElemSize == elemSize) { - memcpy(outData, data, totalSize); - } else { - for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { - memcpy(outData + i, data + i * stride, elemSize); + outData = new T[usedCount]; + + if (remappingIndices != nullptr) { + const unsigned int maxIndex = static_cast(maxSize / stride - 1); + for (size_t i = 0; i < usedCount; ++i) { + size_t srcIdx = (*remappingIndices)[i]; + if (srcIdx > maxIndex) { + throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: index*stride ", (srcIdx * stride), " > maxSize ", maxSize, " in ", getContextForErrorMessages(id, name)); + } + memcpy(outData + i, data + srcIdx * stride, elemSize); + } + } else { // non-indexed cases + if (usedCount * stride > maxSize) { + throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: count*stride ", (usedCount * stride), " > maxSize ", maxSize, " in ", getContextForErrorMessages(id, name)); + } + if (stride == elemSize && targetElemSize == elemSize) { + memcpy(outData, data, totalSize); + } else { + for (size_t i = 0; i < usedCount; ++i) { + memcpy(outData + i, data + i * stride, elemSize); + } } } + return usedCount; } inline void Accessor::WriteData(size_t _count, const void *src_buffer, size_t src_stride) { diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.cpp b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.cpp index d30556806..394264a12 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.cpp @@ -453,6 +453,11 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { unsigned int k = 0; meshOffsets.clear(); + + std::vector usedVertexIndices; + std::vector reverseMappingIndices; + std::vector indexBuffer; + for (unsigned int m = 0; m < r.meshes.Size(); ++m) { Mesh &mesh = r.meshes[m]; @@ -462,6 +467,50 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { for (unsigned int p = 0; p < mesh.primitives.size(); ++p) { Mesh::Primitive &prim = mesh.primitives[p]; + Mesh::Primitive::Attributes &attr = prim.attributes; + + // Find out the maximum number of vertices: + size_t numAllVertices = 0; + if (!attr.position.empty() && attr.position[0]) { + numAllVertices = attr.position[0]->count; + } + + // Extract used vertices: + bool useIndexBuffer = prim.indices; + std::vector* vertexRemappingTable = nullptr; + if (useIndexBuffer) { + size_t count = prim.indices->count; + indexBuffer.resize(count); + usedVertexIndices.clear(); + reverseMappingIndices.clear(); + usedVertexIndices.reserve(count / 3); // this is a very rough heuristic to reduce re-allocations + vertexRemappingTable = &usedVertexIndices; + Accessor::Indexer data = prim.indices->GetIndexer(); + if (!data.IsValid()) { + throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Invalid accessor without data in mesh ", getContextForErrorMessages(mesh.id, mesh.name)); + } + + // Build the vertex remapping table and the modified index buffer (used later instead of the original one) + // In case no index buffer is used, the original vertex arrays are being used so no remapping is required in the first place. + const unsigned int unusedIndex = ~0u; + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { + unsigned int index = data.GetUInt(i); + if (index >= numAllVertices) { + // Out-of-range indices will be filtered out when adding the faces and then lead to a warning. At this stage, we just keep them. + indexBuffer[i] = index; + continue; + } + if (index >= reverseMappingIndices.size()) { + reverseMappingIndices.resize(index + 1, unusedIndex); + } + if (reverseMappingIndices[index] == unusedIndex) { + reverseMappingIndices[index] = static_cast(usedVertexIndices.size()); + usedVertexIndices.push_back(index); + } + indexBuffer[i] = reverseMappingIndices[index]; + } + } + aiMesh *aim = new aiMesh(); meshes.push_back(std::unique_ptr(aim)); @@ -491,28 +540,25 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { break; } - Mesh::Primitive::Attributes &attr = prim.attributes; - if (!attr.position.empty() && attr.position[0]) { - aim->mNumVertices = static_cast(attr.position[0]->count); - attr.position[0]->ExtractData(aim->mVertices); + aim->mNumVertices = static_cast(attr.position[0]->ExtractData(aim->mVertices, vertexRemappingTable)); } if (!attr.normal.empty() && attr.normal[0]) { - if (attr.normal[0]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (attr.normal[0]->count != numAllVertices) { DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Normal count in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count, normals ignored."); } else { - attr.normal[0]->ExtractData(aim->mNormals); + attr.normal[0]->ExtractData(aim->mNormals, vertexRemappingTable); // only extract tangents if normals are present if (!attr.tangent.empty() && attr.tangent[0]) { - if (attr.tangent[0]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (attr.tangent[0]->count != numAllVertices) { DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Tangent count in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count, tangents ignored."); } else { // generate bitangents from normals and tangents according to spec Tangent *tangents = nullptr; - attr.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangents); + attr.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangents, vertexRemappingTable); aim->mTangents = new aiVector3D[aim->mNumVertices]; aim->mBitangents = new aiVector3D[aim->mNumVertices]; @@ -529,7 +575,7 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { } for (size_t c = 0; c < attr.color.size() && c < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS; ++c) { - if (attr.color[c]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (attr.color[c]->count != numAllVertices) { DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Color stream size in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count"); continue; @@ -537,7 +583,7 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { auto componentType = attr.color[c]->componentType; if (componentType == glTF2::ComponentType_FLOAT) { - attr.color[c]->ExtractData(aim->mColors[c]); + attr.color[c]->ExtractData(aim->mColors[c], vertexRemappingTable); } else { if (componentType == glTF2::ComponentType_UNSIGNED_BYTE) { aim->mColors[c] = GetVertexColorsForType(attr.color[c]); @@ -552,13 +598,13 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { continue; } - if (attr.texcoord[tc]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (attr.texcoord[tc]->count != numAllVertices) { DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Texcoord stream size in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count"); continue; } - attr.texcoord[tc]->ExtractData(aim->mTextureCoords[tc]); + attr.texcoord[tc]->ExtractData(aim->mTextureCoords[tc], vertexRemappingTable); aim->mNumUVComponents[tc] = attr.texcoord[tc]->GetNumComponents(); aiVector3D *values = aim->mTextureCoords[tc]; @@ -583,11 +629,11 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { Mesh::Primitive::Target &target = targets[i]; if (needPositions) { - if (target.position[0]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (target.position[0]->count != numAllVertices) { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Positions of target ", i, " in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count"); } else { aiVector3D *positionDiff = nullptr; - target.position[0]->ExtractData(positionDiff); + target.position[0]->ExtractData(positionDiff, vertexRemappingTable); for (unsigned int vertexId = 0; vertexId < aim->mNumVertices; vertexId++) { aiAnimMesh.mVertices[vertexId] += positionDiff[vertexId]; } @@ -595,11 +641,11 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { } } if (needNormals) { - if (target.normal[0]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (target.normal[0]->count != numAllVertices) { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Normals of target ", i, " in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count"); } else { aiVector3D *normalDiff = nullptr; - target.normal[0]->ExtractData(normalDiff); + target.normal[0]->ExtractData(normalDiff, vertexRemappingTable); for (unsigned int vertexId = 0; vertexId < aim->mNumVertices; vertexId++) { aiAnimMesh.mNormals[vertexId] += normalDiff[vertexId]; } @@ -610,14 +656,14 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { if (!aiAnimMesh.HasNormals()) { // prevent nullptr access to aiAnimMesh.mNormals below when no normals are available ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Bitangents of target ", i, " in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" can't be computed, because mesh has no normals."); - } else if (target.tangent[0]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + } else if (target.tangent[0]->count != numAllVertices) { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Tangents of target ", i, " in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count"); } else { Tangent *tangent = nullptr; - attr.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangent); + attr.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangent, vertexRemappingTable); aiVector3D *tangentDiff = nullptr; - target.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangentDiff); + target.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangentDiff, vertexRemappingTable); for (unsigned int vertexId = 0; vertexId < aim->mNumVertices; ++vertexId) { tangent[vertexId].xyz += tangentDiff[vertexId]; @@ -641,20 +687,15 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { aiFace *facePtr = nullptr; size_t nFaces = 0; - if (prim.indices) { - size_t count = prim.indices->count; - - Accessor::Indexer data = prim.indices->GetIndexer(); - if (!data.IsValid()) { - throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Invalid accessor without data in mesh ", getContextForErrorMessages(mesh.id, mesh.name)); - } + if (useIndexBuffer) { + size_t count = indexBuffer.size(); switch (prim.mode) { case PrimitiveMode_POINTS: { nFaces = count; facePtr = faces = new aiFace[nFaces]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { - SetFaceAndAdvance1(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i)); + SetFaceAndAdvance1(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i]); } break; } @@ -667,7 +708,7 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { } facePtr = faces = new aiFace[nFaces]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { - SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i), data.GetUInt(i + 1)); + SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i], indexBuffer[i + 1]); } break; } @@ -676,12 +717,12 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { case PrimitiveMode_LINE_STRIP: { nFaces = count - ((prim.mode == PrimitiveMode_LINE_STRIP) ? 1 : 0); facePtr = faces = new aiFace[nFaces]; - SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(0), data.GetUInt(1)); + SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[0], indexBuffer[1]); for (unsigned int i = 2; i < count; ++i) { - SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i - 1), data.GetUInt(i)); + SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i - 1], indexBuffer[i]); } if (prim.mode == PrimitiveMode_LINE_LOOP) { // close the loop - SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(static_cast(count) - 1), faces[0].mIndices[0]); + SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[static_cast(count) - 1], faces[0].mIndices[0]); } break; } @@ -694,7 +735,7 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { } facePtr = faces = new aiFace[nFaces]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i += 3) { - SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i), data.GetUInt(i + 1), data.GetUInt(i + 2)); + SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i], indexBuffer[i + 1], indexBuffer[i + 2]); } break; } @@ -705,10 +746,10 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { // The ordering is to ensure that the triangles are all drawn with the same orientation if ((i + 1) % 2 == 0) { // For even n, vertices n + 1, n, and n + 2 define triangle n - SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i + 1), data.GetUInt(i), data.GetUInt(i + 2)); + SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i + 1], indexBuffer[i], indexBuffer[i + 2]); } else { // For odd n, vertices n, n+1, and n+2 define triangle n - SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i), data.GetUInt(i + 1), data.GetUInt(i + 2)); + SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i], indexBuffer[i + 1], indexBuffer[i + 2]); } } break; @@ -716,9 +757,9 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { case PrimitiveMode_TRIANGLE_FAN: nFaces = count - 2; facePtr = faces = new aiFace[nFaces]; - SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(0), data.GetUInt(1), data.GetUInt(2)); + SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[0], indexBuffer[1], indexBuffer[2]); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < nFaces; ++i) { - SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(0), data.GetUInt(i + 1), data.GetUInt(i + 2)); + SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[0], indexBuffer[i + 1], indexBuffer[i + 2]); } break; } @@ -1172,11 +1213,6 @@ aiNode *ImportNode(aiScene *pScene, glTF2::Asset &r, std::vector & if (node.camera) { pScene->mCameras[node.camera.GetIndex()]->mName = ainode->mName; - if (node.translation.isPresent) { - aiVector3D trans; - CopyValue(node.translation.value, trans); - pScene->mCameras[node.camera.GetIndex()]->mPosition = trans; - } } if (node.light) { diff --git a/code/CMakeLists.txt b/code/CMakeLists.txt index ba5415fe0..02ba7a08e 100644 --- a/code/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/code/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1195,7 +1195,61 @@ TARGET_USE_COMMON_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY(assimp) IF (ASSIMP_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS) MESSAGE(STATUS "Treating all warnings as errors (for assimp library only)") IF (MSVC) - TARGET_COMPILE_OPTIONS(assimp PRIVATE /W4 /WX) + + IF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" ) # clang-cl + TARGET_COMPILE_OPTIONS(assimp PRIVATE -Wall -Werror + -Wno-unused-function + -Wno-microsoft-enum-value + -Wno-switch-enum + -Wno-covered-switch-default + -Wno-reserved-identifier + -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic + -Wno-c++98-compat + -Wno-documentation + -Wno-documentation-unknown-command + -Wno-deprecated-dynamic-exception-spec + -Wno-undef + -Wno-suggest-destructor-override + -Wno-suggest-override + -Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant + -Wno-global-constructors + -Wno-exit-time-destructors + -Wno-extra-semi-stmt + -Wno-missing-prototypes + -Wno-old-style-cast + -Wno-cast-align + -Wno-cast-qual + -Wno-float-equal + -Wno-implicit-int-float-conversion + -Wno-sign-conversion + -Wno-implicit-float-conversion + -Wno-implicit-int-conversion + -Wno-float-conversion + -Wno-double-promotion + -Wno-unused-macros + -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion + -Wno-shadow-field + -Wno-shadow + -Wno-language-extension-token + -Wno-header-hygiene + -Wno-tautological-value-range-compare + -Wno-tautological-type-limit-compare + -Wno-missing-variable-declarations + -Wno-extra-semi + -Wno-nonportable-system-include-path + -Wno-undefined-reinterpret-cast + -Wno-shift-sign-overflow + -Wno-deprecated + -Wno-format-nonliteral + -Wno-comma + -Wno-implicit-fallthrough + -Wno-unused-template + -Wno-undefined-func-template + -Wno-declaration-after-statement + ) + ELSE() + TARGET_COMPILE_OPTIONS(assimp PRIVATE /W4 /WX) + ENDIF() ELSE() TARGET_COMPILE_OPTIONS(assimp PRIVATE -Wall -Werror) ENDIF() diff --git a/code/Common/ImporterRegistry.cpp b/code/Common/ImporterRegistry.cpp index 78c02d96d..c67fee936 100644 --- a/code/Common/ImporterRegistry.cpp +++ b/code/Common/ImporterRegistry.cpp @@ -214,7 +214,12 @@ void GetImporterInstanceList(std::vector &out) { // Some importers may be unimplemented or otherwise unsuitable for general use // in their current state. Devs can set ASSIMP_ENABLE_DEV_IMPORTERS in their // local environment to enable them, otherwise they're left out of the registry. +#if defined(WINAPI_FAMILY) && WINAPI_FAMILY == WINAPI_FAMILY_DESKTOP_APP + // not supported under uwp const char *envStr = std::getenv("ASSIMP_ENABLE_DEV_IMPORTERS"); +#else + const char *envStr = { "0" }; +#endif bool devImportersEnabled = envStr && strcmp(envStr, "0"); // Ensure no unused var warnings if all uses are #ifndef'd away below: @@ -377,9 +382,6 @@ void GetImporterInstanceList(std::vector &out) { #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_IQM_IMPORTER out.push_back(new IQMImporter()); #endif - //#ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_STEP_IMPORTER - // out.push_back(new StepFile::StepFileImporter()); - //#endif } /** will delete all registered importers. */ diff --git a/code/Common/PolyTools.h b/code/Common/PolyTools.h index 9837a2991..a5bd1090b 100644 --- a/code/Common/PolyTools.h +++ b/code/Common/PolyTools.h @@ -74,26 +74,8 @@ inline bool OnLeftSideOfLine2D(const T& p0, const T& p1,const T& p2) { * both aiVector3D and aiVector2D, but generally ignores the third coordinate.*/ template inline bool PointInTriangle2D(const T& p0, const T& p1,const T& p2, const T& pp) { - // Point in triangle test using baryzentric coordinates - const aiVector2D v0 = p1 - p0; - const aiVector2D v1 = p2 - p0; - const aiVector2D v2 = pp - p0; - - double dot00 = v0 * v0; - double dot11 = v1 * v1; - const double dot01 = v0 * v1; - const double dot02 = v0 * v2; - const double dot12 = v1 * v2; - const double denom = dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01; - if (denom == 0.0) { - return false; - } - - const double invDenom = 1.0 / denom; - dot11 = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom; - dot00 = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom; - - return (dot11 > 0) && (dot00 > 0) && (dot11 + dot00 < 1); + // pp should be left side of the three triangle side, by ccw arrow + return OnLeftSideOfLine2D(p0, p1, pp) && OnLeftSideOfLine2D(p1, p2, pp) && OnLeftSideOfLine2D(p2, p0, pp); } diff --git a/code/Common/ZipArchiveIOSystem.cpp b/code/Common/ZipArchiveIOSystem.cpp index d0c2f3204..51a250810 100644 --- a/code/Common/ZipArchiveIOSystem.cpp +++ b/code/Common/ZipArchiveIOSystem.cpp @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class ZipFile : public IOStream { public: std::string m_Filename; - virtual ~ZipFile(); + virtual ~ZipFile() override; // IOStream interface size_t Read(void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount) override; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.cpp index e67bf030f..80abf84a5 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.cpp @@ -111,6 +111,12 @@ void MakeLeftHandedProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { ProcessAnimation(nodeAnim); } } + + // process the cameras accordingly + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pScene->mNumCameras; ++a) + { + ProcessCamera(pScene->mCameras[a]); + } ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("MakeLeftHandedProcess finished"); } @@ -222,6 +228,13 @@ void MakeLeftHandedProcess::ProcessAnimation(aiNodeAnim *pAnim) { } } +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Converts a single camera to left handed coordinates. +void MakeLeftHandedProcess::ProcessCamera( aiCamera* pCam) +{ + pCam->mLookAt = ai_real(2.0f) * pCam->mPosition - pCam->mLookAt; +} + #endif // !! ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_MAKELEFTHANDED_PROCESS #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_FLIPUVS_PROCESS // # FlipUVsProcess diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.h index d0532277d..ea001b95b 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.h @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ struct aiMesh; struct aiNodeAnim; struct aiNode; struct aiMaterial; +struct aiCamera; namespace Assimp { @@ -109,6 +110,14 @@ protected: * @param pAnim The bone animation to transform */ void ProcessAnimation( aiNodeAnim* pAnim); + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /** Converts a single camera to left handed coordinates. + * The camera viewing direction is inverted by reflecting mLookAt + * across mPosition. + * @param pCam The camera to convert + */ + void ProcessCamera( aiCamera* pCam); }; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.cpp index ff066a1d3..87af2297d 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.cpp @@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ void PretransformVertices::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { // multiply all properties of the camera with the absolute // transformation of the corresponding node cam->mPosition = nd->mTransformation * cam->mPosition; - cam->mLookAt = aiMatrix3x3(nd->mTransformation) * cam->mLookAt; + cam->mLookAt = nd->mTransformation * cam->mLookAt; cam->mUp = aiMatrix3x3(nd->mTransformation) * cam->mUp; } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.cpp index af4ff788e..14259e11a 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.cpp @@ -286,7 +286,6 @@ void ValidateDSProcess::Validate(const aiMesh *pMesh) { switch (face.mNumIndices) { case 0: ReportError("aiMesh::mFaces[%i].mNumIndices is 0", i); - break; case 1: if (0 == (pMesh->mPrimitiveTypes & aiPrimitiveType_POINT)) { ReportError("aiMesh::mFaces[%i] is a POINT but aiMesh::mPrimitiveTypes " @@ -898,7 +897,12 @@ void ValidateDSProcess::Validate(const aiNode *pNode) { nodeName, pNode->mNumChildren); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pNode->mNumChildren; ++i) { - Validate(pNode->mChildren[i]); + const aiNode *pChild = pNode->mChildren[i]; + Validate(pChild); + if (pChild->mParent != pNode) { + const char *parentName = (pChild->mParent != nullptr) ? pChild->mParent->mName.C_Str() : "null"; + ReportError("aiNode \"%s\" child %i \"%s\" parent is someone else: \"%s\"", pNode->mName.C_Str(), i, pChild->mName.C_Str(), parentName); + } } } } diff --git a/contrib/Open3DGC/o3dgcArithmeticCodec.cpp b/contrib/Open3DGC/o3dgcArithmeticCodec.cpp index 2ae70fa2e..c1935822d 100644 --- a/contrib/Open3DGC/o3dgcArithmeticCodec.cpp +++ b/contrib/Open3DGC/o3dgcArithmeticCodec.cpp @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ namespace o3dgc // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // - - Static functions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + AI_WONT_RETURN static void AC_Error(const char * msg) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; static void AC_Error(const char * msg) { fprintf(stderr, "\n\n -> Arithmetic coding error: "); diff --git a/contrib/poly2tri/poly2tri/sweep/sweep.cc b/contrib/poly2tri/poly2tri/sweep/sweep.cc index 8e3d794c0..565a198d8 100644 --- a/contrib/poly2tri/poly2tri/sweep/sweep.cc +++ b/contrib/poly2tri/poly2tri/sweep/sweep.cc @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ void Sweep::EdgeEvent(SweepContext& tcx, Point& ep, Point& eq, Triangle* triangl Point* p1 = triangle->PointCCW(point); Orientation o1 = Orient2d(eq, *p1, ep); if (o1 == COLLINEAR) { - // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) - throw std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); + + if( triangle->Contains(&eq, p1)) { triangle->MarkConstrainedEdge(&eq, p1 ); // We are modifying the constraint maybe it would be better to @@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ void Sweep::EdgeEvent(SweepContext& tcx, Point& ep, Point& eq, Triangle* triangl Point* p2 = triangle->PointCW(point); Orientation o2 = Orient2d(eq, *p2, ep); if (o2 == COLLINEAR) { - // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) - throw std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); + + if( triangle->Contains(&eq, p2)) { triangle->MarkConstrainedEdge(&eq, p2 ); diff --git a/contrib/unzip/crypt.c b/contrib/unzip/crypt.c index 4cc731b3e..cc6650630 100644 --- a/contrib/unzip/crypt.c +++ b/contrib/unzip/crypt.c @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ int cryptrand(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len) unsigned __int64 pentium_tsc[1]; int result = 0; - + #if defined(WINAPI_FAMILY) && WINAPI_FAMILY == WINAPI_FAMILY_DESKTOP_APP if (CryptAcquireContext(&provider, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT | CRYPT_SILENT)) { result = CryptGenRandom(provider, len, buf); @@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ int cryptrand(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len) if (result) return len; } + #endif for (rlen = 0; rlen < (int)len; ++rlen) { diff --git a/contrib/unzip/unzip.c b/contrib/unzip/unzip.c index ba15257a9..4bc6773ef 100644 --- a/contrib/unzip/unzip.c +++ b/contrib/unzip/unzip.c @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ # pragma warning(disable : 4131 4244 4189 4245) #endif // _MSC_VER -const char unz_copyright[] = +static const char unz_copyright[] = " unzip 1.01 Copyright 1998-2004 Gilles Vollant - http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll"; /* unz_file_info_internal contain internal info about a file in zipfile*/ diff --git a/contrib/zlib/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/zlib/CMakeLists.txt index 469151ff6..5bc2d6065 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/contrib/zlib/CMakeLists.txt @@ -76,7 +76,15 @@ if(MSVC) set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "d") add_definitions(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) add_definitions(-D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE) + if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" ) # clang-cl + SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-non-prototype") + endif() + include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) +else() + if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" ) # clang-cl + SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-non-prototype") + endif() endif() if(NOT CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR) @@ -88,7 +96,7 @@ if(NOT CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR) message(STATUS "to 'zconf.h.included' because this file is included with zlib") message(STATUS "but CMake generates it automatically in the build directory.") file(RENAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/zconf.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/zconf.h.included) - endif() + endif() endif() set(ZLIB_PC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zlib.pc) diff --git a/include/assimp/AssertHandler.h b/include/assimp/AssertHandler.h index 365a924b0..1247ff490 100644 --- a/include/assimp/AssertHandler.h +++ b/include/assimp/AssertHandler.h @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ ASSIMP_API void setAiAssertHandler(AiAssertHandler handler); * * @brief This issues a message to stderr and calls abort. */ -ASSIMP_API void defaultAiAssertHandler(const char* failedExpression, const char* file, int line); +AI_WONT_RETURN ASSIMP_API void defaultAiAssertHandler(const char* failedExpression, const char* file, int line) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** diff --git a/include/assimp/DefaultIOStream.h b/include/assimp/DefaultIOStream.h index e8d9ed329..67cba3c5c 100644 --- a/include/assimp/DefaultIOStream.h +++ b/include/assimp/DefaultIOStream.h @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ protected: public: /** Destructor public to allow simple deletion to close the file. */ - ~DefaultIOStream (); + ~DefaultIOStream () override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Read from stream diff --git a/include/assimp/MemoryIOWrapper.h b/include/assimp/MemoryIOWrapper.h index 1b986ff1b..4023f7529 100644 --- a/include/assimp/MemoryIOWrapper.h +++ b/include/assimp/MemoryIOWrapper.h @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ namespace Assimp { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MemoryIOStream : public IOStream { public: - MemoryIOStream (const uint8_t* buff, size_t len, bool own = false) : - buffer (buff), + MemoryIOStream (const uint8_t* buff, size_t len, bool own = false) : + buffer (buff), length(len), pos(static_cast(0)), own(own) { @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public: } /// @brief Destructor. - ~MemoryIOSystem() = default; + ~MemoryIOSystem() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Tests for the existence of a file at the given path. @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ public: bool ComparePaths(const char* one, const char* second) const override { return existing_io ? existing_io->ComparePaths(one, second) : false; } - + /// @brief Will push the directory. bool PushDirectory( const std::string &path ) override { return existing_io ? existing_io->PushDirectory(path) : false; @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ public: bool CreateDirectory( const std::string &path ) override { return existing_io ? existing_io->CreateDirectory(path) : false; } - + /// @brief Will change the directory. bool ChangeDirectory( const std::string &path ) override { return existing_io ? existing_io->ChangeDirectory(path) : false; diff --git a/include/assimp/StringUtils.h b/include/assimp/StringUtils.h index 59c6e9ead..cd8726785 100644 --- a/include/assimp/StringUtils.h +++ b/include/assimp/StringUtils.h @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include -#ifdef _MSC_VER +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) #define AI_SIZEFMT "%Iu" #else #define AI_SIZEFMT "%zu" diff --git a/include/assimp/ZipArchiveIOSystem.h b/include/assimp/ZipArchiveIOSystem.h index dac60b501..9f3a4783b 100644 --- a/include/assimp/ZipArchiveIOSystem.h +++ b/include/assimp/ZipArchiveIOSystem.h @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public: //! Open a Zip using the proffered IOSystem ZipArchiveIOSystem(IOSystem* pIOHandler, const char *pFilename, const char* pMode = "r"); ZipArchiveIOSystem(IOSystem* pIOHandler, const std::string& rFilename, const char* pMode = "r"); - virtual ~ZipArchiveIOSystem(); + virtual ~ZipArchiveIOSystem() override; bool Exists(const char* pFilename) const override; char getOsSeparator() const override; IOStream* Open(const char* pFilename, const char* pMode = "rb") override; diff --git a/include/assimp/defs.h b/include/assimp/defs.h index e3743f419..4fcfb9664 100644 --- a/include/assimp/defs.h +++ b/include/assimp/defs.h @@ -184,6 +184,12 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #ifdef __GNUC__ # define AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX __attribute__((noreturn)) +#elif _MSC_VER +#if defined(__clang__) +# define AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX __attribute__((noreturn)) +#else +# define AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX +#endif #else # define AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX #endif // (defined __clang__) diff --git a/include/assimp/fast_atof.h b/include/assimp/fast_atof.h index 43bbbff64..f2d179d60 100644 --- a/include/assimp/fast_atof.h +++ b/include/assimp/fast_atof.h @@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ namespace Assimp { -const double fast_atof_table[16] = { // we write [16] here instead of [] to work around a swig bug +static constexpr size_t NumItems = 16; + +constexpr double fast_atof_table[NumItems] = { // we write [16] here instead of [] to work around a swig bug 0.0, 0.1, 0.01, @@ -58,12 +60,10 @@ const double fast_atof_table[16] = { // we write [16] here instead of [] to wo 0.000000000000001 }; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Convert a string in decimal format to a number // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -inline -unsigned int strtoul10( const char* in, const char** out=0) { +inline unsigned int strtoul10( const char* in, const char** out=0) { unsigned int value = 0; for ( ;; ) { @@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ unsigned int strtoul10( const char* in, const char** out=0) { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Convert a string in octal format to a number // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -inline -unsigned int strtoul8( const char* in, const char** out=0) { +inline unsigned int strtoul8( const char* in, const char** out=0) { unsigned int value( 0 ); for ( ;; ) { if ( *in < '0' || *in > '7' ) { @@ -103,8 +102,7 @@ unsigned int strtoul8( const char* in, const char** out=0) { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Convert a string in hex format to a number // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -inline -unsigned int strtoul16( const char* in, const char** out=0) { +inline unsigned int strtoul16( const char* in, const char** out=0) { unsigned int value( 0 ); for ( ;; ) { if ( *in >= '0' && *in <= '9' ) { @@ -128,8 +126,7 @@ unsigned int strtoul16( const char* in, const char** out=0) { // Convert just one hex digit // Return value is UINT_MAX if the input character is not a hex digit. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -inline -unsigned int HexDigitToDecimal(char in) { +inline unsigned int HexDigitToDecimal(char in) { unsigned int out( UINT_MAX ); if ( in >= '0' && in <= '9' ) { out = in - '0'; @@ -146,16 +143,14 @@ unsigned int HexDigitToDecimal(char in) { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Convert a hex-encoded octet (2 characters, i.e. df or 1a). // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -inline -uint8_t HexOctetToDecimal(const char* in) { +inline uint8_t HexOctetToDecimal(const char* in) { return ((uint8_t)HexDigitToDecimal(in[0])<<4)+(uint8_t)HexDigitToDecimal(in[1]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // signed variant of strtoul10 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -inline -int strtol10( const char* in, const char** out=0) { +inline int strtol10( const char* in, const char** out=0) { bool inv = (*in=='-'); if ( inv || *in == '+' ) { ++in; @@ -163,7 +158,11 @@ int strtol10( const char* in, const char** out=0) { int value = strtoul10(in,out); if (inv) { - value = -value; + if (value < INT_MAX) { + value = -value; + } else { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN( "Converting the string \"", in, "\" into an inverted value resulted in overflow." ); + } } return value; } @@ -174,8 +173,7 @@ int strtol10( const char* in, const char** out=0) { // 0NNN - oct // NNN - dec // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -inline -unsigned int strtoul_cppstyle( const char* in, const char** out=0) { +inline unsigned int strtoul_cppstyle( const char* in, const char** out=0) { if ('0' == in[0]) { return 'x' == in[1] ? strtoul16(in+2,out) : strtoul8(in+1,out); } @@ -187,8 +185,7 @@ unsigned int strtoul_cppstyle( const char* in, const char** out=0) { // It is mainly used by fast_atof to prevent ugly and unwanted integer overflows. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template -inline -uint64_t strtoul10_64( const char* in, const char** out=0, unsigned int* max_inout=0) { +inline uint64_t strtoul10_64( const char* in, const char** out=0, unsigned int* max_inout=0) { unsigned int cur = 0; uint64_t value = 0; @@ -241,8 +238,7 @@ uint64_t strtoul10_64( const char* in, const char** out=0, unsigned int* max_ino // signed variant of strtoul10_64 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template -inline -int64_t strtol10_64(const char* in, const char** out = 0, unsigned int* max_inout = 0) { +inline int64_t strtol10_64(const char* in, const char** out = 0, unsigned int* max_inout = 0) { bool inv = (*in == '-'); if ( inv || *in == '+' ) { ++in; @@ -264,8 +260,7 @@ int64_t strtol10_64(const char* in, const char** out = 0, unsigned int* max_inou // If you find any bugs, please send them to me, niko (at) irrlicht3d.org. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template -inline -const char* fast_atoreal_move(const char* c, Real& out, bool check_comma = true) { +inline const char* fast_atoreal_move(const char* c, Real& out, bool check_comma = true) { Real f = 0; bool inv = (*c == '-'); @@ -354,8 +349,7 @@ const char* fast_atoreal_move(const char* c, Real& out, bool check_comma = true) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The same but more human. template -inline -ai_real fast_atof(const char* c) { +inline ai_real fast_atof(const char* c) { ai_real ret(0.0); fast_atoreal_move(c, ret); @@ -372,8 +366,7 @@ ai_real fast_atof( const char* c, const char** cout) { } template -inline -ai_real fast_atof( const char** inout) { +inline ai_real fast_atof( const char** inout) { ai_real ret(0.0); *inout = fast_atoreal_move(*inout, ret); diff --git a/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/core.py b/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/core.py index 35ad882b3..edde8b29a 100644 --- a/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/core.py +++ b/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/core.py @@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ def _init(self, target = None, parent = None): if m.startswith("_"): continue + # We should not be accessing `mPrivate` according to structs.Scene. + if m == 'mPrivate': + continue + if m.startswith('mNum'): if 'm' + m[4:] in dirself: continue # will be processed later on @@ -211,7 +215,7 @@ def _init(self, target = None, parent = None): else: # starts with 'm' but not iterable - setattr(target, m, obj) + setattr(target, name, obj) logger.debug("Added " + name + " as self." + name + " (type: " + str(type(obj)) + ")") if _is_init_type(obj): diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/3D/m_rifl.bmp b/test/models-nonbsd/3D/m_rifl.bmp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc1d8c281 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models-nonbsd/3D/m_rifl.bmp differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/3D/mar_rifle.uc b/test/models-nonbsd/3D/mar_rifle.uc index daf2607a8..c6d28b36f 100644 --- a/test/models-nonbsd/3D/mar_rifle.uc +++ b/test/models-nonbsd/3D/mar_rifle.uc @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ class mar expands Actor; -#exec MESH IMPORT MESH=mar ANIVFILE=MODELS\mar_a.3d DATAFILE=MODELS\mar_d.3d X=0 Y=0 Z=0 +#exec MESH IMPORT MESH=mar ANIVFILE=MODELS\mar_rifle_a.3d DATAFILE=MODELS\mar_rifle_d.3d X=0 Y=0 Z=0 #exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=mar X=0 Y=0 Z=0 #exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=mar SEQ=All STARTFRAME=0 NUMFRAMES=30 @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class mar expands Actor; #exec MESHMAP NEW MESHMAP=mar MESH=mar #exec MESHMAP SCALE MESHMAP=mar X=0.1 Y=0.1 Z=0.2 -#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=Jtex1 FILE=..\3DS\m_rifl.bmp GROUP=Skins FLAGS=2 +#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=Jtex1 FILE=m_rifl.bmp GROUP=Skins FLAGS=2 #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=Jtex1 FILE=texture1.pcx GROUP=Skins PALETTE=Jtex1 #exec MESHMAP SETTEXTURE MESHMAP=mar NUM=1 TEXTURE=Jtex1 diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/3D/mar_rifle_a.3d b/test/models-nonbsd/3D/mar_rifle_a.3d index 272dbdf1c..a01d9fe8b 100644 Binary files a/test/models-nonbsd/3D/mar_rifle_a.3d and b/test/models-nonbsd/3D/mar_rifle_a.3d differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/Rifle.ase b/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/Rifle.ase index b896b5bd8..91ce5446c 100644 --- a/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/Rifle.ase +++ b/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/Rifle.ase @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ *MAP_CLASS "Bitmap" *MAP_SUBNO 1 *MAP_AMOUNT 1.0000 - *BITMAP "../3DS/MP5SIL.BMP" + *BITMAP "mp5sil.bmp" *MAP_TYPE Screen *UVW_U_OFFSET 0.000000 *UVW_V_OFFSET 0.000000 diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/Rifle2.ase b/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/Rifle2.ase index 98bbcb621..445cc14fe 100644 --- a/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/Rifle2.ase +++ b/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/Rifle2.ase @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ *MAP_CLASS "Bitmap" *MAP_SUBNO 1 *MAP_AMOUNT 1.0000 - *BITMAP "../3DS/m_rifl.bmp" + *BITMAP "m_rifl.bmp" *MAP_TYPE Screen *UVW_U_OFFSET 0.000000 *UVW_V_OFFSET 0.000000 diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/m_rifl.bmp b/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/m_rifl.bmp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc1d8c281 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/m_rifl.bmp differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/mp5sil.bmp b/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/mp5sil.bmp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba60808fd Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models-nonbsd/ASE/mp5sil.bmp differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/guard1_body.png b/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/guard1_body.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2eb3f2caa Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/guard1_body.png differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/guard1_face.png b/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/guard1_face.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7e17d375 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/guard1_face.png differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/guard1_helmet.png b/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/guard1_helmet.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..166d790fd Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/guard1_helmet.png differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/iron_grill.png b/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/iron_grill.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53a3bbbcc Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/iron_grill.png differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/round_grill.png b/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/round_grill.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..502a1d782 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/round_grill.png differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/IRR/skybox.xml b/test/models-nonbsd/IRR/skybox.xml index a572e473f..a2be5b785 100644 Binary files a/test/models-nonbsd/IRR/skybox.xml and b/test/models-nonbsd/IRR/skybox.xml differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/IRR/skybox_UTF16LE.xml b/test/models-nonbsd/IRR/skybox_UTF16LE.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a572e473f Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models-nonbsd/IRR/skybox_UTF16LE.xml differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/OBJ/m_rifl.bmp b/test/models-nonbsd/OBJ/m_rifl.bmp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc1d8c281 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models-nonbsd/OBJ/m_rifl.bmp differ diff --git a/test/models-nonbsd/OBJ/rifle.mtl b/test/models-nonbsd/OBJ/rifle.mtl index b549d8b2c..97f1c4fb2 100644 --- a/test/models-nonbsd/OBJ/rifle.mtl +++ b/test/models-nonbsd/OBJ/rifle.mtl @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Ka 0.588235 0.588235 0.588235 Ks 0.898039 0.898039 0.898039 Ns 128 Tr 0 -map_Kd ./../3DS/m_rifl.bmp +map_Kd m_rifl.bmp diff --git a/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight.ac b/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight.ac index a640cbabd..3d8907c1f 100644 --- a/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight.ac +++ b/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight.ac @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ OBJECT poly name "sphere" subdiv 3 loc -0.0624103 -0.012381 0.0558408 -texture "./../LWO/LWO2/MappingModes/earthSpherical.jpg" +texture "earthSpherical.jpg" crease 45.000000 numvert 134 -0.00202139 0.0563461 0 diff --git a/test/models/AC/SphereWithLightUvScaling4X.ac b/test/models/AC/SphereWithLightUvScaling4X.ac index c069ff7a5..6cc798cb6 100644 --- a/test/models/AC/SphereWithLightUvScaling4X.ac +++ b/test/models/AC/SphereWithLightUvScaling4X.ac @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ OBJECT poly name "sphere" subdiv 4 loc -0.0624103 -0.012381 0.0558408 -texture "./../LWO/LWO2/MappingModes/earthSpherical.jpg" +texture "earthSpherical.jpg" texrep 1.9 2.5 texoff 0.019 0.5 crease 45.000000 diff --git a/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight_UTF16LE.ac b/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight_UTF16LE.ac index 14d158aa6..3a3b73dd0 100644 Binary files a/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight_UTF16LE.ac and b/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight_UTF16LE.ac differ diff --git a/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight_UTF8BOM.ac b/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight_UTF8BOM.ac index 643cd16f9..e6f8f0947 100644 --- a/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight_UTF8BOM.ac +++ b/test/models/AC/SphereWithLight_UTF8BOM.ac @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ kids 0 OBJECT poly name "中国菜" loc -0.0624103 -0.012381 0.0558408 -texture "./../LWO/LWO2/MappingModes/earthSpherical.jpg" +texture "earthSpherical.jpg" crease 45.000000 numvert 134 -0.00202139 0.0563461 0 diff --git a/test/models/AC/earthSpherical.jpg b/test/models/AC/earthSpherical.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3419e8071 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/AC/earthSpherical.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/COB/axe.jpg b/test/models/COB/axe.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba14ae0ea Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/COB/axe.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/COB/dwarf.jpg b/test/models/COB/dwarf.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9c07e0038 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/COB/dwarf.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/COB/dwarf2.jpg b/test/models/COB/dwarf2.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cf54b0657 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/COB/dwarf2.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/1.png b/test/models/IRR/1.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7200658b Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/1.png differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/EpisodeII_TheDwarfesStrikeBack.irr b/test/models/IRR/EpisodeII_TheDwarfesStrikeBack.irr index 1f0916d4d..a317ac61e 100644 Binary files a/test/models/IRR/EpisodeII_TheDwarfesStrikeBack.irr and b/test/models/IRR/EpisodeII_TheDwarfesStrikeBack.irr differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/EpisodeII_TheDwarfesStrikeBack_UTF16LE.irr b/test/models/IRR/EpisodeII_TheDwarfesStrikeBack_UTF16LE.irr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9321cf93f Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/EpisodeII_TheDwarfesStrikeBack_UTF16LE.irr differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/EpisodeI_ANewDwarf.irr b/test/models/IRR/EpisodeI_ANewDwarf.irr index 39d99e440..65f65ad4b 100644 Binary files a/test/models/IRR/EpisodeI_ANewDwarf.irr and b/test/models/IRR/EpisodeI_ANewDwarf.irr differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/EpisodeI_ANewDwarf_UTF16LE.irr b/test/models/IRR/EpisodeI_ANewDwarf_UTF16LE.irr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e5a68f2d Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/EpisodeI_ANewDwarf_UTF16LE.irr differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/SpiderTex.jpg b/test/models/IRR/SpiderTex.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..397e68434 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/SpiderTex.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/UVTransformTestImg.png b/test/models/IRR/UVTransformTestImg.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b8f6f54f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/UVTransformTestImg.png differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/animMesh.irr b/test/models/IRR/animMesh.irr index d1c9e1018..0e246bacf 100644 Binary files a/test/models/IRR/animMesh.irr and b/test/models/IRR/animMesh.irr differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/animMesh_UTF16LE.irr b/test/models/IRR/animMesh_UTF16LE.irr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c041565ea Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/animMesh_UTF16LE.irr differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/axe.jpg b/test/models/IRR/axe.