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/** @file Helper class to parse a XFile into a temporary structure */
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "../include/aiTypes.h"
namespace Assimp
namespace XFile
struct Node;
struct Mesh;
struct Scene;
struct Material;
struct Animation;
struct AnimBone;
/** The XFileParser reads a XFile either in text or binary form and builds a temporary
* data structure out of it.
class XFileParser
/** Constructor. Creates a data structure out of the XFile given in the memory block.
* @param pBuffer Memory buffer containing the XFile
XFileParser( const std::vector<char>& pBuffer);
/** Destructor. Destroys all imported data along with it */
/** Returns the temporary representation of the imported data */
const XFile::Scene* GetImportedData() const { return mScene; }
void ParseFile();
void ParseDataObjectTemplate();
void ParseDataObjectFrame( XFile::Node *pParent);
void ParseDataObjectTransformationMatrix( aiMatrix4x4& pMatrix);
void ParseDataObjectMesh( XFile::Mesh* pMesh);
void ParseDataObjectSkinWeights( XFile::Mesh* pMesh);
void ParseDataObjectSkinMeshHeader( XFile::Mesh* pMesh);
void ParseDataObjectMeshNormals( XFile::Mesh* pMesh);
void ParseDataObjectMeshTextureCoords( XFile::Mesh* pMesh);
void ParseDataObjectMeshVertexColors( XFile::Mesh* pMesh);
void ParseDataObjectMeshMaterialList( XFile::Mesh* pMesh);
void ParseDataObjectMaterial( XFile::Material* pMaterial);
void ParseDataObjectAnimTicksPerSecond();
void ParseDataObjectAnimationSet();
void ParseDataObjectAnimation( XFile::Animation* pAnim);
void ParseDataObjectAnimationKey( XFile::AnimBone *pAnimBone);
void ParseDataObjectTextureFilename( std::string& pName);
void ParseUnknownDataObject();
//! places pointer to next begin of a token, and ignores comments
void FindNextNoneWhiteSpace();
//! returns next parseable token. Returns empty string if no token there
std::string GetNextToken();
//! reads header of dataobject including the opening brace.
//! returns false if error happened, and writes name of object
//! if there is one
void readHeadOfDataObject( std::string* poName = NULL);
//! checks for closing curly brace, throws exception if not there
void CheckForClosingBrace();
//! checks for one following semicolon, throws exception if not there
void CheckForSemicolon();
//! checks for a separator char, either a ',' or a ';'
void CheckForSeparator();
//! reads a x file style string
void GetNextTokenAsString( std::string& poString);
void ReadUntilEndOfLine();
unsigned short ReadBinWord();
unsigned int ReadBinDWord();
unsigned int ReadInt();
float ReadFloat();
aiVector2D ReadVector2();
aiVector3D ReadVector3();
aiColor3D ReadRGB();
aiColor4D ReadRGBA();
/** Throws an exception with a line number and the given text. */
void ThrowException( const std::string& pText);
/** Filters the imported hierarchy for some degenerated cases that some exporters produce.
* @param pData The sub-hierarchy to filter
void FilterHierarchy( XFile::Node* pNode);
unsigned int mMajorVersion, mMinorVersion; ///< version numbers
bool mIsBinaryFormat; ///< true if the file is in binary, false if it's in text form
unsigned int mBinaryFloatSize; ///< float size, either 32 or 64 bits
// counter for number arrays in binary format
unsigned int mBinaryNumCount;
const char* P;
const char* End;
/// Line number when reading in text format
unsigned int mLineNumber;
/// Imported data
XFile::Scene* mScene;