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba14ae0ea Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/axe.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/box.irr b/test/models/IRR/box.irr index efc165d93..8a094ded6 100644 Binary files a/test/models/IRR/box.irr and b/test/models/IRR/box.irr differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/box_UTF16LE.irr b/test/models/IRR/box_UTF16LE.irr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..efc165d93 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/box_UTF16LE.irr differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/brownground_1-1.jpg b/test/models/IRR/brownground_1-1.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fda7d45c6 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/brownground_1-1.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/cellar.irrmesh b/test/models/IRR/cellar.irrmesh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0278c9239 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/models/IRR/cellar.irrmesh @@ -0,0 +1,945 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +4.789692 35.887604 -0.000001 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.047897 0.000000 0.005859 0.015859 +18.379868 29.342920 -20.000002 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.183799 -0.200000 0.012654 0.005859 +18.379868 29.342920 -0.000001 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.183799 0.000000 0.012654 0.015859 +4.789692 35.887604 -20.000002 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.047897 -0.200000 0.005859 0.021484 +18.379868 29.342920 -20.000002 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.183799 -0.200000 0.012654 0.021484 +4.789692 35.887604 -0.000001 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.047897 0.000000 0.005859 0.031484 +18.379868 29.342920 -0.000001 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 0.000000 0.011756 0.047109 +27.784555 17.549807 -20.000002 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.005859 0.037109 +27.784555 17.549807 -0.000001 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.005859 0.047109 +18.379868 29.342920 -20.000002 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 -0.200000 0.011756 0.052734 +27.784555 17.549807 -20.000002 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.005859 0.052734 +18.379868 29.342920 -0.000001 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 0.000000 0.011756 0.062734 +27.784555 17.549807 -0.000001 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.024931 0.015859 +31.141052 2.844038 -20.000002 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.017578 0.005859 +31.141052 2.844038 -0.000001 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.017578 0.015859 +27.784555 17.549807 -20.000002 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.024931 0.021484 +31.141052 2.844038 -20.000002 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.017578 0.021484 +27.784555 17.549807 -0.000001 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.024931 0.031484 +31.141052 2.844038 -0.000001 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.052892 0.015859 +31.087307 -40.439766 -19.999994 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404398 -0.200000 0.031250 0.005859 +31.087307 -40.439766 0.000006 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404398 0.000000 0.031250 0.015859 +31.141052 2.844038 -20.000002 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.080236 0.005859 +31.087307 -40.439766 -19.999994 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404398 -0.200000 0.058594 0.005859 +31.141052 2.844038 -0.000001 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.080236 0.015859 +31.087307 -40.439766 0.000006 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 0.310873 0.000000 0.005859 0.078359 +39.664268 -40.306259 -19.999994 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 0.396643 -0.200000 0.010148 0.068359 +39.664268 -40.306259 0.000006 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 0.396643 0.000000 0.010148 0.078359 +31.087307 -40.439766 -19.999994 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 0.310873 -0.200000 0.005859 0.083984 +39.664268 -40.306259 -19.999994 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 0.396643 -0.200000 0.010148 0.083984 +31.087307 -40.439766 0.000006 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 0.310873 0.000000 0.005859 0.093984 +39.664268 -40.306259 0.000006 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff -0.403063 0.000000 0.085938 0.015859 +39.468590 51.635353 -20.000002 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516354 -0.200000 0.131908 0.005859 +39.468590 51.635353 -0.000002 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516354 0.000000 0.131908 0.015859 +39.664268 -40.306259 -19.999994 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff -0.403063 -0.200000 0.138672 0.005859 +39.468590 51.635353 -20.000002 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516354 -0.200000 0.184643 0.005859 +39.664268 -40.306259 0.000006 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff -0.403063 0.000000 0.138672 0.015859 +39.468590 51.635353 -0.000002 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.000000 0.234269 0.015859 +-46.257572 51.635345 -20.000004 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 -0.200000 0.191406 0.005859 +-46.257572 51.635345 -0.000002 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 0.000000 0.191406 0.015859 +39.468590 51.635353 -20.000002 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 -0.200000 0.283097 0.005859 +-46.257572 51.635345 -20.000004 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 -0.200000 0.240234 0.005859 +39.468590 51.635353 -0.000002 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.000000 0.283097 0.015859 +-46.257572 51.635345 -0.000002 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516353 0.000000 0.335148 0.015859 +-46.453247 -40.535561 -20.000004 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405356 -0.200000 0.289063 0.005859 +-46.453247 -40.535561 -0.000003 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405356 0.000000 0.289063 0.015859 +-46.257572 51.635345 -20.000004 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516353 -0.200000 0.387882 0.005859 +-46.453247 -40.535561 -20.000004 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405356 -0.200000 0.341797 0.005859 +-46.257572 51.635345 -0.000002 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516353 0.000000 0.387882 0.015859 +-46.453247 -40.535561 -0.000003 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -0.464532 0.000000 0.394531 0.015859 +-36.591885 -40.485573 -20.000002 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -0.365919 -0.200000 0.399462 0.005859 +-36.591885 -40.485573 -0.000002 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -0.365919 0.000000 0.399462 0.015859 +-46.453247 -40.535561 -20.000004 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -0.464532 -0.200000 0.406250 0.005859 +-36.591885 -40.485573 -20.000002 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -0.365919 -0.200000 0.411181 0.005859 +-46.453247 -40.535561 -0.000003 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -0.464532 0.000000 0.406250 0.015859 +-36.591885 -40.485573 -0.000002 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404856 0.000000 0.417969 0.015859 +-36.645630 2.844041 -20.000002 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.439634 0.005859 +-36.645630 2.844041 -0.000001 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.439634 0.015859 +-36.591885 -40.485573 -20.000002 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404856 -0.200000 0.445313 0.005859 +-36.645630 2.844041 -20.000002 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.466977 0.005859 +-36.591885 -40.485573 -0.000002 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404856 0.000000 0.445313 0.015859 +-36.645630 2.844041 -0.000001 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.472656 0.015859 +-33.289131 17.549809 -20.000002 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.480009 0.005859 +-33.289131 17.549809 -0.000001 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.480009 0.015859 +-36.645630 2.844041 -20.000002 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.486328 0.005859 +-33.289131 17.549809 -20.000002 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.493681 0.005859 +-36.645630 2.844041 -0.000001 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.486328 0.015859 +-33.289131 17.549809 -0.000001 0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.500000 0.015859 +-23.884441 29.342920 -20.000002 0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 -0.200000 0.505897 0.005859 +-23.884441 29.342920 -0.000001 0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 0.000000 0.505897 0.015859 +-33.289131 17.549809 -20.000002 0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.511719 0.005859 +-23.884441 29.342920 -20.000002 0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 -0.200000 0.517615 0.005859 +-33.289131 17.549809 -0.000001 0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.511719 0.015859 +-23.884441 29.342920 -0.000001 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.238844 0.000000 0.523438 0.015859 +-10.294267 35.887604 -20.000002 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 -0.200000 0.530233 0.005859 +-10.294267 35.887604 -0.000001 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 0.000000 0.530233 0.015859 +-23.884441 29.342920 -20.000002 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.238844 -0.200000 0.535156 0.005859 +-10.294267 35.887604 -20.000002 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 -0.200000 0.541951 0.005859 +-23.884441 29.342920 -0.000001 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.238844 0.000000 0.535156 0.015859 +-10.294267 35.887604 -0.000001 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 0.000000 0.546875 0.015859 +4.789692 35.887604 -20.000002 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.047897 -0.200000 0.554417 0.005859 +4.789692 35.887604 -0.000001 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.047897 0.000000 0.554417 0.015859 +-10.294267 35.887604 -20.000002 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 -0.200000 0.560547 0.005859 +4.789692 35.887604 -20.000002 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.047897 -0.200000 0.568089 0.005859 +-10.294267 35.887604 -0.000001 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 0.000000 0.560547 0.015859 +-10.294267 35.887604 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 0.358876 0.592200 0.005859 +39.468590 51.635353 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.617082 0.013733 +-46.257572 51.635345 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 0.516353 0.574219 0.013733 +-46.257572 51.635345 -20.000004 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 0.516353 0.623047 0.013733 +39.468590 51.635353 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.665910 0.013733 +-10.294267 35.887604 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 0.358876 0.641029 0.005859 +-36.645630 2.844041 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.366456 0.028440 0.022482 0.058799 +-46.453247 -40.535561 -0.000003 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.464532 -0.405356 0.017578 0.037109 +-36.591885 -40.485573 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.365919 -0.404856 0.022509 0.037134 +-36.591885 -40.485573 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.365919 -0.404856 0.022509 0.064478 +-46.453247 -40.535561 -20.000004 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.464532 -0.405356 0.017578 0.064453 +-36.645630 2.844041 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.366456 0.028440 0.022482 0.086143 +39.468590 51.635353 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.048589 0.032631 +4.789692 35.887604 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.047897 0.358876 0.031250 0.024757 +18.379868 29.342920 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.183799 0.293429 0.038045 0.021484 +18.379868 29.342920 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.183799 0.293429 0.061483 0.021484 +4.789692 35.887604 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.047897 0.358876 0.054688 0.024757 +39.468590 51.635353 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.072027 0.032631 +31.141052 2.844038 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.311411 0.028440 0.019256 0.091797 +39.468590 51.635353 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.023420 0.116193 +27.784555 17.549807 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.277846 0.175498 0.017578 0.099150 +27.784555 17.549807 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.277846 0.175498 0.017578 0.128447 +39.468590 51.635353 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.023420 0.145489 +31.141052 2.844038 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.311411 0.028440 0.019256 0.121094 +39.664268 -40.306259 0.000006 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.396643 -0.403063 0.010121 0.099609 +39.468590 51.635353 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.010023 0.145580 +31.141052 2.844038 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.311411 0.028440 0.005859 0.121185 +31.141052 2.844038 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.311411 0.028440 0.005859 0.173919 +39.468590 51.635353 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.010023 0.198315 +39.664268 -40.306259 -19.999994 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.396643 -0.403063 0.010121 0.152344 +31.087307 -40.439766 0.000006 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.310873 -0.404398 0.005859 0.205078 +39.664268 -40.306259 0.000006 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.396643 -0.403063 0.010148 0.205145 +31.141052 2.844038 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.311411 0.028440 0.005886 0.226720 +31.141052 2.844038 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.311411 0.028440 0.005886 0.254064 +39.664268 -40.306259 -19.999994 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.396643 -0.403063 0.010148 0.232489 +31.087307 -40.439766 -19.999994 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.310873 -0.404398 0.005859 0.232422 +27.784555 17.549807 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.277846 0.175498 0.035952 0.039063 +39.468590 51.635353 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.041794 0.056105 +18.379868 29.342920 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.183799 0.293429 0.031250 0.044959 +18.379868 29.342920 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.183799 0.293429 0.031250 0.068397 +39.468590 51.635353 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.041794 0.079543 +27.784555 17.549807 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.277846 0.175498 0.035952 0.062500 +-46.453247 -40.535561 -0.000003 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.464532 -0.405356 0.017578 0.150391 +-36.645630 2.844041 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.366456 0.028440 0.022482 0.172080 +-46.257572 51.635345 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 0.516353 0.017676 0.196476 +-46.257572 51.635345 -20.000004 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 0.516353 0.017676 0.249210 +-36.645630 2.844041 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.366456 0.028440 0.022482 0.224815 +-46.453247 -40.535561 -20.000004 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.464532 -0.405356 0.017578 0.203125 +-36.645630 2.844041 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.366456 0.028440 0.022384 0.255859 +-33.289131 17.549809 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.332891 0.175498 0.024062 0.263212 +-46.257572 51.635345 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 0.516353 0.017578 0.280255 +-46.257572 51.635345 -20.000004 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 0.516353 0.017578 0.309552 +-33.289131 17.549809 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.332891 0.175498 0.024062 0.292509 +-36.645630 2.844041 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.366456 0.028440 0.022384 0.285156 +-33.289131 17.549809 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.332891 0.175498 0.053359 0.039063 +-23.884441 29.342920 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.238844 0.293429 0.058062 0.044959 +-46.257572 51.635345 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 0.516353 0.046875 0.056105 +-46.257572 51.635345 -20.000004 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 0.516353 0.046875 0.079543 +-23.884441 29.342920 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.238844 0.293429 0.058062 0.068397 +-33.289131 17.549809 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.332891 0.175498 0.053359 0.062500 +-23.884441 29.342920 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.238844 0.293429 0.089312 0.021484 +-10.294267 35.887604 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 0.358876 0.096107 0.024757 +-46.257572 51.635345 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 0.516353 0.078125 0.032631 +-46.257572 51.635345 -20.000004 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.462576 0.516353 0.101563 0.032631 +-10.294267 35.887604 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 0.358876 0.119544 0.024757 +-23.884441 29.342920 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.238844 0.293429 0.112749 0.021484 +39.468590 51.635353 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.696756 0.013733 +-10.294267 35.887604 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 0.358876 0.671875 0.005859 +4.789692 35.887604 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.047897 0.358876 0.679417 0.005859 +4.789692 35.887604 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.047897 0.358876 0.710667 0.005859 +-10.294267 35.887604 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.102943 0.358876 0.703125 0.005859 +39.468590 51.635353 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.394686 0.516354 0.728006 0.013733 +90.391273 35.887596 -0.000017 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.903913 0.000000 0.017578 0.324453 +103.981445 29.342913 -20.000017 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 1.039814 -0.200000 0.024373 0.314453 +103.981445 29.342913 -0.000017 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 1.039814 0.000000 0.024373 0.324453 +90.391273 35.887596 -20.000017 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.903913 -0.200000 0.017578 0.330078 +103.981445 29.342913 -20.000017 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 1.039814 -0.200000 0.024373 0.330078 +90.391273 35.887596 -0.000017 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.903913 0.000000 0.017578 0.340078 +103.981445 29.342913 -0.000017 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 0.000000 0.023475 0.355703 +113.386139 17.549799 -20.000017 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.017578 0.345703 +113.386139 17.549799 -0.000017 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.017578 0.355703 +103.981445 29.342913 -20.000017 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 -0.200000 0.023475 0.361328 +113.386139 17.549799 -20.000017 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.017578 0.361328 +103.981445 29.342913 -0.000017 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 0.000000 0.023475 0.371328 +113.386139 17.549799 -0.000017 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.038603 0.095937 +116.742630 2.844030 -20.000017 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.031250 0.085938 +116.742630 2.844030 -0.000017 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.031250 0.095937 +113.386139 17.549799 -20.000017 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.038603 0.101563 +116.742630 2.844030 -20.000017 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.031250 0.101563 +113.386139 17.549799 -0.000017 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.038603 0.111562 +116.742630 2.844030 -0.000017 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.146642 0.031484 +116.688889 -40.439770 -20.000010 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404398 -0.200000 0.125000 0.021484 +116.688889 -40.439770 -0.000010 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404398 0.000000 0.125000 0.031484 +116.742630 2.844030 -20.000017 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.173986 0.021484 +116.688889 -40.439770 -20.000010 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404398 -0.200000 0.152344 0.021484 +116.742630 2.844030 -0.000017 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.173986 0.031484 +116.688889 -40.439770 -0.000010 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 1.166889 0.000000 0.005859 0.269766 +125.265854 -40.306263 -20.000010 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 1.252658 -0.200000 0.010148 0.259766 +125.265854 -40.306263 -0.000010 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 1.252658 0.000000 0.010148 0.269766 +116.688889 -40.439770 -20.000010 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 1.166889 -0.200000 0.005859 0.275391 +125.265854 -40.306263 -20.000010 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 1.252658 -0.200000 0.010148 0.275391 +116.688889 -40.439770 -0.000010 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff 1.166889 0.000000 0.005859 0.285391 +125.265854 -40.306263 -0.000010 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff -0.403063 0.000000 0.179688 0.031484 +125.070175 51.635345 -20.000017 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516353 -0.200000 0.225658 0.021484 +125.070175 51.635345 -0.000018 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516353 0.000000 0.225658 0.031484 +125.265854 -40.306263 -20.000010 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff -0.403063 -0.200000 0.232422 0.021484 +125.070175 51.635345 -20.000017 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516353 -0.200000 0.278393 0.021484 +125.265854 -40.306263 -0.000010 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff -0.403063 0.000000 0.232422 0.031484 +125.070175 51.635345 -0.000018 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.000000 0.328019 0.031484 +39.344009 51.635338 -20.000019 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 -0.200000 0.285156 0.021484 +39.344009 51.635338 -0.000018 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 0.000000 0.285156 0.031484 +125.070175 51.635345 -20.000017 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 -0.200000 0.376847 0.021484 +39.344009 51.635338 -20.000019 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 -0.200000 0.333984 0.021484 +125.070175 51.635345 -0.000018 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.000000 0.376847 0.031484 +39.344009 51.635338 -0.000018 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516353 0.000000 0.428898 0.031484 +39.148335 -40.535568 -20.000019 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405356 -0.200000 0.382813 0.021484 +39.148335 -40.535568 -0.000019 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405356 0.000000 0.382813 0.031484 +39.344009 51.635338 -20.000019 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516353 -0.200000 0.481632 0.021484 +39.148335 -40.535568 -20.000019 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405356 -0.200000 0.435547 0.021484 +39.344009 51.635338 -0.000018 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff 0.516353 0.000000 0.481632 0.031484 +39.148335 -40.535568 -0.000019 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff 0.391483 0.000000 0.017578 0.386953 +49.009697 -40.485580 -20.000017 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff 0.490097 -0.200000 0.022509 0.376953 +49.009697 -40.485580 -0.000018 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff 0.490097 0.000000 0.022509 0.386953 +39.148335 -40.535568 -20.000019 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff 0.391483 -0.200000 0.017578 0.392578 +49.009697 -40.485580 -20.000017 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff 0.490097 -0.200000 0.022509 0.392578 +39.148335 -40.535568 -0.000019 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff 0.391483 0.000000 0.017578 0.402578 +49.009697 -40.485580 -0.000018 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404856 0.000000 0.488281 0.031484 +48.955952 2.844034 -20.000017 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.509946 0.021484 +48.955952 2.844034 -0.000017 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.509946 0.031484 +49.009697 -40.485580 -20.000017 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404856 -0.200000 0.515625 0.021484 +48.955952 2.844034 -20.000017 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.537290 0.021484 +49.009697 -40.485580 -0.000018 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff -0.404856 0.000000 0.515625 0.031484 +48.955952 2.844034 -0.000017 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.542969 0.031484 +52.312447 17.549803 -20.000017 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.550322 0.021484 +52.312447 17.549803 -0.000017 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.550322 0.031484 +48.955952 2.844034 -20.000017 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 -0.200000 0.556641 0.021484 +52.312447 17.549803 -20.000017 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.563994 0.021484 +48.955952 2.844034 -0.000017 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.028440 0.000000 0.556641 0.031484 +52.312447 17.549803 -0.000017 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.570313 0.031484 +61.717140 29.342913 -20.000017 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 -0.200000 0.576209 0.021484 +61.717140 29.342913 -0.000017 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 0.000000 0.576209 0.031484 +52.312447 17.549803 -20.000017 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 -0.200000 0.582031 0.021484 +61.717140 29.342913 -20.000017 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.293429 -0.200000 0.587928 0.021484 +52.312447 17.549803 -0.000017 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.175498 0.000000 0.582031 0.031484 +61.717140 29.342913 -0.000017 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.617171 0.000000 0.593750 0.031484 +75.307312 35.887596 -20.000017 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 -0.200000 0.600545 0.021484 +75.307312 35.887596 -0.000017 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 0.000000 0.600545 0.031484 +61.717140 29.342913 -20.000017 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.617171 -0.200000 0.605469 0.021484 +75.307312 35.887596 -20.000017 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 -0.200000 0.612264 0.021484 +61.717140 29.342913 -0.000017 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff 0.617171 0.000000 0.605469 0.031484 +75.307312 35.887596 -0.000017 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 0.000000 0.617188 0.031484 +90.391273 35.887596 -20.000017 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.903913 -0.200000 0.624729 0.021484 +90.391273 35.887596 -0.000017 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.903913 0.000000 0.624729 0.031484 +75.307312 35.887596 -20.000017 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 -0.200000 0.630859 0.021484 +90.391273 35.887596 -20.000017 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.903913 -0.200000 0.638401 0.021484 +75.307312 35.887596 -0.000017 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 0.000000 0.630859 0.031484 +75.307312 35.887596 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 0.358876 0.752357 0.005859 +125.070175 51.635345 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.777238 0.013733 +39.344009 51.635338 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 0.516353 0.734375 0.013733 +39.344009 51.635338 -20.000019 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 0.516353 0.783203 0.013733 +125.070175 51.635345 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.826066 0.013733 +75.307312 35.887596 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 0.358876 0.801185 0.005859 +48.955952 2.844034 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.489560 0.028440 0.022482 0.429893 +39.148335 -40.535568 -0.000019 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.391483 -0.405356 0.017578 0.408203 +49.009697 -40.485580 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.490097 -0.404856 0.022509 0.408228 +49.009697 -40.485580 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.490097 -0.404856 0.022509 0.435572 +39.148335 -40.535568 -20.000019 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.391483 -0.405356 0.017578 0.435547 +48.955952 2.844034 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.489560 0.028440 0.022482 0.457237 +125.070175 51.635345 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.081793 0.050209 +90.391273 35.887596 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.903913 0.358876 0.064453 0.042335 +103.981445 29.342913 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.039814 0.293429 0.071248 0.039063 +103.981445 29.342913 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.039814 0.293429 0.094686 0.039063 +90.391273 35.887596 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.903913 0.358876 0.087891 0.042335 +125.070175 51.635345 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.105230 0.050209 +116.742630 2.844030 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.167426 0.028440 0.019256 0.462891 +125.070175 51.635345 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.023420 0.487286 +113.386139 17.549799 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.133861 0.175498 0.017578 0.470244 +113.386139 17.549799 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.133861 0.175498 0.017578 0.499540 +125.070175 51.635345 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.023420 0.516583 +116.742630 2.844030 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.167426 0.028440 0.019256 0.492188 +125.265854 -40.306263 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.252658 -0.403063 0.021840 0.521484 +125.070175 51.635345 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.021742 0.567455 +116.742630 2.844030 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.167426 0.028440 0.017578 0.543059 +116.742630 2.844030 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.167426 0.028440 0.017578 0.595794 +125.070175 51.635345 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.021742 0.620190 +125.265854 -40.306263 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.252658 -0.403063 0.021840 0.574219 +116.688889 -40.439770 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.166889 -0.404398 0.017578 0.626953 +125.265854 -40.306263 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.252658 -0.403063 0.021867 0.627020 +116.742630 2.844030 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.167426 0.028440 0.017605 0.648595 +116.742630 2.844030 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.167426 0.028440 0.017605 0.675939 +125.265854 -40.306263 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.252658 -0.403063 0.021867 0.654364 +116.688889 -40.439770 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.166889 -0.404398 0.017578 0.654297 +113.386139 17.549799 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.133861 0.175498 0.051577 0.085938 +125.070175 51.635345 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.057419 0.102980 +103.981445 29.342913 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.039814 0.293429 0.046875 0.091834 +103.981445 29.342913 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.039814 0.293429 0.046875 0.115272 +125.070175 51.635345 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.057419 0.126418 +113.386139 17.549799 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.133861 0.175498 0.051577 0.109375 +39.148335 -40.535568 -0.000019 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.391483 -0.405356 0.031250 0.117188 +48.955952 2.844034 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.489560 0.028440 0.036154 0.138877 +39.344009 51.635338 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 0.516353 0.031348 0.163273 +39.344009 51.635338 -20.000019 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 0.516353 0.031348 0.216007 +48.955952 2.844034 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.489560 0.028440 0.036154 0.191612 +39.148335 -40.535568 -20.000019 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.391483 -0.405356 0.031250 0.169922 +48.955952 2.844034 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.489560 0.028440 0.036056 0.222656 +52.312447 17.549803 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.523124 0.175498 0.037734 0.230009 +39.344009 51.635338 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 0.516353 0.031250 0.247052 +39.344009 51.635338 -20.000019 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 0.516353 0.031250 0.276349 +52.312447 17.549803 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.523124 0.175498 0.037734 0.259306 +48.955952 2.844034 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.489560 0.028440 0.036056 0.251953 +52.312447 17.549803 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.523124 0.175498 0.070937 0.056641 +61.717140 29.342913 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.617171 0.293429 0.075640 0.062537 +39.344009 51.635338 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 0.516353 0.064453 0.073683 +39.344009 51.635338 -20.000019 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 0.516353 0.064453 0.097121 +61.717140 29.342913 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.617171 0.293429 0.075640 0.085975 +52.312447 17.549803 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.523124 0.175498 0.070937 0.080078 +61.717140 29.342913 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.617171 0.293429 0.122515 0.039063 +75.307312 35.887596 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 0.358876 0.129310 0.042335 +39.344009 51.635338 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 0.516353 0.111328 0.050209 +39.344009 51.635338 -20.000019 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.393440 0.516353 0.134766 0.050209 +75.307312 35.887596 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 0.358876 0.152747 0.042335 +61.717140 29.342913 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.617171 0.293429 0.145952 0.039063 +125.070175 51.635345 -0.000018 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.856913 0.013733 +75.307312 35.887596 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 0.358876 0.832031 0.005859 +90.391273 35.887596 -0.000017 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 0.903913 0.358876 0.839573 0.005859 +90.391273 35.887596 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.903913 0.358876 0.870823 0.005859 +75.307312 35.887596 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 0.753073 0.358876 0.863281 0.005859 +125.070175 51.635345 -20.000017 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.250702 0.516353 0.888163 0.013733 +-80.279335 35.631195 -0.000009 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.802793 0.000000 0.644531 0.031484 +-66.689163 29.086510 -20.000010 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.666892 -0.200000 0.651326 0.021484 +-66.689163 29.086510 -0.000009 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.666892 0.000000 0.651326 0.031484 +-80.279335 35.631195 -20.000010 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.802793 -0.200000 0.656250 0.021484 +-66.689163 29.086510 -20.000010 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.666892 -0.200000 0.663045 0.021484 +-80.279335 35.631195 -0.000009 -0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.802793 0.000000 0.656250 0.031484 +-66.689163 29.086510 -0.000009 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.290865 0.000000 0.673865 0.031484 +-57.284470 17.293396 -20.000010 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 -0.200000 0.667969 0.021484 +-57.284470 17.293396 -0.000009 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 0.000000 0.667969 0.031484 +-66.689163 29.086510 -20.000010 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.290865 -0.200000 0.685584 0.021484 +-57.284470 17.293396 -20.000010 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 -0.200000 0.679688 0.021484 +-66.689163 29.086510 -0.000009 -0.781832 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.290865 0.000000 0.685584 0.031484 +-57.284470 17.293396 -0.000009 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 0.000000 0.698759 0.031484 +-53.927975 2.587628 -20.000010 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 -0.200000 0.691406 0.021484 +-53.927975 2.587628 -0.000009 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 0.000000 0.691406 0.031484 +-57.284470 17.293396 -20.000010 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 -0.200000 0.712431 0.021484 +-53.927975 2.587628 -20.000010 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 -0.200000 0.705078 0.021484 +-57.284470 17.293396 -0.000009 -0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 0.000000 0.712431 0.031484 +-53.927975 2.587628 -0.000009 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 0.000000 0.740392 0.031484 +-53.981720 -40.696175 -20.000002 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff -0.406962 -0.200000 0.718750 0.021484 +-53.981720 -40.696175 -0.000002 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff -0.406962 0.000000 0.718750 0.031484 +-53.927975 2.587628 -20.000010 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 -0.200000 0.767736 0.021484 +-53.981720 -40.696175 -20.000002 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff -0.406962 -0.200000 0.746094 0.021484 +-53.927975 2.587628 -0.000009 -0.999999 0.001242 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 0.000000 0.767736 0.031484 +-53.981720 -40.696175 -0.000002 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff -0.539817 0.000000 0.017578 0.691641 +-45.404758 -40.562668 -20.000002 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff -0.454048 -0.200000 0.021867 0.681641 +-45.404758 -40.562668 -0.000003 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff -0.454048 0.000000 0.021867 0.691641 +-53.981720 -40.696175 -20.000002 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff -0.539817 -0.200000 0.017578 0.697266 +-45.404758 -40.562668 -20.000002 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff -0.454048 -0.200000 0.021867 0.697266 +-53.981720 -40.696175 -0.000002 0.015564 -0.999879 0.000000 64ffffff -0.539817 0.000000 0.017578 0.707266 +-45.404758 -40.562668 -0.000003 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405627 0.000000 0.773438 0.031484 +-45.600437 51.378941 -20.000010 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.200000 0.819408 0.021484 +-45.600437 51.378941 -0.000010 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 0.000000 0.819408 0.031484 +-45.404758 -40.562668 -20.000002 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405627 -0.200000 0.826172 0.021484 +-45.600437 51.378941 -20.000010 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.200000 0.872143 0.021484 +-45.404758 -40.562668 -0.000003 0.999998 0.002128 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405627 0.000000 0.826172 0.031484 +-45.600437 51.378941 -0.000010 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.000000 0.921769 0.031484 +-131.326599 51.378933 -20.000011 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 -0.200000 0.878906 0.021484 +-131.326599 51.378933 -0.000010 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 0.000000 0.878906 0.031484 +-45.600437 51.378941 -20.000010 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 -0.200000 0.970597 0.021484 +-131.326599 51.378933 -20.000011 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 -0.200000 0.927734 0.021484 +-45.600437 51.378941 -0.000010 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.000000 0.970597 0.031484 +-131.326599 51.378933 -0.000010 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 0.000000 0.204289 0.049063 +-131.522278 -40.791973 -20.000011 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407920 -0.200000 0.158203 0.039063 +-131.522278 -40.791973 -0.000011 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407920 0.000000 0.158203 0.049063 +-131.326599 51.378933 -20.000011 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.200000 0.257023 0.039063 +-131.522278 -40.791973 -20.000011 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407920 -0.200000 0.210938 0.039063 +-131.326599 51.378933 -0.000010 -0.999998 0.002123 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 0.000000 0.257023 0.049063 +-131.522278 -40.791973 -0.000011 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -1.315223 0.000000 0.976562 0.031484 +-121.660912 -40.741985 -20.000010 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -1.216609 -0.200000 0.981493 0.021484 +-121.660912 -40.741985 -0.000010 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -1.216609 0.000000 0.981493 0.031484 +-131.522278 -40.791973 -20.000011 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -1.315223 -0.200000 0.988281 0.021484 +-121.660912 -40.741985 -20.000010 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -1.216609 -0.200000 0.993212 0.021484 +-131.522278 -40.791973 -0.000011 0.005069 -0.999987 0.000000 64ffffff -1.315223 0.000000 0.988281 0.031484 +-121.660912 -40.741985 -0.000010 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407420 0.000000 0.263672 0.049063 +-121.714661 2.587631 -20.000010 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 -0.200000 0.285337 0.039063 +-121.714661 2.587631 -0.000009 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 0.000000 0.285337 0.049063 +-121.660912 -40.741985 -20.000010 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407420 -0.200000 0.291016 0.039063 +-121.714661 2.587631 -20.000010 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 -0.200000 0.312680 0.039063 +-121.660912 -40.741985 -0.000010 0.999999 0.001240 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407420 0.000000 0.291016 0.049063 +-121.714661 2.587631 -0.000009 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 0.000000 0.318359 0.049063 +-118.358162 17.293400 -20.000010 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 -0.200000 0.325712 0.039063 +-118.358162 17.293400 -0.000009 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 0.000000 0.325712 0.049063 +-121.714661 2.587631 -20.000010 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 -0.200000 0.332031 0.039063 +-118.358162 17.293400 -20.000010 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 -0.200000 0.339384 0.039063 +-121.714661 2.587631 -0.000009 0.974928 -0.222521 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 0.000000 0.332031 0.049063 +-118.358162 17.293400 -0.000009 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 0.000000 0.031250 0.291250 +-108.953468 29.086510 -20.000010 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.290865 -0.200000 0.037147 0.281250 +-108.953468 29.086510 -0.000009 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.290865 0.000000 0.037147 0.291250 +-118.358162 17.293400 -20.000010 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 -0.200000 0.031250 0.296875 +-108.953468 29.086510 -20.000010 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.290865 -0.200000 0.037147 0.296875 +-118.358162 17.293400 -0.000009 0.781831 -0.623490 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172934 0.000000 0.031250 0.306875 +-108.953468 29.086510 -0.000009 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -1.089535 0.000000 0.031250 0.322500 +-95.363297 35.631195 -20.000010 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 -0.200000 0.038045 0.312500 +-95.363297 35.631195 -0.000009 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 0.000000 0.038045 0.322500 +-108.953468 29.086510 -20.000010 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -1.089535 -0.200000 0.031250 0.328125 +-95.363297 35.631195 -20.000010 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 -0.200000 0.038045 0.328125 +-108.953468 29.086510 -0.000009 0.433884 -0.900969 0.000000 64ffffff -1.089535 0.000000 0.031250 0.338125 +-95.363297 35.631195 -0.000009 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 0.000000 0.345703 0.049063 +-80.279335 35.631195 -20.000010 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.802793 -0.200000 0.353245 0.039063 +-80.279335 35.631195 -0.000009 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.802793 0.000000 0.353245 0.049063 +-95.363297 35.631195 -20.000010 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 -0.200000 0.359375 0.039063 +-80.279335 35.631195 -20.000010 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.802793 -0.200000 0.366917 0.039063 +-95.363297 35.631195 -0.000009 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 0.000000 0.359375 0.049063 +-95.363297 35.631195 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 0.356312 0.912513 0.005859 +-45.600437 51.378941 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.937394 0.013733 +-131.326599 51.378933 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 0.513789 0.894531 0.013733 +-131.326599 51.378933 -20.000011 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 0.513789 0.943359 0.013733 +-45.600437 51.378941 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.986223 0.013733 +-95.363297 35.631195 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 0.356312 0.961341 0.005859 +-121.714661 2.587631 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.217147 0.025876 0.036154 0.365440 +-131.522278 -40.791973 -0.000011 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.315223 -0.407920 0.031250 0.343750 +-121.660912 -40.741985 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.216609 -0.407420 0.036181 0.343775 +-121.660912 -40.741985 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.216609 -0.407420 0.036181 0.371119 +-131.522278 -40.791973 -20.000011 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.315223 -0.407920 0.031250 0.371094 +-121.714661 2.587631 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.217147 0.025876 0.036154 0.392784 +-45.600437 51.378941 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.099371 0.067787 +-80.279335 35.631195 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.802793 0.356312 0.082031 0.059913 +-66.689163 29.086510 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.666892 0.290865 0.088826 0.056641 +-66.689163 29.086510 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.666892 0.290865 0.112264 0.056641 +-80.279335 35.631195 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.802793 0.356312 0.105469 0.059913 +-45.600437 51.378941 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.122808 0.067787 +-53.927975 2.587628 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.539280 0.025876 0.032928 0.398438 +-45.600437 51.378941 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.037092 0.422833 +-57.284470 17.293396 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.572845 0.172934 0.031250 0.405790 +-57.284470 17.293396 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.572845 0.172934 0.031250 0.435087 +-45.600437 51.378941 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.037092 0.452130 +-53.927975 2.587628 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.539280 0.025876 0.032928 0.427734 +-45.404758 -40.562668 -0.000003 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.454048 -0.405627 0.021840 0.712891 +-45.600437 51.378941 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.021742 0.758861 +-53.927975 2.587628 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.539280 0.025876 0.017578 0.734466 +-53.927975 2.587628 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.539280 0.025876 0.017578 0.787200 +-45.600437 51.378941 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.021742 0.811596 +-45.404758 -40.562668 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.454048 -0.405627 0.021840 0.765625 +-53.981720 -40.696175 -0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.539817 -0.406962 0.017578 0.818359 +-45.404758 -40.562668 -0.000003 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.454048 -0.405627 0.021867 0.818426 +-53.927975 2.587628 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.539280 0.025876 0.017605 0.840001 +-53.927975 2.587628 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.539280 0.025876 0.017605 0.867345 +-45.404758 -40.562668 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.454048 -0.405627 0.021867 0.845770 +-53.981720 -40.696175 -20.000002 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.539817 -0.406962 0.017578 0.845703 +-57.284470 17.293396 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.572845 0.172934 0.051577 0.132813 +-45.600437 51.378941 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.057419 0.149855 +-66.689163 29.086510 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.666892 0.290865 0.046875 0.138709 +-66.689163 29.086510 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.666892 0.290865 0.046875 0.162147 +-45.600437 51.378941 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.057419 0.173293 +-57.284470 17.293396 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.572845 0.172934 0.051577 0.156250 +-131.522278 -40.791973 -0.000011 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.315223 -0.407920 0.031250 0.457031 +-121.714661 2.587631 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.217147 0.025876 0.036154 0.478721 +-131.326599 51.378933 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 0.513789 0.031348 0.503117 +-131.326599 51.378933 -20.000011 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 0.513789 0.031348 0.555851 +-121.714661 2.587631 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.217147 0.025876 0.036154 0.531455 +-131.522278 -40.791973 -20.000011 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.315223 -0.407920 0.031250 0.509766 +-121.714661 2.587631 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.217147 0.025876 0.036056 0.562500 +-118.358162 17.293400 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.183582 0.172934 0.037734 0.569853 +-131.326599 51.378933 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 0.513789 0.031250 0.586896 +-131.326599 51.378933 -20.000011 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 0.513789 0.031250 0.616193 +-118.358162 17.293400 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.183582 0.172934 0.037734 0.599150 +-121.714661 2.587631 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.217147 0.025876 0.036056 0.591797 +-118.358162 17.293400 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.183582 0.172934 0.070937 0.103516 +-108.953468 29.086510 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.089535 0.290865 0.075640 0.109412 +-131.326599 51.378933 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 0.513789 0.064453 0.120558 +-131.326599 51.378933 -20.000011 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 0.513789 0.064453 0.143996 +-108.953468 29.086510 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.089535 0.290865 0.075640 0.132850 +-118.358162 17.293400 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.183582 0.172934 0.070937 0.126953 +-108.953468 29.086510 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.089535 0.290865 0.140093 0.056641 +-95.363297 35.631195 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 0.356312 0.146888 0.059913 +-131.326599 51.378933 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 0.513789 0.128906 0.067787 +-131.326599 51.378933 -20.000011 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.313266 0.513789 0.152344 0.067787 +-95.363297 35.631195 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 0.356312 0.170325 0.059913 +-108.953468 29.086510 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.089535 0.290865 0.163530 0.056641 +-45.600437 51.378941 -0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.397928 0.046936 +-95.363297 35.631195 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 0.356312 0.373047 0.039063 +-80.279335 35.631195 -0.000009 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -0.802793 0.356312 0.380589 0.039063 +-80.279335 35.631195 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.802793 0.356312 0.411839 0.039063 +-95.363297 35.631195 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.953633 0.356312 0.404297 0.039063 +-45.600437 51.378941 -20.000010 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -0.456004 0.513789 0.429178 0.046936 +-150.432678 35.631111 41.344543 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.504327 0.413445 0.435547 0.039063 +-130.432663 29.086428 54.934700 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.304327 0.549347 0.445547 0.045858 +-150.432663 29.086428 54.934723 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.504327 0.549347 0.435547 0.045858 +-130.432678 35.631111 41.344521 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.304327 0.413445 0.461172 0.039063 +-130.432663 29.086428 54.934700 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.304327 0.549347 0.461172 0.045858 +-150.432678 35.631111 41.344543 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.504327 0.413445 0.451172 0.039063 +-150.432663 29.086428 54.934723 -0.000001 -0.623489 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.504327 0.290864 0.466797 0.044959 +-130.432648 17.293314 64.339386 -0.000001 -0.623489 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.304326 0.172933 0.476797 0.039063 +-150.432663 17.293314 64.339409 -0.000001 -0.623489 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.504327 0.172933 0.466797 0.039063 +-130.432663 29.086428 54.934700 -0.000001 -0.623489 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.304327 0.290864 0.492422 0.044959 +-130.432648 17.293314 64.339386 -0.000001 -0.623489 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.304326 0.172933 0.492422 0.039063 +-150.432663 29.086428 54.934723 -0.000001 -0.623489 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.504327 0.290864 0.482422 0.044959 +-150.432663 17.293314 64.339409 -0.000001 -0.222521 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.504327 0.172933 0.046875 0.187040 +-130.432648 2.587545 67.695885 -0.000001 -0.222521 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.304326 0.025875 0.056875 0.179688 +-150.432648 2.587545 67.695908 -0.000001 -0.222521 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.504326 0.025875 0.046875 0.179688 +-130.432648 17.293314 64.339386 -0.000001 -0.222521 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.304326 0.172933 0.056875 0.200712 +-130.432648 2.587545 67.695885 -0.000001 -0.222521 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.304326 0.025875 0.056875 0.193359 +-150.432663 17.293314 64.339409 -0.000001 -0.222521 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.504327 0.172933 0.046875 0.200712 +-150.432648 2.587545 67.695908 -0.000002 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.504326 0.025875 0.046875 0.228673 +-130.432663 -40.696259 67.642136 -0.000002 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.304327 -0.406963 0.056875 0.207031 +-150.432663 -40.696259 67.642166 -0.000002 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.504327 -0.406963 0.046875 0.207031 +-130.432648 2.587545 67.695885 -0.000001 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.304326 0.025875 0.056875 0.256017 +-130.432663 -40.696259 67.642136 -0.000001 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.304327 -0.406963 0.056875 0.234375 +-150.432648 2.587545 67.695908 -0.000001 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.504326 0.025875 0.046875 0.256017 +-150.432663 -40.696259 67.642166 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.504327 0.676422 0.498047 0.039063 +-130.432648 -40.562752 76.219101 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.304326 0.762191 0.508047 0.043351 +-150.432648 -40.562752 76.219124 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.504326 0.762191 0.498047 0.043351 +-130.432663 -40.696259 67.642136 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.304327 0.676421 0.523672 0.039063 +-130.432648 -40.562752 76.219101 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.304326 0.762191 0.523672 0.043351 +-150.432663 -40.696259 67.642166 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.504327 0.676422 0.513672 0.039063 +-150.432648 -40.562752 76.219124 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.504326 -0.405628 0.046875 0.261719 +-130.432648 51.378860 76.023422 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.304326 0.513789 0.056875 0.307690 +-150.432648 51.378860 76.023445 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.504326 0.513789 0.046875 0.307690 +-130.432648 -40.562752 76.219101 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.304326 -0.405628 0.056875 0.314453 +-130.432648 51.378860 76.023422 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.304326 0.513789 0.056875 0.360424 +-150.432648 -40.562752 76.219124 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.504326 -0.405628 0.046875 0.314453 +-150.432648 51.378860 76.023445 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504326 0.760234 0.046875 0.410051 +-130.432739 51.378853 -9.702749 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304327 -0.097027 0.056875 0.367188 +-150.432739 51.378853 -9.702725 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504327 -0.097027 0.046875 0.367188 +-130.432648 51.378860 76.023422 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304326 0.760234 0.056875 0.458879 +-130.432739 51.378853 -9.702749 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304327 -0.097027 0.056875 0.416016 +-150.432648 51.378860 76.023445 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504326 0.760234 0.046875 0.458879 +-150.432739 51.378853 -9.702725 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.504327 0.513789 0.046875 0.510929 +-130.432739 -40.792053 -9.898424 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.304327 -0.407921 0.056875 0.464844 +-150.432739 -40.792053 -9.898400 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.504327 -0.407921 0.046875 0.464844 +-130.432739 51.378853 -9.702749 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.304327 0.513789 0.056875 0.563664 +-130.432739 -40.792053 -9.898424 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.304327 -0.407921 0.056875 0.517578 +-150.432739 51.378853 -9.702725 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.504327 0.513789 0.046875 0.563664 +-150.432739 -40.792053 -9.898400 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.504327 -0.098984 0.046875 0.570313 +-130.432724 -40.742065 -0.037060 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.304327 -0.000371 0.056875 0.575243 +-150.432739 -40.742065 -0.037037 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.504327 -0.000370 0.046875 0.575243 +-130.432739 -40.792053 -9.898424 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.304327 -0.098984 0.056875 0.582031 +-130.432724 -40.742065 -0.037060 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.304327 -0.000371 0.056875 0.586962 +-150.432739 -40.792053 -9.898400 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.504327 -0.098984 0.046875 0.582031 +-150.432739 -40.742065 -0.037037 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.504327 -0.407421 0.046875 0.593750 +-130.432724 2.587548 -0.090806 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.304327 0.025875 0.056875 0.615415 +-150.432739 2.587548 -0.090782 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.504327 0.025875 0.046875 0.615415 +-130.432724 -40.742065 -0.037060 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.304327 -0.407421 0.056875 0.621094 +-130.432724 2.587548 -0.090806 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.304327 0.025875 0.056875 0.642759 +-150.432739 -40.742065 -0.037037 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.504327 -0.407421 0.046875 0.621094 +-150.432739 2.587548 -0.090782 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.504327 0.025875 0.046875 0.648438 +-130.432724 17.293316 3.265692 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.304327 0.172933 0.056875 0.655790 +-150.432724 17.293316 3.265715 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.504327 0.172933 0.046875 0.655790 +-130.432724 2.587548 -0.090806 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.304327 0.025875 0.056875 0.662109 +-130.432724 17.293316 3.265692 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.304327 0.172933 0.056875 0.669462 +-150.432739 2.587548 -0.090782 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.504327 0.025875 0.046875 0.662109 +-150.432724 17.293316 3.265715 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.504327 0.172933 0.046875 0.675781 +-130.432709 29.086428 12.670384 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.304327 0.290864 0.056875 0.681678 +-150.432724 29.086428 12.670407 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.504327 0.290864 0.046875 0.681678 +-130.432724 17.293316 3.265692 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.304327 0.172933 0.056875 0.687500 +-130.432709 29.086428 12.670384 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.304327 0.290864 0.056875 0.693397 +-150.432724 17.293316 3.265715 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.504327 0.172933 0.046875 0.687500 +-150.432724 29.086428 12.670407 0.000001 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.504327 0.126704 0.046875 0.699219 +-130.432693 35.631111 26.260561 0.000001 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.304327 0.262606 0.056875 0.706014 +-150.432709 35.631111 26.260584 0.000001 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.504327 0.262606 0.046875 0.706014 +-130.432709 29.086428 12.670384 0.000000 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.304327 0.126704 0.056875 0.710938 +-130.432693 35.631111 26.260561 0.000000 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.304327 0.262606 0.056875 0.717733 +-150.432724 29.086428 12.670407 0.000000 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.504327 0.126704 0.046875 0.710938 +-150.432709 35.631111 26.260584 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504327 0.262606 0.046875 0.722656 +-130.432678 35.631111 41.344521 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304327 0.413445 0.056875 0.730198 +-150.432678 35.631111 41.344543 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504327 0.413445 0.046875 0.730198 +-130.432693 35.631111 26.260561 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304327 0.262606 0.056875 0.736328 +-130.432678 35.631111 41.344521 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304327 0.413445 0.056875 0.743870 +-150.432709 35.631111 26.260584 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504327 0.262606 0.046875 0.736328 +-150.432709 35.631111 26.260584 -1.000000 0.000001 0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 0.262606 0.046875 0.767982 +-150.432648 51.378860 76.023445 -1.000000 0.000001 0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.054749 0.792863 +-150.432739 51.378853 -9.702725 -1.000000 0.000001 0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.097027 0.054749 0.750000 +-130.432739 51.378853 -9.702749 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.097027 0.054749 0.798828 +-130.432648 51.378860 76.023422 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.054749 0.841691 +-130.432693 35.631111 26.260561 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 0.262606 0.046875 0.816810 +-150.432739 2.587548 -0.090782 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025875 -0.000908 0.197471 0.061544 +-150.432739 -40.792053 -9.898400 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407921 -0.098984 0.175781 0.056641 +-150.432739 -40.742065 -0.037037 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407421 -0.000370 0.175806 0.061571 +-130.432724 -40.742065 -0.037060 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff -0.407421 -0.000371 0.203150 0.061571 +-130.432739 -40.792053 -9.898424 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff -0.407921 -0.098984 0.203125 0.056641 +-130.432724 2.587548 -0.090806 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff 0.025875 -0.000908 0.224815 0.061544 +-150.432648 51.378860 76.023445 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.075599 0.167730 +-150.432678 35.631111 41.344543 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 0.413445 0.067725 0.150391 +-150.432663 29.086428 54.934723 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 0.549347 0.064453 0.157186 +-130.432663 29.086428 54.934700 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 0.549347 0.064453 0.180623 +-130.432678 35.631111 41.344521 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 0.413445 0.067725 0.173828 +-130.432648 51.378860 76.023422 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.075599 0.191168 +-150.432648 2.587545 67.695908 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000003 64ffffff 0.025875 0.676959 0.230469 0.058319 +-150.432648 51.378860 76.023445 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000003 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.254864 0.062483 +-150.432663 17.293314 64.339409 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000003 64ffffff 0.172933 0.643394 0.237822 0.056641 +-130.432648 17.293314 64.339386 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172933 0.643394 0.267119 0.056641 +-130.432648 51.378860 76.023422 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.284161 0.062483 +-130.432648 2.587545 67.695885 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025875 0.676959 0.259766 0.058319 +-150.432648 -40.562752 76.219124 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405628 0.762191 0.529297 0.043324 +-150.432648 51.378860 76.023445 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.575268 0.043226 +-150.432648 2.587545 67.695908 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025875 0.676959 0.550872 0.039063 +-130.432648 2.587545 67.695885 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025875 0.676959 0.603606 0.039063 +-130.432648 51.378860 76.023422 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.628002 0.043226 +-130.432648 -40.562752 76.219101 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405628 0.762191 0.582031 0.043324 +-150.432663 -40.696259 67.642166 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff -0.406963 0.676422 0.634766 0.039063 +-150.432648 -40.562752 76.219124 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff -0.405628 0.762191 0.634832 0.043351 +-150.432648 2.587545 67.695908 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff 0.025875 0.676959 0.656408 0.039089 +-130.432648 2.587545 67.695885 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff 0.025875 0.676959 0.683751 0.039089 +-130.432648 -40.562752 76.219101 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff -0.405628 0.762191 0.662176 0.043351 +-130.432663 -40.696259 67.642136 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff -0.406963 0.676421 0.662109 0.039063 +-150.432663 17.293314 64.339409 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172933 0.643394 0.082031 0.078921 +-150.432648 51.378860 76.023445 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.099074 0.084763 +-150.432663 29.086428 54.934723 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.290864 0.549347 0.087928 0.074219 +-130.432663 29.086428 54.934700 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 0.549347 0.111365 0.074219 +-130.432648 51.378860 76.023422 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.122512 0.084763 +-130.432648 17.293314 64.339386 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.172933 0.643394 0.105469 0.078921 +-150.432739 -40.792053 -9.898400 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407921 -0.098984 0.289063 0.056641 +-150.432739 2.587548 -0.090782 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025875 -0.000908 0.310752 0.061544 +-150.432739 51.378853 -9.702725 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.097027 0.335148 0.056738 +-130.432739 51.378853 -9.702749 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.097027 0.387882 0.056738 +-130.432724 2.587548 -0.090806 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff 0.025875 -0.000908 0.363487 0.061544 +-130.432739 -40.792053 -9.898424 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff -0.407921 -0.098984 0.341797 0.056641 +-150.432739 2.587548 -0.090782 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff 0.025875 -0.000908 0.394531 0.061447 +-150.432724 17.293316 3.265715 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff 0.172933 0.032657 0.401884 0.063125 +-150.432739 51.378853 -9.702725 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.097027 0.418927 0.056641 +-130.432739 51.378853 -9.702749 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.097027 0.448224 0.056641 +-130.432724 17.293316 3.265692 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.172933 0.032657 0.431181 0.063125 +-130.432724 2.587548 -0.090806 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.025875 -0.000908 0.423828 0.061447 +-150.432724 17.293316 3.265715 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172933 0.032657 0.082031 0.096328 +-150.432724 29.086428 12.670407 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.290864 0.126704 0.087928 0.101030 +-150.432739 51.378853 -9.702725 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.097027 0.099074 0.089844 +-130.432739 51.378853 -9.702749 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.097027 0.122512 0.089844 +-130.432709 29.086428 12.670384 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 0.126704 0.111365 0.101030 +-130.432724 17.293316 3.265692 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.172933 0.032657 0.105469 0.096328 +-150.432724 29.086428 12.670407 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 0.126704 0.064453 0.208452 +-150.432709 35.631111 26.260584 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 0.262606 0.067725 0.215247 +-150.432739 51.378853 -9.702725 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.097027 0.075599 0.197266 +-130.432739 51.378853 -9.702749 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 -0.097027 0.075599 0.220703 +-130.432693 35.631111 26.260561 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 0.262606 0.067725 0.238685 +-130.432709 29.086428 12.670384 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 0.126704 0.064453 0.231890 +-150.432648 51.378860 76.023445 -1.000000 -0.000003 0.000002 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.054749 0.872538 +-150.432709 35.631111 26.260584 -1.000000 -0.000003 0.000002 64ffffff 0.356311 0.262606 0.046875 0.847656 +-150.432678 35.631111 41.344543 -1.000000 -0.000003 0.000002 64ffffff 0.356311 0.413445 0.046875 0.855198 +-130.432678 35.631111 41.344521 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 0.413445 0.046875 0.886448 +-130.432693 35.631111 26.260561 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 0.262606 0.046875 0.878906 +-130.432648 51.378860 76.023422 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.760234 0.054749 0.903788 +-150.426575 35.631123 127.238884 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.504266 1.272389 0.453125 0.056641 +-130.426559 29.086437 140.829041 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.304266 1.408290 0.463125 0.063436 +-150.426559 29.086437 140.829056 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.504266 1.408291 0.453125 0.063436 +-130.426575 35.631123 127.238861 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.304266 1.272389 0.478750 0.056641 +-130.426559 29.086437 140.829041 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.304266 1.408290 0.478750 0.063436 +-150.426575 35.631123 127.238884 0.000000 -0.900969 -0.433884 64ffffff -1.504266 1.272389 0.468750 0.056641 +-150.426559 29.086437 140.829056 -0.000001 -0.623490 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.504266 0.290864 0.484375 0.062537 +-130.426544 17.293324 150.233734 -0.000001 -0.623490 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.304265 0.172933 0.494375 0.056641 +-150.426559 17.293324 150.233749 -0.000001 -0.623490 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.504266 0.172933 0.484375 0.056641 +-130.426559 29.086437 140.829041 -0.000001 -0.623490 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.304266 0.290864 0.510000 0.062537 +-130.426544 17.293324 150.233734 -0.000001 -0.623490 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.304265 0.172933 0.510000 0.056641 +-150.426559 29.086437 140.829056 -0.000001 -0.623490 -0.781832 64ffffff -1.504266 0.290864 0.500000 0.062537 +-150.426559 17.293324 150.233749 -0.000001 -0.222522 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.504266 0.172933 0.064453 0.251494 +-130.426544 2.587555 153.590225 -0.000001 -0.222522 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.304265 0.025876 0.074453 0.244141 +-150.426544 2.587555 153.590256 -0.000001 -0.222522 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.504265 0.025876 0.064453 0.244141 +-130.426544 17.293324 150.233734 -0.000001 -0.222521 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.304265 0.172933 0.074453 0.265165 +-130.426544 2.587555 153.590225 -0.000001 -0.222521 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.304265 0.025876 0.074453 0.257813 +-150.426559 17.293324 150.233749 -0.000001 -0.222521 -0.974928 64ffffff -1.504266 0.172933 0.064453 0.265165 +-150.426544 2.587555 153.590256 -0.000001 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.504265 0.025876 0.064453 0.293126 +-130.426559 -40.696247 153.536484 -0.000001 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.304266 -0.406962 0.074453 0.271484 +-150.426559 -40.696247 153.536499 -0.000001 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.504266 -0.406962 0.064453 0.271484 +-130.426544 2.587555 153.590225 -0.000002 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.304265 0.025876 0.074453 0.320470 +-130.426559 -40.696247 153.536484 -0.000002 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.304266 -0.406962 0.074453 0.298828 +-150.426544 2.587555 153.590256 -0.000002 0.001242 -0.999999 64ffffff -1.504265 0.025876 0.064453 0.320470 +-150.426559 -40.696247 153.536499 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.504266 1.535365 0.689453 0.039063 +-130.426544 -40.562740 162.113449 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.304265 1.621134 0.699453 0.043351 +-150.426544 -40.562740 162.113464 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.504265 1.621135 0.689453 0.043351 +-130.426559 -40.696247 153.536484 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.304266 1.535365 0.715078 0.039063 +-130.426544 -40.562740 162.113449 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.304265 1.621134 0.715078 0.043351 +-150.426559 -40.696247 153.536499 0.000000 -0.999879 0.015564 64ffffff -1.504266 1.535365 0.705078 0.039063 +-150.426544 -40.562740 162.113464 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.504265 -0.405627 0.064453 0.326172 +-130.426544 51.378868 161.917770 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.304265 0.513789 0.074453 0.372143 +-150.426544 51.378868 161.917786 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.504265 0.513789 0.064453 0.372143 +-130.426544 -40.562740 162.113449 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.304265 -0.405627 0.074453 0.378906 +-130.426544 51.378868 161.917770 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.304265 0.513789 0.074453 0.424877 +-150.426544 -40.562740 162.113464 0.000001 0.002128 0.999998 64ffffff -1.504265 -0.405627 0.064453 0.378906 +-150.426544 51.378868 161.917786 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504265 1.619178 0.064453 0.474504 +-130.426636 51.378860 76.191589 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304266 0.761916 0.074453 0.431641 +-150.426636 51.378860 76.191612 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504266 0.761916 0.064453 0.431641 +-130.426544 51.378868 161.917770 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304265 1.619178 0.074453 0.523332 +-130.426636 51.378860 76.191589 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304266 0.761916 0.074453 0.480469 +-150.426544 51.378868 161.917786 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504265 1.619178 0.064453 0.523332 +-150.426636 51.378860 76.191612 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.504266 0.513789 0.064453 0.575382 +-130.426636 -40.792046 75.995918 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.304266 -0.407920 0.074453 0.529297 +-150.426636 -40.792046 75.995941 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.504266 -0.407920 0.064453 0.529297 +-130.426636 51.378860 76.191589 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.304266 0.513789 0.074453 0.628117 +-130.426636 -40.792046 75.995918 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.304266 -0.407920 0.074453 0.582031 +-150.426636 51.378860 76.191612 -0.000001 0.002123 -0.999998 64ffffff -1.504266 0.513789 0.064453 0.628117 +-150.426636 -40.792046 75.995941 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.504266 0.759959 0.515625 0.056641 +-130.426620 -40.742058 85.857277 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.304266 0.858573 0.525625 0.061571 +-150.426636 -40.742058 85.857300 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.504266 0.858573 0.515625 0.061571 +-130.426636 -40.792046 75.995918 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.304266 0.759959 0.541250 0.056641 +-130.426620 -40.742058 85.857277 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.304266 0.858573 0.541250 0.061571 +-150.426636 -40.792046 75.995941 0.000000 -0.999987 0.005069 64ffffff -1.504266 0.759959 0.531250 0.056641 +-150.426636 -40.742058 85.857300 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.504266 -0.407421 0.064453 0.634766 +-130.426620 2.587559 85.803535 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.304266 0.025876 0.074453 0.656430 +-150.426636 2.587559 85.803558 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.504266 0.025876 0.064453 0.656430 +-130.426620 -40.742058 85.857277 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.304266 -0.407421 0.074453 0.662109 +-130.426620 2.587559 85.803535 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.304266 0.025876 0.074453 0.683774 +-150.426636 -40.742058 85.857300 0.000001 0.001240 0.999999 64ffffff -1.504266 -0.407421 0.064453 0.662109 +-150.426636 2.587559 85.803558 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.504266 0.025876 0.064453 0.689453 +-130.426620 17.293327 89.160034 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.304266 0.172933 0.074453 0.696806 +-150.426620 17.293327 89.160057 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.504266 0.172933 0.064453 0.696806 +-130.426620 2.587559 85.803535 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.304266 0.025876 0.074453 0.703125 +-130.426620 17.293327 89.160034 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.304266 0.172933 0.074453 0.710478 +-150.426636 2.587559 85.803558 0.000001 -0.222521 0.974928 64ffffff -1.504266 0.025876 0.064453 0.703125 +-150.426620 17.293327 89.160057 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.504266 0.172933 0.064453 0.716797 +-130.426605 29.086437 98.564728 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.304266 0.290864 0.074453 0.722693 +-150.426620 29.086437 98.564751 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.504266 0.290864 0.064453 0.722693 +-130.426620 17.293327 89.160034 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.304266 0.172933 0.074453 0.728516 +-130.426605 29.086437 98.564728 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.304266 0.290864 0.074453 0.734412 +-150.426620 17.293327 89.160057 0.000001 -0.623490 0.781831 64ffffff -1.504266 0.172933 0.064453 0.728516 +-150.426620 29.086437 98.564751 0.000000 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.504266 0.985647 0.064453 0.740234 +-130.426590 35.631123 112.154900 0.000000 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.304266 1.121549 0.074453 0.747029 +-150.426605 35.631123 112.154922 0.000000 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.504266 1.121549 0.064453 0.747029 +-130.426605 29.086437 98.564728 0.000000 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.304266 0.985647 0.074453 0.751953 +-130.426590 35.631123 112.154900 0.000000 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.304266 1.121549 0.074453 0.758748 +-150.426620 29.086437 98.564751 0.000000 -0.900969 0.433884 64ffffff -1.504266 0.985647 0.064453 0.751953 +-150.426605 35.631123 112.154922 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504266 1.121549 0.064453 0.763672 +-130.426575 35.631123 127.238861 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304266 1.272389 0.074453 0.771214 +-150.426575 35.631123 127.238884 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504266 1.272389 0.064453 0.771214 +-130.426590 35.631123 112.154900 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304266 1.121549 0.074453 0.777344 +-130.426575 35.631123 127.238861 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.304266 1.272389 0.074453 0.784886 +-150.426605 35.631123 112.154922 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.504266 1.121549 0.064453 0.777344 +-150.426605 35.631123 112.154922 -1.000000 0.000001 0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 1.121549 0.046875 0.928138 +-150.426544 51.378868 161.917786 -1.000000 0.000001 0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.054749 0.953019 +-150.426636 51.378860 76.191612 -1.000000 0.000001 0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.761916 0.054749 0.910156 +-130.426636 51.378860 76.191589 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.761916 0.072327 0.791016 +-130.426544 51.378868 161.917770 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.072327 0.833879 +-130.426590 35.631123 112.154900 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 1.121549 0.064453 0.808997 +-150.426636 2.587559 85.803558 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 0.858036 0.568565 0.061544 +-150.426636 -40.792046 75.995941 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407920 0.759959 0.546875 0.056641 +-150.426636 -40.742058 85.857300 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407421 0.858573 0.546900 0.061571 +-130.426620 -40.742058 85.857277 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff -0.407421 0.858573 0.574244 0.061571 +-130.426636 -40.792046 75.995918 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff -0.407920 0.759959 0.574219 0.056641 +-130.426620 2.587559 85.803535 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff 0.025876 0.858035 0.595909 0.061544 +-150.426544 51.378868 161.917786 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.093177 0.124761 +-150.426575 35.631123 127.238884 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 1.272389 0.085304 0.107422 +-150.426559 29.086437 140.829056 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 1.408291 0.082031 0.114217 +-130.426559 29.086437 140.829041 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 1.408290 0.082031 0.137654 +-130.426575 35.631123 127.238861 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 1.272389 0.085304 0.130859 +-130.426544 51.378868 161.917770 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.093177 0.148199 +-150.426544 2.587555 153.590256 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000003 64ffffff 0.025876 1.535903 0.601563 0.058319 +-150.426544 51.378868 161.917786 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000003 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.625958 0.062483 +-150.426559 17.293324 150.233749 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000003 64ffffff 0.172933 1.502337 0.608915 0.056641 +-130.426544 17.293324 150.233734 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172933 1.502337 0.638212 0.056641 +-130.426544 51.378868 161.917770 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.655255 0.062483 +-130.426544 2.587555 153.590225 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 1.535902 0.630859 0.058319 +-150.426544 -40.562740 162.113464 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405627 1.621135 0.720703 0.043324 +-150.426544 51.378868 161.917786 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.766674 0.043226 +-150.426544 2.587555 153.590256 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 1.535903 0.742278 0.039063 +-130.426544 2.587555 153.590225 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 1.535902 0.795013 0.039063 +-130.426544 51.378868 161.917770 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.819408 0.043226 +-130.426544 -40.562740 162.113449 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.405627 1.621134 0.773438 0.043324 +-150.426559 -40.696247 153.536499 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff -0.406962 1.535365 0.826172 0.039063 +-150.426544 -40.562740 162.113464 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff -0.405627 1.621135 0.826239 0.043351 +-150.426544 2.587555 153.590256 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff 0.025876 1.535903 0.847814 0.039089 +-130.426544 2.587555 153.590225 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff 0.025876 1.535902 0.875158 0.039089 +-130.426544 -40.562740 162.113449 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff -0.405627 1.621134 0.853582 0.043351 +-130.426559 -40.696247 153.536484 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff -0.406962 1.535365 0.853516 0.039063 +-150.426559 17.293324 150.233749 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172933 1.502337 0.128906 0.078921 +-150.426544 51.378868 161.917786 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.145949 0.084763 +-150.426559 29.086437 140.829056 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.290864 1.408291 0.134803 0.074219 +-130.426559 29.086437 140.829041 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 1.408290 0.158240 0.074219 +-130.426544 51.378868 161.917770 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.169387 0.084763 +-130.426544 17.293324 150.233734 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.172933 1.502337 0.152344 0.078921 +-150.426636 -40.792046 75.995941 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.407920 0.759959 0.660156 0.056641 +-150.426636 2.587559 85.803558 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.025876 0.858036 0.681846 0.061544 +-150.426636 51.378860 76.191612 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 0.761916 0.706242 0.056738 +-130.426636 51.378860 76.191589 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff 0.513789 0.761916 0.758976 0.056738 +-130.426620 2.587559 85.803535 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff 0.025876 0.858035 0.734580 0.061544 +-130.426636 -40.792046 75.995918 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000002 64ffffff -0.407920 0.759959 0.712891 0.056641 +-150.426636 2.587559 85.803558 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff 0.025876 0.858036 0.765625 0.061447 +-150.426620 17.293327 89.160057 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff 0.172933 0.891601 0.772978 0.063125 +-150.426636 51.378860 76.191612 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000002 64ffffff 0.513789 0.761916 0.790021 0.056641 +-130.426636 51.378860 76.191589 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.761916 0.819318 0.056641 +-130.426620 17.293327 89.160034 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.172933 0.891600 0.802275 0.063125 +-130.426620 2.587559 85.803535 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.025876 0.858035 0.794922 0.061447 +-150.426620 17.293327 89.160057 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.172933 0.891601 0.128906 0.096328 +-150.426620 29.086437 98.564751 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.290864 0.985647 0.134803 0.101030 +-150.426636 51.378860 76.191612 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513789 0.761916 0.145949 0.089844 +-130.426636 51.378860 76.191589 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.761916 0.169387 0.089844 +-130.426605 29.086437 98.564728 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 0.985647 0.158240 0.101030 +-130.426620 17.293327 89.160034 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.172933 0.891600 0.152344 0.096328 +-150.426620 29.086437 98.564751 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 0.985647 0.082031 0.165483 +-150.426605 35.631123 112.154922 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 1.121549 0.085304 0.172279 +-150.426636 51.378860 76.191612 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.761916 0.093177 0.154297 +-130.426636 51.378860 76.191589 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 0.761916 0.093177 0.177734 +-130.426590 35.631123 112.154900 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 1.121549 0.085304 0.195716 +-130.426605 29.086437 98.564728 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.290864 0.985647 0.082031 0.188921 +-150.426544 51.378868 161.917786 -1.000000 -0.000003 0.000002 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.054749 0.983866 +-150.426605 35.631123 112.154922 -1.000000 -0.000003 0.000002 64ffffff 0.356311 1.121549 0.046875 0.958984 +-150.426575 35.631123 127.238884 -1.000000 -0.000003 0.000002 64ffffff 0.356311 1.272389 0.046875 0.966526 +-130.426575 35.631123 127.238861 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 1.272389 0.064453 0.847386 +-130.426590 35.631123 112.154900 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.356311 1.121549 0.064453 0.839844 +-130.426544 51.378868 161.917770 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 64ffffff 0.513789 1.619178 0.072327 0.864725 + + +0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 +25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 +50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 +75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 +100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 +125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 +150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 +175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 +200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 +225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 +250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 +275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 +300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 +325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 +350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 +375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 +400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 +425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 +450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 +475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 +500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 +525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 +550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 +575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 +600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 +625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 +650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 +675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 +700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 +725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 +750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 +775 776 777 778 779 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +-198.610870 -39.363640 162.326416 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 -0.393636 0.099609 0.107422 +129.228073 51.333405 162.326492 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 0.513334 0.263529 0.152770 +129.228073 -39.363445 162.326492 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 -0.393634 0.263529 0.107422 +-198.610870 51.333210 162.326431 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 0.513332 0.269531 0.152770 +129.228073 51.333405 162.326492 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 0.513334 0.433451 0.152770 +-198.610870 -39.363640 162.326416 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 -0.393636 0.269531 0.107422 +129.228058 -39.363445 -61.869892 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 -0.393634 0.603373 0.107422 +-198.610886 51.333210 -61.869953 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 0.513332 0.439453 0.152770 +-198.610886 -39.363640 -61.869953 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 -0.393636 0.439453 0.107422 +129.228058 51.333405 -61.869884 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 0.513334 0.773295 0.152770 +-198.610886 51.333210 -61.869953 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 0.513332 0.609375 0.152770 +129.228058 -39.363445 -61.869892 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 -0.393634 0.773295 0.107422 +129.228073 -39.363445 162.326492 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.393634 1.623265 0.099609 0.270301 +129.228058 51.333405 -61.869884 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513334 -0.618699 0.144958 0.158203 +129.228058 -39.363445 -61.869892 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.393634 -0.618699 0.099609 0.158203 +129.228073 51.333405 162.326492 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513334 1.623265 0.144958 0.387489 +129.228058 51.333405 -61.869884 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513334 -0.618699 0.144958 0.275391 +129.228073 -39.363445 162.326492 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.393634 1.623265 0.099609 0.387489 +-198.610870 51.333210 162.326431 0.000001 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 1.623264 0.150391 0.270301 +129.228058 51.333405 -61.869884 0.000001 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 -0.618699 0.314310 0.158203 +129.228073 51.333405 162.326492 0.000001 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 1.623265 0.314310 0.270301 +-198.610886 51.333210 -61.869953 0.000001 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 -0.618699 0.320313 0.158203 +129.228058 51.333405 -61.869884 0.000001 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 -0.618699 0.484232 0.158203 +-198.610870 51.333210 162.326431 0.000001 -1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 1.623264 0.320313 0.270301 +-198.610870 -39.363640 162.326416 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.393636 1.623264 0.099609 0.504676 +-198.610886 51.333210 -61.869953 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513332 -0.618699 0.144958 0.392578 +-198.610870 51.333210 162.326431 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513332 1.623264 0.144958 0.504676 +-198.610886 -39.363640 -61.869953 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.393636 -0.618699 0.099609 0.509766 +-198.610886 51.333210 -61.869953 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 0.513332 -0.618699 0.144958 0.509766 +-198.610870 -39.363640 162.326416 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -0.393636 1.623264 0.099609 0.621864 +-198.610870 -39.363640 162.326416 -0.000001 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 1.623264 0.490234 0.270301 +129.228058 -39.363445 -61.869892 -0.000001 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 -0.618699 0.654154 0.158203 +-198.610886 -39.363640 -61.869953 -0.000001 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 -0.618699 0.490234 0.158203 +129.228073 -39.363445 162.326492 -0.000001 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 1.623265 0.824076 0.270301 +129.228058 -39.363445 -61.869892 -0.000001 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff 1.292281 -0.618699 0.824076 0.158203 +-198.610870 -39.363640 162.326416 -0.000001 1.000000 0.000000 64ffffff -1.986109 1.623264 0.660156 0.270301 + + +0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 +25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/models/IRR/crackedground_1-6.jpg b/test/models/IRR/crackedground_1-6.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..48da577fd Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/crackedground_1-6.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/dawfInCellar_ChildOfCellar.irr b/test/models/IRR/dawfInCellar_ChildOfCellar.irr index 698530d3a..b9fa20c6a 100644 Binary files a/test/models/IRR/dawfInCellar_ChildOfCellar.irr and b/test/models/IRR/dawfInCellar_ChildOfCellar.irr differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/dawfInCellar_ChildOfCellar_UTF16LE.irr 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index 000000000..9c07e0038 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/dwarf.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/dwarf.x b/test/models/IRR/dwarf.x new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0fb7be0d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/models/IRR/dwarf.x @@ -0,0 +1,18480 @@ +xof 0303txt 0032 + +// DirectX - from MilkShape3D + +template XSkinMeshHeader +{ + <3CF169CE-FF7C-44AB-93C0-F78F62D172E2> + WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerVertex; + WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerFace; + WORD nBones; +} + +template VertexDuplicationIndices +{ + + DWORD nIndices; + DWORD nOriginalVertices; + array DWORD indices[nIndices]; +} + +template SkinWeights +{ + <6F0D123B-BAD2-4167-A0D0-80224F25FABB> + CSTRING transformNodeName; + DWORD nWeights; + array DWORD vertexIndices[nWeights]; + array FLOAT weights[nWeights]; + Matrix4x4 matrixOffset; +} + +Frame base +{ + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 0.011608,-0.015192,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame middle + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 0.173034,30.221760,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame lhip + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -5.191007,-3.469861,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame lknee + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -1.903369,-8.817497,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame lankle + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543,1.000000;; + } + + Frame ltoe + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192,1.000000;; + } + } + } + } + } + + Frame rhip + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame rknee + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame rankle + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543,1.000000;; + } + + Frame rtoe + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357,1.000000;; + } + } + } + } + } + + Frame spine2 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -0.008257,4.071795,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint75 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -0.007980,5.843795,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint76 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -0.033215,5.642583,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame spine1 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -0.057544,3.129822,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame head + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,4.183402,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint36 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint39 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint40 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint41 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437,1.000000;; + } + } + } + } + } + + Frame Joint37 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint38 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint42 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint43 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697,1.000000;; + } + } + } + } + } + + Frame top + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615,1.000000;; + } + } + } + + Frame pad2 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 0.986286,0.165048,0.000000,0.000000, + -0.159424,0.952679,0.258819,0.000000, + 0.042717,-0.255270,0.965926,0.000000, + -6.280235,3.399014,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + } + + Frame pad1 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 5.233529,3.529747,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + } + + Frame lsholda + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744,1.000000;; + } + + Frame lelbo + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949,1.000000;; + } + + Frame lwrist + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint17 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint18 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint19 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + } + } + } + + Frame Joint20 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -0.261676,-4.314132,-3.481931,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint21 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + } + } + } + } + } + + Frame rsholda + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744,1.000000;; + } + + Frame relbo + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949,1.000000;; + } + + Frame rwrist + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint25 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint26 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint27 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + } + } + } + + Frame Joint28 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320,1.000000;; + } + + Frame Joint29 + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + } + } + + Frame weapon + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Frame end + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711,1.000000;; + } + + Frame hit + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412,1.000000;; + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + + Frame Body + { + FrameTransformMatrix + { + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + Mesh test2Mesh + { + 1479; + 9.163393;52.592094;5.311051;, + 9.238389;48.717903;7.829298;, + 4.414237;48.688927;8.841169;, + 3.635573;52.340664;5.854128;, + 9.163393;53.140781;0.434684;, + 4.689968;52.717564;0.392938;, + 9.088393;49.163322;-4.030602;, + 4.688091;48.439060;-3.863904;, + 9.163393;53.331882;5.609362;, + 9.238389;49.283154;8.325875;, + 11.722147;50.016842;7.103333;, + 14.414900;52.402100;5.129919;, + 9.163393;53.906952;0.104077;, + 14.609170;52.948395;0.154898;, + 9.088393;49.657726;-4.596818;, + 12.538961;51.131771;-3.441837;, + 11.743780;49.455685;6.606065;, + 3.657926;53.078899;6.152925;, + 4.392604;49.250080;9.338439;, + 14.392547;51.663868;4.831122;, + 4.714078;53.482971;0.062556;, + 14.585064;52.182983;0.485280;, + 4.665834;48.929771;-4.430783;, + 12.561217;50.641060;-2.874957;, + -3.841073;48.688927;8.841169;, + -8.665230;48.717903;7.829298;, + -8.590232;52.592094;5.311051;, + -3.062412;52.340664;5.854128;, + -8.590232;53.140781;0.434684;, + -4.116807;52.717564;0.392938;, + -8.515234;49.163322;-4.030602;, + -4.114926;48.439060;-3.863904;, + -11.148983;50.016842;7.103333;, + -8.665230;49.283154;8.325875;, + -8.590232;53.331882;5.609362;, + -13.841740;52.402100;5.129919;, + -8.590232;53.906952;0.104077;, + -14.036011;52.948395;0.154898;, + -8.515234;49.657726;-4.596818;, + -11.965799;51.131771;-3.441837;, + -11.170617;49.455685;6.606065;, + -3.084766;53.078899;6.152925;, + -3.819439;49.250080;9.338439;, + -13.819386;51.663868;4.831122;, + -4.140916;53.482971;0.062556;, + -14.011902;52.182983;0.485280;, + -4.092670;48.929771;-4.430783;, + -11.988054;50.641060;-2.874957;, + 4.242009;58.884743;2.570855;, + 1.719232;58.884743;4.326951;, + 1.719237;56.180134;3.868141;, + 4.136295;56.180134;2.112046;, + 4.610723;58.899246;1.076627;, + 4.437895;58.255383;1.427657;, + 5.073560;57.831852;-0.831290;, + 5.188532;58.921978;-0.146142;, + 2.365810;57.220150;-5.311353;, + 2.389302;57.854408;-5.411583;, + 3.446397;57.361095;-4.919837;, + 1.418339;57.462894;-5.428807;, + 1.960295;58.125488;-6.407607;, + 3.297620;58.189804;-5.624568;, + 0.916452;57.514851;-5.702876;, + 0.196953;57.775261;-6.329302;, + 0.196953;58.155617;-6.759973;, + 0.564816;57.560535;-6.329302;, + 0.196953;56.507580;-7.229795;, + 0.708737;56.429287;-6.994888;, + 4.421278;57.862228;-4.019349;, + 1.112585;56.335316;-6.608064;, + 0.196953;55.849838;-7.151498;, + 0.582964;55.818516;-6.994890;, + 0.896177;55.674747;-6.525379;, + 1.417937;56.238544;-6.527757;, + 1.563801;56.421631;-5.875276;, + 1.501053;55.516430;-5.925784;, + 1.252991;55.717010;-6.405910;, + 1.410475;56.510334;-5.864188;, + 3.431264;58.838142;-5.428817;, + 4.623211;58.867786;-3.862747;, + 1.890343;58.877293;-6.329304;, + 0.196953;58.892124;-6.759975;, + 0.196953;55.386570;-6.432980;, + 1.338982;55.451138;-5.933945;, + 0.777895;55.360485;-5.945277;, + 1.571026;56.366024;-5.339862;, + 1.571026;55.436707;-5.446356;, + 1.861757;55.585438;-5.471374;, + 1.884718;56.220394;-5.389740;, + 2.329635;56.396385;-5.213789;, + 2.469955;55.050526;-5.128000;, + 3.372011;56.456528;-4.812878;, + 3.374272;54.561684;-4.943109;, + 4.306293;56.502014;-3.484852;, + 3.994818;55.254379;-3.108994;, + 4.901477;58.929310;-2.285047;, + 4.795761;57.729420;-2.282111;, + 4.617773;56.512859;-2.432453;, + 1.247561;54.160404;-6.036166;, + 1.628837;53.851963;-5.425615;, + 1.488684;53.503712;-5.567427;, + 1.076976;53.568111;-6.080726;, + 0.196953;54.323627;-6.546213;, + 0.196953;53.731537;-6.538884;, + 0.196953;55.284870;-6.817455;, + 0.951778;55.293880;-6.407505;, + 1.324306;54.522755;-6.402828;, + 0.196953;54.639961;-6.854869;, + 1.651121;55.311077;-5.924803;, + 1.872430;54.120838;-6.092515;, + 2.486549;54.906082;-5.613785;, + 1.896263;53.393780;-5.016593;, + 3.004211;54.377865;-5.643836;, + 2.416372;53.485512;-6.018716;, + 4.294228;53.059486;-5.110569;, + 4.603637;53.194355;-4.556661;, + 3.353439;52.269436;-6.323624;, + 3.164008;52.026455;-5.518155;, + 2.831037;52.120289;-6.667702;, + 1.427815;53.126896;-6.581466;, + 0.196953;53.319347;-7.071489;, + 4.258074;51.279964;-6.929201;, + 0.196953;51.218552;-7.671501;, + 1.286211;51.037498;-7.819720;, + 0.196953;48.516830;-4.831125;, + 0.906312;47.223148;-6.323102;, + 2.390713;50.135826;-8.501509;, + 5.147715;49.761192;-2.113228;, + 5.483280;49.024506;-7.912204;, + 3.519759;47.640644;-8.922348;, + 2.230943;45.983410;-6.837262;, + 5.862195;46.566502;-7.827096;, + 6.063165;47.270485;-4.336467;, + 5.817128;46.143192;-6.768289;, + 4.771815;46.200104;-8.748175;, + 4.112585;45.550518;-7.827313;, + 5.082815;53.401516;-0.452015;, + 5.082815;55.802074;-0.757885;, + 6.278196;45.850166;-8.067322;, + 6.233131;45.426857;-7.008514;, + 5.187818;45.483761;-8.988400;, + 4.528587;44.834175;-8.067539;, + 7.751843;45.219013;-8.465691;, + 7.664405;44.397705;-6.411367;, + 5.636263;44.508118;-10.252790;, + 4.357210;43.247772;-8.466115;, + 7.991459;42.205650;-8.873802;, + 7.938428;41.592506;-7.636380;, + 6.708311;41.659477;-9.966291;, + 5.932536;40.895046;-8.882633;, + 7.677983;38.542618;-9.851732;, + 0.196953;58.884743;4.326951;, + 0.196953;56.180134;3.868141;, + 4.401065;56.646732;1.280575;, + 4.430346;55.772125;0.639352;, + 0.196953;53.862251;5.027995;, + 2.420499;53.751408;4.068233;, + 4.104025;53.089230;2.761263;, + 4.926210;51.548302;1.105534;, + 0.196953;51.306179;5.766455;, + 2.537956;50.579800;4.794079;, + 4.280571;49.732357;3.256207;, + 5.337671;48.582260;0.821585;, + 5.337671;47.371635;-1.636148;, + 0.196953;59.059555;4.940836;, + 1.877897;59.059555;4.940958;, + 5.022821;59.059555;2.991112;, + 5.431325;59.075630;1.332422;, + 6.073157;59.100891;-0.026047;, + 5.753413;59.109047;-2.406004;, + 5.444712;59.040668;-4.160086;, + 4.124426;59.007809;-5.896048;, + 2.070525;59.051250;-6.894945;, + 0.196953;59.067738;-7.373756;, + 0.196953;60.034519;4.932486;, + 1.875382;60.034519;4.933323;, + 5.012119;60.034527;2.990359;, + 5.413950;60.050449;1.339854;, + 6.055133;60.075699;-0.018468;, + 5.730547;60.083881;-2.419671;, + 5.424481;60.015327;-4.181113;, + 4.127413;59.982983;-5.894018;, + 2.082769;60.026131;-6.883855;, + 0.196953;60.042675;-7.364650;, + 0.196953;61.891335;4.474140;, + 2.119642;61.891335;4.476328;, + 4.312335;61.891335;2.701971;, + 4.631948;61.891903;1.199314;, + 5.159706;61.892818;-0.050380;, + 4.883253;61.893120;-2.302159;, + 4.635466;61.890621;-3.937706;, + 3.606839;61.889484;-5.468257;, + 2.316901;61.891026;-6.361181;, + 0.196953;61.891628;-6.807594;, + 0.196953;63.485386;2.934556;, + 1.273063;63.485386;2.936174;, + 2.932324;63.485386;1.646364;, + 3.173945;63.485817;0.554150;, + 3.573367;63.486504;-0.354457;, + 3.363917;63.486732;-1.992494;, + 3.176482;63.484837;-3.181942;, + 2.398919;63.483986;-4.293848;, + 1.422985;63.485149;-4.942707;, + 0.196953;63.485607;-5.267362;, + 0.196953;64.502686;-1.390165;, + -1.325331;58.884743;4.326951;, + -3.848105;58.884743;2.570855;, + -3.742393;56.180134;2.112046;, + -1.325334;56.180134;3.868141;, + -4.043993;58.255383;1.427657;, + -4.216822;58.899246;1.076627;, + -4.794626;58.921978;-0.146142;, + -4.679657;57.831852;-0.831290;, + -3.052497;57.361095;-4.919837;, + -1.995399;57.854408;-5.411583;, + -1.971910;57.220150;-5.311353;, + -1.024434;57.462894;-5.428807;, + -2.903716;58.189804;-5.624568;, + -1.566390;58.125488;-6.407607;, + -0.522547;57.514851;-5.702876;, + -0.170911;57.560535;-6.329302;, + -0.314837;56.429287;-6.994888;, + -4.027374;57.862228;-4.019349;, + -0.718680;56.335316;-6.608064;, + -0.189061;55.818516;-6.994890;, + -0.502274;55.674747;-6.525379;, + -1.169898;56.421631;-5.875276;, + -1.024032;56.238544;-6.527757;, + -0.859088;55.717010;-6.405910;, + -1.107148;55.516430;-5.925784;, + -1.016574;56.510334;-5.864188;, + -4.229308;58.867786;-3.862747;, + -3.037360;58.838142;-5.428817;, + -1.496442;58.877293;-6.329304;, + -0.383995;55.360485;-5.945277;, + -0.945081;55.451138;-5.933945;, + -1.177125;55.436707;-5.446356;, + -1.177123;56.366024;-5.339862;, + -1.490817;56.220394;-5.389740;, + -1.467852;55.585438;-5.471374;, + -1.935732;56.396385;-5.213789;, + -2.076050;55.050526;-5.128000;, + -2.978111;56.456528;-4.812878;, + -2.980371;54.561684;-4.943109;, + -3.912392;56.502014;-3.484852;, + -3.600917;55.254379;-3.108994;, + -4.507572;58.929310;-2.285047;, + -4.401859;57.729420;-2.282111;, + -4.223874;56.512859;-2.432453;, + -1.234934;53.851963;-5.425615;, + -0.853661;54.160404;-6.036166;, + -0.683076;53.568111;-6.080726;, + -1.094784;53.503712;-5.567427;, + -0.557873;55.293880;-6.407505;, + -0.930401;54.522755;-6.402828;, + -1.257221;55.311077;-5.924803;, + -1.478527;54.120838;-6.092515;, + -2.092644;54.906082;-5.613785;, + -1.502358;53.393780;-5.016593;, + -2.022469;53.485512;-6.018716;, + -2.610310;54.377865;-5.643836;, + -3.900326;53.059486;-5.110569;, + -4.209735;53.194355;-4.556661;, + -2.959539;52.269436;-6.323624;, + -2.770105;52.026455;-5.518155;, + -1.033910;53.126896;-6.581466;, + -2.437134;52.120289;-6.667702;, + -3.864171;51.279964;-6.929201;, + -0.892305;51.037498;-7.819720;, + -0.512412;47.223148;-6.323102;, + -1.996812;50.135826;-8.501509;, + -4.753813;49.761192;-2.113228;, + -5.089376;49.024506;-7.912204;, + -3.125859;47.640644;-8.922348;, + -1.837040;45.983410;-6.837262;, + -5.468292;46.566502;-7.827096;, + -5.423228;46.143192;-6.768289;, + -5.669262;47.270485;-4.336467;, + -4.377913;46.200104;-8.748175;, + -3.718686;45.550518;-7.827313;, + -4.688914;53.401516;-0.452015;, + -4.688914;55.802074;-0.757885;, + -5.884295;45.850166;-8.067322;, + -5.839230;45.426857;-7.008514;, + -4.793914;45.483761;-8.988400;, + -4.134687;44.834175;-8.067539;, + -7.357939;45.219013;-8.465691;, + -7.270504;44.397705;-6.411367;, + -5.242361;44.508118;-10.252790;, + -3.963310;43.247772;-8.466115;, + -7.597560;42.205650;-8.873802;, + -7.544526;41.592506;-7.636380;, + -6.314410;41.659477;-9.966291;, + -5.538635;40.895046;-8.882633;, + -7.284081;38.542618;-9.851732;, + -4.036447;55.772125;0.639352;, + -4.007164;56.646732;1.280575;, + -2.026598;53.751408;4.068233;, + -4.532308;51.548302;1.105534;, + -3.710120;53.089230;2.761263;, + -2.144051;50.579800;4.794079;, + -3.886670;49.732357;3.256207;, + -4.943766;48.582260;0.821585;, + -4.943766;47.371635;-1.636148;, + -1.483993;59.059555;4.940958;, + -4.628918;59.059555;2.991112;, + -5.037425;59.075630;1.332422;, + -5.679255;59.100891;-0.026047;, + -5.359512;59.109047;-2.406004;, + -5.050810;59.040668;-4.160086;, + -3.730523;59.007809;-5.896048;, + -1.676620;59.051250;-6.894945;, + -1.481479;60.034519;4.933323;, + -4.618215;60.034527;2.990359;, + -5.020047;60.050449;1.339854;, + -5.661230;60.075699;-0.018468;, + -5.336645;60.083881;-2.419671;, + -5.030577;60.015327;-4.181113;, + -3.733512;59.982983;-5.894018;, + -1.688867;60.026131;-6.883855;, + -1.725740;61.891335;4.476328;, + -3.918436;61.891335;2.701971;, + -4.238046;61.891903;1.199314;, + -4.765804;61.892818;-0.050380;, + -4.489351;61.893120;-2.302159;, + -4.241562;61.890621;-3.937706;, + -3.212934;61.889484;-5.468257;, + -1.923000;61.891026;-6.361181;, + -0.879161;63.485386;2.936174;, + -2.538420;63.485386;1.646364;, + -2.780046;63.485817;0.554150;, + -3.179467;63.486504;-0.354457;, + -2.970013;63.486732;-1.992494;, + -2.782579;63.484837;-3.181942;, + -2.005019;63.483986;-4.293848;, + -1.029080;63.485149;-4.942707;, + -0.192284;65.158386;-0.267689;, + -0.617771;65.158386;-1.004657;, + -0.014429;64.035477;-1.004657;, + 0.109390;64.035477;-0.790199;, + 0.234013;67.669022;-1.022976;, + 0.658695;65.158386;-0.267689;, + 0.357023;64.035477;-0.790199;, + 1.084181;65.158386;-1.004657;, + 0.480839;64.035477;-1.004657;, + 0.658695;65.158386;-1.741625;, + 0.357023;64.035477;-1.219115;, + -0.192284;65.158386;-1.741625;, + 0.109390;64.035477;-1.219115;, + 7.321572;63.560955;-0.055478;, + 7.050604;63.754948;-1.851895;, + 2.748468;63.025620;-1.582111;, + 2.822511;62.793049;0.228580;, + 7.863518;62.050617;0.503212;, + 2.702447;60.765869;0.971560;, + 8.134492;60.734272;-0.734516;, + 2.776194;59.416355;-0.247001;, + 7.863518;60.928257;-2.530933;, + 2.702447;59.647991;-2.050448;, + 7.321572;62.438591;-3.089625;, + 2.822511;61.670685;-2.805565;, + 9.181485;64.333855;-2.066042;, + 9.632345;64.462769;-1.100490;, + 10.534081;64.061180;-0.951941;, + 10.984941;63.530704;-1.768948;, + 10.534077;63.401791;-2.734500;, + 9.632351;63.803379;-2.883049;, + 10.870568;67.072159;-2.811351;, + 11.125603;67.210205;-2.340091;, + 11.635665;67.146370;-2.316478;, + 11.890695;66.944496;-2.764128;, + 11.635665;66.806458;-3.235387;, + 11.125603;66.870285;-3.259001;, + 10.770185;70.864441;-4.091156;, + -2.175307;63.025620;-1.582111;, + -6.477442;63.754936;-1.851895;, + -6.748413;63.560955;-0.055478;, + -2.249351;62.793049;0.228580;, + -7.290359;62.050617;0.503212;, + -2.129283;60.765858;0.971560;, + -7.561328;60.734272;-0.734516;, + -2.203030;59.416344;-0.247001;, + -7.290359;60.928257;-2.530933;, + -2.129283;59.647991;-2.050448;, + -6.748413;62.438591;-3.089625;, + -2.249351;61.670685;-2.805565;, + -8.608323;64.333855;-2.066042;, + -9.059186;64.462769;-1.100490;, + -9.960917;64.061180;-0.951941;, + -10.411779;63.530704;-1.768948;, + -9.960917;63.401791;-2.734500;, + -9.059186;63.803379;-2.883049;, + -10.297409;67.072159;-2.811351;, + -10.552441;67.210205;-2.340091;, + -11.062504;67.146370;-2.316479;, + -11.317535;66.944496;-2.764129;, + -11.062504;66.806458;-3.235389;, + -10.552441;66.870285;-3.259001;, + -10.197022;70.864441;-4.091156;, + 9.278677;42.422218;6.029630;, + 3.269274;42.720932;10.305261;, + 3.727235;37.106018;10.305261;, + 8.567321;37.947166;6.627038;, + 3.076538;53.204800;4.651457;, + 0.063876;53.173985;0.844661;, + 1.636344;53.091850;6.132280;, + 10.371579;42.720932;0.675551;, + 10.590998;38.832512;-0.519268;, + 4.213577;53.047283;0.988064;, + 8.567321;42.720932;-4.893595;, + 8.567321;40.015377;-5.275937;, + 3.118487;52.304691;-0.871308;, + 3.269272;42.644463;-8.265944;, + 3.269272;40.303337;-8.724752;, + 1.678248;51.885815;-2.496562;, + 0.063876;40.303337;-8.724752;, + 0.063876;42.644463;-8.265944;, + 8.092727;46.706837;7.085848;, + 4.030234;47.533649;9.387641;, + 7.498330;46.932663;-3.808702;, + 9.269650;46.553898;-0.745430;, + 2.860954;47.304241;-6.201300;, + 0.063876;47.304241;-6.201299;, + 6.308704;51.898582;5.810977;, + 2.260517;51.022770;7.858276;, + 6.308704;51.061012;-1.528991;, + 7.708933;51.749233;0.002558;, + 2.260515;49.875748;-3.830782;, + 0.063876;53.091850;6.132280;, + 0.063876;51.405113;7.858276;, + 0.063876;42.720932;10.305261;, + 0.063876;37.106018;10.305261;, + 0.063876;51.885815;-2.496561;, + 0.063876;47.533646;9.378681;, + 0.063876;49.952217;-4.021954;, + 9.563355;51.572124;5.130688;, + 10.424463;51.137897;0.771196;, + -3.599484;37.106018;10.305261;, + -3.141526;42.720932;10.305261;, + -9.150930;42.422218;6.029630;, + -8.439575;37.947166;6.627038;, + -1.508598;53.091850;6.132280;, + -2.948791;53.204800;4.651457;, + -10.243833;42.720932;0.675551;, + -10.463250;38.832512;-0.519268;, + -4.085828;53.047283;0.988064;, + -8.439575;42.720932;-4.893595;, + -8.439575;40.015377;-5.275937;, + -2.990738;52.304691;-0.871308;, + -3.141523;42.644463;-8.265944;, + -3.141523;40.303337;-8.724752;, + -1.550497;51.885815;-2.496562;, + -3.902486;47.533649;9.387641;, + -7.964980;46.706837;7.085848;, + -9.141901;46.553898;-0.745430;, + -7.370583;46.932663;-3.808702;, + -2.733205;47.304241;-6.201300;, + -2.132767;51.022770;7.858276;, + -6.180955;51.898582;5.810977;, + -7.581183;51.749233;0.002558;, + -6.180955;51.061012;-1.528991;, + -2.132767;49.875748;-3.830782;, + -9.435607;51.572124;5.130688;, + -10.296713;51.137897;0.771196;, + 26.442608;31.439417;2.804749;, + 27.750952;33.479103;1.464946;, + 28.644909;31.793991;1.543602;, + 27.650051;30.546118;1.966592;, + 27.962191;30.422531;4.730635;, + 25.291662;35.616783;6.993527;, + 23.804535;33.790108;6.865523;, + 28.113920;30.947910;7.563584;, + 29.418135;32.175655;7.563584;, + 26.276403;37.035873;5.267626;, + 29.144712;26.626286;4.498936;, + 30.605154;26.898275;4.811452;, + 30.184065;26.943773;6.619426;, + 29.278811;26.812195;6.619426;, + 23.970884;33.278522;4.380921;, + 26.921537;36.568802;3.461252;, + 25.464495;35.399422;1.973382;, + 29.121349;26.822264;2.423525;, + 29.903082;27.052881;2.157598;, + 23.995649;32.729515;1.987316;, + 25.637072;33.964241;0.536960;, + 25.396690;32.550930;-0.123384;, + 24.000338;31.858027;1.237716;, + 24.161800;33.391464;3.241510;, + 29.999184;32.499008;5.227734;, + 26.998781;32.694099;1.064689;, + 25.652718;30.935171;2.198134;, + 25.432625;28.413658;0.334064;, + 26.032991;29.244349;-0.349298;, + 26.852461;29.841438;0.779249;, + 26.386019;28.977617;1.267885;, + 26.512205;31.188791;1.184134;, + 25.206884;31.094601;-0.305392;, + 23.991529;30.626995;0.930952;, + 30.933636;29.712465;5.072928;, + 30.310335;29.777977;7.264207;, + 28.988699;28.980301;7.299366;, + 28.432882;29.246729;4.638216;, + 29.648125;29.915192;1.703345;, + 28.309542;29.520292;2.073250;, + 6.755167;0.046006;8.013719;, + 5.431096;0.088037;3.223917;, + 12.250779;0.088037;3.300384;, + 5.309235;0.894232;2.923214;, + 12.009439;0.731735;2.923214;, + 4.846424;0.413626;-6.580339;, + 7.194882;0.034675;-8.202744;, + 10.442262;0.175008;-8.276375;, + 5.897818;0.168155;0.023152;, + 11.833355;0.047754;-6.787080;, + 12.240962;0.175049;0.374328;, + 6.753324;1.573865;7.859301;, + 5.310324;1.516512;3.522007;, + 10.324868;0.327974;8.243123;, + 10.323023;1.855839;8.088705;, + 12.010524;1.354014;3.522007;, + 7.195130;0.874356;-8.201875;, + 10.442509;1.014684;-8.275504;, + 4.846746;1.253311;-6.580090;, + 11.833675;0.887438;-6.786831;, + 5.898684;1.007790;0.014234;, + 12.241827;1.014688;0.365411;, + 8.078106;3.698104;-7.581497;, + 11.428559;3.021991;-6.440265;, + 5.468536;3.167656;-5.998088;, + 5.238337;3.089141;-2.541014;, + 11.932255;2.791543;-3.152129;, + 8.602904;5.932668;-0.505548;, + 11.133778;5.817454;1.389889;, + 8.140334;4.399764;-4.469068;, + 8.224634;5.036399;-2.774021;, + 11.898876;5.830766;3.514578;, + 5.863575;5.809277;1.057280;, + 4.953313;5.817947;3.744911;, + 5.601276;5.822373;6.464175;, + 7.258355;5.792872;6.393783;, + 10.561975;5.836313;6.220846;, + 3.714457;19.327164;5.891222;, + 2.395580;19.017778;1.623937;, + 2.663392;17.355799;1.982380;, + 3.977465;17.241997;5.800620;, + 6.098813;19.432480;7.503632;, + 6.110166;17.147745;7.382187;, + 9.150031;20.134617;6.603466;, + 9.390180;17.139515;5.800619;, + 12.296237;20.290672;1.623937;, + 12.022444;17.723486;1.982380;, + 9.151049;19.982052;-2.746684;, + 9.045196;17.139517;-1.835862;, + 6.099829;19.279917;-4.705683;, + 6.618869;17.147745;-3.417428;, + 3.568517;19.174599;-2.746683;, + 3.743971;17.241997;-1.835860;, + 2.744522;21.981775;7.255371;, + 0.781750;21.713270;1.998527;, + 5.311180;23.393459;9.200554;, + 8.947892;24.840387;7.668663;, + 12.009036;25.446686;1.982380;, + 8.947892;24.362463;-3.649055;, + 5.311180;22.915539;-6.179790;, + 2.633436;21.656416;-3.632905;, + 1.563167;23.850784;8.223292;, + 0.063876;23.353767;1.793407;, + 9.435429;28.020374;7.743168;, + 8.477934;28.887068;-4.569030;, + 11.027375;30.391527;0.493318;, + 3.810796;27.047464;-6.897249;, + 0.063876;24.272585;-4.193496;, + 13.090539;50.522636;1.384549;, + 13.041045;50.467754;5.078930;, + 15.039926;48.268642;5.106739;, + 15.654872;48.436718;2.094133;, + 9.371727;37.438923;7.067486;, + 4.033619;36.444157;10.870089;, + 11.587032;38.454742;-0.613277;, + 9.381097;39.704651;-5.891787;, + 3.585032;40.004971;-9.656940;, + 0.063876;40.004971;-9.656940;, + 8.947521;33.780930;6.792171;, + 4.207292;33.892616;11.120209;, + 11.152753;32.194057;-0.597313;, + 9.604399;31.258600;-5.890305;, + 3.468354;30.257090;-9.461814;, + 0.063876;30.257090;-9.461814;, + 8.336151;33.208889;6.506425;, + 3.972105;33.252815;10.523578;, + 10.880808;31.578617;-0.480340;, + 8.391865;30.899374;-5.411129;, + 3.229546;29.783400;-8.733105;, + 0.063876;29.783400;-8.733105;, + 8.763739;31.230478;7.043343;, + 0.063876;25.862223;-6.032537;, + 0.063876;36.444157;10.870090;, + 0.063876;33.892616;11.120211;, + 0.063876;33.252815;10.523581;, + 0.063876;24.095449;8.763750;, + 0.063876;25.246412;10.275227;, + 0.063876;31.503160;10.970792;, + 4.717443;31.494150;10.284621;, + 0.063876;27.969845;11.631809;, + 5.059318;27.174917;10.768083;, + 3.292733;13.614117;8.688048;, + 2.012897;13.266646;2.479012;, + 7.391886;13.045812;9.537921;, + 9.592052;13.108393;8.535723;, + 13.927161;13.699846;2.063019;, + 11.253488;12.661762;-3.185383;, + 7.687788;12.915033;-4.890432;, + 3.292731;13.091016;-3.337706;, + 4.909685;14.315273;6.833395;, + 3.449045;14.019177;2.395389;, + 7.335181;13.898731;7.254448;, + 8.640161;14.192272;6.638759;, + 12.054080;14.385403;1.847208;, + 10.983072;13.852963;-1.636501;, + 7.731716;13.866605;-2.741714;, + 4.956770;13.926673;-1.904490;, + 4.622008;12.070519;7.351222;, + 3.704210;12.065571;2.885277;, + 7.193317;12.063840;7.696905;, + 9.864344;12.084161;6.936748;, + 12.660480;12.906409;2.302423;, + 11.551223;11.698577;-0.567342;, + 7.725829;10.867992;-1.832680;, + 5.002745;10.862820;-0.929778;, + 12.585479;45.664989;7.008708;, + 12.874625;45.344864;-1.512470;, + 15.109089;43.486977;7.253585;, + 13.087454;40.435127;5.464614;, + 13.795866;40.778912;1.743529;, + 15.452188;43.225502;-0.514091;, + 16.849886;45.784691;5.345008;, + 17.423424;46.063019;2.332403;, + 16.609575;42.436638;6.842184;, + 14.607471;39.414421;5.619863;, + 15.315888;39.758205;1.898780;, + 16.952673;42.175163;0.809246;, + 18.329708;44.705509;5.492955;, + 18.903246;44.983837;2.480351;, + 18.144800;40.845119;8.897065;, + 14.914027;35.968437;6.910757;, + 16.068686;36.528782;0.845695;, + 18.704021;40.418938;-0.936131;, + 20.914110;44.495216;6.691762;, + 21.848928;44.948868;1.781464;, + 18.167065;40.766296;8.049853;, + 15.450755;36.687752;6.384915;, + 16.415583;37.133137;1.422668;, + 18.616444;40.429634;-0.082681;, + 20.535810;43.903175;6.157079;, + 21.299704;44.256214;2.222467;, + 20.548147;39.083851;7.840796;, + 18.160057;35.498848;6.365007;, + 19.018757;35.895241;1.948607;, + 20.948095;38.784222;0.303311;, + 22.625053;41.832062;6.150033;, + 23.304918;42.146267;2.648228;, + 23.432049;37.018097;6.817175;, + 21.932474;34.767567;5.880031;, + 23.302208;36.315411;2.154666;, + 22.480751;35.020664;3.060161;, + 24.731340;38.735447;5.732314;, + 25.165438;38.936066;3.496411;, + 23.626654;36.826782;1.797030;, + -28.517160;31.793991;1.543602;, + -27.623203;33.479103;1.464946;, + -26.314863;31.439417;2.804749;, + -27.522303;30.546118;1.966592;, + -27.834438;30.422531;4.730635;, + -27.986174;30.947910;7.563584;, + -23.676790;33.790108;6.865523;, + -25.163914;35.616783;6.993527;, + -29.290388;32.175655;7.563584;, + -26.148655;37.035873;5.267626;, + -30.056318;26.943773;6.619426;, + -30.477406;26.898275;4.811452;, + -29.016966;26.626286;4.498936;, + -29.151058;26.812195;6.619426;, + -23.843136;33.278522;4.380921;, + -25.336742;35.399422;1.973382;, + -26.793785;36.568802;3.461252;, + -29.775337;27.052881;2.157598;, + -28.993601;26.822264;2.423525;, + -25.268938;32.550930;-0.123384;, + -25.509323;33.964241;0.536960;, + -23.867901;32.729515;1.987316;, + -23.872589;31.858027;1.237716;, + -24.034052;33.391464;3.241510;, + -29.871441;32.499008;5.227734;, + -26.871038;32.694099;1.064689;, + -25.524969;30.935171;2.198134;, + -26.724709;29.841438;0.779249;, + -25.905239;29.244349;-0.349298;, + -25.304882;28.413658;0.334064;, + -26.258276;28.977617;1.267885;, + -25.079140;31.094601;-0.305392;, + -26.384459;31.188791;1.184134;, + -23.863787;30.626995;0.930952;, + -30.805887;29.712465;5.072928;, + -30.182587;29.777977;7.264207;, + -28.860950;28.980301;7.299366;, + -28.305138;29.246729;4.638216;, + -29.520382;29.915192;1.703345;, + -28.181793;29.520292;2.073250;, + -12.123036;0.088037;3.300384;, + -5.303345;0.088037;3.223917;, + -6.627419;0.046006;8.013719;, + -11.881689;0.731735;2.923214;, + -5.181487;0.894232;2.923214;, + -10.314516;0.175008;-8.276375;, + -7.067134;0.034675;-8.202744;, + -4.718675;0.413626;-6.580339;, + -11.705606;0.047754;-6.787080;, + -5.770067;0.168155;0.023152;, + -12.113213;0.175049;0.374328;, + -5.182574;1.516512;3.522007;, + -6.625576;1.573865;7.859301;, + -10.195277;1.855839;8.088705;, + -10.197120;0.327974;8.243123;, + -11.882777;1.354014;3.522007;, + -10.314760;1.014684;-8.275504;, + -7.067381;0.874356;-8.201875;, + -4.718995;1.253311;-6.580090;, + -11.705929;0.887438;-6.786831;, + -5.770934;1.007790;0.014234;, + -12.114079;1.014688;0.365411;, + -11.300814;3.021991;-6.440265;, + -7.950356;3.698104;-7.581497;, + -5.340785;3.167656;-5.998088;, + -5.110586;3.089141;-2.541014;, + -11.804509;2.791543;-3.152129;, + -11.006028;5.817454;1.389889;, + -8.475157;5.932668;-0.505548;, + -8.096884;5.036399;-2.774021;, + -8.012587;4.399764;-4.469068;, + -11.771126;5.830766;3.514578;, + -5.735826;5.809277;1.057280;, + -4.825563;5.817947;3.744911;, + -5.473527;5.822373;6.464175;, + -7.130609;5.792872;6.393783;, + -10.434228;5.836313;6.220846;, + -2.535641;17.355799;1.982380;, + -2.267831;19.017778;1.623937;, + -3.586708;19.327164;5.891222;, + -3.849715;17.241997;5.800620;, + -5.971066;19.432480;7.503632;, + -5.982419;17.147745;7.382187;, + -9.022285;20.134617;6.603466;, + -9.262430;17.139515;5.800619;, + -12.168489;20.290672;1.623937;, + -11.894694;17.723486;1.982380;, + -9.023302;19.982052;-2.746684;, + -8.917446;17.139517;-1.835862;, + -5.972082;19.279917;-4.705683;, + -6.491119;17.147745;-3.417428;, + -3.440768;19.174599;-2.746683;, + -3.616219;17.241997;-1.835860;, + -0.653999;21.713270;1.998527;, + -2.616775;21.981775;7.255371;, + -5.183431;23.393459;9.200554;, + -8.820147;24.840387;7.668663;, + -11.881289;25.446686;1.982380;, + -8.820147;24.362463;-3.649055;, + -5.183429;22.915539;-6.179790;, + -2.505685;21.656416;-3.632905;, + -1.435419;23.850784;8.223292;, + -9.307683;28.020374;7.743168;, + -10.899626;30.391527;0.493318;, + -8.350187;28.887068;-4.569030;, + -3.683043;27.047464;-6.897249;, + -14.912179;48.268642;5.106739;, + -12.913298;50.467754;5.078930;, + -12.962790;50.522636;1.384549;, + -15.527129;48.436718;2.094133;, + -9.243979;37.438923;7.067486;, + -3.905869;36.444157;10.870089;, + -11.459283;38.454742;-0.613277;, + -9.253351;39.704651;-5.891787;, + -3.457279;40.004971;-9.656940;, + -8.819773;33.780930;6.792171;, + -4.079543;33.892616;11.120209;, + -11.025005;32.194057;-0.597313;, + -9.476652;31.258600;-5.890305;, + -3.340604;30.257090;-9.461814;, + -8.208400;33.208889;6.506425;, + -3.844355;33.252815;10.523578;, + -10.753060;31.578617;-0.480340;, + -8.264114;30.899374;-5.411129;, + -3.101796;29.783400;-8.733105;, + -8.635990;31.230478;7.043343;, + -4.589693;31.494150;10.284621;, + -4.931572;27.174917;10.768083;, + -3.164983;13.614117;8.688048;, + -1.885150;13.266646;2.479012;, + -7.264134;13.045812;9.537921;, + -9.464302;13.108393;8.535723;, + -13.799416;13.699846;2.063019;, + -11.125739;12.661762;-3.185383;, + -7.560040;12.915033;-4.890432;, + -3.164983;13.091016;-3.337706;, + -4.781938;14.315273;6.833395;, + -3.321296;14.019177;2.395389;, + -7.207436;13.898731;7.254448;, + -8.512415;14.192272;6.638759;, + -11.926332;14.385403;1.847208;, + -10.855326;13.852963;-1.636501;, + -7.603969;13.866605;-2.741714;, + -4.829021;13.926673;-1.904490;, + -4.494260;12.070519;7.351222;, + -3.576463;12.065571;2.885277;, + -7.065567;12.063840;7.696905;, + -9.736598;12.084161;6.936748;, + -12.532731;12.906409;2.302423;, + -11.423474;11.698577;-0.567342;, + -7.598082;10.867992;-1.832680;, + -4.874997;10.862820;-0.929778;, + -12.457731;45.664989;7.008708;, + -12.746877;45.344864;-1.512470;, + -14.981347;43.486977;7.253585;, + -12.959704;40.435127;5.464614;, + -13.668120;40.778912;1.743529;, + -15.324445;43.225502;-0.514091;, + -16.722143;45.784691;5.345008;, + -17.295679;46.063019;2.332403;, + -16.481831;42.436638;6.842184;, + -14.479725;39.414421;5.619863;, + -15.188142;39.758205;1.898780;, + -16.824930;42.175163;0.809246;, + -18.201963;44.705509;5.492955;, + -18.775501;44.983837;2.480351;, + -18.017056;40.845119;8.897065;, + -14.786280;35.968437;6.910757;, + -15.940937;36.528782;0.845695;, + -18.576277;40.418938;-0.936131;, + -20.786366;44.495216;6.691762;, + -21.721182;44.948868;1.781464;, + -18.039320;40.766296;8.049853;, + -15.323012;36.687752;6.384915;, + -16.287840;37.133137;1.422668;, + -18.488697;40.429634;-0.082681;, + -20.408064;43.903175;6.157079;, + -21.171957;44.256214;2.222467;, + -20.420401;39.083851;7.840796;, + -18.032312;35.498848;6.365007;, + -18.891008;35.895241;1.948607;, + -20.820349;38.784222;0.303311;, + -22.497307;41.832062;6.150033;, + -23.177174;42.146267;2.648228;, + -23.304302;37.018097;6.817175;, + -21.804729;34.767567;5.880031;, + -22.353006;35.020664;3.060161;, + -23.174463;36.315411;2.154666;, + -24.603598;38.735447;5.732314;, + -25.037689;38.936066;3.496411;, + -23.498907;36.826782;1.797030;, + 32.573399;20.998508;-13.993474;, + 31.347282;21.510612;-18.896196;, + 32.212158;19.942856;-22.086969;, + 34.386311;17.725908;-19.577688;, + 32.721909;19.000187;-25.473017;, + 35.309505;16.038933;-24.075357;, + 32.861069;18.711260;-28.951471;, + 35.487915;15.668485;-28.535112;, + 32.625397;19.084837;-32.416637;, + 35.185760;16.147453;-32.977818;, + 32.022045;20.109577;-35.763229;, + 34.412201;17.461275;-37.268509;, + 31.069363;21.754337;-38.889565;, + 33.190762;19.570044;-41.276810;, + 30.172787;23.316404;-40.686150;, + 30.727213;23.864517;-46.026169;, + 26.799459;29.484686;-23.919806;, + 26.588755;29.721081;-34.907444;, + 28.314373;26.659443;-35.908363;, + 28.665804;26.196402;-23.140169;, + 29.684425;24.219271;-37.460514;, + 30.009434;23.747953;-29.136843;, + 30.314682;23.305275;-21.319128;, + 33.628345;20.744303;-22.096889;, + 32.763477;22.312052;-18.906120;, + 34.138103;19.801640;-25.482931;, + 34.277260;19.512701;-28.961386;, + 34.041592;19.886280;-32.426556;, + 33.438240;20.911032;-35.773148;, + 32.485558;22.555790;-38.899498;, + 31.588987;24.117847;-40.696075;, + 29.730568;27.460878;-35.918262;, + 28.004946;30.522528;-34.917355;, + 28.215664;30.286123;-23.929716;, + 30.082003;26.997847;-23.150089;, + 31.425623;24.549398;-29.146767;, + 31.100611;25.020727;-37.470440;, + 31.730875;24.106718;-21.329044;, + 28.887688;30.497171;16.516956;, + 28.264534;31.576502;16.538700;, + 27.273039;30.284517;16.527586;, + 28.868330;30.531387;14.265285;, + 28.245173;31.610723;14.287043;, + 28.430216;31.305752;-36.706051;, + 26.815575;31.093081;-36.695400;, + 27.807066;32.385075;-36.684288;, + 28.565001;29.293274;16.501442;, + 28.545649;29.327480;14.249776;, + 28.107540;30.101837;-36.721565;, + 27.485502;28.670019;16.501251;, + 27.466146;28.704229;14.249575;, + 27.028032;29.478594;-36.721748;, + 26.281548;28.992525;16.516499;, + 26.262192;29.026735;14.264828;, + 25.824083;29.801088;-36.706490;, + 25.658390;30.071863;16.538246;, + 25.639032;30.106077;14.286580;, + 25.200922;30.880438;-36.684742;, + 25.981071;31.275770;16.553751;, + 25.961720;31.309975;14.302090;, + 25.523605;32.084339;-36.669224;, + 27.060581;31.899025;16.553940;, + 27.041225;31.933235;14.302281;, + 26.603115;32.707592;-36.669060;, + 28.548414;31.096832;-22.954752;, + 27.925262;32.176163;-22.932991;, + 28.111961;31.846174;-1.211521;, + 28.735117;30.766836;-1.233276;, + 28.225733;29.892931;-22.970266;, + 28.412436;29.562933;-1.248788;, + 27.146231;29.269676;-22.970453;, + 27.332933;28.939684;-1.248984;, + 25.942278;29.592182;-22.955206;, + 26.128983;29.262184;-1.233739;, + 25.319118;30.671524;-22.933453;, + 25.505823;30.341524;-1.211982;, + 25.641800;31.875427;-22.917944;, + 25.828506;31.545427;-1.196465;, + 26.721312;32.498676;-22.917738;, + 26.908014;32.168686;-1.196282;, + 29.272268;30.830444;-0.798965;, + 28.443258;32.266331;-0.770020;, + 28.568949;32.044174;13.852868;, + 29.397957;30.608292;13.823928;, + 28.842997;29.228819;-0.819599;, + 28.968679;29.006672;13.803288;, + 27.406893;28.399687;-0.819852;, + 27.532579;28.177542;13.803031;, + 25.805210;28.828726;-0.799567;, + 25.930891;28.606585;13.823323;, + 24.976185;30.264614;-0.770632;, + 25.101870;30.042463;13.852263;, + 25.405474;31.866238;-0.749988;, + 25.531157;31.644094;13.872904;, + 26.841581;32.695370;-0.749732;, + 26.967262;32.473228;13.873165;, + 27.815252;32.370605;-35.731056;, + 28.438414;31.291262;-35.752815;, + 28.115726;30.087366;-35.768326;, + 27.036226;29.464113;-35.768520;, + 25.832272;29.786617;-35.753273;, + 25.209120;30.865946;-35.731510;, + 25.531799;32.069855;-35.715992;, + 26.611311;32.693104;-35.715794;, + 29.151377;31.385166;-35.757492;, + 28.253050;32.941086;-35.726151;, + 28.363062;32.746647;-22.928093;, + 29.261381;31.190737;-22.959444;, + 28.686214;29.649672;-35.779873;, + 28.796217;29.455244;-22.981829;, + 27.130047;28.751215;-35.780151;, + 27.240047;28.556789;-22.982094;, + 25.394470;29.216141;-35.758179;, + 25.504477;29.021709;-22.960121;, + 24.496161;30.772045;-35.726803;, + 24.606161;30.577616;-22.928751;, + 24.961311;32.507545;-35.704453;, + 25.071318;32.313114;-22.906395;, + 26.517492;33.405987;-35.704166;, + 26.627487;33.211575;-22.906115;, + 4.623211;58.867786;-3.862747;, + 4.421278;57.862228;-4.019349;, + 4.306293;56.502014;-3.484852;, + 3.994818;55.254379;-3.108994;, + 5.147715;49.761192;-2.113228;, + 6.278196;45.850166;-8.067322;, + 6.233131;45.426857;-7.008514;, + 7.751843;45.219013;-8.465691;, + 4.528587;44.834175;-8.067539;, + 5.187818;45.483761;-8.988400;, + 5.636263;44.508118;-10.252790;, + 7.664405;44.397705;-6.411367;, + 4.357210;43.247772;-8.466115;, + 7.991459;42.205650;-8.873802;, + 6.708311;41.659477;-9.966291;, + 7.938428;41.592506;-7.636380;, + 5.932536;40.895046;-8.882633;, + 7.677983;38.542618;-9.851732;, + 7.677983;38.542618;-9.851732;, + 4.401065;56.646732;1.280575;, + 4.437895;58.255383;1.427657;, + 4.430346;55.772125;0.639352;, + 5.337671;47.371635;-1.636148;, + 4.610723;58.899246;1.076627;, + 0.196953;58.884743;4.326951;, + 1.719232;58.884743;4.326951;, + 4.242009;58.884743;2.570855;, + 4.610723;58.899246;1.076627;, + 5.188532;58.921978;-0.146142;, + 4.901477;58.929310;-2.285047;, + 4.623211;58.867786;-3.862747;, + 3.431264;58.838142;-5.428817;, + 1.890343;58.877293;-6.329304;, + 0.196953;58.892124;-6.759975;, + 0.196953;61.891335;4.474140;, + 2.119642;61.891335;4.476328;, + 4.312335;61.891335;2.701971;, + 4.631948;61.891903;1.199314;, + 5.159706;61.892818;-0.050380;, + 4.883253;61.893120;-2.302159;, + 4.635466;61.890621;-3.937706;, + 3.606839;61.889484;-5.468257;, + 2.316901;61.891026;-6.361181;, + 0.196953;61.891628;-6.807594;, + -4.753813;49.761192;-2.113228;, + -5.884295;45.850166;-8.067322;, + -5.839230;45.426857;-7.008514;, + -7.357939;45.219013;-8.465691;, + -4.134687;44.834175;-8.067539;, + -5.242361;44.508118;-10.252790;, + -4.793914;45.483761;-8.988400;, + -7.270504;44.397705;-6.411367;, + -3.963310;43.247772;-8.466115;, + -7.597560;42.205650;-8.873802;, + -6.314410;41.659477;-9.966291;, + -7.544526;41.592506;-7.636380;, + -5.538635;40.895046;-8.882633;, + -7.284081;38.542618;-9.851732;, + -7.284081;38.542618;-9.851732;, + -4.043993;58.255383;1.427657;, + -4.007164;56.646732;1.280575;, + -4.036447;55.772125;0.639352;, + -4.943766;47.371635;-1.636148;, + -4.216822;58.899246;1.076627;, + 0.196953;58.884743;4.326951;, + 0.196953;59.059555;4.940836;, + -1.325331;58.884743;4.326951;, + -3.848105;58.884743;2.570855;, + -4.216822;58.899246;1.076627;, + -4.794626;58.921978;-0.146142;, + -4.507572;58.929310;-2.285047;, + -4.229308;58.867786;-3.862747;, + -3.037360;58.838142;-5.428817;, + -1.496442;58.877293;-6.329304;, + 0.196953;60.034519;4.932486;, + 0.196953;61.891335;4.474140;, + -1.725740;61.891335;4.476328;, + -3.918436;61.891335;2.701971;, + -4.238046;61.891903;1.199314;, + -4.765804;61.892818;-0.050380;, + -4.489351;61.893120;-2.302159;, + -4.241562;61.890621;-3.937706;, + -3.212934;61.889484;-5.468257;, + -1.923000;61.891026;-6.361181;, + -0.192284;65.158386;-0.267689;, + 0.109390;64.035477;-0.790199;, + 0.234013;67.669022;-1.022976;, + 0.658695;65.158386;-0.267689;, + 0.357023;64.035477;-0.790199;, + 0.658695;65.158386;-1.741625;, + 0.357023;64.035477;-1.219115;, + -0.192284;65.158386;-1.741625;, + 0.234013;67.669022;-1.022976;, + 7.050604;63.754948;-1.851895;, + 2.748468;63.025620;-1.582111;, + 9.181485;64.333855;-2.066042;, + 10.870568;67.072159;-2.811351;, + -6.477442;63.754936;-1.851895;, + -2.175307;63.025620;-1.582111;, + -8.608323;64.333855;-2.066042;, + -10.297409;67.072159;-2.811351;, + 9.278677;42.422218;6.029630;, + 8.567321;37.947166;6.627038;, + 10.371579;42.720932;0.675551;, + 10.590998;38.832512;-0.519268;, + 0.063876;53.173985;0.844661;, + 4.213577;53.047283;0.988064;, + 9.269650;46.553898;-0.745430;, + 6.308704;51.061012;-1.528991;, + 7.708933;51.749233;0.002558;, + 7.708933;51.749233;0.002558;, + 6.308704;51.898582;5.810977;, + 8.092727;46.706837;7.085848;, + 0.063876;53.173985;0.844661;, + -8.439575;37.947166;6.627038;, + -9.150930;42.422218;6.029630;, + -10.463250;38.832512;-0.519268;, + -10.243833;42.720932;0.675551;, + -4.085828;53.047283;0.988064;, + -9.141901;46.553898;-0.745430;, + -6.180955;51.061012;-1.528991;, + 0.063876;51.405113;7.858276;, + 0.063876;53.091850;6.132280;, + -7.581183;51.749233;0.002558;, + -7.581183;51.749233;0.002558;, + 0.063876;42.720932;10.305261;, + 0.063876;37.106018;10.305261;, + 0.063876;47.533646;9.378681;, + -7.964980;46.706837;7.085848;, + -6.180955;51.898582;5.810977;, + 26.442608;31.439417;2.804749;, + 28.644909;31.793991;1.543602;, + 27.650051;30.546118;1.966592;, + 29.418135;32.175655;7.563584;, + 25.291662;35.616783;6.993527;, + 28.113920;30.947910;7.563584;, + 23.804535;33.790108;6.865523;, + 23.995649;32.729515;1.987316;, + 24.161800;33.391464;3.241510;, + 25.464495;35.399422;1.973382;, + 30.310335;29.777977;7.264207;, + 28.988699;28.980301;7.299366;, + 29.648125;29.915192;1.703345;, + 28.309542;29.520292;2.073250;, + 30.184065;26.943773;6.619426;, + 29.278811;26.812195;6.619426;, + 29.121349;26.822264;2.423525;, + 29.903082;27.052881;2.157598;, + 6.755167;0.046006;8.013719;, + 12.250779;0.088037;3.300384;, + 12.009439;0.731735;2.923214;, + 5.309235;0.894232;2.923214;, + 5.431096;0.088037;3.223917;, + 7.194882;0.034675;-8.202744;, + 4.846424;0.413626;-6.580339;, + 10.442262;0.175008;-8.276375;, + 5.897818;0.168155;0.023152;, + 11.833355;0.047754;-6.787080;, + 12.240962;0.175049;0.374328;, + 10.442509;1.014684;-8.275504;, + 4.846746;1.253311;-6.580090;, + 7.195130;0.874356;-8.201875;, + 5.468536;3.167656;-5.998088;, + 4.846746;1.253311;-6.580090;, + 11.428559;3.021991;-6.440265;, + 12.241827;1.014688;0.365411;, + 11.833675;0.887438;-6.786831;, + 11.932255;2.791543;-3.152129;, + 11.133778;5.817454;1.389889;, + 12.010524;1.354014;3.522007;, + 5.898684;1.007790;0.014234;, + 5.310324;1.516512;3.522007;, + 6.753324;1.573865;7.859301;, + 5.601276;5.822373;6.464175;, + 10.323023;1.855839;8.088705;, + 5.238337;3.089141;-2.541014;, + 5.863575;5.809277;1.057280;, + 2.395580;19.017778;1.623937;, + 2.663392;17.355799;1.982380;, + 0.781750;21.713270;1.998527;, + 0.063876;23.353767;1.793407;, + 8.567321;37.947166;6.627038;, + 3.727235;37.106018;10.305261;, + 10.590998;38.832512;-0.519268;, + 8.567321;40.015377;-5.275937;, + 3.269272;40.303337;-8.724752;, + 0.063876;40.303337;-8.724752;, + 10.880808;31.578617;-0.480340;, + 8.336151;33.208889;6.506425;, + 8.391865;30.899374;-5.411129;, + 3.229546;29.783400;-8.733105;, + 0.063876;29.783400;-8.733105;, + 0.063876;37.106018;10.305261;, + 3.972105;33.252815;10.523578;, + 0.063876;33.252815;10.523581;, + 3.977465;17.241997;5.800620;, + 2.663392;17.355799;1.982380;, + 6.110166;17.147745;7.382187;, + 9.390180;17.139515;5.800619;, + 6.110166;17.147745;7.382187;, + 7.391886;13.045812;9.537921;, + 12.022444;17.723486;1.982380;, + 9.045196;17.139517;-1.835862;, + 6.618869;17.147745;-3.417428;, + 3.743971;17.241997;-1.835860;, + 3.743971;17.241997;-1.835860;, + 3.292731;13.091016;-3.337706;, + 7.335181;13.898731;7.254448;, + 4.956770;13.926673;-1.904490;, + 4.909685;14.315273;6.833395;, + 3.449045;14.019177;2.395389;, + 7.335181;13.898731;7.254448;, + 4.909685;14.315273;6.833395;, + 4.622008;12.070519;7.351222;, + 8.640161;14.192272;6.638759;, + 12.054080;14.385403;1.847208;, + 8.640161;14.192272;6.638759;, + 9.864344;12.084161;6.936748;, + 10.983072;13.852963;-1.636501;, + 7.731716;13.866605;-2.741714;, + 10.983072;13.852963;-1.636501;, + 11.551223;11.698577;-0.567342;, + 4.956770;13.926673;-1.904490;, + 4.956770;13.926673;-1.904490;, + 5.002745;10.862820;-0.929778;, + 5.601276;5.822373;6.464175;, + 7.258355;5.792872;6.393783;, + 10.561975;5.836313;6.220846;, + 11.898876;5.830766;3.514578;, + 11.133778;5.817454;1.389889;, + 8.602904;5.932668;-0.505548;, + 4.953313;5.817947;3.744911;, + 8.078106;3.698104;-7.581497;, + 5.468536;3.167656;-5.998088;, + 10.323023;1.855839;8.088705;, + 10.561975;5.836313;6.220846;, + 11.428559;3.021991;-6.440265;, + 10.324868;0.327974;8.243123;, + 11.833675;0.887438;-6.786831;, + 6.753324;1.573865;7.859301;, + 5.601276;5.822373;6.464175;, + 10.561975;5.836313;6.220846;, + 11.133778;5.817454;1.389889;, + 10.371579;42.720932;0.675551;, + 9.278677;42.422218;6.029630;, + 10.371579;42.720932;0.675551;, + 13.795866;40.778912;1.743529;, + 15.315888;39.758205;1.898780;, + 16.609575;42.436638;6.842184;, + 14.607471;39.414421;5.619863;, + 15.315888;39.758205;1.898780;, + 16.952673;42.175163;0.809246;, + 14.914027;35.968437;6.910757;, + 14.607471;39.414421;5.619863;, + 18.329708;44.705509;5.492955;, + 18.144800;40.845119;8.897065;, + 18.903246;44.983837;2.480351;, + 15.450755;36.687752;6.384915;, + 18.167065;40.766296;8.049853;, + 18.160057;35.498848;6.365007;, + 21.932474;34.767567;5.880031;, + 25.291662;35.616783;6.993527;, + 23.804535;33.790108;6.865523;, + 23.970884;33.278522;4.380921;, + 23.804535;33.790108;6.865523;, + 26.276403;37.035873;5.267626;, + 26.921537;36.568802;3.461252;, + -25.163914;35.616783;6.993527;, + -29.290388;32.175655;7.563584;, + -23.676790;33.790108;6.865523;, + -27.986174;30.947910;7.563584;, + -25.336742;35.399422;1.973382;, + -24.034052;33.391464;3.241510;, + -23.867901;32.729515;1.987316;, + -30.182587;29.777977;7.264207;, + -28.860950;28.980301;7.299366;, + -30.056318;26.943773;6.619426;, + -29.151058;26.812195;6.619426;, + -6.627419;0.046006;8.013719;, + -12.123036;0.088037;3.300384;, + -11.881689;0.731735;2.923214;, + -5.303345;0.088037;3.223917;, + -5.181487;0.894232;2.923214;, + -7.067134;0.034675;-8.202744;, + -4.718675;0.413626;-6.580339;, + -10.314516;0.175008;-8.276375;, + -5.770067;0.168155;0.023152;, + -11.705606;0.047754;-6.787080;, + -12.113213;0.175049;0.374328;, + -10.314760;1.014684;-8.275504;, + -7.067381;0.874356;-8.201875;, + -4.718995;1.253311;-6.580090;, + -4.718995;1.253311;-6.580090;, + -5.340785;3.167656;-5.998088;, + -12.114079;1.014688;0.365411;, + -11.300814;3.021991;-6.440265;, + -11.705929;0.887438;-6.786831;, + -11.804509;2.791543;-3.152129;, + -11.882777;1.354014;3.522007;, + -11.006028;5.817454;1.389889;, + -5.770934;1.007790;0.014234;, + -5.182574;1.516512;3.522007;, + -5.473527;5.822373;6.464175;, + -6.625576;1.573865;7.859301;, + -10.195277;1.855839;8.088705;, + -5.735826;5.809277;1.057280;, + -5.110586;3.089141;-2.541014;, + -2.267831;19.017778;1.623937;, + -2.535641;17.355799;1.982380;, + -0.653999;21.713270;1.998527;, + -3.599484;37.106018;10.305261;, + -8.439575;37.947166;6.627038;, + -10.463250;38.832512;-0.519268;, + -8.439575;40.015377;-5.275937;, + -3.141523;40.303337;-8.724752;, + -8.208400;33.208889;6.506425;, + -10.753060;31.578617;-0.480340;, + -8.264114;30.899374;-5.411129;, + -3.101796;29.783400;-8.733105;, + -3.844355;33.252815;10.523578;, + -2.535641;17.355799;1.982380;, + -3.849715;17.241997;5.800620;, + -5.982419;17.147745;7.382187;, + -5.982419;17.147745;7.382187;, + -9.262430;17.139515;5.800619;, + -7.264134;13.045812;9.537921;, + -11.894694;17.723486;1.982380;, + -8.917446;17.139517;-1.835862;, + -6.491119;17.147745;-3.417428;, + -3.616219;17.241997;-1.835860;, + -3.616219;17.241997;-1.835860;, + -3.164983;13.091016;-3.337706;, + -7.207436;13.898731;7.254448;, + -4.829021;13.926673;-1.904490;, + -3.321296;14.019177;2.395389;, + -4.781938;14.315273;6.833395;, + -4.781938;14.315273;6.833395;, + -7.207436;13.898731;7.254448;, + -4.494260;12.070519;7.351222;, + -8.512415;14.192272;6.638759;, + -8.512415;14.192272;6.638759;, + -11.926332;14.385403;1.847208;, + -9.736598;12.084161;6.936748;, + -10.855326;13.852963;-1.636501;, + -10.855326;13.852963;-1.636501;, + -7.603969;13.866605;-2.741714;, + -11.423474;11.698577;-0.567342;, + -4.829021;13.926673;-1.904490;, + -4.829021;13.926673;-1.904490;, + -4.874997;10.862820;-0.929778;, + -5.473527;5.822373;6.464175;, + -7.130609;5.792872;6.393783;, + -10.434228;5.836313;6.220846;, + -11.771126;5.830766;3.514578;, + -11.006028;5.817454;1.389889;, + -8.475157;5.932668;-0.505548;, + -4.825563;5.817947;3.744911;, + -5.340785;3.167656;-5.998088;, + -7.950356;3.698104;-7.581497;, + -10.434228;5.836313;6.220846;, + -10.195277;1.855839;8.088705;, + -11.300814;3.021991;-6.440265;, + -10.197120;0.327974;8.243123;, + -11.705929;0.887438;-6.786831;, + -6.625576;1.573865;7.859301;, + -5.473527;5.822373;6.464175;, + -10.434228;5.836313;6.220846;, + -11.006028;5.817454;1.389889;, + -10.243833;42.720932;0.675551;, + -9.150930;42.422218;6.029630;, + -10.243833;42.720932;0.675551;, + -13.668120;40.778912;1.743529;, + -15.188142;39.758205;1.898780;, + -14.479725;39.414421;5.619863;, + -16.481831;42.436638;6.842184;, + -16.824930;42.175163;0.809246;, + -15.188142;39.758205;1.898780;, + -14.479725;39.414421;5.619863;, + -14.786280;35.968437;6.910757;, + -18.201963;44.705509;5.492955;, + -18.017056;40.845119;8.897065;, + -18.775501;44.983837;2.480351;, + -15.323012;36.687752;6.384915;, + -18.039320;40.766296;8.049853;, + -18.032312;35.498848;6.365007;, + -21.804729;34.767567;5.880031;, + -25.163914;35.616783;6.993527;, + -23.676790;33.790108;6.865523;, + -23.676790;33.790108;6.865523;, + -23.843136;33.278522;4.380921;, + -26.148655;37.035873;5.267626;, + -26.793785;36.568802;3.461252;, + 32.763477;22.312052;-18.906120;, + 31.347282;21.510612;-18.896196;, + 32.573399;20.998508;-13.993474;, + 31.588987;24.117847;-40.696075;, + 30.727213;23.864517;-46.026169;, + 30.172787;23.316404;-40.686150;, + 28.004946;30.522528;-34.917355;, + 26.588755;29.721081;-34.907444;, + 26.799459;29.484686;-23.919806;, + 28.215664;30.286123;-23.929716;, + 29.730568;27.460878;-35.918262;, + 28.314373;26.659443;-35.908363;, + 28.665804;26.196402;-23.140169;, + 30.082003;26.997847;-23.150089;, + 31.100611;25.020727;-37.470440;, + 29.684425;24.219271;-37.460514;, + 30.314682;23.305275;-21.319128;, + 31.730875;24.106718;-21.329044;, + 28.264534;31.576502;16.538700;, + 28.887688;30.497171;16.516956;, + 28.565001;29.293274;16.501442;, + 27.485502;28.670019;16.501251;, + 26.281548;28.992525;16.516499;, + 25.658390;30.071863;16.538246;, + 25.981071;31.275770;16.553751;, + 25.961720;31.309975;14.302090;, + 25.981071;31.275770;16.553751;, + 27.060581;31.899025;16.553940;, + 25.641800;31.875427;-22.917944;, + 25.828506;31.545427;-1.196465;, + 25.405474;31.866238;-0.749988;, + 25.531157;31.644094;13.872904;, + 28.430216;31.305752;-36.706051;, + 27.807066;32.385075;-36.684288;, + 28.107540;30.101837;-36.721565;, + 27.028032;29.478594;-36.721748;, + 25.824083;29.801088;-36.706490;, + 25.200922;30.880438;-36.684742;, + 25.523605;32.084339;-36.669224;, + 26.603115;32.707592;-36.669060;, + 25.523605;32.084339;-36.669224;, + 25.531799;32.069855;-35.715992;, + 24.961311;32.507545;-35.704453;, + 25.071318;32.313114;-22.906395;, + 29.151377;31.385166;-35.757492;, + 28.438414;31.291262;-35.752815;, + 27.815252;32.370605;-35.731056;, + 28.253050;32.941086;-35.726151;, + 28.363062;32.746647;-22.928093;, + 27.925262;32.176163;-22.932991;, + 28.548414;31.096832;-22.954752;, + 29.261381;31.190737;-22.959444;, + 28.686214;29.649672;-35.779873;, + 28.115726;30.087366;-35.768326;, + 28.225733;29.892931;-22.970266;, + 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29.397957;30.608292;13.823928;, + 28.842997;29.228819;-0.819599;, + 28.412436;29.562933;-1.248788;, + 28.545649;29.327480;14.249776;, + 28.968679;29.006672;13.803288;, + 27.406893;28.399687;-0.819852;, + 27.332933;28.939684;-1.248984;, + 27.466146;28.704229;14.249575;, + 27.532579;28.177542;13.803031;, + 25.805210;28.828726;-0.799567;, + 26.128983;29.262184;-1.233739;, + 26.262192;29.026735;14.264828;, + 25.930891;28.606585;13.823323;, + 24.976185;30.264614;-0.770632;, + 25.505823;30.341524;-1.211982;, + 25.639032;30.106077;14.286580;, + 25.101870;30.042463;13.852263;, + 25.405474;31.866238;-0.749988;, + 25.828506;31.545427;-1.196465;, + 25.961720;31.309975;14.302090;, + 25.531157;31.644094;13.872904;, + 26.841581;32.695370;-0.749732;, + 26.908014;32.168686;-1.196282;, + 27.041225;31.933235;14.302281;, + 26.967262;32.473228;13.873165;; + 1896; + 3;0,1,2;, + 3;3,0,2;, + 3;4,0,3;, + 3;5,4,3;, + 3;6,4,5;, + 3;7,6,5;, + 3;8,9,10;, + 3;11,8,10;, + 3;12,8,11;, + 3;13,12,11;, + 3;14,12,13;, + 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3;716,715,717;, + 3;718,717,712;, + 3;719,720,1257;, + 3;720,721,722;, + 3;721,723,1258;, + 3;723,1259,1258;, + 3;719,1260,1261;, + 3;724,725,1262;, + 3;725,726,1263;, + 3;727,724,1264;, + 3;726,728,1265;, + 3;729,727,1266;, + 3;728,719,1261;, + 3;723,729,1267;, + 3;730,731,1268;, + 3;1269,732,1270;, + 3;1271,1272,733;, + 3;1273,734,1274;, + 3;1275,730,1268;, + 3;735,736,1276;, + 3;1276,737,738;, + 3;1277,739,1278;, + 3;1273,1278,734;, + 3;733,740,1279;, + 3;1279,740,741;, + 3;1280,741,742;, + 3;1281,743,1282;, + 3;1283,744,739;, + 3;736,1284,1285;, + 3;745,746,747;, + 3;745,747,748;, + 3;748,747,749;, + 3;748,749,750;, + 3;750,749,751;, + 3;750,751,752;, + 3;752,751,753;, + 3;752,753,754;, + 3;754,753,755;, + 3;754,755,756;, + 3;756,755,757;, + 3;756,757,758;, + 3;758,757,759;, + 3;758,759,760;, + 3;760,759,1286;, + 3;760,1286,1287;, + 3;746,761,762;, + 3;746,762,747;, + 3;747,762,763;, + 3;747,763,749;, + 3;749,763,764;, + 3;749,764,751;, + 3;751,764,765;, + 3;751,765,753;, + 3;753,765,766;, + 3;753,766,755;, + 3;755,766,767;, + 3;755,767,757;, + 3;757,767,768;, + 3;757,768,759;, + 3;759,768,1288;, + 3;759,1288,1286;, + 3;761,566,769;, + 3;761,769,762;, + 3;764,770,765;, + 3;765,771,772;, + 3;765,772,766;, + 3;766,772,773;, + 3;766,773,767;, + 3;767,773,571;, + 3;768,571,1159;, + 3;768,1159,1288;, + 3;774,775,776;, + 3;774,776,777;, + 3;775,462,463;, + 3;775,463,776;, + 3;1289,1290,778;, + 3;1289,778,779;, + 3;1290,1291,780;, + 3;1290,780,778;, + 3;1291,1292,781;, + 3;1291,781,780;, + 3;1292,1293,782;, + 3;1292,782,781;, + 3;1293,1165,581;, + 3;1293,581,782;, + 3;779,778,783;, + 3;779,783,784;, + 3;778,780,785;, + 3;778,785,783;, + 3;780,781,786;, + 3;780,786,785;, + 3;781,782,787;, + 3;781,787,786;, + 3;782,581,587;, + 3;782,587,787;, + 3;784,783,788;, + 3;784,788,789;, + 3;783,785,790;, + 3;783,790,788;, + 3;785,786,791;, + 3;785,791,790;, + 3;786,787,792;, + 3;786,792,791;, + 3;787,587,593;, + 3;787,593,792;, + 3;1294,1295,771;, + 3;1294,771,793;, + 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3;725,1263,1262;, + 3;727,1264,1266;, + 3;726,1265,1263;, + 3;729,1266,1267;, + 3;728,1261,1265;, + 3;723,1267,1259;, + 3;1271,733,1279;, + 3;1273,1274,1342;, + 3;1276,738,1340;, + 3;1277,1278,1273;, + 3;1279,741,1280;, + 3;1280,742,1343;, + 3;1283,739,1277;, + 3;813,1329,1335;, + 3;1317,1330,1344;, + 3;814,1331,1330;, + 3;1321,1332,1345;, + 3;816,1333,1332;, + 3;1325,1334,1346;, + 3;818,1284,1334;, + 3;1328,1335,1284;, + 3;1336,738,1285;, + 3;764,763,795;, + 3;774,820,775;, + 3;1347,821,1098;, + 3;1107,462,775;, + 3;1098,776,463;, + 3;820,1348,1107;, + 3;820,1107,775;, + 3;821,777,776;, + 3;821,776,1098;, + 3;1348,820,822;, + 3;1348,822,823;, + 3;821,1347,824;, + 3;821,824,825;, + 3;1349,1348,823;, + 3;1349,823,1350;, + 3;820,774,826;, + 3;820,826,822;, + 3;774,777,827;, + 3;774,827,826;, + 3;777,821,825;, + 3;777,825,827;, + 3;823,822,828;, + 3;823,828,829;, + 3;825,824,830;, + 3;825,830,831;, + 3;1350,823,829;, + 3;1350,829,1351;, + 3;822,826,832;, + 3;822,832,828;, + 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-0.006954;-0.960460;0.278330;, + -0.700324;-0.650018;0.294997;, + 0.302430;-0.952051;0.046201;, + -0.276584;-0.929242;-0.244971;, + 0.094428;0.853934;0.511742;, + 0.336283;-0.009104;0.941717;, + 0.556489;-0.055914;0.828972;, + 0.759730;0.498962;0.416950;, + 0.034747;0.947415;-0.318114;, + 0.731470;0.541587;-0.414288;, + 0.105400;0.061590;-0.992521;, + 0.621131;-0.303408;-0.722592;, + 0.541167;-0.749736;0.380833;, + -0.709843;0.544304;0.447052;, + -0.207902;-0.308447;0.928244;, + 0.546967;-0.813260;-0.198582;, + -0.735620;0.642658;-0.214135;, + 0.607416;-0.793959;-0.025956;, + -0.702457;0.230287;-0.673440;, + 0.609483;-0.790811;-0.056108;, + 0.698700;-0.688078;-0.195877;, + -0.036964;-0.991876;-0.121718;, + 0.129816;-0.852990;-0.505525;, + 0.708337;-0.651961;-0.270567;, + 0.006954;-0.960460;0.278330;, + 0.700323;-0.650018;0.294997;, + -0.302430;-0.952051;0.046201;, + 0.276584;-0.929242;-0.244970;, + -0.556488;-0.055914;0.828972;, + -0.336283;-0.009104;0.941717;, + -0.094428;0.853934;0.511742;, + -0.759730;0.498962;0.416950;, + -0.034747;0.947415;-0.318114;, + -0.731472;0.541585;-0.414288;, + -0.105400;0.061590;-0.992521;, + -0.621131;-0.303409;-0.722592;, + -0.541168;-0.749736;0.380833;, + 0.709843;0.544305;0.447052;, + 0.207903;-0.308447;0.928244;, + -0.546967;-0.813260;-0.198581;, + 0.735620;0.642658;-0.214134;, + -0.607415;-0.793960;-0.025956;, + 0.702458;0.230287;-0.673439;, + -0.609482;-0.790812;-0.056107;, + 0.715168;-0.546642;0.435566;, + 0.174589;-0.765639;0.619125;, + 0.311507;-0.029519;0.949785;, + 0.802549;-0.063801;0.593165;, + 0.674954;-0.705769;0.215238;, + 0.965425;-0.079199;0.248359;, + 0.989682;-0.086167;0.114472;, + 0.589572;-0.802548;0.091222;, + 0.222087;-0.142281;-0.964590;, + 0.239432;-0.628781;-0.739802;, + 0.451846;-0.276668;-0.848110;, + 0.400719;-0.107309;-0.909895;, + 0.345620;-0.589510;-0.730086;, + 0.552622;-0.313025;-0.772414;, + 0.714052;-0.151501;-0.683504;, + -0.111976;0.059755;-0.991913;, + 0.000000;-0.303073;-0.952967;, + 0.408905;-0.168156;-0.896951;, + -0.008987;0.245821;-0.969274;, + 0.637596;0.116274;-0.761545;, + 0.862761;-0.168404;-0.476742;, + 0.607110;0.434795;-0.665110;, + 0.093622;-0.452750;-0.886709;, + 0.454447;-0.542535;-0.706493;, + 0.433850;-0.537110;-0.723386;, + 0.668027;-0.011998;-0.744040;, + 0.770806;0.495623;-0.400270;, + 0.695970;-0.572016;-0.434078;, + 0.452755;-0.608582;-0.651645;, + 0.678173;0.659980;-0.323276;, + 0.561443;-0.626268;-0.540898;, + 0.695491;-0.680703;-0.230080;, + 0.320057;-0.465858;-0.824948;, + 0.015522;-0.721373;-0.692373;, + 0.025936;-0.639799;-0.768104;, + 0.267999;-0.896130;-0.353734;, + 0.429871;0.677744;-0.596552;, + 0.870887;0.286101;-0.399627;, + 0.899576;0.029925;-0.435739;, + 0.877351;-0.421108;0.230049;, + 0.727191;0.647472;0.227974;, + 0.251564;-0.085554;-0.964052;, + 0.443688;0.461641;-0.768133;, + 0.574683;-0.083305;-0.814125;, + 0.736077;0.391009;-0.552541;, + 0.899391;-0.211232;-0.382723;, + 0.958834;0.021238;-0.283171;, + 0.746330;-0.655766;-0.113851;, + 0.972458;-0.091984;-0.214160;, + 0.939346;-0.154664;-0.306116;, + 0.394895;-0.519206;-0.757947;, + 0.079536;-0.698997;-0.710688;, + 0.793478;0.264078;-0.548321;, + 0.593612;0.315377;-0.740379;, + 0.122186;-0.410372;-0.903696;, + -0.025452;0.456614;-0.889301;, + 0.117224;0.694033;-0.710336;, + 0.364145;0.733069;-0.574464;, + 0.345959;-0.296498;-0.890169;, + -0.135622;-0.348879;-0.927303;, + 0.466699;0.709807;-0.527604;, + 0.226468;-0.163193;-0.960250;, + 0.506498;0.620402;-0.598799;, + 0.485375;0.342365;-0.804486;, + 0.470753;0.400109;-0.786323;, + -0.507537;-0.402332;-0.761929;, + 0.800830;0.191458;-0.567463;, + 0.889577;0.287018;-0.355350;, + 0.266019;0.013318;-0.963876;, + -0.642198;0.006037;-0.766515;, + 0.425486;0.746189;-0.512018;, + 0.409779;0.681736;-0.606067;, + -0.058171;0.604638;-0.794374;, + 0.508624;0.701385;-0.499359;, + 0.286727;-0.054946;-0.956435;, + -0.316097;0.145690;-0.937474;, + -0.114483;-0.612880;-0.781838;, + -0.732130;-0.218041;-0.645325;, + -0.077040;0.341658;-0.936662;, + 0.982790;0.168633;-0.075412;, + 0.736791;0.340065;-0.584375;, + -0.327315;-0.220940;-0.918722;, + -0.356933;-0.916762;-0.179292;, + 0.858059;0.295560;-0.419974;, + 0.982755;-0.116030;0.143980;, + 0.686546;-0.436660;0.581362;, + -0.114684;-0.032216;-0.992880;, + -0.610499;-0.792017;0.000055;, + 0.997650;0.023444;-0.064385;, + 0.994914;-0.019735;0.098779;, + 0.607825;0.764607;-0.214302;, + 0.169187;0.272448;0.947179;, + -0.308242;0.468162;-0.828137;, + -0.945384;-0.259556;0.197182;, + 0.724385;0.622190;-0.296892;, + 0.338665;0.069750;0.938318;, + -0.281176;0.325935;-0.902611;, + -0.944702;-0.225837;0.237773;, + 0.943751;0.081290;-0.320510;, + 0.309733;-0.452451;0.836274;, + 0.122451;-0.025404;-0.992149;, + -0.820495;-0.556147;-0.132241;, + 0.521386;-0.621684;-0.584522;, + 0.000004;-0.667404;0.744696;, + 0.000000;0.082569;0.996585;, + 0.955176;-0.093355;0.280935;, + 0.907373;-0.032566;0.419063;, + 0.017997;0.304606;0.952308;, + 0.611072;0.197838;0.766453;, + 0.839507;0.190096;0.509010;, + 0.969844;0.099854;0.222331;, + 0.141318;0.262440;0.954544;, + 0.596370;0.185083;0.781081;, + 0.866160;0.114817;0.486400;, + 0.988906;0.103392;0.106655;, + 0.988842;0.100552;0.109915;, + 0.000104;-0.599228;0.800578;, + 0.173663;-0.620057;0.765095;, + 0.570753;-0.654192;0.496260;, + 0.741579;-0.628361;0.234997;, + 0.750948;-0.640212;0.161879;, + 0.775887;-0.622672;-0.101386;, + 0.726861;-0.637107;-0.256451;, + 0.518488;-0.628231;-0.580083;, + 0.282637;-0.599455;-0.748846;, + 0.039464;-0.606899;-0.793799;, + 0.000173;0.124733;0.992190;, + 0.273998;0.111428;0.955253;, + 0.810070;0.159410;0.564247;, + 0.923389;0.204059;0.325134;, + 0.963267;0.228823;0.140559;, + 0.961478;0.230312;-0.150056;, + 0.893601;0.214711;-0.394178;, + 0.628384;0.178155;-0.757228;, + 0.365227;0.121643;-0.922937;, + -0.008183;0.142392;-0.989776;, + 0.000103;0.483720;0.875223;, + 0.277107;0.511871;0.813142;, + 0.698315;0.579992;0.419483;, + 0.784868;0.562838;0.259223;, + 0.803441;0.586284;0.103699;, + 0.816344;0.565091;-0.119395;, + 0.765667;0.558811;-0.318567;, + 0.582400;0.519613;-0.625150;, + 0.339503;0.496872;-0.798658;, + -0.010072;0.503689;-0.863826;, + -0.000170;0.838829;0.544394;, + 0.209122;0.860779;0.464035;, + 0.472183;0.850685;0.231037;, + 0.524210;0.831400;0.184332;, + 0.548334;0.835391;0.038098;, + 0.560725;0.823931;-0.082001;, + 0.493044;0.839080;-0.229897;, + 0.356599;0.845126;-0.398246;, + 0.193906;0.838344;-0.509490;, + -0.030005;0.838012;-0.544826;, + 0.000000;0.999889;-0.014920;, + -0.247610;-0.617187;0.746839;, + -0.640144;-0.698513;0.319837;, + -0.845216;-0.109792;0.523025;, + -0.332309;0.120583;0.935431;, + -0.951232;-0.100313;0.291711;, + -0.607708;-0.765854;0.210140;, + -0.794975;-0.601716;0.077149;, + -0.992358;-0.084286;0.090118;, + -0.540786;-0.310747;-0.781657;, + -0.243635;-0.604159;-0.758705;, + -0.239575;-0.129408;-0.962215;, + -0.457699;-0.311417;-0.832785;, + -0.601820;-0.346641;-0.719481;, + -0.372432;-0.542919;-0.752685;, + -0.727575;-0.138985;-0.671802;, + -0.462077;-0.172950;-0.869812;, + -0.526055;0.267394;-0.807321;, + -0.889688;-0.200487;-0.410196;, + -0.661906;0.183020;-0.726900;, + -0.482780;-0.428287;-0.763868;, + -0.368326;-0.722170;-0.585497;, + -0.844542;0.459938;-0.274236;, + -0.681525;0.387393;-0.620847;, + -0.605303;-0.397304;-0.689752;, + -0.673388;-0.491201;-0.552514;, + -0.657816;0.645924;-0.387376;, + -0.662135;-0.671377;-0.332913;, + -0.486791;-0.582794;-0.650681;, + -0.258785;-0.568614;-0.780839;, + -0.513083;0.131989;-0.848130;, + -0.297505;-0.905023;-0.304014;, + -0.895981;0.262607;-0.358127;, + -0.675033;0.466963;-0.571206;, + -0.901019;0.266881;0.341965;, + -0.680425;-0.732688;-0.013786;, + -0.259518;-0.023921;-0.965442;, + -0.514018;0.532502;-0.672478;, + -0.645404;-0.118674;-0.754566;, + -0.641496;0.340399;-0.687468;, + -0.875472;-0.233593;-0.423064;, + -0.941780;-0.006383;-0.336169;, + -0.729762;-0.674587;-0.111267;, + -0.974729;-0.092161;-0.203496;, + -0.948685;-0.159768;-0.272894;, + -0.413516;-0.551069;-0.724795;, + -0.452430;-0.424111;-0.784497;, + -0.633631;0.387785;-0.669429;, + -0.759347;0.388122;-0.522258;, + -0.349670;0.699505;-0.623236;, + -0.367983;-0.326177;-0.870745;, + -0.426287;0.691018;-0.583758;, + 0.024608;-0.361630;-0.931997;, + -0.506095;0.593595;-0.625710;, + 0.205299;-0.327376;-0.922321;, + -0.019213;0.001677;-0.999814;, + -0.592122;0.499030;-0.632740;, + -0.705863;0.322617;-0.630616;, + -0.858342;0.333085;-0.390262;, + 0.520378;-0.115323;-0.846113;, + -0.098311;0.739985;-0.665400;, + -0.505485;0.718564;-0.477651;, + -0.429291;0.753222;-0.498363;, + -0.436628;0.579844;-0.687850;, + -0.018955;0.315468;-0.948747;, + 0.628680;-0.297343;-0.718574;, + 0.340473;0.081313;-0.936732;, + -0.987372;0.150062;-0.050767;, + -0.879193;0.307819;-0.363685;, + -0.071334;0.098893;-0.992538;, + 0.552973;-0.594293;-0.583984;, + -0.838304;0.391818;-0.379111;, + -0.660024;-0.355125;0.662008;, + -0.878202;-0.379715;0.290821;, + 0.063977;0.037528;-0.997245;, + 0.565936;-0.819042;-0.094270;, + -0.991440;0.023648;-0.128400;, + -0.999073;0.010052;0.041867;, + -0.576121;0.786004;-0.224237;, + -0.253102;0.252826;0.933819;, + 0.335569;0.443367;-0.831155;, + 0.943943;-0.232201;0.234638;, + -0.746213;0.592914;-0.302686;, + -0.189845;0.217076;0.957516;, + 0.237934;0.300377;-0.923667;, + 0.932614;-0.306696;0.190181;, + -0.854338;0.099672;-0.510071;, + -0.759448;-0.294301;0.580194;, + 0.213648;-0.150954;-0.965177;, + 0.739086;-0.584441;0.334935;, + -0.521385;-0.621686;-0.584521;, + -0.921296;-0.000592;0.388863;, + -0.962588;-0.092104;0.254837;, + -0.643832;0.151144;0.750091;, + -0.980272;0.070344;0.184714;, + -0.849418;0.188211;0.493017;, + -0.517473;0.220460;0.826812;, + -0.775120;0.146862;0.614508;, + -0.979260;0.103055;0.174438;, + -0.988842;0.100551;0.109916;, + -0.257131;-0.613480;0.746677;, + -0.655025;-0.643192;0.396543;, + -0.729698;-0.628342;0.269680;, + -0.767211;-0.638569;0.060144;, + -0.773397;-0.623118;-0.116540;, + -0.694093;-0.641310;-0.327041;, + -0.455929;-0.638307;-0.620236;, + -0.253991;-0.603628;-0.755726;, + -0.290181;0.120439;0.949363;, + -0.790874;0.202403;0.577539;, + -0.923458;0.210735;0.320651;, + -0.959298;0.234558;0.157257;, + -0.963277;0.224319;-0.147576;, + -0.900844;0.202218;-0.384172;, + -0.646321;0.146493;-0.748871;, + -0.336180;0.122826;-0.933754;, + -0.268545;0.501480;0.822436;, + -0.701566;0.531626;0.474529;, + -0.791663;0.556265;0.252664;, + -0.805765;0.578042;0.128881;, + -0.812528;0.571712;-0.113773;, + -0.760729;0.577526;-0.296236;, + -0.589180;0.554444;-0.587757;, + -0.331045;0.502521;-0.798675;, + -0.118111;0.855986;0.503326;, + -0.413323;0.856582;0.308919;, + -0.532739;0.831452;0.157727;, + -0.535078;0.837140;0.113529;, + -0.562623;0.823042;-0.077821;, + -0.522170;0.835158;-0.172769;, + -0.396124;0.843506;-0.362744;, + -0.243647;0.844427;-0.477053;, + -0.585560;-0.168913;0.792836;, + -0.979025;-0.171040;-0.110706;, + -0.868505;-0.466650;0.167143;, + -0.289501;-0.466650;0.835720;, + 0.000148;0.999994;-0.003359;, + 0.394045;-0.169028;0.903414;, + 0.579005;-0.466650;0.668574;, + 0.979037;-0.171271;0.110238;, + 0.868506;-0.466648;-0.167143;, + 0.584817;-0.173401;-0.792415;, + 0.289503;-0.466649;-0.835719;, + -0.393644;-0.173286;-0.902783;, + -0.579003;-0.466649;-0.668576;, + -0.130098;0.890443;0.436104;, + -0.236889;0.850100;-0.470334;, + -0.175642;0.968564;-0.176161;, + -0.060805;0.637960;0.767665;, + 0.235836;0.103418;0.966274;, + 0.172266;-0.360525;0.916704;, + 0.503507;-0.734161;0.455509;, + 0.250506;-0.953163;0.169488;, + 0.379678;-0.782095;-0.494138;, + 0.086510;-0.635228;-0.767464;, + -0.026852;0.043388;-0.998697;, + -0.120815;0.369417;-0.921377;, + -0.615710;0.743650;-0.260549;, + -0.318016;0.682023;0.658567;, + 0.454590;0.074146;0.887610;, + 0.872061;-0.456119;0.177383;, + 0.544687;-0.374159;-0.750547;, + -0.205593;0.244510;-0.947600;, + -0.947918;0.318514;-0.000749;, + -0.382719;0.448240;0.807841;, + 0.611759;0.246959;0.751507;, + 0.993888;-0.069640;-0.085659;, + 0.432662;-0.176959;-0.884019;, + -0.548317;0.022330;-0.835973;, + -0.007283;0.942541;-0.334010;, + 0.175641;0.968564;-0.176163;, + 0.236889;0.850100;-0.470334;, + 0.130099;0.890443;0.436103;, + 0.060805;0.637960;0.767665;, + -0.235836;0.103418;0.966274;, + -0.172267;-0.360525;0.916704;, + -0.503507;-0.734161;0.455508;, + -0.250507;-0.953164;0.169486;, + -0.379678;-0.782095;-0.494138;, + -0.086509;-0.635227;-0.767465;, + 0.026852;0.043389;-0.998697;, + 0.120815;0.369418;-0.921376;, + 0.615711;0.743650;-0.260548;, + 0.318016;0.682023;0.658567;, + -0.454590;0.074146;0.887609;, + -0.872061;-0.456119;0.177385;, + -0.544687;-0.374159;-0.750547;, + 0.205595;0.244511;-0.947600;, + 0.947918;0.318513;-0.000749;, + 0.382720;0.448240;0.807841;, + -0.611758;0.246959;0.751507;, + -0.993888;-0.069640;-0.085659;, + -0.432660;-0.176959;-0.884020;, + 0.548319;0.022332;-0.835971;, + 0.007296;0.942541;-0.334010;, + 0.326102;-0.301915;0.895826;, + 0.290390;0.081714;0.953413;, + 0.282586;0.359266;0.889423;, + 0.732955;0.505070;0.455721;, + 0.196255;0.976233;0.091942;, + 0.000000;0.983658;-0.180048;, + 0.092154;0.912052;0.399586;, + 0.685876;-0.491759;-0.536421;, + 0.803250;0.595471;-0.014278;, + 0.173689;0.943714;-0.281490;, + 0.755928;0.238778;-0.609556;, + 0.573852;0.647817;-0.501026;, + 0.218078;0.832084;-0.509980;, + 0.273387;0.254330;-0.927672;, + 0.177185;0.758963;-0.626563;, + 0.152142;0.771846;-0.617338;, + 0.000000;0.507928;-0.861399;, + -0.000000;0.336033;-0.941850;, + 0.302092;0.176073;0.936877;, + 0.240533;0.336563;0.910422;, + 0.663467;0.421496;-0.618184;, + 0.427727;0.228952;-0.874432;, + 0.230252;0.500003;-0.834854;, + 0.000000;0.578617;-0.815600;, + 0.307879;0.805978;0.505580;, + 0.145346;0.598582;0.787765;, + 0.405591;0.657823;-0.634638;, + 0.402621;0.826286;-0.393887;, + 0.226398;0.640557;-0.733779;, + 0.000000;0.846676;0.532109;, + 0.000000;0.512865;0.858469;, + 0.000000;0.063273;0.997996;, + 0.000000;0.457798;0.889057;, + -0.000000;0.804821;-0.593518;, + -0.000000;0.248350;0.968670;, + 0.000000;0.609069;-0.793118;, + 0.227767;0.807947;0.543456;, + 0.281507;0.877647;-0.387930;, + -0.282586;0.359266;0.889423;, + -0.290390;0.081714;0.953413;, + -0.326102;-0.301915;0.895826;, + -0.732955;0.505070;0.455721;, + -0.092154;0.912052;0.399586;, + -0.196255;0.976233;0.091942;, + -0.685876;-0.491759;-0.536421;, + -0.803250;0.595471;-0.014278;, + -0.173689;0.943714;-0.281490;, + -0.755928;0.238778;-0.609556;, + -0.573852;0.647817;-0.501026;, + -0.218077;0.832084;-0.509980;, + -0.273387;0.254330;-0.927672;, + -0.177185;0.758963;-0.626563;, + -0.152141;0.771846;-0.617338;, + -0.240533;0.336564;0.910422;, + -0.302092;0.176073;0.936877;, + -0.427727;0.228952;-0.874432;, + -0.663467;0.421497;-0.618184;, + -0.230252;0.500003;-0.834854;, + -0.145346;0.598582;0.787765;, + -0.307879;0.805978;0.505580;, + -0.402622;0.826286;-0.393887;, + -0.405591;0.657823;-0.634638;, + -0.226397;0.640557;-0.733779;, + -0.227767;0.807947;0.543456;, + -0.281507;0.877647;-0.387931;, + -0.519282;-0.801856;-0.295590;, + 0.628811;0.048486;-0.776045;, + 0.075597;0.061964;-0.995211;, + -0.768733;-0.464430;-0.439722;, + -0.776444;-0.621408;0.104819;, + -0.008636;0.241742;0.970302;, + -0.519681;-0.462756;0.718184;, + -0.392286;-0.395655;0.830403;, + 0.606488;0.362636;0.707578;, + 0.634201;0.590890;0.498637;, + -0.532226;-0.846074;0.029908;, + 0.733299;-0.679627;0.019472;, + 0.395655;-0.688028;0.608338;, + -0.626298;-0.623654;0.467767;, + -0.615564;-0.788001;-0.011651;, + 0.737398;0.614678;-0.280025;, + -0.020657;0.352402;-0.935621;, + -0.283460;-0.739558;-0.610496;, + 0.671011;-0.430239;-0.603853;, + -0.978692;0.134618;-0.155050;, + -0.093467;0.573633;-0.813763;, + -0.077464;0.247205;-0.965862;, + -0.990913;0.025340;-0.132096;, + -0.772378;-0.597866;-0.214449;, + 0.872971;0.472486;-0.121157;, + 0.815150;0.020096;-0.578901;, + -0.017212;-0.667549;0.744367;, + -0.025443;-0.997470;0.066387;, + 0.063832;-0.326004;-0.943211;, + 0.938699;-0.157979;-0.306408;, + 0.658994;-0.420980;0.623300;, + 0.999001;-0.033016;-0.030116;, + 0.005130;0.183809;-0.982949;, + -0.933054;-0.303730;-0.192764;, + 0.991412;0.128365;-0.025012;, + 0.649195;-0.068635;0.757519;, + -0.555420;-0.356113;0.751460;, + -0.937074;-0.338487;0.085549;, + 0.447515;0.045262;-0.893130;, + -0.705682;-0.354669;-0.613370;, + -0.592644;-0.622931;0.510618;, + -0.752771;-0.619673;-0.222128;, + 0.720371;-0.617368;-0.316104;, + -0.683253;-0.627919;-0.372670;, + 0.769514;-0.558111;-0.310419;, + -0.562589;-0.760251;-0.324828;, + -0.204878;-0.344714;-0.916077;, + 0.446447;-0.607871;-0.656642;, + -0.711056;-0.698405;0.081424;, + 0.643951;-0.736522;-0.207031;, + 0.686779;-0.713298;0.139789;, + -0.413593;0.147648;0.898410;, + -0.990075;-0.050814;0.131034;, + 0.321552;-0.282128;0.903885;, + 0.624392;0.208123;0.752874;, + 0.996072;0.072527;0.050800;, + -0.386575;0.167860;-0.906853;, + 0.318836;0.181672;-0.930236;, + -0.965362;0.116386;-0.233516;, + 0.885875;0.093258;-0.454453;, + -0.998737;-0.000577;-0.050239;, + 0.997215;0.069558;-0.026922;, + -0.059927;0.707805;-0.703861;, + 0.750455;0.543429;-0.376168;, + -0.617940;0.665192;-0.419130;, + -0.803206;0.582659;-0.123972;, + 0.704325;0.662368;-0.255334;, + 0.082622;0.499858;-0.862158;, + 0.931934;0.103939;-0.347414;, + -0.027959;0.981500;-0.189407;, + -0.050360;0.933873;-0.354042;, + 0.981209;0.015725;0.192306;, + -0.827387;-0.039311;-0.560255;, + -0.986340;-0.131712;-0.098922;, + -0.787094;-0.082947;0.611231;, + -0.006351;0.094118;0.995541;, + 0.498810;0.079278;0.863078;, + -0.740122;-0.312903;0.595240;, + -0.938230;-0.345002;0.026413;, + -0.993493;0.048503;0.103045;, + -0.673953;0.185181;0.715189;, + -0.108392;-0.207274;0.972260;, + 0.051154;0.195171;0.979434;, + 0.639562;-0.102929;0.761818;, + 0.704736;0.180554;0.686111;, + 0.998869;-0.047538;-0.000576;, + 0.958935;0.173981;-0.223994;, + 0.698266;-0.181001;-0.692577;, + 0.620972;0.089948;-0.778655;, + 0.016398;-0.443063;-0.896341;, + -0.144390;-0.065290;-0.987365;, + -0.728851;-0.441912;-0.522963;, + -0.871827;-0.033825;-0.488645;, + -0.626805;-0.572093;0.528985;, + -0.871386;-0.490489;0.010370;, + -0.076929;-0.452265;0.888559;, + 0.626649;-0.191510;0.755404;, + 0.998179;0.029379;0.052680;, + 0.721135;-0.035727;-0.691873;, + 0.076054;-0.310273;-0.947600;, + -0.686595;-0.525811;-0.502105;, + -0.330716;-0.736732;0.589791;, + -0.000000;-0.999826;-0.018662;, + 0.814386;0.118924;0.568007;, + 0.793032;-0.131439;-0.594831;, + 0.983958;0.171788;0.048122;, + 0.282352;-0.374795;-0.883066;, + -0.000000;-0.704137;-0.710064;, + 0.479848;0.732180;-0.483382;, + 0.372803;0.739708;0.560223;, + 0.661563;0.611093;0.434626;, + 0.699606;0.569916;-0.430984;, + 0.710696;0.422097;0.562801;, + 0.295926;0.387851;0.872926;, + 0.837365;0.545835;0.029727;, + 0.634042;0.611621;-0.473192;, + 0.202625;0.600191;-0.773766;, + 0.000000;0.760465;-0.649379;, + 0.746427;-0.359817;0.559803;, + 0.315278;-0.350053;0.882078;, + 0.925014;-0.373716;0.068452;, + 0.702484;-0.584123;-0.406592;, + 0.277977;-0.495656;-0.822833;, + 0.000000;-0.326323;-0.945258;, + 0.788118;-0.183645;0.587491;, + 0.253204;-0.328259;0.910019;, + 0.953596;-0.298213;-0.041519;, + 0.649818;-0.613601;-0.448587;, + 0.213921;-0.752172;-0.623277;, + 0.000000;-0.760910;-0.648858;, + 0.750713;0.268051;0.603803;, + 0.000000;-0.632247;-0.774767;, + 0.000000;0.293377;0.955997;, + 0.000000;-0.458024;0.888940;, + 0.000000;-0.247527;0.968881;, + -0.000000;-0.929061;0.369927;, + 0.000000;-0.674749;0.738047;, + 0.000000;0.121068;0.992644;, + 0.413319;0.153508;0.897554;, + 0.000000;-0.048684;0.998814;, + 0.333509;-0.199190;0.921464;, + -0.715206;-0.667542;0.207047;, + -0.578980;-0.808463;-0.105693;, + -0.254152;-0.724281;0.640955;, + 0.350123;-0.705733;0.615918;, + 0.521829;-0.685532;0.507681;, + 0.582105;-0.748288;-0.318149;, + 0.259672;-0.758109;-0.598199;, + -0.324676;-0.788502;-0.522351;, + -0.164580;-0.761217;0.627266;, + -0.489043;-0.865249;0.110364;, + 0.147015;-0.759744;0.633384;, + 0.605120;-0.686438;0.403277;, + 0.602435;-0.766434;-0.222825;, + 0.157318;-0.949324;-0.272095;, + -0.166899;-0.916412;-0.363778;, + -0.427237;-0.891048;-0.153303;, + -0.649900;-0.035036;0.759212;, + -0.985761;-0.163298;-0.040116;, + 0.036046;0.034905;0.998740;, + 0.608077;0.178337;0.773588;, + 0.981662;0.163987;0.097203;, + 0.740908;-0.121535;-0.660519;, + -0.006847;-0.316355;-0.948616;, + -0.687977;-0.293549;-0.663714;, + 0.152727;0.197261;0.968381;, + 0.101821;-0.074160;-0.992035;, + 0.114730;0.027382;0.993019;, + -0.400147;-0.785877;0.471465;, + -0.373140;-0.766605;-0.522573;, + 0.346292;-0.166438;-0.923244;, + 0.519780;0.635299;0.571160;, + 0.747186;0.566650;-0.347307;, + -0.236063;0.200824;0.950760;, + -0.838795;-0.373110;0.396500;, + -0.651438;-0.450605;-0.610396;, + -0.031669;0.154102;-0.987547;, + 0.201281;0.810006;0.550796;, + 0.239147;0.872811;-0.425453;, + 0.299406;-0.276504;0.913182;, + -0.090325;-0.956867;0.276130;, + 0.102216;-0.745525;-0.658593;, + 0.569936;-0.148382;-0.808181;, + 0.711459;0.196812;0.674605;, + 0.934562;0.328093;-0.137656;, + 0.670078;-0.315307;0.671995;, + 0.433905;-0.762868;0.479331;, + 0.392697;-0.891971;-0.224004;, + 0.619791;-0.530830;-0.577995;, + 0.937105;-0.010824;0.348879;, + 0.942842;-0.125596;-0.308665;, + 0.179838;-0.052199;0.982310;, + -0.225765;-0.835864;0.500361;, + -0.124005;-0.775689;-0.618813;, + 0.254434;-0.153439;-0.954840;, + 0.632262;0.479231;0.608755;, + 0.779351;0.507865;-0.366995;, + 0.211083;-0.007310;0.977441;, + -0.425351;-0.766520;0.481169;, + -0.099996;-0.506703;-0.856302;, + -0.397481;-0.777098;-0.487983;, + 0.691760;0.435659;0.575908;, + 0.783622;0.512593;-0.350976;, + 0.312687;-0.071199;-0.947184;, + -0.075596;0.061964;-0.995211;, + -0.628811;0.048486;-0.776045;, + 0.519283;-0.801855;-0.295591;, + 0.768732;-0.464431;-0.439721;, + 0.776443;-0.621410;0.104818;, + 0.392286;-0.395655;0.830403;, + 0.519681;-0.462756;0.718184;, + 0.008636;0.241742;0.970302;, + -0.606488;0.362636;0.707579;, + -0.634201;0.590890;0.498637;, + -0.395655;-0.688028;0.608338;, + -0.733299;-0.679627;0.019472;, + 0.532226;-0.846074;0.029908;, + 0.626299;-0.623654;0.467766;, + 0.615564;-0.788001;-0.011651;, + 0.020657;0.352402;-0.935621;, + -0.737398;0.614678;-0.280026;, + -0.671012;-0.430239;-0.603852;, + 0.283460;-0.739558;-0.610496;, + 0.077465;0.247205;-0.965862;, + 0.093468;0.573633;-0.813762;, + 0.978692;0.134617;-0.155050;, + 0.990913;0.025337;-0.132097;, + 0.772378;-0.597866;-0.214449;, + -0.872971;0.472486;-0.121157;, + -0.815150;0.020096;-0.578901;, + 0.017212;-0.667549;0.744367;, + -0.938699;-0.157978;-0.306411;, + -0.063832;-0.326003;-0.943211;, + 0.025442;-0.997470;0.066384;, + -0.658998;-0.420978;0.623297;, + -0.005131;0.183808;-0.982949;, + -0.999001;-0.033016;-0.030117;, + 0.933054;-0.303731;-0.192763;, + -0.991412;0.128365;-0.025011;, + -0.649195;-0.068635;0.757519;, + 0.555420;-0.356114;0.751459;, + 0.937074;-0.338488;0.085548;, + -0.447516;0.045263;-0.893130;, + 0.705682;-0.354669;-0.613370;, + -0.720371;-0.617367;-0.316106;, + 0.752772;-0.619672;-0.222130;, + 0.592644;-0.622930;0.510618;, + -0.769512;-0.558113;-0.310422;, + 0.683253;-0.627918;-0.372671;, + -0.446447;-0.607871;-0.656642;, + 0.204878;-0.344714;-0.916077;, + 0.562588;-0.760251;-0.324828;, + -0.643951;-0.736523;-0.207031;, + 0.711056;-0.698405;0.081424;, + -0.686777;-0.713299;0.139789;, + 0.990075;-0.050814;0.131033;, + 0.413593;0.147648;0.898410;, + -0.624392;0.208124;0.752874;, + -0.321551;-0.282128;0.903885;, + -0.996072;0.072527;0.050799;, + -0.318836;0.181672;-0.930236;, + 0.386574;0.167859;-0.906854;, + 0.965362;0.116386;-0.233516;, + -0.885875;0.093257;-0.454453;, + 0.998737;-0.000577;-0.050239;, + -0.997215;0.069557;-0.026922;, + -0.750455;0.543429;-0.376168;, + 0.059927;0.707805;-0.703862;, + 0.617939;0.665192;-0.419130;, + 0.803206;0.582659;-0.123972;, + -0.704325;0.662368;-0.255334;, + -0.931934;0.103939;-0.347414;, + -0.082622;0.499858;-0.862158;, + 0.050360;0.933873;-0.354042;, + 0.027959;0.981500;-0.189407;, + -0.981209;0.015725;0.192306;, + 0.827387;-0.039311;-0.560255;, + 0.986340;-0.131712;-0.098922;, + 0.787094;-0.082947;0.611231;, + 0.006351;0.094118;0.995541;, + -0.498810;0.079278;0.863078;, + 0.993493;0.048503;0.103045;, + 0.938231;-0.345001;0.026413;, + 0.740122;-0.312902;0.595241;, + 0.673953;0.185182;0.715189;, + 0.108392;-0.207274;0.972260;, + -0.051154;0.195171;0.979434;, + -0.639562;-0.102930;0.761817;, + -0.704736;0.180553;0.686111;, + -0.998869;-0.047539;-0.000576;, + -0.958935;0.173981;-0.223994;, + -0.698266;-0.181001;-0.692577;, + -0.620972;0.089947;-0.778655;, + -0.016398;-0.443063;-0.896341;, + 0.144390;-0.065289;-0.987365;, + 0.728851;-0.441912;-0.522963;, + 0.871827;-0.033824;-0.488645;, + 0.871385;-0.490489;0.010371;, + 0.626805;-0.572093;0.528985;, + 0.076929;-0.452265;0.888559;, + -0.626649;-0.191510;0.755404;, + -0.998179;0.029379;0.052679;, + -0.721134;-0.035727;-0.691873;, + -0.076054;-0.310273;-0.947600;, + 0.686595;-0.525811;-0.502105;, + 0.330715;-0.736732;0.589791;, + -0.814386;0.118924;0.568007;, + -0.983958;0.171789;0.048122;, + -0.793032;-0.131439;-0.594831;, + -0.282352;-0.374795;-0.883067;, + -0.661563;0.611093;0.434626;, + -0.372803;0.739708;0.560223;, + -0.479848;0.732180;-0.483382;, + -0.699606;0.569916;-0.430984;, + -0.710696;0.422097;0.562801;, + -0.295926;0.387851;0.872926;, + -0.837365;0.545835;0.029728;, + -0.634042;0.611621;-0.473192;, + -0.202625;0.600190;-0.773766;, + -0.746426;-0.359818;0.559803;, + -0.315278;-0.350053;0.882078;, + -0.925014;-0.373716;0.068452;, + -0.702484;-0.584123;-0.406592;, + -0.277977;-0.495656;-0.822833;, + -0.788117;-0.183645;0.587491;, + -0.253204;-0.328259;0.910019;, + -0.953596;-0.298213;-0.041519;, + -0.649818;-0.613601;-0.448587;, + -0.213921;-0.752172;-0.623277;, + -0.750713;0.268052;0.603803;, + -0.413319;0.153508;0.897554;, + -0.333508;-0.199190;0.921464;, + 0.715206;-0.667542;0.207047;, + 0.578979;-0.808463;-0.105693;, + 0.254151;-0.724281;0.640956;, + -0.350122;-0.705733;0.615918;, + -0.521829;-0.685532;0.507682;, + -0.582105;-0.748288;-0.318149;, + -0.259672;-0.758109;-0.598199;, + 0.324675;-0.788502;-0.522351;, + 0.164580;-0.761216;0.627266;, + 0.489043;-0.865250;0.110364;, + -0.147015;-0.759744;0.633384;, + -0.605120;-0.686438;0.403277;, + -0.602435;-0.766434;-0.222825;, + -0.157318;-0.949324;-0.272095;, + 0.166899;-0.916412;-0.363778;, + 0.427237;-0.891048;-0.153303;, + 0.649900;-0.035037;0.759212;, + 0.985761;-0.163298;-0.040116;, + -0.036046;0.034905;0.998740;, + -0.608077;0.178337;0.773588;, + -0.981662;0.163987;0.097202;, + -0.740908;-0.121535;-0.660518;, + 0.006847;-0.316355;-0.948616;, + 0.687977;-0.293549;-0.663714;, + -0.152727;0.197261;0.968381;, + -0.101821;-0.074160;-0.992035;, + -0.114730;0.027382;0.993019;, + 0.400147;-0.785877;0.471465;, + 0.373140;-0.766605;-0.522573;, + -0.346292;-0.166438;-0.923244;, + -0.519779;0.635300;0.571160;, + -0.747186;0.566650;-0.347306;, + 0.236063;0.200824;0.950760;, + 0.838795;-0.373110;0.396500;, + 0.651438;-0.450605;-0.610396;, + 0.031669;0.154102;-0.987547;, + -0.201281;0.810006;0.550796;, + -0.239147;0.872811;-0.425453;, + -0.299406;-0.276504;0.913182;, + 0.090326;-0.956866;0.276132;, + -0.102213;-0.745525;-0.658593;, + -0.569935;-0.148383;-0.808181;, + -0.711459;0.196812;0.674605;, + -0.934562;0.328093;-0.137655;, + -0.670077;-0.315307;0.671995;, + -0.433903;-0.762869;0.479331;, + -0.392695;-0.891971;-0.224004;, + -0.619791;-0.530830;-0.577995;, + -0.937105;-0.010824;0.348879;, + -0.942842;-0.125596;-0.308665;, + -0.179838;-0.052199;0.982310;, + 0.225766;-0.835864;0.500361;, + 0.124006;-0.775689;-0.618813;, + -0.254434;-0.153439;-0.954840;, + -0.632263;0.479231;0.608754;, + -0.779351;0.507865;-0.366995;, + -0.211083;-0.007311;0.977441;, + 0.425351;-0.766520;0.481169;, + 0.397482;-0.777098;-0.487983;, + 0.099996;-0.506703;-0.856302;, + -0.691761;0.435659;0.575907;, + -0.783623;0.512593;-0.350976;, + -0.312688;-0.071199;-0.947184;, + -0.158440;0.272260;0.949090;, + -0.826805;0.300613;0.475422;, + -0.818240;-0.572323;0.054124;, + 0.443455;-0.793006;0.417718;, + -0.807686;-0.588428;0.037363;, + 0.478308;-0.856915;0.192140;, + -0.806374;-0.591350;0.008141;, + 0.485289;-0.872612;-0.055172;, + -0.805965;-0.591697;-0.017746;, + 0.466843;-0.842931;-0.267441;, + -0.819948;-0.571396;-0.034540;, + 0.428416;-0.777562;-0.460280;, + -0.815220;-0.575410;-0.065729;, + 0.362499;-0.663593;-0.654400;, + -0.987557;-0.002703;-0.157237;, + -0.465064;0.808835;-0.359864;, + -0.895193;0.296505;0.332738;, + -0.621376;0.321019;-0.714730;, + -0.823363;-0.179475;-0.538388;, + -0.717959;-0.165741;0.676065;, + -0.954361;0.021745;-0.297862;, + -0.870287;-0.492508;0.006093;, + -0.818024;0.006369;0.575148;, + 0.915007;0.400877;0.045386;, + 0.362063;0.859195;0.361516;, + 0.923704;0.382121;0.027477;, + 0.925341;0.379116;-0.003806;, + 0.925113;0.378382;-0.031514;, + 0.914133;0.402378;-0.049520;, + 0.914701;0.395544;-0.082872;, + 0.318704;0.921135;-0.223467;, + 0.592761;0.573307;-0.565644;, + -0.096115;0.933726;-0.344844;, + 0.336545;0.702533;0.627045;, + 0.486292;0.591434;0.643216;, + 0.870287;0.492508;-0.006093;, + 0.516008;0.743904;-0.424667;, + 0.388701;0.765725;0.512422;, + 0.818479;-0.013906;0.574368;, + 0.583881;0.562753;0.585143;, + 0.008591;-0.015184;0.999848;, + 0.871568;0.231819;0.432006;, + 0.448861;0.775548;0.443902;, + 0.779452;0.224370;-0.584904;, + -0.008598;0.015187;-0.999848;, + 0.397356;0.715862;-0.574151;, + 0.576552;-0.587596;0.567732;, + 0.785924;-0.451591;0.422360;, + 0.702038;-0.393393;-0.593620;, + -0.000186;-0.822252;0.569124;, + 0.242090;-0.874344;0.420613;, + 0.210446;-0.775533;-0.595199;, + -0.573887;-0.580416;0.577729;, + -0.441362;-0.788795;0.427788;, + -0.407347;-0.698201;-0.588713;, + -0.808485;-0.003753;0.588505;, + -0.864073;-0.245059;0.439687;, + -0.789452;-0.206700;-0.577963;, + -0.566558;0.569931;0.595139;, + -0.778428;0.438345;0.449336;, + -0.712039;0.411053;-0.569242;, + 0.010185;0.804586;0.593749;, + -0.234597;0.861095;0.451087;, + -0.220443;0.793196;-0.567667;, + 0.663953;0.169591;0.728289;, + 0.343613;0.581657;0.737296;, + 0.636660;0.638950;-0.431748;, + 0.896190;0.001007;-0.443670;, + 0.599051;-0.348328;0.720975;, + 0.628552;-0.633648;-0.451012;, + 0.186915;-0.668706;0.719650;, + -0.009479;-0.893246;-0.449468;, + -0.331041;-0.603875;0.725084;, + -0.644150;-0.625711;-0.439950;, + -0.651388;-0.191809;0.734100;, + -0.903681;0.012237;-0.428031;, + -0.586482;0.326109;0.741412;, + -0.636045;0.646893;-0.420685;, + -0.174343;0.646491;0.742734;, + 0.001989;0.906490;-0.422223;, + 0.864073;0.245061;-0.439686;, + 0.441363;0.788793;-0.427789;, + 0.644155;0.625710;0.439944;, + 0.903685;-0.012232;0.428023;, + 0.778430;-0.438345;-0.449333;, + 0.636046;-0.646894;0.420683;, + 0.234598;-0.861099;-0.451080;, + -0.001986;-0.906489;0.422225;, + -0.448852;-0.775554;-0.443902;, + -0.636655;-0.638956;0.431746;, + -0.871564;-0.231820;-0.432014;, + -0.896188;-0.001007;0.443673;, + -0.785920;0.451591;-0.422368;, + -0.628551;0.633646;0.451017;, + -0.242090;0.874344;-0.420613;, + 0.009483;0.893244;0.449471;, + 0.479045;0.490319;-0.728082;, + 0.675735;0.006858;-0.737113;, + 0.472902;-0.474122;-0.742679;, + -0.010626;-0.670850;-0.741517;, + -0.491614;-0.468095;-0.734304;, + -0.688295;0.015361;-0.725268;, + -0.485460;0.496332;-0.719711;, + -0.001936;0.693063;-0.720874;, + 0.651394;0.191812;-0.734094;, + 0.331038;0.603871;-0.725089;, + 0.491611;0.468102;0.734302;, + 0.688292;-0.015363;0.725271;, + 0.586489;-0.326107;-0.741407;, + 0.485471;-0.496336;0.719700;, + 0.174344;-0.646489;-0.742736;, + 0.001936;-0.693068;0.720870;, + -0.343609;-0.581653;-0.737301;, + -0.479044;-0.490321;0.728081;, + -0.663957;-0.169592;-0.728286;, + -0.675725;-0.006857;0.737122;, + -0.599047;0.348320;-0.720982;, + -0.472901;0.474118;0.742682;, + -0.186907;0.668699;-0.719658;, + 0.010630;0.670854;0.741513;; + 1896; + 3;0,1,2;, + 3;3,0,2;, + 3;4,0,3;, + 3;5,4,3;, + 3;6,4,5;, + 3;7,6,5;, + 3;8,9,10;, + 3;11,8,10;, + 3;12,8,11;, + 3;13,12,11;, + 3;14,12,13;, + 3;15,14,13;, + 3;9,1,16;, + 3;10,9,16;, + 3;17,3,2;, + 3;18,17,2;, + 3;10,16,19;, + 3;11,10,19;, + 3;20,5,3;, + 3;17,20,3;, + 3;11,19,21;, + 3;13,11,21;, + 3;22,7,5;, + 3;20,22,5;, + 3;14,6,7;, + 3;22,14,7;, + 3;13,21,23;, + 3;15,13,23;, + 3;19,16,1;, + 3;0,19,1;, + 3;21,19,0;, + 3;4,21,0;, + 3;23,21,4;, + 3;6,23,4;, + 3;17,18,9;, + 3;8,17,9;, + 3;20,17,8;, + 3;12,20,8;, + 3;22,20,12;, + 3;14,22,12;, + 3;18,2,1;, + 3;9,18,1;, + 3;15,23,6;, + 3;14,15,6;, + 3;24,25,26;, + 3;24,26,27;, + 3;27,26,28;, + 3;27,28,29;, + 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0.197484;0.478011;, + 0.117133;0.559519;, + 0.134823;0.506295;, + 0.334255;0.513986;, + 0.294188;0.647073;, + 0.355995;0.630874;, + 0.277231;0.467783;, + 0.195995;0.630044;, + 0.198470;0.465449;, + 0.120283;0.629581;, + 0.129080;0.494225;, + 0.883088;0.082413;, + 0.952602;0.082413;, + 0.952602;0.124822;, + 0.886670;0.125688;, + 0.845982;0.082413;, + 0.853762;0.092854;, + 0.803697;0.099653;, + 0.818882;0.082413;, + 0.550187;0.108550;, + 0.549541;0.099912;, + 0.521198;0.108242;, + 0.570984;0.105166;, + 0.559898;0.090185;, + 0.524569;0.093462;, + 0.590036;0.104329;, + 0.609816;0.100136;, + 0.609816;0.094012;, + 0.599702;0.103594;, + 0.609816;0.120548;, + 0.595746;0.121809;, + 0.488608;0.098736;, + 0.584643;0.123322;, + 0.609816;0.131139;, + 0.599203;0.131643;, + 0.590592;0.133959;, + 0.576247;0.124880;, + 0.572237;0.121932;, + 0.573963;0.136508;, + 0.580782;0.133278;, + 0.576453;0.120504;, + 0.520895;0.082413;, + 0.488125;0.082413;, + 0.563259;0.082413;, + 0.609816;0.082413;, + 0.609816;0.138599;, + 0.578418;0.137559;, + 0.593845;0.139019;, + 0.572039;0.122828;, + 0.572039;0.137791;, + 0.564045;0.135397;, + 0.563414;0.125172;, + 0.551182;0.122339;, + 0.547324;0.144010;, + 0.522523;0.121370;, + 0.522461;0.151881;, + 0.491771;0.120638;, + 0.485200;0.143898;, + 0.771477;0.082413;, + 0.771542;0.101298;, + 0.768210;0.120830;, + 0.580931;0.158343;, + 0.570449;0.163309;, + 0.574303;0.168917;, + 0.585622;0.167880;, + 0.609816;0.155714;, + 0.609816;0.165248;, + 0.609816;0.140236;, + 0.589064;0.140091;, + 0.578822;0.152508;, + 0.609816;0.150620;, + 0.569837;0.139814;, + 0.563751;0.158980;, + 0.546868;0.146335;, + 0.563096;0.170687;, + 0.532636;0.154841;, + 0.548798;0.169209;, + 0.497169;0.176069;, + 0.488662;0.173898;, + 0.525106;0.183955;, + 0.528242;0.192703;, + 0.537397;0.191192;, + 0.575976;0.174984;, + 0.609816;0.171885;, + 0.502307;0.209559;, + 0.609816;0.205712;, + 0.579870;0.208627;, + 0.609816;0.249215;, + 0.590314;0.270046;, + 0.549502;0.223146;, + 0.443436;0.224306;, + 0.480367;0.239659;, + 0.518461;0.263323;, + 0.553895;0.290008;, + 0.454060;0.280620;, + 0.433337;0.267212;, + 0.451713;0.279666;, + 0.484038;0.286519;, + 0.502163;0.296979;, + 0.812102;0.170782;, + 0.805323;0.132241;, + 0.442623;0.287970;, + 0.444460;0.290005;, + 0.472601;0.298053;, + 0.490726;0.308513;, + 0.820616;0.294451;, + 0.872608;0.298270;, + 0.460271;0.313764;, + 0.865127;0.329289;, + 0.830969;0.345938;, + 0.863058;0.350187;, + 0.430798;0.359632;, + 0.855289;0.369545;, + 0.832614;0.410798;, + 0.977253;0.082413;, + 0.977253;0.124822;, + 0.850503;0.118681;, + 0.836291;0.132722;, + 0.977253;0.162733;, + 0.937459;0.164546;, + 0.893619;0.175809;, + 0.846623;0.200535;, + 0.977253;0.204540;, + 0.934116;0.216421;, + 0.894289;0.229689;, + 0.840330;0.248155;, + 0.785859;0.267591;, + 0.488679;0.064671;, + 0.509745;0.064671;, + 0.558410;0.064671;, + 0.577029;0.064671;, + 0.597051;0.064671;, + 0.629523;0.064671;, + 0.653262;0.064671;, + 0.681827;0.064671;, + 0.711831;0.064671;, + 0.737024;0.064671;, + 0.488679;0.034046;, + 0.509740;0.034046;, + 0.558329;0.034046;, + 0.576834;0.034046;, + 0.596904;0.034046;, + 0.629776;0.034046;, + 0.653633;0.034046;, + 0.681781;0.034046;, + 0.711631;0.034046;, + 0.737024;0.034046;, + 0.488679;0.004105;, + 0.514426;0.004105;, + 0.554945;0.004105;, + 0.573423;0.004093;, + 0.594608;0.004075;, + 0.630847;0.004069;, + 0.656329;0.004118;, + 0.683589;0.004140;, + 0.706125;0.004111;, + 0.737024;0.004098;, + 0.611020;0.319170;, + 0.589653;0.319147;, + 0.556708;0.337698;, + 0.551911;0.353407;, + 0.543980;0.366476;, + 0.548138;0.390036;, + 0.551860;0.407144;, + 0.567299;0.423136;, + 0.586676;0.432468;, + 0.611020;0.437138;, + 0.611020;0.381372;, + 0.952552;0.082413;, + 0.883037;0.082413;, + 0.886620;0.125688;, + 0.952552;0.124822;, + 0.853762;0.092854;, + 0.845982;0.082413;, + 0.818882;0.082413;, + 0.803697;0.099653;, + 0.698437;0.106805;, + 0.668654;0.099194;, + 0.669447;0.108550;, + 0.650225;0.105166;, + 0.695064;0.093462;, + 0.656860;0.093779;, + 0.629597;0.104329;, + 0.619931;0.103594;, + 0.623887;0.121809;, + 0.733040;0.099166;, + 0.634991;0.123322;, + 0.620430;0.131643;, + 0.629041;0.133959;, + 0.647396;0.121932;, + 0.643386;0.124880;, + 0.638851;0.133278;, + 0.645671;0.136508;, + 0.643180;0.120504;, + 0.736511;0.082413;, + 0.698740;0.082413;, + 0.656374;0.082413;, + 0.625788;0.139019;, + 0.641215;0.137559;, + 0.647594;0.137791;, + 0.647594;0.122828;, + 0.656219;0.125172;, + 0.655588;0.135397;, + 0.665576;0.120182;, + 0.672309;0.144010;, + 0.692798;0.120651;, + 0.697172;0.151881;, + 0.731433;0.119786;, + 0.744808;0.142253;, + 0.771477;0.082413;, + 0.771542;0.101298;, + 0.768210;0.120830;, + 0.649184;0.163309;, + 0.638702;0.158343;, + 0.634011;0.167880;, + 0.645330;0.168917;, + 0.630569;0.140091;, + 0.640811;0.152508;, + 0.649796;0.139814;, + 0.655882;0.158980;, + 0.672766;0.146335;, + 0.656537;0.170687;, + 0.670836;0.169209;, + 0.686998;0.154841;, + 0.720784;0.179724;, + 0.729290;0.177552;, + 0.696600;0.188791;, + 0.691392;0.192703;, + 0.643657;0.174984;, + 0.682237;0.191192;, + 0.710804;0.204162;, + 0.639763;0.208627;, + 0.629319;0.270046;, + 0.670131;0.223146;, + 0.774517;0.229178;, + 0.739679;0.241380;, + 0.711278;0.259955;, + 0.665739;0.290008;, + 0.766770;0.280022;, + 0.760151;0.282057;, + 0.771099;0.269284;, + 0.735595;0.286519;, + 0.717471;0.296979;, + 0.812102;0.170782;, + 0.805323;0.132241;, + 0.775600;0.289980;, + 0.771064;0.292089;, + 0.747034;0.300317;, + 0.728909;0.308513;, + 0.820616;0.294451;, + 0.872608;0.298270;, + 0.759362;0.313764;, + 0.865127;0.329289;, + 0.830969;0.345938;, + 0.863058;0.350187;, + 0.788837;0.359632;, + 0.855289;0.369545;, + 0.832614;0.410798;, + 0.836291;0.132722;, + 0.850503;0.118681;, + 0.937408;0.164546;, + 0.846623;0.200535;, + 0.893619;0.175809;, + 0.934066;0.216421;, + 0.894289;0.229689;, + 0.840330;0.248155;, + 0.785859;0.267591;, + 0.964301;0.064671;, + 0.917764;0.064671;, + 0.897016;0.064671;, + 0.876995;0.064671;, + 0.844523;0.064671;, + 0.820785;0.064671;, + 0.792219;0.064671;, + 0.762215;0.064671;, + 0.964306;0.034046;, + 0.917844;0.034046;, + 0.897212;0.034046;, + 0.877141;0.034046;, + 0.844270;0.034046;, + 0.820414;0.034046;, + 0.792265;0.034046;, + 0.762416;0.034046;, + 0.959620;0.004105;, + 0.921228;0.004105;, + 0.900623;0.004093;, + 0.879437;0.004075;, + 0.843198;0.004069;, + 0.817717;0.004118;, + 0.790457;0.004140;, + 0.767920;0.004111;, + 0.632386;0.319147;, + 0.665331;0.337698;, + 0.670129;0.353407;, + 0.678059;0.366476;, + 0.673901;0.390036;, + 0.670179;0.407144;, + 0.654740;0.423136;, + 0.635362;0.432468;, + 0.391029;0.473726;, + 0.369726;0.473726;, + 0.369726;0.506185;, + 0.375924;0.506185;, + 0.369196;0.401156;, + 0.348048;0.473726;, + 0.363152;0.506185;, + 0.369726;0.473726;, + 0.369726;0.506185;, + 0.348424;0.473726;, + 0.363527;0.506185;, + 0.389704;0.473726;, + 0.363527;0.506185;, + 0.371565;0.129504;, + 0.355624;0.129504;, + 0.355624;0.175198;, + 0.368648;0.175198;, + 0.386154;0.129504;, + 0.386565;0.175198;, + 0.401455;0.129504;, + 0.401455;0.175198;, + 0.416757;0.129504;, + 0.416346;0.175198;, + 0.431346;0.129504;, + 0.434263;0.175198;, + 0.355624;0.086776;, + 0.369098;0.086776;, + 0.383421;0.086776;, + 0.397779;0.086776;, + 0.416817;0.086776;, + 0.431140;0.086776;, + 0.355571;0.048160;, + 0.371528;0.048160;, + 0.383328;0.048160;, + 0.398025;0.048160;, + 0.411409;0.048160;, + 0.429026;0.048160;, + 0.400607;0.010969;, + 0.355624;0.175198;, + 0.355624;0.129504;, + 0.371565;0.129504;, + 0.368648;0.175198;, + 0.386154;0.129504;, + 0.386565;0.175198;, + 0.401455;0.129504;, + 0.401455;0.175198;, + 0.416757;0.129504;, + 0.416346;0.175198;, + 0.431346;0.129504;, + 0.434263;0.175198;, + 0.355624;0.086776;, + 0.369098;0.086776;, + 0.383421;0.086776;, + 0.397779;0.086776;, + 0.416817;0.086776;, + 0.431140;0.086776;, + 0.355571;0.048160;, + 0.371528;0.048160;, + 0.383328;0.048160;, + 0.398025;0.048160;, + 0.411409;0.048160;, + 0.429026;0.048160;, + 0.400607;0.010969;, + 0.517951;0.890433;, + 0.427137;0.883950;, + 0.435186;0.982633;, + 0.510383;0.975251;, + 0.415278;0.689727;, + 0.370135;0.659013;, + 0.391969;0.701679;, + 0.572844;0.892869;, + 0.567696;0.972005;, + 0.425793;0.670568;, + 0.625334;0.894379;, + 0.629035;0.955158;, + 0.715766;0.705303;, + 0.712791;0.895888;, + 0.712791;0.942076;, + 0.744180;0.713567;, + 0.777555;0.942076;, + 0.777555;0.895888;, + 0.503275;0.813897;, + 0.440512;0.799365;, + 0.629357;0.811287;, + 0.584542;0.818759;, + 0.720847;0.803956;, + 0.777555;0.803956;, + 0.480556;0.722650;, + 0.402939;0.738043;, + 0.900980;0.491809;, + 0.873420;0.492783;, + 0.732693;0.753223;, + 0.370135;0.701679;, + 0.370135;0.731323;, + 0.370135;0.883950;, + 0.370135;0.982633;, + 0.777555;0.713567;, + 0.370135;0.799365;, + 0.777555;0.751715;, + 0.836156;0.510838;, + 0.873268;0.519740;, + 0.305207;0.982633;, + 0.313256;0.883950;, + 0.222442;0.890433;, + 0.230010;0.975251;, + 0.343249;0.701679;, + 0.325115;0.689727;, + 0.176734;0.894092;, + 0.180046;0.971166;, + 0.314600;0.670568;, + 0.935726;0.894379;, + 0.942692;0.955158;, + 0.838894;0.705303;, + 0.841869;0.895888;, + 0.841869;0.942076;, + 0.810480;0.713567;, + 0.299881;0.799365;, + 0.237118;0.813897;, + 0.970118;0.818759;, + 0.914636;0.811287;, + 0.833813;0.803956;, + 0.332279;0.738043;, + 0.259837;0.722650;, + 0.873420;0.492783;, + 0.900980;0.491809;, + 0.821967;0.753223;, + 0.836156;0.510838;, + 0.873268;0.519740;, + 0.918959;0.405681;, + 0.898498;0.429269;, + 0.894966;0.400969;, + 0.990199;0.426294;, + 0.947165;0.384354;, + 0.971267;0.413782;, + 0.956838;0.417097;, + 0.967154;0.447736;, + 0.978365;0.446699;, + 0.955778;0.486085;, + 0.940586;0.319616;, + 0.944732;0.317124;, + 0.975241;0.318740;, + 0.975564;0.320794;, + 0.943364;0.442528;, + 0.928589;0.476796;, + 0.906900;0.466579;, + 0.904555;0.321383;, + 0.903345;0.321307;, + 0.907629;0.434826;, + 0.885399;0.445480;, + 0.875628;0.426406;, + 0.896440;0.422435;, + 0.926290;0.443429;, + 0.953860;0.405111;, + 0.892791;0.421365;, + 0.910186;0.401974;, + 0.882443;0.367108;, + 0.872030;0.376435;, + 0.888582;0.381286;, + 0.896041;0.370924;, + 0.894747;0.401967;, + 0.872978;0.406447;, + 0.891864;0.404921;, + 0.951217;0.361266;, + 0.986172;0.364345;, + 0.987166;0.358691;, + 0.945619;0.365525;, + 0.896655;0.370095;, + 0.987594;0.438274;, + 0.063348;0.627819;, + 0.077953;0.584320;, + 0.011718;0.584154;, + 0.079060;0.581589;, + 0.013910;0.580729;, + 0.080683;0.486679;, + 0.059355;0.473666;, + 0.029863;0.472997;, + 0.071135;0.548371;, + 0.009488;0.486523;, + 0.010087;0.551560;, + 0.100741;0.470991;, + 0.097934;0.479430;, + 0.107691;0.470245;, + 0.107687;0.470545;, + 0.110970;0.479430;, + 0.101601;0.502242;, + 0.107919;0.502385;, + 0.097032;0.499086;, + 0.110626;0.499488;, + 0.099079;0.486255;, + 0.111420;0.485572;, + 0.106250;0.421203;, + 0.078698;0.426763;, + 0.127709;0.425565;, + 0.172089;0.424328;, + 0.166487;0.427056;, + 0.050569;0.412161;, + 0.035610;0.406526;, + 0.052377;0.444396;, + 0.051832;0.429629;, + 0.227606;0.399193;, + 0.205078;0.399390;, + 0.229717;0.399311;, + 0.254647;0.399270;, + 0.272080;0.399407;, + 0.252416;0.399142;, + 0.070362;0.287393;, + 0.016046;0.293476;, + 0.016046;0.324669;, + 0.072292;0.324669;, + 0.113194;0.285322;, + 0.113279;0.324669;, + 0.158180;0.271515;, + 0.163873;0.324669;, + 0.206640;0.268446;, + 0.206640;0.324669;, + 0.247941;0.274515;, + 0.242835;0.324669;, + 0.283810;0.288322;, + 0.278594;0.324669;, + 0.311221;0.290393;, + 0.315308;0.324669;, + 0.068945;0.235193;, + 0.016046;0.240473;, + 0.108219;0.207433;, + 0.152927;0.178981;, + 0.206640;0.167059;, + 0.252867;0.175304;, + 0.288891;0.212805;, + 0.318162;0.231991;, + 0.065705;0.198441;, + 0.016046;0.208214;, + 0.155878;0.116450;, + 0.260626;0.086608;, + 0.206640;0.069824;, + 0.297131;0.129663;, + 0.334772;0.190121;, + 0.877720;0.549659;, + 0.835118;0.546998;, + 0.835052;0.586744;, + 0.876715;0.589598;, + 0.068252;0.887184;, + 0.089066;0.958830;, + 0.046998;0.832490;, + 0.029357;0.785551;, + 0.023073;0.712469;, + 0.023073;0.674844;, + 0.145853;0.888391;, + 0.143516;0.958116;, + 0.177991;0.831961;, + 0.197564;0.786458;, + 0.213185;0.711950;, + 0.215318;0.674844;, + 0.157821;0.890682;, + 0.156902;0.959254;, + 0.190868;0.832283;, + 0.205079;0.782164;, + 0.223096;0.710534;, + 0.225229;0.674844;, + 0.153638;0.053327;, + 0.334772;0.160303;, + 0.086938;0.892203;, + 0.143516;0.891840;, + 0.156902;0.892732;, + 0.055189;0.189485;, + 0.065223;0.170997;, + 0.067039;0.047965;, + 0.105565;0.048142;, + 0.068508;0.117444;, + 0.107800;0.133075;, + 0.343109;0.380090;, + 0.323832;0.383288;, + 0.355057;0.385320;, + 0.206829;0.384744;, + 0.234567;0.382514;, + 0.257187;0.388855;, + 0.276919;0.382594;, + 0.298064;0.380974;, + 0.344860;0.373637;, + 0.325680;0.376362;, + 0.354260;0.377471;, + 0.204463;0.374769;, + 0.233180;0.376205;, + 0.251611;0.377892;, + 0.277423;0.373836;, + 0.298171;0.373284;, + 0.140035;0.355838;, + 0.100853;0.355882;, + 0.154296;0.355147;, + 0.169423;0.354964;, + 0.097884;0.347432;, + 0.078303;0.359102;, + 0.054330;0.360424;, + 0.076810;0.360458;, + 0.784640;0.576144;, + 0.931041;0.562636;, + 0.783145;0.623006;, + 0.702517;0.610617;, + 0.985871;0.600609;, + 0.931288;0.605739;, + 0.844017;0.627798;, + 0.881038;0.614886;, + 0.782830;0.648292;, + 0.697657;0.637050;, + 0.985871;0.627042;, + 0.929760;0.623529;, + 0.843533;0.654056;, + 0.883177;0.641144;, + 0.454991;0.524293;, + 0.410274;0.510212;, + 0.603777;0.507259;, + 0.564440;0.512230;, + 0.487397;0.524067;, + 0.520078;0.523358;, + 0.455289;0.523505;, + 0.409861;0.511667;, + 0.604047;0.509031;, + 0.564126;0.512622;, + 0.488686;0.521909;, + 0.523239;0.524440;, + 0.449119;0.565596;, + 0.407333;0.554503;, + 0.605049;0.554831;, + 0.569952;0.558712;, + 0.492583;0.572056;, + 0.526891;0.572306;, + 0.436540;0.611713;, + 0.402027;0.604724;, + 0.585826;0.605834;, + 0.606428;0.604934;, + 0.491624;0.615716;, + 0.535771;0.615875;, + 0.577581;0.606189;, + 0.894966;0.400969;, + 0.898498;0.429269;, + 0.918959;0.405681;, + 0.902644;0.387762;, + 0.947165;0.384354;, + 0.969630;0.436914;, + 0.966359;0.469649;, + 0.985675;0.467648;, + 0.988300;0.434689;, + 0.955778;0.486085;, + 0.975241;0.318740;, + 0.944732;0.317124;, + 0.940586;0.319616;, + 0.975564;0.320794;, + 0.943364;0.442528;, + 0.906900;0.466579;, + 0.928589;0.476796;, + 0.903345;0.321307;, + 0.903853;0.322786;, + 0.875628;0.426406;, + 0.885399;0.445480;, + 0.907629;0.434826;, + 0.896440;0.422435;, + 0.926290;0.443429;, + 0.953860;0.405111;, + 0.892791;0.421365;, + 0.910186;0.401974;, + 0.888582;0.381286;, + 0.872030;0.376435;, + 0.882443;0.367108;, + 0.896041;0.370924;, + 0.872978;0.406447;, + 0.894747;0.401967;, + 0.891864;0.404921;, + 0.951217;0.361266;, + 0.986172;0.364345;, + 0.987166;0.358691;, + 0.945619;0.365525;, + 0.896655;0.370095;, + 0.899278;0.370234;, + 0.011718;0.584154;, + 0.077953;0.584320;, + 0.063348;0.627819;, + 0.013910;0.580729;, + 0.079060;0.581589;, + 0.029863;0.472997;, + 0.059355;0.473666;, + 0.080683;0.486679;, + 0.009488;0.486523;, + 0.071135;0.548371;, + 0.010087;0.551560;, + 0.097961;0.479430;, + 0.100768;0.470991;, + 0.107714;0.470545;, + 0.107717;0.470245;, + 0.110997;0.479430;, + 0.107946;0.502385;, + 0.101628;0.502242;, + 0.097059;0.499086;, + 0.110653;0.499488;, + 0.099105;0.486255;, + 0.111447;0.485572;, + 0.078698;0.426763;, + 0.106250;0.421203;, + 0.127709;0.425565;, + 0.172089;0.424328;, + 0.166487;0.427056;, + 0.035610;0.406526;, + 0.050569;0.412161;, + 0.051832;0.429629;, + 0.052377;0.444396;, + 0.227606;0.399193;, + 0.205078;0.399390;, + 0.229717;0.399311;, + 0.254647;0.399270;, + 0.272080;0.399407;, + 0.252416;0.399142;, + 0.016046;0.324669;, + 0.016046;0.293476;, + 0.070362;0.287393;, + 0.072292;0.324669;, + 0.113194;0.285322;, + 0.113279;0.324669;, + 0.158180;0.271515;, + 0.163873;0.324669;, + 0.206640;0.268446;, + 0.206640;0.324669;, + 0.247941;0.274515;, + 0.242835;0.324669;, + 0.283810;0.288322;, + 0.278594;0.324669;, + 0.311221;0.290393;, + 0.315308;0.324669;, + 0.016046;0.240473;, + 0.068945;0.235193;, + 0.108219;0.207433;, + 0.152927;0.178981;, + 0.206640;0.167059;, + 0.252867;0.175304;, + 0.288891;0.212805;, + 0.318162;0.231991;, + 0.065705;0.198441;, + 0.155878;0.116450;, + 0.206640;0.069824;, + 0.260626;0.086608;, + 0.297131;0.129663;, + 0.835052;0.586744;, + 0.835118;0.546998;, + 0.877720;0.549659;, + 0.876715;0.589598;, + 0.068252;0.887184;, + 0.089066;0.958830;, + 0.046998;0.832490;, + 0.029357;0.785551;, + 0.023073;0.712469;, + 0.145853;0.888391;, + 0.143516;0.958116;, + 0.177991;0.831961;, + 0.197564;0.786458;, + 0.213185;0.711950;, + 0.157821;0.890682;, + 0.156902;0.959254;, + 0.190868;0.832283;, + 0.205079;0.782164;, + 0.223096;0.710534;, + 0.153638;0.053327;, + 0.105565;0.048142;, + 0.107800;0.133075;, + 0.343109;0.380090;, + 0.323832;0.383288;, + 0.355057;0.385320;, + 0.206829;0.384744;, + 0.234567;0.382514;, + 0.257187;0.388855;, + 0.276919;0.382594;, + 0.298064;0.380974;, + 0.344860;0.373637;, + 0.325680;0.376362;, + 0.354260;0.377471;, + 0.204463;0.374769;, + 0.233180;0.376205;, + 0.251611;0.377892;, + 0.277423;0.373836;, + 0.298171;0.373284;, + 0.140035;0.355838;, + 0.100853;0.355882;, + 0.154296;0.355147;, + 0.169423;0.354964;, + 0.097884;0.347432;, + 0.078303;0.359102;, + 0.054330;0.360424;, + 0.076810;0.360458;, + 0.784640;0.576144;, + 0.931041;0.562636;, + 0.783145;0.623006;, + 0.702517;0.610617;, + 0.985871;0.600609;, + 0.931288;0.605739;, + 0.844017;0.627798;, + 0.881038;0.614886;, + 0.782830;0.648292;, + 0.697657;0.637050;, + 0.985871;0.627042;, + 0.929760;0.623529;, + 0.843533;0.654056;, + 0.883177;0.641144;, + 0.454991;0.524293;, + 0.410274;0.510212;, + 0.603777;0.507259;, + 0.564440;0.512230;, + 0.487397;0.524067;, + 0.520078;0.523358;, + 0.455289;0.523505;, + 0.409861;0.511667;, + 0.604047;0.509031;, + 0.564126;0.512622;, + 0.488686;0.521909;, + 0.523239;0.524440;, + 0.449119;0.565596;, + 0.407333;0.554503;, + 0.605049;0.554831;, + 0.569952;0.558712;, + 0.492583;0.572056;, + 0.526891;0.572306;, + 0.436540;0.611713;, + 0.402027;0.604724;, + 0.606428;0.604934;, + 0.585826;0.605834;, + 0.491624;0.615716;, + 0.535771;0.615875;, + 0.577581;0.606189;, + 0.225629;0.906647;, + 0.257118;0.770403;, + 0.196806;0.682930;, + 0.100224;0.753850;, + 0.159871;0.589702;, + 0.034839;0.630259;, + 0.147435;0.493553;, + 0.018893;0.506986;, + 0.159871;0.397404;, + 0.034839;0.383712;, + 0.196806;0.304177;, + 0.082196;0.264183;, + 0.257118;0.216703;, + 0.159520;0.152032;, + 0.314932;0.166093;, + 0.318555;0.018152;, + 0.554152;0.626886;, + 0.557998;0.322535;, + 0.442610;0.296521;, + 0.431074;0.650296;, + 0.350303;0.254902;, + 0.336420;0.485623;, + 0.323379;0.702323;, + 0.196806;0.682655;, + 0.257118;0.770128;, + 0.159871;0.589427;, + 0.147435;0.493278;, + 0.159871;0.397130;, + 0.196806;0.303901;, + 0.257118;0.216428;, + 0.314932;0.165818;, + 0.442610;0.296246;, + 0.557998;0.322260;, + 0.554152;0.626611;, + 0.431074;0.650021;, + 0.336420;0.485348;, + 0.350303;0.254627;, + 0.323379;0.702048;, + 0.438450;0.893948;, + 0.393391;0.912613;, + 0.393391;0.848889;, + 0.731679;0.669200;, + 0.682021;0.669200;, + 0.496696;0.202288;, + 0.450065;0.155657;, + 0.450065;0.221604;, + 0.457115;0.848889;, + 0.781335;0.669200;, + 0.516012;0.155657;, + 0.438450;0.803826;, + 0.830993;0.669200;, + 0.496696;0.109022;, + 0.393391;0.785161;, + 0.880650;0.669200;, + 0.450065;0.089706;, + 0.348331;0.803826;, + 0.930304;0.669200;, + 0.403431;0.109022;, + 0.329666;0.848889;, + 0.979961;0.669200;, + 0.384118;0.155657;, + 0.348331;0.893948;, + 0.632365;0.669200;, + 0.403431;0.202288;, + 0.731679;0.199240;, + 0.682021;0.199240;, + 0.682021;0.474517;, + 0.731679;0.474517;, + 0.781335;0.199240;, + 0.781335;0.474517;, + 0.830993;0.199240;, + 0.830993;0.474517;, + 0.880650;0.199240;, + 0.880650;0.474517;, + 0.930304;0.199240;, + 0.930304;0.474517;, + 0.979961;0.199240;, + 0.979961;0.474517;, + 0.632365;0.199240;, + 0.632365;0.474517;, + 0.731679;0.480018;, + 0.682021;0.480018;, + 0.682021;0.663701;, + 0.731679;0.663701;, + 0.781335;0.480018;, + 0.781335;0.663701;, + 0.830993;0.480018;, + 0.830993;0.663701;, + 0.880650;0.480018;, + 0.880650;0.663701;, + 0.930304;0.480018;, + 0.930304;0.663701;, + 0.979961;0.480018;, + 0.979961;0.663701;, + 0.632365;0.480018;, + 0.632365;0.663701;, + 0.682021;0.038480;, + 0.731679;0.038480;, + 0.781335;0.038480;, + 0.830993;0.038480;, + 0.880650;0.038480;, + 0.930304;0.038480;, + 0.979961;0.038480;, + 0.632365;0.038480;, + 0.731679;0.038480;, + 0.682021;0.038480;, + 0.682021;0.199240;, + 0.731679;0.199240;, + 0.781335;0.038480;, + 0.781335;0.199240;, + 0.830993;0.038480;, + 0.830993;0.199240;, + 0.880650;0.038480;, + 0.880650;0.199240;, + 0.930304;0.038480;, + 0.930304;0.199240;, + 0.979961;0.038480;, + 0.979961;0.199240;, + 0.632365;0.038480;, + 0.632365;0.199240;, + 0.736511;0.082413;, + 0.733040;0.099166;, + 0.731433;0.119786;, + 0.744808;0.142253;, + 0.775285;0.229227;, + 0.825553;0.282190;, + 0.852349;0.284159;, + 0.402107;0.302317;, + 0.874543;0.302145;, + 0.852790;0.291030;, + 0.822925;0.307724;, + 0.404511;0.315541;, + 0.495438;0.334057;, + 0.395519;0.350837;, + 0.829692;0.356466;, + 0.396977;0.360710;, + 0.452126;0.371941;, + 0.404138;0.409819;, + 0.832399;0.409796;, + 0.850805;0.118056;, + 0.854157;0.093477;, + 0.836994;0.132361;, + 0.426443;0.264001;, + 0.846071;0.082413;, + 0.488679;0.071330;, + 0.509864;0.071330;, + 0.561990;0.071330;, + 0.574974;0.071330;, + 0.596153;0.071330;, + 0.630507;0.071330;, + 0.655447;0.071330;, + 0.685261;0.071330;, + 0.711741;0.071330;, + 0.737024;0.071330;, + 0.611020;0.297027;, + 0.572843;0.296995;, + 0.529308;0.322515;, + 0.522962;0.344128;, + 0.512484;0.362103;, + 0.517972;0.394490;, + 0.522892;0.418014;, + 0.543315;0.440027;, + 0.568927;0.452870;, + 0.611020;0.459291;, + 0.775285;0.229227;, + 0.825553;0.282190;, + 0.852349;0.284159;, + 0.817527;0.302317;, + 0.874543;0.302145;, + 0.822925;0.307724;, + 0.852790;0.291030;, + 0.815123;0.315541;, + 0.724198;0.334057;, + 0.824114;0.350837;, + 0.829692;0.356466;, + 0.822656;0.360710;, + 0.767508;0.371941;, + 0.815497;0.409819;, + 0.832399;0.409796;, + 0.854106;0.093477;, + 0.850754;0.118056;, + 0.836944;0.132361;, + 0.784785;0.267655;, + 0.846020;0.082413;, + 0.985368;0.071330;, + 0.985368;0.064671;, + 0.964181;0.071330;, + 0.920566;0.071330;, + 0.899072;0.071330;, + 0.877892;0.071330;, + 0.843538;0.071330;, + 0.818598;0.071330;, + 0.788785;0.071330;, + 0.762305;0.071330;, + 0.985368;0.034046;, + 0.985368;0.004105;, + 0.649194;0.296995;, + 0.692732;0.322515;, + 0.699077;0.344128;, + 0.709556;0.362103;, + 0.704068;0.394490;, + 0.699148;0.418014;, + 0.678724;0.440027;, + 0.653112;0.452870;, + 0.348048;0.473726;, + 0.363152;0.506185;, + 0.369880;0.401156;, + 0.391029;0.473726;, + 0.375924;0.506185;, + 0.389704;0.473726;, + 0.374601;0.506185;, + 0.348424;0.473726;, + 0.368932;0.401156;, + 0.452400;0.129504;, + 0.452400;0.175198;, + 0.452400;0.086776;, + 0.452347;0.048160;, + 0.452400;0.129504;, + 0.452400;0.175198;, + 0.452400;0.086776;, + 0.452347;0.048160;, + 0.517436;0.890028;, + 0.510531;0.976844;, + 0.572671;0.894379;, + 0.568342;0.971093;, + 0.777555;0.678284;, + 0.694161;0.680784;, + 0.930651;0.528982;, + 0.636790;0.729840;, + 0.497690;0.695873;, + 0.625202;0.706393;, + 0.829864;0.489448;, + 0.791888;0.522384;, + 0.370258;0.659013;, + 0.230175;0.975238;, + 0.222812;0.890877;, + 0.990199;0.971093;, + 0.985870;0.894379;, + 0.860499;0.680784;, + 0.930651;0.528982;, + 0.917870;0.729840;, + 0.370258;0.731323;, + 0.370258;0.701679;, + 0.242703;0.695873;, + 0.929458;0.706393;, + 0.370258;0.883950;, + 0.370258;0.982633;, + 0.370258;0.799365;, + 0.791888;0.522384;, + 0.829864;0.489448;, + 0.986396;0.412257;, + 0.975310;0.418268;, + 0.902644;0.387762;, + 0.994669;0.402101;, + 0.981890;0.469917;, + 0.995134;0.390231;, + 0.984220;0.450300;, + 0.603782;0.643446;, + 0.609341;0.643446;, + 0.582531;0.643446;, + 0.973521;0.462071;, + 0.963886;0.460904;, + 0.973851;0.440898;, + 0.899278;0.370234;, + 0.961957;0.475718;, + 0.956964;0.472868;, + 0.985692;0.467093;, + 0.973104;0.465610;, + 0.100745;0.470691;, + 0.111438;0.479862;, + 0.110968;0.480595;, + 0.097932;0.480595;, + 0.098169;0.480010;, + 0.101601;0.502243;, + 0.097031;0.499087;, + 0.107919;0.502387;, + 0.099077;0.486238;, + 0.110626;0.499489;, + 0.111419;0.485555;, + 0.086807;0.443269;, + 0.132822;0.441307;, + 0.113511;0.444424;, + 0.140395;0.423608;, + 0.135060;0.441158;, + 0.136342;0.424943;, + 0.198735;0.443346;, + 0.075366;0.444316;, + 0.027868;0.432074;, + 0.208127;0.399315;, + 0.227674;0.440235;, + 0.195515;0.443409;, + 0.227674;0.438745;, + 0.267237;0.439863;, + 0.256190;0.399124;, + 0.269540;0.435635;, + 0.071134;0.428124;, + 0.066616;0.410202;, + 0.367433;0.293476;, + 0.367433;0.324669;, + 0.367433;0.240473;, + 0.367433;0.208214;, + 0.057618;0.889801;, + 0.075217;0.960259;, + 0.039094;0.831536;, + 0.022855;0.783300;, + 0.016830;0.710664;, + 0.016830;0.674844;, + 0.206640;0.029904;, + 0.152154;0.014424;, + 0.263299;0.059838;, + 0.297418;0.072112;, + 0.334772;0.081782;, + 0.073089;0.893078;, + 0.101798;0.013560;, + 0.065925;0.013560;, + 0.339698;0.346140;, + 0.322500;0.345093;, + 0.349771;0.347008;, + 0.206286;0.347083;, + 0.187234;0.346447;, + 0.192520;0.385320;, + 0.233624;0.344280;, + 0.264945;0.347083;, + 0.283942;0.347008;, + 0.302605;0.346140;, + 0.302349;0.346140;, + 0.297808;0.380974;, + 0.191723;0.377471;, + 0.297916;0.373284;, + 0.141389;0.337516;, + 0.096555;0.337516;, + 0.155781;0.337516;, + 0.141143;0.337516;, + 0.139486;0.355087;, + 0.169423;0.337516;, + 0.094962;0.337516;, + 0.139682;0.337516;, + 0.139079;0.356255;, + 0.070832;0.337516;, + 0.059451;0.337516;, + 0.037745;0.337516;, + 0.034063;0.355263;, + 0.069376;0.337516;, + 0.070089;0.337516;, + 0.078341;0.360000;, + 0.140295;0.410202;, + 0.154671;0.410202;, + 0.169423;0.410202;, + 0.106374;0.410202;, + 0.066616;0.410202;, + 0.050267;0.412054;, + 0.108395;0.410202;, + 0.052779;0.459751;, + 0.069646;0.449516;, + 0.301467;0.437159;, + 0.303759;0.398990;, + 0.031124;0.452374;, + 0.027488;0.628182;, + 0.133164;0.444513;, + 0.267437;0.438220;, + 0.140673;0.410202;, + 0.138160;0.410202;, + 0.035715;0.406444;, + 0.983283;0.552269;, + 0.717768;0.549735;, + 0.665848;0.551563;, + 0.665848;0.603961;, + 0.665848;0.624999;, + 0.465080;0.495146;, + 0.416895;0.485971;, + 0.596048;0.486003;, + 0.554443;0.490049;, + 0.648116;0.507207;, + 0.653986;0.485971;, + 0.495199;0.500632;, + 0.453668;0.524293;, + 0.520895;0.500658;, + 0.647703;0.508662;, + 0.453966;0.523505;, + 0.644424;0.554503;, + 0.639118;0.604724;, + 0.427648;0.643446;, + 0.408566;0.643446;, + 0.620138;0.643446;, + 0.645657;0.643446;, + 0.510273;0.643446;, + 0.560244;0.643446;, + 0.981890;0.469917;, + 0.994669;0.402101;, + 0.984220;0.450300;, + 0.995134;0.390231;, + 0.582531;0.643446;, + 0.609341;0.643446;, + 0.603782;0.643446;, + 0.987227;0.416442;, + 0.963436;0.423164;, + 0.960557;0.404342;, + 0.955628;0.408440;, + 0.100772;0.470691;, + 0.111465;0.479862;, + 0.110995;0.480595;, + 0.098196;0.480010;, + 0.097958;0.480595;, + 0.101627;0.502243;, + 0.097058;0.499087;, + 0.107946;0.502387;, + 0.099104;0.486238;, + 0.110652;0.499489;, + 0.111445;0.485555;, + 0.086807;0.443269;, + 0.113511;0.444424;, + 0.132822;0.441307;, + 0.135060;0.441158;, + 0.140395;0.423608;, + 0.198735;0.443346;, + 0.136342;0.424943;, + 0.075366;0.444316;, + 0.027868;0.432074;, + 0.227674;0.440235;, + 0.208127;0.399315;, + 0.195515;0.443409;, + 0.227674;0.438745;, + 0.256190;0.399124;, + 0.267237;0.439863;, + 0.269540;0.435635;, + 0.066616;0.410202;, + 0.071134;0.428124;, + 0.367433;0.293476;, + 0.367433;0.324669;, + 0.367433;0.240473;, + 0.075217;0.960259;, + 0.057618;0.889801;, + 0.039094;0.831536;, + 0.022855;0.783300;, + 0.016830;0.710664;, + 0.152154;0.014424;, + 0.206640;0.029904;, + 0.263299;0.059838;, + 0.297418;0.072112;, + 0.101798;0.013560;, + 0.322500;0.345093;, + 0.339698;0.346140;, + 0.349771;0.347008;, + 0.187234;0.346447;, + 0.206286;0.347083;, + 0.192520;0.385320;, + 0.233624;0.344280;, + 0.264945;0.347083;, + 0.283942;0.347008;, + 0.302605;0.346140;, + 0.302349;0.346140;, + 0.297808;0.380974;, + 0.191723;0.377471;, + 0.297916;0.373284;, + 0.096555;0.337516;, + 0.141389;0.337516;, + 0.141143;0.337516;, + 0.155781;0.337516;, + 0.139486;0.355087;, + 0.169423;0.337516;, + 0.139682;0.337516;, + 0.094962;0.337516;, + 0.139079;0.356255;, + 0.070832;0.337516;, + 0.037745;0.337516;, + 0.059451;0.337516;, + 0.034063;0.355263;, + 0.069376;0.337516;, + 0.070089;0.337516;, + 0.078341;0.360000;, + 0.140295;0.410202;, + 0.154671;0.410202;, + 0.169423;0.410202;, + 0.106374;0.410202;, + 0.066616;0.410202;, + 0.050267;0.412054;, + 0.108395;0.410202;, + 0.069646;0.449516;, + 0.052779;0.459751;, + 0.303759;0.398990;, + 0.301467;0.437159;, + 0.031124;0.452374;, + 0.027488;0.628182;, + 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1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -0.077645,-53.077965,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint36"; + 9; + 121, + 122, + 123, + 124, + 125, + 126, + 128, + 129, + 132; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -2.428693,-50.108727,5.128667,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint39"; + 19; + 130, + 131, + 133, + 134, + 135, + 138, + 139, + 140, + 141, + 142, + 143, + 144, + 984, + 985, + 986, + 987, + 988, + 989, + 990; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -4.949857,-46.006042,7.908250,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint40"; + 10; + 145, + 146, + 147, + 148, + 149, + 991, + 992, + 993, + 994, + 995; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -6.493002,-42.284798,8.792897,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint41"; + 3; + 150, + 996, + 997; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -7.350305,-39.127472,9.733334,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint37"; + 6; + 267, + 268, + 269, + 270, + 272, + 277; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 2.766480,-49.947918,5.128667,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint38"; + 20; + 273, + 274, + 275, + 276, + 278, + 279, + 282, + 283, + 284, + 285, + 286, + 287, + 288, + 1024, + 1025, + 1026, + 1027, + 1028, + 1029, + 1030; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 5.080586,-45.749058,7.908250,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint42"; + 10; + 289, + 290, + 291, + 292, + 293, + 1031, + 1032, + 1033, + 1034, + 1035; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 6.280811,-42.539360,8.793637,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint43"; + 3; + 294, + 1036, + 1037; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 7.566765,-38.843330,9.733334,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "pad2"; + 24; + 24, + 25, + 26, + 27, + 28, + 29, + 30, + 31, + 32, + 33, + 34, + 35, + 36, + 37, + 38, + 39, + 40, + 41, + 42, + 43, + 44, + 45, + 46, + 47; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 0.986286,-0.159424,0.042717,0.000000, + 0.165048,0.952679,-0.255270,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.258819,0.965926,0.000000, + -2.513408,-50.807816,13.613914,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "pad1"; + 24; + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 11, + 12, + 13, + 14, + 15, + 16, + 17, + 18, + 19, + 20, + 21, + 22, + 23; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -5.311174,-52.424309,0.000000,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "lsholda"; + 13; + 774, + 775, + 776, + 777, + 820, + 821, + 822, + 823, + 824, + 825, + 826, + 827, + 1350; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 10.633429,-47.162376,-3.529744,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "lelbo"; + 62; + 674, + 675, + 677, + 682, + 683, + 684, + 691, + 828, + 829, + 830, + 831, + 832, + 833, + 834, + 835, + 836, + 837, + 838, + 839, + 840, + 841, + 842, + 843, + 844, + 845, + 846, + 847, + 848, + 849, + 850, + 851, + 852, + 853, + 854, + 855, + 856, + 857, + 858, + 1246, + 1248, + 1250, + 1251, + 1351, + 1352, + 1353, + 1354, + 1355, + 1356, + 1357, + 1358, + 1359, + 1360, + 1361, + 1362, + 1363, + 1364, + 1365, + 1366, + 1367, + 1368, + 1369, + 1370; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 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1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 28.689102,-31.997549,-4.235693,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint18"; + 8; + 702, + 703, + 704, + 705, + 706, + 707, + 1253, + 1254; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 29.735809,-29.905848,-4.235693,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint19"; + 8; + 678, + 679, + 680, + 681, + 685, + 686, + 1255, + 1256; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 29.866648,-26.768299,-4.235693,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint20"; + 10; + 687, + 688, + 689, + 690, + 693, + 694, + 699, + 700, + 701, + 1252; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 25.287310,-31.343891,-0.753762,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint21"; + 4; + 695, + 696, + 697, + 698; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + 26.334013,-28.859997,-0.753762,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "rsholda"; + 15; + 435, + 436, + 572, + 573, + 574, + 575, + 629, + 630, + 631, + 632, + 633, + 634, + 635, + 636, + 1225; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -10.064111,-47.456520,-3.529744,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "relbo"; + 62; + 469, + 470, + 473, + 478, + 479, + 480, + 487, + 637, + 638, + 639, + 640, + 641, + 642, + 643, + 644, + 645, + 646, + 647, + 648, + 649, + 650, + 651, + 652, + 653, + 654, + 655, + 656, + 657, + 658, + 659, + 660, + 661, + 662, + 663, + 664, + 665, + 666, + 667, + 1113, + 1115, + 1117, + 1118, + 1226, + 1227, + 1228, + 1229, + 1230, + 1231, + 1232, + 1233, + 1234, + 1235, + 1236, + 1237, + 1238, + 1239, + 1240, + 1241, + 1242, + 1243, + 1244, + 1245; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 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0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -28.904814,-32.160961,-4.235693,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint26"; + 10; + 498, + 499, + 500, + 501, + 502, + 503, + 1119, + 1120, + 1121, + 1122; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -29.951521,-29.807800,-4.235693,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint27"; + 10; + 474, + 475, + 476, + 477, + 481, + 482, + 1123, + 1124, + 1125, + 1126; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -29.689844,-26.931713,-4.235693,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint28"; + 7; + 483, + 484, + 485, + 486, + 489, + 490, + 1116; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -24.456314,-31.115110,-2.201373,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "Joint29"; + 7; + 491, + 492, + 493, + 494, + 495, + 496, + 497; + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000, + 1.000000; + 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000, + 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000, + -24.717991,-28.631216,-2.201373,1.000000;; + } + + SkinWeights + { + "weapon"; + 228; + 859, + 860, + 861, + 862, + 863, + 864, + 865, + 866, + 867, + 868, + 869, + 870, + 871, + 872, + 873, + 874, + 875, + 876, + 877, + 878, + 879, + 880, + 881, + 882, + 883, + 884, + 885, + 886, + 887, + 888, + 889, + 890, + 891, + 892, + 893, + 894, + 895, + 896, + 897, + 898, + 899, + 900, + 901, + 902, + 903, + 904, + 905, + 906, + 907, + 908, + 909, + 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19;3;0.173034,30.221760,0.000000;;, + 20;3;0.173034,30.221760,0.000000;;, + 24;3;0.173034,29.353209,0.000000;;, + 27;3;0.173034,29.520485,0.000000;;, + 33;3;0.173034,30.221760,0.000000;;, + 34;3;0.173034,30.221760,0.000000;;, + 35;3;0.173034,30.221760,0.000000;;, + 41;3;0.173034,28.753119,0.000000;;, + 43;3;0.173034,28.285614,0.000000;;, + 45;3;0.173034,28.050383,0.000000;;, + 50;3;0.173034,28.889324,0.000000;;, + 53;3;0.173034,29.697077,0.000000;;, + 55;3;0.173034,30.221760,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 25; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 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3;4;0.833984,-0.551409,0.020009,0.004259;;, + 4;4;0.751840,-0.659346,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;0.751840,-0.659346,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;0.751840,-0.659346,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;0.751840,-0.659346,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;0.751840,-0.659346,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;0.815325,-0.578790,0.015233,0.003854;;, + 17;4;0.880134,-0.473717,0.030180,0.006729;;, + 18;4;0.961855,-0.272346,0.024861,0.006633;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation lkneeAnimation 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41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 45;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation lankleAnimation + { + {lankle} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 25; + 0;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 1;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 2;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 3;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 4;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 5;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 12;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 14;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 15;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 16;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 17;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 18;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 19;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 20;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 24;3;-1.557302,-12.294256,3.507543;;, + 27;3;-1.557302,-12.405774,3.507543;;, + 33;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 34;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 35;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;, + 41;3;-1.557302,-12.187924,3.507543;;, + 43;3;-1.557302,-11.969755,3.507543;;, + 45;3;-1.557302,-11.859981,3.507543;;, + 50;3;-1.557302,-12.251487,3.507543;;, + 53;3;-1.557302,-12.628438,3.507543;;, + 55;3;-1.557302,-12.873290,3.507543;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 25; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;0.999476,-0.032322,0.001562,-0.000284;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 24;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 45;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation ltoeAnimation + { + {ltoe} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 1;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 2;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 3;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 4;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 5;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 12;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 14;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 15;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 16;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 17;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 18;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 19;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 20;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 27;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 33;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 34;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 35;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 41;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 43;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 50;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 53;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;, + 55;3;-0.083542,-2.837912,-5.268192;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation rhipAnimation + { + {rhip} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 1;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 2;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 3;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 4;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 5;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 12;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 14;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 15;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 16;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 17;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 18;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 19;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 20;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 27;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 33;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 34;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 35;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 41;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 43;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 50;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 53;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;, + 55;3;5.883141,-2.951185,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;0.997921,0.064448,0.000411,-0.000559;;, + 3;4;0.990580,0.136931,0.000703,-0.000957;;, + 4;4;0.982450,0.186524,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;0.982450,0.186524,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;0.982450,0.186524,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;0.982450,0.186524,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;0.982450,0.186524,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;0.988892,0.148634,-0.000027,-0.001179;;, + 17;4;0.995206,0.097793,-0.000021,-0.000940;;, + 18;4;0.999001,0.044690,-0.000010,-0.000451;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation rkneeAnimation + { + {rknee} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 25; + 0;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 1;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 2;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 3;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 4;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 5;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 12;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 14;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 15;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 16;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 17;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 18;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 19;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 20;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 24;3;1.557302,-9.392440,0.000000;;, + 27;3;1.557302,-9.448199,0.000000;;, + 33;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 34;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 35;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;, + 41;3;1.557302,-8.898683,0.000000;;, + 43;3;1.557302,-8.649346,0.000000;;, + 45;3;1.557302,-8.523890,0.000000;;, + 50;3;1.557302,-8.971325,0.000000;;, + 53;3;1.557302,-9.402126,0.000000;;, + 55;3;1.557302,-9.681957,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 25; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;0.963221,0.268544,0.008625,-0.003828;;, + 3;4;0.881291,0.472453,0.010177,-0.003199;;, + 4;4;0.859406,0.511293,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;0.859406,0.511293,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;0.859406,0.511293,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;0.859406,0.511293,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;0.859406,0.511293,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;0.882421,0.470414,0.005475,-0.003796;;, + 17;4;0.936363,0.350938,0.006628,-0.004836;;, + 18;4;0.982689,0.185165,0.005005,-0.003385;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 24;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 45;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation rankleAnimation + { + {rankle} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 25; + 0;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 1;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 2;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 3;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 4;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 5;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 12;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 14;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 15;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 16;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 17;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 18;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 19;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 20;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 24;3;1.038201,-12.467149,3.507543;;, + 27;3;1.038201,-12.578667,3.507543;;, + 33;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 34;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 35;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;, + 41;3;1.038201,-12.360817,3.507543;;, + 43;3;1.038201,-12.142648,3.507543;;, + 45;3;1.038201,-12.032873,3.507543;;, + 50;3;1.038201,-12.424379,3.507543;;, + 53;3;1.038201,-12.801331,3.507543;;, + 55;3;1.038201,-13.046183,3.507543;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 25; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;0.978731,-0.205059,-0.003273,-0.005028;;, + 3;4;0.979297,-0.202354,-0.000456,-0.005571;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;0.981401,-0.191782,-0.008166,-0.002302;;, + 17;4;0.967608,-0.252304,-0.007780,-0.004084;;, + 18;4;0.984134,-0.177321,-0.005444,-0.002966;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 24;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 45;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation rtoeAnimation + { + {rtoe} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 1;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 2;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 3;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 4;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 5;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 12;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 14;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 15;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 16;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 17;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 18;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 19;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 20;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 27;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 33;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 34;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 35;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 41;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 43;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 50;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 53;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;, + 55;3;0.161076,-2.268395,-5.055357;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation spine2Animation + { + {spine2} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 1;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 2;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 3;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 4;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 5;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 12;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 14;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 15;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 16;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 17;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 18;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 19;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 20;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 27;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 33;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 34;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 35;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 41;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 43;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 50;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 53;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;, + 55;3;-0.008257,4.071795,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.999391,0.000000,0.034899,0.000000;;, + 43;4;0.999406,0.000000,0.034456,0.000000;;, + 50;4;0.999888,0.000000,0.014985,0.000000;;, + 53;4;0.999982,0.000000,0.005995,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint75Animation + { + {Joint75} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-0.007980,5.843795,0.000000;;, + 1;3;-0.007980,5.843795,0.000000;;, + 2;3;-0.007980,5.625298,-0.076575;;, + 3;3;-0.007980,5.370562,-0.165850;;, + 4;3;-0.007980,5.153131,-0.242051;;, + 5;3;-0.007980,5.153131,-0.242051;;, + 12;3;-0.007980,5.153131,-0.242051;;, + 14;3;-0.007980,5.153131,-0.242051;;, + 15;3;-0.007980,5.153131,-0.242051;;, + 16;3;-0.007980,5.312847,-0.186077;;, + 17;3;-0.007980,5.497743,-0.121278;;, + 18;3;-0.007980,5.686178,-0.055239;;, + 19;3;-0.007980,5.843795,0.000000;;, + 20;3;-0.007980,5.843795,0.000000;;, + 27;3;-0.007980,5.843795,0.000000;;, + 33;3;-0.007980,5.843795,0.000000;;, + 34;3;-0.007980,5.843795,0.000000;;, + 35;3;-0.007980,5.843795,0.000000;;, + 41;3;-0.007980,5.843795,0.000000;;, + 43;3;-0.007980,5.975956,-0.018574;;, + 50;3;-0.007980,6.482687,-0.089789;;, + 53;3;-0.007980,6.140066,-0.041637;;, + 55;3;-0.007980,5.843795,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;0.997564,0.069755,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;0.997564,0.069755,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;0.997564,0.069755,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;0.997564,0.069755,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;0.997564,0.069755,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;0.997564,0.069755,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;0.990866,0.134849,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.993768,0.069490,0.086944,-0.006080;;, + 43;4;0.995824,0.069634,0.058902,-0.004119;;, + 50;4;0.993213,0.069451,-0.093073,0.006508;;, + 53;4;0.996487,0.069680,-0.046335,0.003240;;, + 55;4;0.997564,0.069757,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint76Animation + { + {Joint76} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 1;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 2;3;-0.033215,5.390897,-0.199987;;, + 3;3;-0.033215,5.097469,-0.433143;;, + 4;3;-0.033215,4.847012,-0.632154;;, + 5;3;-0.033215,4.847012,-0.632154;;, + 12;3;-0.033215,4.847012,-0.632154;;, + 14;3;-0.033215,4.847012,-0.632154;;, + 15;3;-0.033215,4.847012,-0.632154;;, + 16;3;-0.033215,5.030987,-0.485969;;, + 17;3;-0.033215,5.243968,-0.316736;;, + 18;3;-0.033215,5.461024,-0.144265;;, + 19;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 20;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 27;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 33;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 34;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 35;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 41;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 43;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 50;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 53;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;, + 55;3;-0.033215,5.642583,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;0.999381,0.034899,0.004361,-0.000152;;, + 14;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.996956,0.034814,0.069714,-0.002434;;, + 43;4;0.998051,0.034853,0.051723,-0.001806;;, + 50;4;0.997991,0.034850,-0.052875,0.001846;;, + 53;4;0.999025,0.034886,-0.027035,0.000944;;, + 55;4;0.999391,0.034899,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation spine1Animation + { + {spine1} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 1;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 2;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 3;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 4;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 5;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 12;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 14;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 15;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 16;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 17;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 18;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 19;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 20;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 27;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 33;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 34;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 35;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 41;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 43;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 50;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 53;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;, + 55;3;-0.057544,3.129822,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;0.999229,0.039260,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.999229,0.000000,0.039260,0.000000;;, + 43;4;0.999248,0.000000,0.038762,0.000000;;, + 50;4;0.999858,0.000000,0.016858,0.000000;;, + 53;4;0.999977,0.000000,0.006743,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation headAnimation + { + {head} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 27; + 0;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 1;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 2;3;0.000000,4.191365,-0.387104;;, + 3;3;0.000000,4.200649,-0.838410;;, + 4;3;0.000000,4.208574,-1.223624;;, + 5;3;0.000000,4.208574,-1.223624;;, + 7;3;0.000000,4.208574,-1.223624;;, + 12;3;0.000000,4.208574,-1.223624;;, + 14;3;0.000000,4.208574,-1.223624;;, + 15;3;0.000000,4.208574,-1.223624;;, + 16;3;0.000000,4.202753,-0.940661;;, + 17;3;0.000000,4.196014,-0.613087;;, + 18;3;0.000000,4.189146,-0.279245;;, + 19;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 20;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 23;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 27;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 29;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 33;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 34;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 35;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 41;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 43;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 45;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 50;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 53;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;, + 55;3;0.000000,4.183402,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 27; + 0;4;0.998392,-0.056693,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;0.998392,-0.056693,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;0.998178,-0.056679,0.001174,-0.020671;;, + 3;4;0.997388,-0.056635,0.002542,-0.044758;;, + 4;4;0.996254,-0.056570,0.003708,-0.065298;;, + 5;4;0.996254,-0.056570,0.003708,-0.065298;;, + 7;4;0.995518,-0.058815,0.038474,-0.063284;;, + 12;4;0.996114,-0.057445,0.017139,-0.064530;;, + 14;4;0.996254,-0.056570,0.003708,-0.065298;;, + 15;4;0.996254,-0.056570,0.003708,-0.065298;;, + 16;4;0.997128,-0.056620,0.002851,-0.050213;;, + 17;4;0.997855,-0.056661,0.001859,-0.032735;;, + 18;4;0.998280,-0.056685,0.000847,-0.014912;;, + 19;4;0.998392,-0.056693,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;0.998392,-0.056693,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 23;4;0.993540,-0.095666,0.060767,0.005851;;, + 27;4;0.992410,-0.122909,0.003406,-0.001945;;, + 29;4;0.992114,-0.123201,-0.022487,-0.005039;;, + 33;4;0.998392,-0.056693,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;0.998392,-0.056693,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;0.998392,-0.056693,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.994963,-0.056497,0.082675,0.004695;;, + 43;4;0.996303,-0.056573,0.064552,0.003665;;, + 45;4;0.985311,-0.055949,-0.161087,-0.009147;;, + 50;4;0.997274,-0.056628,-0.047219,-0.002681;;, + 53;4;0.994336,-0.056461,0.089900,0.005105;;, + 55;4;0.998392,-0.056693,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint36Animation + { + {Joint36} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 1;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 2;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 3;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 4;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 5;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 12;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 14;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 15;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 16;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 17;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 18;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 19;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 20;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 27;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 33;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 34;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 35;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 41;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 43;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 50;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 53;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;, + 55;3;2.351048,-2.969238,-5.128667;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.999936,0.006365,-0.001014,0.009261;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;0.999825,0.002850,-0.006074,0.017471;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint39Animation + { + {Joint39} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 1;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 2;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 3;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 4;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 5;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 12;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 14;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 15;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 16;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 17;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 18;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 19;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 20;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 27;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 33;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 34;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 35;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 41;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 43;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 50;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 53;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;, + 55;3;2.521163,-4.102684,-2.779583;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.999181,0.023935,-0.000402,0.032630;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;0.993880,0.004998,-0.009988,0.109898;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint40Animation + { + {Joint40} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 1;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 2;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 3;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 4;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 5;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 12;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 14;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 15;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 16;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 17;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 18;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 19;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 20;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 27;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 33;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 34;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 35;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 41;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 43;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 50;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 53;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;, + 55;3;1.543145,-3.721243,-0.884647;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.997151,0.043421,-0.006512,0.061340;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;0.991531,0.009387,-0.014839,0.128675;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint41Animation + { + {Joint41} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 1;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 2;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 3;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 4;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 5;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 12;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 14;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 15;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 16;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 17;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 18;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 19;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 20;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 27;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 33;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 34;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 35;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 41;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 43;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 50;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 53;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;, + 55;3;0.857303,-3.157324,-0.940437;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint37Animation + { + {Joint37} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 1;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 2;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 3;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 4;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 5;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 12;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 14;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 15;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 16;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 17;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 18;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 19;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 20;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 27;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 33;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 34;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 35;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 41;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 43;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 50;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 53;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;, + 55;3;-2.844125,-3.130046,-5.128667;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.999521,0.014638,-0.017367,0.021010;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;0.996793,0.039942,-0.049084,0.048974;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint38Animation + { + {Joint38} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 1;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 2;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 3;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 4;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 5;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 12;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 14;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 15;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 16;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 17;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 18;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 19;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 20;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 27;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 33;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 34;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 35;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 41;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 43;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 50;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 53;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;, + 55;3;-2.314107,-4.198860,-2.779583;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.997118,0.039292,-0.030553,0.057264;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;0.991578,-0.066684,-0.003497,0.110966;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint42Animation + { + {Joint42} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 1;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 2;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 3;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 4;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 5;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 12;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 14;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 15;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 16;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 17;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 18;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 19;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 20;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 27;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 33;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 34;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 35;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 41;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 43;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 50;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 53;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;, + 55;3;-1.200224,-3.209697,-0.885387;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint43Animation + { + {Joint43} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 1;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 2;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 3;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 4;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 5;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 12;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 14;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 15;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 16;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 17;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 18;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 19;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 20;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 27;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 33;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 34;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 35;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 41;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 43;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 50;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 53;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;, + 55;3;-1.285954,-3.696030,-0.939697;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation topAnimation + { + {top} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 1;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 2;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 3;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 4;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 5;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 12;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 14;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 15;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 16;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 17;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 18;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 19;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 20;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 27;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 33;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 34;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 35;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 41;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 43;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 50;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 53;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;, + 55;3;-0.311274,14.438549,-1.107615;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation pad2Animation + { + {pad2} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 1;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 2;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 3;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 4;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 5;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 12;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 14;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 15;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 16;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 17;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 18;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 19;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 20;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 27;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 33;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 34;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 35;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 41;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 43;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 50;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 53;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;, + 55;3;-6.280235,3.399014,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 1;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 2;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 3;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 4;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 5;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 12;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 14;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 15;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 16;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 17;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 18;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 19;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 20;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 27;4;0.989850,-0.129750,-0.014210,-0.056208;;, + 33;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 34;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 35;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 41;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 43;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 50;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 53;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;, + 55;4;0.988040,-0.130078,-0.010809,-0.082100;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation pad1Animation + { + {pad1} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 1;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 2;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 3;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 4;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 5;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 12;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 14;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 15;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 16;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 17;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 18;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 19;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 20;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 27;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 33;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 34;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 35;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 41;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 43;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 50;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 53;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;, + 55;3;5.233529,3.529747,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;0.998135,0.000000,0.000000,-0.061049;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation lsholdaAnimation + { + {lsholda} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 1;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 2;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 3;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 4;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 5;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 12;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 14;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 15;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 16;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 17;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 18;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 19;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 20;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 27;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 33;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 34;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 35;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 41;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 43;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 50;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 53;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;, + 55;3;-10.711074,-1.732187,3.529744;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;0.992262,-0.004035,-0.002900,-0.124058;;, + 1;4;0.992262,-0.004035,-0.002900,-0.124058;;, + 2;4;0.984948,-0.092375,0.080710,-0.121780;;, + 3;4;0.957969,-0.193544,0.176588,-0.116845;;, + 4;4;0.919617,-0.276885,0.255679,-0.110761;;, + 5;4;0.919617,-0.276885,0.255679,-0.110761;;, + 12;4;0.919617,-0.276885,0.255679,-0.110761;;, + 14;4;0.919617,-0.276885,0.255679,-0.110761;;, + 15;4;0.919617,-0.276885,0.255679,-0.110761;;, + 16;4;0.949143,-0.215995,0.197884,-0.115394;;, + 17;4;0.973899,-0.143396,0.129045,-0.119611;;, + 18;4;0.988465,-0.067843,0.057481,-0.122598;;, + 19;4;0.992262,-0.004035,-0.002900,-0.124058;;, + 20;4;0.992262,-0.004035,-0.002900,-0.124058;;, + 27;4;0.980361,0.117258,0.064506,-0.144851;;, + 33;4;0.992262,-0.004035,-0.002900,-0.124058;;, + 34;4;0.992262,-0.004035,-0.002900,-0.124058;;, + 35;4;0.992262,-0.004035,-0.002900,-0.124058;;, + 41;4;0.987041,-0.061321,0.042727,-0.142002;;, + 43;4;0.984145,-0.079780,0.057436,-0.147634;;, + 50;4;0.975443,-0.121280,0.090521,-0.160025;;, + 53;4;0.987695,-0.056533,0.038912,-0.140529;;, + 55;4;0.992262,-0.004035,-0.002900,-0.124058;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation lelboAnimation + { + {lelbo} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 1;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 2;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 3;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 4;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 5;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 12;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 14;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 15;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 16;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 17;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 18;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 19;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 20;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 27;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 33;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 34;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 35;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 41;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 43;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 50;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 53;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;, + 55;3;-6.541911,-5.098517,0.705949;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;0.938931,-0.301990,0.116244,-0.117037;;, + 1;4;0.938931,-0.301990,0.116244,-0.117037;;, + 2;4;0.939499,-0.269250,0.068390,-0.200421;;, + 3;4;0.927931,-0.227598,0.011743,-0.294966;;, + 4;4;0.907758,-0.189498,-0.036768,-0.372443;;, + 5;4;0.907758,-0.189498,-0.036768,-0.372443;;, + 12;4;0.907815,-0.196434,-0.033361,-0.369017;;, + 14;4;0.907758,-0.189498,-0.036768,-0.372443;;, + 15;4;0.907758,-0.189498,-0.036768,-0.372443;;, + 16;4;0.923494,-0.217696,-0.001142,-0.315858;;, + 17;4;0.935347,-0.248829,0.040096,-0.248198;;, + 18;4;0.940317,-0.278666,0.081816,-0.177359;;, + 19;4;0.938931,-0.301990,0.116244,-0.117037;;, + 20;4;0.938931,-0.301990,0.116244,-0.117037;;, + 27;4;0.969755,-0.235046,0.020216,-0.062603;;, + 33;4;0.938931,-0.301990,0.116244,-0.117037;;, + 34;4;0.938931,-0.301990,0.116244,-0.117037;;, + 35;4;0.938931,-0.301990,0.116244,-0.117037;;, + 41;4;0.907794,-0.355022,0.176137,-0.137281;;, + 43;4;0.896205,-0.371593,0.195226,-0.143604;;, + 50;4;0.867362,-0.407890,0.237736,-0.157448;;, + 53;4;0.910675,-0.350682,0.171168,-0.135625;;, + 55;4;0.938931,-0.301990,0.116244,-0.117037;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation lwristAnimation + { + {lwrist} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 1;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 2;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 3;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 4;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 5;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 12;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 14;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 15;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 16;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 17;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 18;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 19;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 20;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 27;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 33;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 34;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 35;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 41;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 43;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 50;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 53;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;, + 55;3;-7.850295,-6.405833,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint17Animation + { + {Joint17} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 1;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 2;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 3;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 4;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 5;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 12;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 14;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 15;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 16;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 17;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 18;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 19;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 20;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 27;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 33;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 34;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 35;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 41;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 43;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 50;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 53;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;, + 55;3;-3.663469,-3.660475,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint18Animation + { + {Joint18} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 1;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 2;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 3;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 4;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 5;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 12;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 14;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 15;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 16;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 17;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 18;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 19;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 20;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 27;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 33;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 34;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 35;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 41;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 43;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 50;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 53;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;, + 55;3;-1.046706,-2.091701,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 1;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 2;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 3;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 4;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 5;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 12;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 14;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 15;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 16;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 17;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 18;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 19;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 20;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 27;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 33;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 34;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 35;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 41;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 43;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 50;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 53;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;, + 55;4;0.938191,0.000000,0.000000,-0.346117;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint19Animation + { + {Joint19} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 1;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 2;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 3;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 4;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 5;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 12;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 14;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 15;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 16;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 17;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 18;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 19;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 20;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 27;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 33;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 34;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 35;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 41;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 43;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 50;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 53;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;, + 55;3;-0.130838,-3.137549,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint20Animation + { + {Joint20} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 1;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 2;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 3;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 4;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 5;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 12;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 14;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 15;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 16;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 17;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 18;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 19;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 20;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 27;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 33;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 34;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 35;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 41;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 43;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 50;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 53;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;, + 55;3;-1.416095,-4.359032,-3.203176;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint21Animation + { + {Joint21} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 1;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 2;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 3;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 4;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 5;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 12;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 14;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 15;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 16;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 17;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 18;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 19;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 20;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 27;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 33;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 34;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 35;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 41;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 43;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 50;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 53;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 55;3;-1.046704,-2.483894,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation rsholdaAnimation + { + {rsholda} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 1;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 2;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 3;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 4;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 5;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 12;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 14;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 15;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 16;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 17;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 18;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 19;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 20;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 27;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 33;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 34;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 35;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 41;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 43;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 50;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 53;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;, + 55;3;9.986465,-1.438042,3.529744;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;0.993880,-0.002269,0.003388,0.110387;;, + 1;4;0.993880,-0.002269,0.003388,0.110387;;, + 2;4;0.993765,-0.003650,0.000223,0.111434;;, + 3;4;0.993637,-0.005031,-0.002942,0.112479;;, + 4;4;0.993496,-0.006413,-0.006107,0.113522;;, + 5;4;0.993496,-0.006413,-0.006107,0.113522;;, + 12;4;0.993496,-0.006413,-0.006107,0.113523;;, + 14;4;0.993496,-0.006413,-0.006107,0.113522;;, + 15;4;0.993496,-0.006413,-0.006107,0.113522;;, + 16;4;0.993603,-0.005377,-0.003733,0.112740;;, + 17;4;0.993703,-0.004341,-0.001359,0.111957;;, + 18;4;0.993795,-0.003305,0.001014,0.111173;;, + 19;4;0.993880,-0.002269,0.003388,0.110387;;, + 20;4;0.993880,-0.002269,0.003388,0.110387;;, + 27;4;0.973729,-0.204525,0.026684,0.096484;;, + 33;4;0.993880,-0.002269,0.003388,0.110387;;, + 34;4;0.993880,-0.002269,0.003388,0.110387;;, + 35;4;0.993880,-0.002269,0.003388,0.110387;;, + 41;4;0.994023,-0.003923,0.001453,0.109093;;, + 43;4;0.993957,-0.002996,-0.000780,0.109727;;, + 50;4;0.993678,0.000249,-0.008594,0.111941;;, + 53;4;0.993801,-0.001051,-0.002101,0.111149;;, + 55;4;0.993880,-0.002269,0.003388,0.110387;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation relboAnimation + { + {relbo} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 1;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 2;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 3;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 4;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 5;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 12;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 14;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 15;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 16;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 17;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 18;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 19;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 20;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 27;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 33;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 34;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 35;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 41;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 43;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 50;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 53;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;, + 55;3;6.803588,-5.359982,0.705949;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;0.959847,-0.255150,-0.080990,0.083865;;, + 1;4;0.959847,-0.255150,-0.080990,0.083865;;, + 2;4;0.962470,-0.246054,-0.075922,0.085704;;, + 3;4;0.965384,-0.235411,-0.070003,0.087834;;, + 4;4;0.967748,-0.226298,-0.064941,0.089641;;, + 5;4;0.967748,-0.226298,-0.064941,0.089641;;, + 12;4;0.967748,-0.226298,-0.064941,0.089641;;, + 14;4;0.967748,-0.226298,-0.064941,0.089641;;, + 15;4;0.967748,-0.226298,-0.064941,0.089641;;, + 16;4;0.966023,-0.232995,-0.068660,0.088315;;, + 17;4;0.964039,-0.240399,-0.072776,0.086838;;, + 18;4;0.961805,-0.248399,-0.077228,0.085231;;, + 19;4;0.959847,-0.255150,-0.080990,0.083865;;, + 20;4;0.959847,-0.255150,-0.080990,0.083865;;, + 27;4;0.959350,-0.261136,-0.082412,0.068295;;, + 33;4;0.959847,-0.255150,-0.080990,0.083865;;, + 34;4;0.959847,-0.255150,-0.080990,0.083865;;, + 35;4;0.959847,-0.255150,-0.080990,0.083865;;, + 41;4;0.958063,-0.263775,-0.077544,0.080776;;, + 43;4;0.957289,-0.265983,-0.080054,0.080258;;, + 50;4;0.955168,-0.270038,-0.091428,0.079837;;, + 53;4;0.957785,-0.261756,-0.085958,0.082112;;, + 55;4;0.959847,-0.255150,-0.080990,0.083865;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation rwristAnimation + { + {rwrist} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 24; + 0;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 1;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 2;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 3;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 4;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 5;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 12;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 14;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 15;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 16;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 17;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 18;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 19;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 20;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 27;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 29;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 33;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 34;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 35;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 41;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 43;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 50;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 53;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;, + 55;3;8.373647,-6.798027,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 24; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;0.999709,0.020471,0.012692,-0.001586;;, + 3;4;0.998633,0.044321,0.027480,-0.003434;;, + 4;4;0.997090,0.064652,0.040085,-0.005009;;, + 5;4;0.997090,0.064652,0.040085,-0.005009;;, + 12;4;0.997090,0.064652,0.040085,-0.005009;;, + 14;4;0.997090,0.064652,0.040085,-0.005009;;, + 15;4;0.997090,0.064652,0.040085,-0.005009;;, + 16;4;0.998280,0.049721,0.030828,-0.003852;;, + 17;4;0.999269,0.032417,0.020099,-0.002511;;, + 18;4;0.999848,0.014768,0.009157,-0.001144;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;0.996917,0.078459,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 29;4;0.992822,0.119601,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.999329,-0.002870,0.035216,-0.009610;;, + 43;4;0.999253,-0.000181,0.037154,-0.010592;;, + 50;4;0.999533,0.011592,0.026653,-0.009464;;, + 53;4;0.999915,0.005480,0.011096,-0.004044;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint25Animation + { + {Joint25} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 1;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 2;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 3;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 4;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 5;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 12;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 14;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 15;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 16;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 17;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 18;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 19;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 20;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 27;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 33;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 34;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 35;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 41;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 43;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 50;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 53;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;, + 55;3;3.663469,-3.137551,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint26Animation + { + {Joint26} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 1;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 2;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 3;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 4;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 5;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 12;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 14;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 15;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 16;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 17;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 18;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 19;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 20;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 27;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 33;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 34;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 35;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 41;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 43;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 50;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 53;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;, + 55;3;1.046706,-2.353162,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 1;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 2;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 3;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 4;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 5;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 12;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 14;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 15;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 16;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 17;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 18;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 19;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 20;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 27;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 33;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 34;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 35;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 41;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 43;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 50;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 53;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;, + 55;4;0.878817,0.000000,0.000000,0.477159;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint27Animation + { + {Joint27} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 1;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 2;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 3;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 4;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 5;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 12;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 14;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 15;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 16;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 17;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 18;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 19;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 20;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 27;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 33;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 34;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 35;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 41;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 43;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 50;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 53;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;, + 55;3;-0.261676,-2.876088,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint28Animation + { + {Joint28} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 1;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 2;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 3;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 4;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 5;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 12;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 14;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 15;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 16;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 17;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 18;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 19;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 20;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 27;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 33;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 34;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 35;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 41;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 43;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 50;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 53;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;, + 55;3;-0.785030,-4.183402,-2.034320;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 1;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 2;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 3;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 4;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 5;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 12;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 14;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 15;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 16;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 17;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 18;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 19;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 20;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 27;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 33;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 34;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 35;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 41;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 43;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 50;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 53;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;, + 55;4;0.971342,0.000000,0.000000,0.237686;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation Joint29Animation + { + {Joint29} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 1;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 2;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 3;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 4;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 5;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 12;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 14;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 15;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 16;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 17;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 18;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 19;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 20;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 27;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 33;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 34;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 35;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 41;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 43;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 50;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 53;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;, + 55;3;0.261676,-2.483894,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation weaponAnimation + { + {weapon} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 1;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 2;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 3;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 4;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 5;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 12;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 14;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 15;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 16;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 17;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 18;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 19;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 20;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 27;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 33;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 34;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 35;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 41;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 43;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 50;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 53;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;, + 55;3;1.700897,-4.837056,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;0.999743,0.021683,0.006609,-0.000572;;, + 3;4;0.998794,0.046948,0.014309,-0.001238;;, + 4;4;0.997432,0.068488,0.020874,-0.001806;;, + 5;4;0.997432,0.068488,0.020874,-0.001806;;, + 12;4;0.997432,0.068488,0.020874,-0.001806;;, + 14;4;0.997432,0.068488,0.020874,-0.001806;;, + 15;4;0.997432,0.068488,0.020874,-0.001806;;, + 16;4;0.998482,0.052668,0.016052,-0.001389;;, + 17;4;0.999355,0.034337,0.010465,-0.000906;;, + 18;4;0.999866,0.015644,0.004768,-0.000413;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;0.991577,-0.013382,0.128747,-0.004423;;, + 43;4;0.988533,-0.009191,0.150627,-0.005432;;, + 50;4;0.995744,0.045103,0.080265,-0.004060;;, + 53;4;0.999255,0.021677,0.031875,-0.001700;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation endAnimation + { + {end} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 1;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 2;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 3;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 4;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 5;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 12;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 14;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 15;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 16;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 17;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 18;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 19;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 20;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 27;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 33;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 34;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 35;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 41;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 43;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 50;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 53;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;, + 55;3;0.179647,0.498486,-36.421711;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } + + Animation hitAnimation + { + {hit} + + AnimationKey + { + 2; + 23; + 0;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 1;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 2;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 3;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 4;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 5;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 12;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 14;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 15;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 16;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 17;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 18;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 19;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 20;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 27;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 33;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 34;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 35;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 41;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 43;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 50;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 53;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;, + 55;3;9.751877,-17.324219,-0.896412;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + + AnimationKey + { + 0; + 23; + 0;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 1;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 2;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 3;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 4;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 5;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 12;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 14;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 15;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 16;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 17;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 18;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 19;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 20;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 27;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 33;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 34;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 35;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 41;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 43;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 50;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 53;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;, + 55;4;1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000;;; + } + + AnimationOptions + { + 1; + 1; + } + } +} diff --git a/test/models/IRR/earthSpherical.jpg b/test/models/IRR/earthSpherical.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3419e8071 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/earthSpherical.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/engineflare1.jpg b/test/models/IRR/engineflare1.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..072619113 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/engineflare1.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/instancing.irr b/test/models/IRR/instancing.irr index 6687f4fdb..ba0e710da 100644 --- a/test/models/IRR/instancing.irr +++ b/test/models/IRR/instancing.irr @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ - + @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ - + @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ - + @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ - + @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ - + @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ - + @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ - + @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ - + @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ - + @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ - + @@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ - + @@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ - + @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ - + @@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ - + @@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ - + @@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ - + @@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ - + diff --git a/test/models/IRR/multipleAnimators.irr b/test/models/IRR/multipleAnimators.irr index fb468aa11..9e4bc4b7c 100644 Binary files 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a/test/models/IRR/sphere_UTF16LE.irr b/test/models/IRR/sphere_UTF16LE.irr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d0f99a018 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/sphere_UTF16LE.irr differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/spider.mtl b/test/models/IRR/spider.mtl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d225a7c62 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/models/IRR/spider.mtl @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# +# spider.mtl +# + +newmtl Skin +Ka 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 +Kd 0.827451 0.792157 0.772549 +Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 +Ns 0.000000 +map_Kd .\wal67ar_small.jpg + +newmtl Brusttex +Ka 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 +Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000 +Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 +Ns 0.000000 +map_Kd .\wal69ar_small.jpg + +newmtl HLeibTex +Ka 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 +Kd 0.690196 0.639216 0.615686 +Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 +Ns 0.000000 +map_Kd .\SpiderTex.jpg + +newmtl BeinTex +Ka 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 +Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000 +Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 +Ns 0.000000 +map_Kd .\drkwood2.jpg + +newmtl Augentex +Ka 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 +Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000 +Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 +Ns 0.000000 +map_Kd .\engineflare1.jpg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/models/IRR/wal67ar_small.jpg b/test/models/IRR/wal67ar_small.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b07716bc0 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/wal67ar_small.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRR/wal69ar_small.jpg b/test/models/IRR/wal69ar_small.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b4723f9e3 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRR/wal69ar_small.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRRMesh/SpiderTex.jpg b/test/models/IRRMesh/SpiderTex.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..397e68434 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRRMesh/SpiderTex.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRRMesh/cellar.irrmesh b/test/models/IRRMesh/cellar.irrmesh index d8d3a661b..0278c9239 100644 Binary files a/test/models/IRRMesh/cellar.irrmesh and b/test/models/IRRMesh/cellar.irrmesh differ diff --git a/test/models/IRRMesh/cellar_UTF16LE.irrmesh b/test/models/IRRMesh/cellar_UTF16LE.irrmesh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8d3a661b Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRRMesh/cellar_UTF16LE.irrmesh differ diff --git a/test/models/IRRMesh/drkwood2.jpg b/test/models/IRRMesh/drkwood2.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7ca470306 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRRMesh/drkwood2.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRRMesh/engineflare1.jpg b/test/models/IRRMesh/engineflare1.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..072619113 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRRMesh/engineflare1.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRRMesh/spider.irrmesh b/test/models/IRRMesh/spider.irrmesh index c6ad9291f..e446a9ec2 100644 Binary files a/test/models/IRRMesh/spider.irrmesh and b/test/models/IRRMesh/spider.irrmesh differ diff --git a/test/models/IRRMesh/spider_UTF16LE.irrmesh b/test/models/IRRMesh/spider_UTF16LE.irrmesh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25fda7c27 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRRMesh/spider_UTF16LE.irrmesh differ diff --git a/test/models/IRRMesh/testFormatDetection.xml b/test/models/IRRMesh/testFormatDetection.xml index aa73560d4..0986eaf61 100644 Binary files a/test/models/IRRMesh/testFormatDetection.xml and b/test/models/IRRMesh/testFormatDetection.xml differ diff --git a/test/models/IRRMesh/testFormatDetection_UTF16LE.xml b/test/models/IRRMesh/testFormatDetection_UTF16LE.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aa73560d4 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRRMesh/testFormatDetection_UTF16LE.xml differ diff --git a/test/models/IRRMesh/wal67ar_small.jpg b/test/models/IRRMesh/wal67ar_small.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b07716bc0 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRRMesh/wal67ar_small.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/IRRMesh/wal69ar_small.jpg b/test/models/IRRMesh/wal69ar_small.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b4723f9e3 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/IRRMesh/wal69ar_small.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/MDL/MDL (HL1)/multiple_roots.mdl b/test/models/MDL/MDL (HL1)/multiple_roots.mdl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8fc1eed7 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/MDL/MDL (HL1)/multiple_roots.mdl differ diff --git a/test/models/NFF/NFF/ManyEarthsNotJustOne.nff b/test/models/NFF/NFF/ManyEarthsNotJustOne.nff index de9d06447..1f41dc198 100644 --- a/test/models/NFF/NFF/ManyEarthsNotJustOne.nff +++ b/test/models/NFF/NFF/ManyEarthsNotJustOne.nff @@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ l 4 3 2 l 1 -4 4 l -3 1 5 -f 1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 ./../../LWO/LWo2/MappingModes/EarthSpherical.jpg +f 1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 earthSpherical.jpg s 0 0 0 0.5 -f 1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 ./../../LWO/LWo2/MappingModes/EarthSpherical.jpg +f 1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 earthSpherical.jpg s 0.272166 0.272166 0.544331 0.16665 s 0.643951 0.172546 1.11022e-16 0.16665 s 0.172546 0.643951 1.11022e-16 0.16665 diff --git a/test/models/NFF/NFF/cone.nff b/test/models/NFF/NFF/cone.nff index 7a5e36650..20d02b259 100644 --- a/test/models/NFF/NFF/cone.nff +++ b/test/models/NFF/NFF/cone.nff @@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ c -10 -10 -10 6 -f 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 ./../../LWO/LWo2/MappingModes/EarthSpherical.jpg +f 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 earthSpherical.jpg s -10 -10 -10 2 s 10 10 10 3 #white -f 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 ./../../LWO/LWo2/MappingModes/EarthCylindric.jpg +f 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 earthCylindric.jpg # another cone, closed this time c diff --git a/test/models/NFF/NFF/cylinder.nff b/test/models/NFF/NFF/cylinder.nff index b96ec1cd4..85a8ce79c 100644 --- a/test/models/NFF/NFF/cylinder.nff +++ b/test/models/NFF/NFF/cylinder.nff @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #red -f 1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 ./../../LWOFiles/LWo2/MappingModes/EarthCylindric.jpg +f 1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 earthCylindric.jpg tess 4 diff --git a/test/models/NFF/NFF/earthCylindric.jpg b/test/models/NFF/NFF/earthCylindric.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da9688b44 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/NFF/NFF/earthCylindric.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/NFF/NFF/earthSpherical.jpg b/test/models/NFF/NFF/earthSpherical.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3419e8071 Binary files /dev/null and b/test/models/NFF/NFF/earthSpherical.jpg differ diff --git a/test/models/NFF/NFF/spheres.nff b/test/models/NFF/NFF/spheres.nff index 4b750d70b..80972cb43 100644 --- a/test/models/NFF/NFF/spheres.nff +++ b/test/models/NFF/NFF/spheres.nff @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ f 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 1 1 1 s 5.0 4.0 8.0 3.0 #green -f 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 ./../../LWO/LWo2/MappingModes/EarthCylindric.jpg +f 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 45.2776 0 1 earthCylindric.jpg # And another one s 1.0 -4.0 2.0 4.0 2 2 diff --git a/test/models/PLY/pond.0.ply b/test/models/PLY/pond.0.ply index 02b7683ce..a45e0322d 100644 Binary files a/test/models/PLY/pond.0.ply and b/test/models/PLY/pond.0.ply differ diff --git a/test/models/glTF2/textureTransform/License.txt b/test/models/glTF2/textureTransform/License.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 diff --git a/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_ImportSettings.cpp b/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_ImportSettings.cpp index 4614066e6..d50c2b35a 100644 --- a/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_ImportSettings.cpp +++ b/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_ImportSettings.cpp @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ private: Assimp::Importer importer; importer.SetPropertyBool(setting_key, setting_value); const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(file_path, aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); func(scene); } diff --git a/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_Materials.cpp b/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_Materials.cpp index 2389c0ffc..f733893ca 100644 --- a/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_Materials.cpp +++ b/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_Materials.cpp @@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ public: void flatShadeTexture() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "chrome_sphere.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene->mMaterials); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene->mMaterials); aiShadingMode shading_mode = aiShadingMode_Flat; scene->mMaterials[0]->Get(AI_MATKEY_SHADING_MODEL, shading_mode); @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ public: void chromeTexture() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "chrome_sphere.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene->mMaterials); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene->mMaterials); int chrome; scene->mMaterials[0]->Get(AI_MDL_HL1_MATKEY_CHROME(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0), chrome); @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ public: void additiveBlendTexture() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "blend_additive.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene->mMaterials); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene->mMaterials); aiBlendMode blend_mode = aiBlendMode_Default; scene->mMaterials[0]->Get(AI_MATKEY_BLEND_FUNC, blend_mode); @@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ public: void textureWithColorMask() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "alpha_test.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene->mMaterials); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene->mMaterials); int texture_flags = 0; scene->mMaterials[0]->Get(AI_MATKEY_TEXFLAGS_DIFFUSE(0), texture_flags); diff --git a/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_Nodes.cpp b/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_Nodes.cpp index 4420727e9..49ae8a16c 100644 --- a/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_Nodes.cpp +++ b/test/unit/ImportExport/MDL/utMDLImporter_HL1_Nodes.cpp @@ -55,6 +55,17 @@ using namespace Assimp; class utMDLImporter_HL1_Nodes : public ::testing::Test { + /** + * @note Represents a flattened node hierarchy where each item is a pair + * containing the node level and it's name. + */ + using Hierarchy = std::vector>; + + /** + * @note A vector of strings. Used for symplifying syntax. + */ + using StringVector = std::vector; + public: /** * @note The following tests require a basic understanding @@ -63,6 +74,51 @@ public: * (Valve Developer Community). */ + // Given a model, verify that the bones nodes hierarchy is correctly formed. + void checkBoneHierarchy() { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "multiple_roots.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene->mRootNode); + + // First, check that "" and "" are linked. + const aiNode* node_MDL_root = scene->mRootNode->FindNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_ROOT); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, node_MDL_root); + + const aiNode *node_MDL_bones = scene->mRootNode->FindNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BONES); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, node_MDL_bones); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, node_MDL_bones->mParent); + ASSERT_EQ(node_MDL_root, node_MDL_bones->mParent); + + // Second, verify "" hierarchy. + const Hierarchy expected_hierarchy = { + { 0, AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BONES }, + { 1, "root1_bone1" }, + { 2, "root1_bone2" }, + { 3, "root1_bone4" }, + { 3, "root1_bone5" }, + { 2, "root1_bone3" }, + { 3, "root1_bone6" }, + { 1, "root2_bone1" }, + { 2, "root2_bone2" }, + { 2, "root2_bone3" }, + { 3, "root2_bone5" }, + { 2, "root2_bone4" }, + { 3, "root2_bone6" }, + { 1, "root3_bone1" }, + { 2, "root3_bone2" }, + { 2, "root3_bone3" }, + { 2, "root3_bone4" }, + { 3, "root3_bone5" }, + { 4, "root3_bone6" }, + { 4, "root3_bone7" }, + }; + + Hierarchy actual_hierarchy; + flatten_hierarchy(node_MDL_bones, actual_hierarchy); + ASSERT_EQ(expected_hierarchy, actual_hierarchy); + } + /* Given a model with bones that have empty names, verify that all the bones of the imported model have unique and no empty names. @@ -80,9 +136,9 @@ public: void emptyBonesNames() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "unnamed_bones.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); - const std::vector expected_bones_names = { + const StringVector expected_bones_names = { "Bone", "Bone_0", "Bone_1", @@ -94,7 +150,9 @@ public: "Bone_7" }; - expect_named_children(scene, AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BONES, expected_bones_names); + StringVector actual_bones_names; + get_node_children_names(scene->mRootNode->FindNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BONES), actual_bones_names); + ASSERT_EQ(expected_bones_names, actual_bones_names); } /* Given a model with bodyparts that have empty names, @@ -114,9 +172,9 @@ public: void emptyBodypartsNames() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "unnamed_bodyparts.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); - const std::vector expected_bodyparts_names = { + const StringVector expected_bodyparts_names = { "Bodypart", "Bodypart_1", "Bodypart_5", @@ -128,7 +186,10 @@ public: "Bodypart_7" }; - expect_named_children(scene, AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BODYPARTS, expected_bodyparts_names); + StringVector actual_bodyparts_names; + // Get the bodyparts names "without" the submodels. + get_node_children_names(scene->mRootNode->FindNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BODYPARTS), actual_bodyparts_names, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(expected_bodyparts_names, actual_bodyparts_names); } /* Given a model with bodyparts that have duplicate names, @@ -148,9 +209,9 @@ public: void duplicateBodypartsNames() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "duplicate_bodyparts.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); - const std::vector expected_bodyparts_names = { + const StringVector expected_bodyparts_names = { "Bodypart", "Bodypart_1", "Bodypart_2", @@ -162,7 +223,10 @@ public: "Bodypart_4" }; - expect_named_children(scene, AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BODYPARTS, expected_bodyparts_names); + StringVector actual_bodyparts_names; + // Get the bodyparts names "without" the submodels. + get_node_children_names(scene->mRootNode->FindNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BODYPARTS), actual_bodyparts_names, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(expected_bodyparts_names, actual_bodyparts_names); } /* Given a model with several bodyparts that contains multiple @@ -190,9 +254,9 @@ public: void duplicateSubModelsNames() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "duplicate_submodels.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); - const std::vector> expected_bodypart_sub_models_names = { + const std::vector expected_bodypart_sub_models_names = { { "triangle", "triangle_0", @@ -208,11 +272,15 @@ public: }; const aiNode *bodyparts_node = scene->mRootNode->FindNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BODYPARTS); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, bodyparts_node); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, bodyparts_node); EXPECT_EQ(3u, bodyparts_node->mNumChildren); - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bodyparts_node->mNumChildren; ++i) { - expect_named_children(bodyparts_node->mChildren[i], - expected_bodypart_sub_models_names[i]); + + StringVector actual_submodels_names; + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bodyparts_node->mNumChildren; ++i) + { + actual_submodels_names.clear(); + get_node_children_names(bodyparts_node->mChildren[i], actual_submodels_names); + ASSERT_EQ(expected_bodypart_sub_models_names[i], actual_submodels_names); } } @@ -233,9 +301,9 @@ public: void duplicateSequenceNames() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "duplicate_sequences.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); - const std::vector expected_sequence_names = { + const StringVector expected_sequence_names = { "idle_1", "idle", "idle_2", @@ -247,7 +315,9 @@ public: "idle_7" }; - expect_named_children(scene, AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_SEQUENCE_INFOS, expected_sequence_names); + StringVector actual_sequence_names; + get_node_children_names(scene->mRootNode->FindNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_SEQUENCE_INFOS), actual_sequence_names); + ASSERT_EQ(expected_sequence_names, actual_sequence_names); } /* Given a model with sequences that have empty names, verify @@ -267,9 +337,9 @@ public: void emptySequenceNames() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "unnamed_sequences.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); - const std::vector expected_sequence_names = { + const StringVector expected_sequence_names = { "Sequence", "Sequence_1", "Sequence_0", @@ -281,7 +351,9 @@ public: "Sequence_6" }; - expect_named_children(scene, AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_SEQUENCE_INFOS, expected_sequence_names); + StringVector actual_sequence_names; + get_node_children_names(scene->mRootNode->FindNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_SEQUENCE_INFOS), actual_sequence_names); + ASSERT_EQ(expected_sequence_names, actual_sequence_names); } /* Given a model with sequence groups that have duplicate names, @@ -302,9 +374,9 @@ public: void duplicateSequenceGroupNames() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "duplicate_sequence_groups/duplicate_sequence_groups.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); - const std::vector expected_sequence_names = { + const StringVector expected_sequence_names = { "default", "SequenceGroup", "SequenceGroup_1", @@ -317,7 +389,9 @@ public: "SequenceGroup_2" }; - expect_named_children(scene, AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_SEQUENCE_GROUPS, expected_sequence_names); + StringVector actual_sequence_names; + get_node_children_names(scene->mRootNode->FindNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_SEQUENCE_GROUPS), actual_sequence_names); + ASSERT_EQ(expected_sequence_names, actual_sequence_names); } /* Given a model with sequence groups that have empty names, @@ -338,9 +412,9 @@ public: void emptySequenceGroupNames() { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MDL_HL1_MODELS_DIR "unnamed_sequence_groups/unnamed_sequence_groups.mdl", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); - const std::vector expected_sequence_names = { + const StringVector expected_sequence_names = { "default", "SequenceGroup", "SequenceGroup_2", @@ -353,7 +427,9 @@ public: "SequenceGroup_4" }; - expect_named_children(scene, AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_SEQUENCE_GROUPS, expected_sequence_names); + StringVector actual_sequence_names; + get_node_children_names(scene->mRootNode->FindNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_SEQUENCE_GROUPS), actual_sequence_names); + ASSERT_EQ(expected_sequence_names, actual_sequence_names); } /* Verify that mOffsetMatrix applies the correct @@ -364,7 +440,7 @@ public: Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(MDL_HL1_FILE_MAN, aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); aiNode *scene_bones_node = scene->mRootNode->FindNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BONES); @@ -398,26 +474,58 @@ public: } private: - void expect_named_children(const aiNode *parent_node, const std::vector &expected_names) { - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, parent_node); - EXPECT_EQ(expected_names.size(), parent_node->mNumChildren); - - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parent_node->mNumChildren; ++i) - EXPECT_EQ(expected_names[i], parent_node->mChildren[i]->mName.C_Str()); - } - - void expect_named_children(const aiScene *scene, const char *node_name, const std::vector &expected_names) { - expect_named_children(scene->mRootNode->FindNode(node_name), expected_names); - } - void expect_equal_matrices(const aiMatrix4x4 &expected, const aiMatrix4x4 &actual, float abs_error) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) EXPECT_NEAR(expected[i][j], actual[i][j], abs_error); } } + + /** Get a flattened representation of a node's hierarchy. + * \param[in] node The node. + * \param[out] hierarchy The flattened node's hierarchy. + */ + void flatten_hierarchy(const aiNode *node, Hierarchy &hierarchy) + { + flatten_hierarchy_impl(node, hierarchy, 0); + } + + void flatten_hierarchy_impl(const aiNode *node, Hierarchy &hierarchy, unsigned int level) + { + hierarchy.push_back({ level, node->mName.C_Str() }); + for (size_t i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; ++i) + { + flatten_hierarchy_impl(node->mChildren[i], hierarchy, level + 1); + } + } + + /** Get all node's children names beneath max_level. + * \param[in] node The parent node from which to get all children names. + * \param[out] names The list of children names. + * \param[in] max_level If set to -1, all children names will be collected. + */ + void get_node_children_names(const aiNode *node, StringVector &names, const int max_level = -1) + { + get_node_children_names_impl(node, names, 0, max_level); + } + + void get_node_children_names_impl(const aiNode *node, StringVector &names, int level, const int max_level = -1) + { + for (size_t i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; ++i) + { + names.push_back(node->mChildren[i]->mName.C_Str()); + if (max_level == -1 || level < max_level) + { + get_node_children_names_impl(node->mChildren[i], names, level + 1, max_level); + } + } + } }; +TEST_F(utMDLImporter_HL1_Nodes, checkBoneHierarchy) { + checkBoneHierarchy(); +} + TEST_F(utMDLImporter_HL1_Nodes, emptyBonesNames) { emptyBonesNames(); } diff --git a/test/unit/ut3DImportExport.cpp b/test/unit/ut3DImportExport.cpp index 5ff1d7940..32b77ddf8 100644 --- a/test/unit/ut3DImportExport.cpp +++ b/test/unit/ut3DImportExport.cpp @@ -65,3 +65,24 @@ TEST(ut3DImportExport, importBoxUC) { const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/3D/box.uc", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); } + + +TEST(ut3DImportExport, importMarRifle) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_NONBSD_DIR "/3D/mar_rifle.uc", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST(ut3DImportExport, importMarRifleA) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_NONBSD_DIR "/3D/mar_rifle_a.3d", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST(ut3DImportExport, importMarRifleD) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_NONBSD_DIR "/3D/mar_rifle_d.3d", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} diff --git a/test/unit/ut3DSImportExport.cpp b/test/unit/ut3DSImportExport.cpp index 01406362d..7279227fc 100644 --- a/test/unit/ut3DSImportExport.cpp +++ b/test/unit/ut3DSImportExport.cpp @@ -70,3 +70,115 @@ TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, import3DSformatdetection) { EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); } + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importCameraRollAnim) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/3DS/CameraRollAnim.3ds", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importCameraRollAnimWithChildObject) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/3DS/CameraRollAnimWithChildObject.3ds", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importCubesWithAlpha) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/3DS/cubes_with_alpha.3DS", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importCubeWithDiffuseTexture) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/3DS/cube_with_diffuse_texture.3DS", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importCubeWithSpecularTexture) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/3DS/cube_with_specular_texture.3DS", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importRotatingCube) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/3DS/RotatingCube.3DS", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importTargetCameraAnim) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/3DS/TargetCameraAnim.3ds", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importTest1) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/3DS/test1.3ds", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importCartWheel) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_NONBSD_DIR "/3DS/cart_wheel.3DS", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importGranate) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_NONBSD_DIR "/3DS/Granate.3DS", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importJeep1) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_NONBSD_DIR "/3DS/jeep1.3ds", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importMarRifle) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_NONBSD_DIR "/3DS/mar_rifle.3ds", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importMp5Sil) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_NONBSD_DIR "/3DS/mp5_sil.3ds", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(ut3DSImportExport, importPyramob) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_NONBSD_DIR "/3DS/pyramob.3DS", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} diff --git a/test/unit/utAMFImportExport.cpp b/test/unit/utAMFImportExport.cpp index 78309a105..7319320cf 100644 --- a/test/unit/utAMFImportExport.cpp +++ b/test/unit/utAMFImportExport.cpp @@ -60,6 +60,81 @@ TEST_F(utAMFImportExport, importAMFFromFileTest) { EXPECT_TRUE(importerTest()); } + +// TODO: test models-nonbsd/AMF/3_bananas.amf.7z +// requires uncompressing it in memory and we don't currently have 7z decompressor + + +TEST_F(utAMFImportExport, importTest2) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/AMF/test2.amf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utAMFImportExport, importTest3) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/AMF/test3.amf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utAMFImportExport, importTest4) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/AMF/test4.amf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utAMFImportExport, importTest5) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/AMF/test5.amf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utAMFImportExport, importTest5a) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/AMF/test5a.amf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utAMFImportExport, importTest6) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/AMF/test6.amf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utAMFImportExport, importTest7) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/AMF/test7.amf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +#if 0 +// FIXME: these tests are disabled because they leak memory in AMFImporter_Postprocess.cpp + + +TEST_F(utAMFImportExport, importTest8) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/AMF/test8.amf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utAMFImportExport, importTest9) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/AMF/test9.amf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +#endif // 0 + + TEST_F(utAMFImportExport, importAMFWithMatFromFileTest) { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/AMF/test_with_mat.amf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); diff --git a/test/unit/utASEImportExport.cpp b/test/unit/utASEImportExport.cpp index 8014cbbc7..af05a2fe5 100644 --- a/test/unit/utASEImportExport.cpp +++ b/test/unit/utASEImportExport.cpp @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include +#include using namespace Assimp; @@ -63,3 +64,112 @@ public: TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importACFromFileTest) { EXPECT_TRUE(importerTest()); } + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importAnim1) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/anim.ASE", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importAnim2) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/anim2.ASE", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importCameraRollAnim) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/CameraRollAnim.ase", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importMotionCaptureROM) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/MotionCaptureROM.ase", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importRotatingCube) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/RotatingCube.ASE", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importTargetCameraAnim) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/TargetCameraAnim.ase", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importTestFormatDetection) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/TestFormatDetection", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importThreeCubesGreen) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/ThreeCubesGreen.ASE", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); + + ::Assimp::Importer importerLE; + const aiScene *sceneLE = importerLE.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/ThreeCubesGreen_UTF16LE.ASE", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, sceneLE); + + ::Assimp::Importer importerBE; + const aiScene *sceneBE = importerBE.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/ThreeCubesGreen_UTF16BE.ASE", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, sceneBE); + + // TODO: these scenes should probably be identical + // verify that is the case and then add tests to check it +} + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importUVTransform_Normal) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/TestUVTransform/UVTransform_Normal.ASE", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importUVTransform_ScaleUV1_2_OffsetUV0_0_9_Rotate_72_mirrorU) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/TestUVTransform/UVTransform_ScaleUV1-2_OffsetUV0-0.9_Rotate-72_mirrorU.ase", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importUVTransform_ScaleUV2x) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/TestUVTransform/UVTransform_ScaleUV2x.ASE", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utASEImportExport, importUVTransform_ScaleUV2x_Rotate45) { + ::Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/ASE/TestUVTransform/UVTransform_ScaleUV2x_Rotate45.ASE", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} diff --git a/test/unit/utBVHImportExport.cpp b/test/unit/utBVHImportExport.cpp index d69ac7987..5a0ff1e10 100644 --- a/test/unit/utBVHImportExport.cpp +++ b/test/unit/utBVHImportExport.cpp @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ public: } }; -TEST_F(utBVHImportExport, importBlenFromFileTest) { +TEST_F(utBVHImportExport, import01_01) { EXPECT_TRUE(importerTest()); } + + +TEST_F(utBVHImportExport, import01_03) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/BVH/01_03.bvh", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utBVHImportExport, importBoxingToes) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/BVH/Boxing_Toes.bvh", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} diff --git a/test/unit/utDXFImporterExporter.cpp b/test/unit/utDXFImporterExporter.cpp index 9193946b5..53c5328e4 100644 --- a/test/unit/utDXFImporterExporter.cpp +++ b/test/unit/utDXFImporterExporter.cpp @@ -71,3 +71,17 @@ TEST_F(utDXFImporterExporter, issue2229) { const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/DXF/issue_2229.dxf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); } + + +TEST_F(utDXFImporterExporter, importWuson) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/DXF/wuson.dxf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} + + +TEST_F(utDXFImporterExporter, importRifle) { + Assimp::Importer importer; + const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_NONBSD_DIR "/DXF/rifle.dxf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); + EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); +} diff --git a/test/unit/utglTF2ImportExport.cpp b/test/unit/utglTF2ImportExport.cpp index ef3fc4137..957a94b15 100644 --- a/test/unit/utglTF2ImportExport.cpp +++ b/test/unit/utglTF2ImportExport.cpp @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ TEST_F(utglTF2ImportExport, importglTF2PrimitiveModeLines) { const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/glTF2/glTF-Asset-Generator/Mesh_PrimitiveMode/Mesh_PrimitiveMode_08.gltf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mNumVertices, 4u); - std::array l1 = { { 0u, 3u, 2u, 1u, 0u } }; + std::array l1 = { { 0u, 1u, 2u, 3u, 0u } }; EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[0].mNumIndices, 2u); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scene->mMeshes[0]->mNumFaces; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[i].mIndices[0], l1[i]); @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ TEST_F(utglTF2ImportExport, importglTF2PrimitiveModeLineLoop) { const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/glTF2/glTF-Asset-Generator/Mesh_PrimitiveMode/Mesh_PrimitiveMode_09.gltf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mNumVertices, 4u); - std::array l1 = { { 0, 3u, 2u, 1u, 0u } }; + std::array l1 = { { 0, 1u, 2u, 3u, 0u } }; EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[0].mNumIndices, 2u); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scene->mMeshes[0]->mNumFaces; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[i].mIndices[0], l1[i]); @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ TEST_F(utglTF2ImportExport, importglTF2PrimitiveModeLineStrip) { const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/glTF2/glTF-Asset-Generator/Mesh_PrimitiveMode/Mesh_PrimitiveMode_10.gltf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mNumVertices, 4u); - std::array l1 = { { 0u, 3u, 2u, 1u, 0u } }; + std::array l1 = { { 0u, 1u, 2u, 3u, 0u } }; EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[0].mNumIndices, 2u); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scene->mMeshes[0]->mNumFaces; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[i].mIndices[0], l1[i]); @@ -423,13 +423,13 @@ TEST_F(utglTF2ImportExport, importglTF2PrimitiveModeTrianglesStrip) { EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mNumFaces, 2u); EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mNumVertices, 4u); - std::array f1 = { { 0u, 3u, 1u } }; + std::array f1 = { { 0u, 1u, 2u } }; EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[0].mNumIndices, 3u); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[0].mIndices[i], f1[i]); } - std::array f2 = { { 1u, 3u, 2u } }; + std::array f2 = { { 2u, 1u, 3u } }; EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[1].mNumIndices, 3u); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[1].mIndices[i], f2[i]); @@ -443,13 +443,13 @@ TEST_F(utglTF2ImportExport, importglTF2PrimitiveModeTrianglesFan) { EXPECT_NE(nullptr, scene); EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mNumVertices, 4u); EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mNumFaces, 2u); - std::array f1 = { { 0u, 3u, 2u } }; + std::array f1 = { { 0u, 1u, 2u } }; EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[0].mNumIndices, 3u); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[0].mIndices[i], f1[i]); } - std::array f2 = { { 0u, 2u, 1u } }; + std::array f2 = { { 0u, 2u, 3u } }; EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[1].mNumIndices, 3u); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(scene->mMeshes[0]->mFaces[1].mIndices[i], f2[i]);