2018-10-06 06:45:55 +00:00
Open Asset Import Library ( ASSIMP )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Copyright ( c ) 2006 - 2010 , ASSIMP Development Team
All rights reserved .
Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms ,
with or without modification , are permitted provided that the
following conditions are met :
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
copyright notice , this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer .
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice , this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and / or other
materials provided with the distribution .
* Neither the name of the ASSIMP team , nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior
written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# include "code/Importer/StepFile/StepReaderGen.h"
namespace Assimp {
using namespace StepFile ;
namespace STEP {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < classification_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , classification_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to classification_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_class' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : classification_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_class , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to classification_assignment to be a `group` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : classification_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to classification_assignment to be a `classification_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_classification_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_classification_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < classification_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to applied_classification_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to applied_classification_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF classification_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < contract_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , contract_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to contract_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_contract' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : contract_assignment , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_contract , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to contract_assignment to be a `contract` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_contract_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_contract_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < contract_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to applied_contract_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to applied_contract_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF contract_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < date_and_time_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , date_and_time_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to date_and_time_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_date_and_time' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : date_and_time_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_date_and_time , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to date_and_time_assignment to be a `date_and_time` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : date_and_time_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to date_and_time_assignment to be a `date_time_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_date_and_time_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_date_and_time_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < date_and_time_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to applied_date_and_time_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to applied_date_and_time_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF date_and_time_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < date_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , date_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to date_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_date' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : date_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_date , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to date_assignment to be a `date` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : date_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to date_assignment to be a `date_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_date_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_date_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < date_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to applied_date_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to applied_date_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF date_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < document_reference > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , document_reference * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to document_reference " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_document' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : document_reference , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_document , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to document_reference to be a `document` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'source' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : document_reference , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > source , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to document_reference to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_document_reference > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_document_reference * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < document_reference * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to applied_document_reference " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to applied_document_reference to be a `SET [1:?] OF document_reference_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < document_usage_constraint_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , document_usage_constraint_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to document_usage_constraint_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_document_usage' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : document_usage_constraint_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_document_usage , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to document_usage_constraint_assignment to be a `document_usage_constraint` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : document_usage_constraint_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to document_usage_constraint_assignment to be a `document_usage_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_document_usage_constraint_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_document_usage_constraint_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < document_usage_constraint_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to applied_document_usage_constraint_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to applied_document_usage_constraint_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF document_reference_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < effectivity_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , effectivity_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to effectivity_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_effectivity' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : effectivity_assignment , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_effectivity , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to effectivity_assignment to be a `effectivity` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_effectivity_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_effectivity_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < effectivity_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to applied_effectivity_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to applied_effectivity_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF effectivity_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < event_occurrence_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , event_occurrence_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to event_occurrence_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_event_occurrence' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : event_occurrence_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_event_occurrence , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to event_occurrence_assignment to be a `event_occurrence` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : event_occurrence_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + s td : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to event_occurrence_assignment to be a `event_occurrence_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_event_occurrence_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_event_occurrence_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < event_occurrence_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to applied_event_occurrence_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to applied_event_occurrence_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF event_occurrence_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < identification_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , identification_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to identification_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_id' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : identification_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_id , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to identification_assignment to be a `identifier` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : identification_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to identification_assignment to be a `identification_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < external_identification_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , external_identification_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < identification_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to external_identification_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'source' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : external_identification_assignment , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > source , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to external_identification_assignment to be a `external_source` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_external_identification_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_external_identification_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < external_identification_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to applied_external_identification_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to applied_external_identification_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF external_identification_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < group_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , group_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to group_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_group' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : group_assignment , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_group , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to group_assignment to be a `group` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_group_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_group_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < group_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to applied_group_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to applied_group_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF groupable_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_identification_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_identification_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < identification_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to applied_identification_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to applied_identification_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF identification_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < name_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , name_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to name_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : name_assignment , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to name_assignment to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_name_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_name_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < name_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to applied_name_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'item' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > item , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to applied_name_assignment to be a `name_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < organization_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , organization_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to organization_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_organization' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : organization_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_organization , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to organization_assignment to be a `organization` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : organization_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to organization_assignment to be a `organization_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_organization_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_organization_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < organization_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to applied_organization_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to applied_organization_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF organization_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < organizational_project_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , organizational_project_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to organizational_project_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_organizational_project' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : organizational_project_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_organizational_project , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to organizational_project_assignment to be a `organizational_project` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : organizational_project_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to organizational_project_assignment to be a `organizational_project_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_organizational_project_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_organizational_project_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < organizational_project_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to applied_organizational_project_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to applied_organizational_project_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF project_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < person_and_organization_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , person_and_organization_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to person_and_organization_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_person_and_organization' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : person_and_organization_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_person_and_organization , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to person_and_organization_assignment to be a `person_and_organization` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : person_and_organization_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to person_and_organization_assignment to be a `person_and_organization_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_person_and_organization_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_person_and_organization_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < person_and_organization_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to applied_person_and_organization_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to applied_person_and_organization_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF person_and_organization_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < presented_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , presented_item * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_presented_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_presented_item * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < presented_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to applied_presented_item " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to applied_presented_item to be a `SET [1:?] OF presented_item_select` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < security_classification_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , security_classification_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to security_classification_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_security_classification' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : security_classification_assignment , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_security_classification , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to security_classification_assignment to be a `security_classification` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_security_classification_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_security_classification_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < security_classification_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to applied_security_classification_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to applied_security_classification_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF security_classification_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < time_interval_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , time_interval_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to time_interval_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_time_interval' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : time_interval_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_time_interval , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to time_interval_assignment to be a `time_interval` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : time_interval_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to time_interval_assignment to be a `time_interval_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_time_interval_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_time_interval_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < time_interval_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to applied_time_interval_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to applied_time_interval_assignment to be a `SET [0:?] OF time_interval_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < applied_usage_right > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , applied_usage_right * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < applied_action_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to applied_usage_right " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < area_in_set > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , area_in_set * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to area_in_set " ) ; } do { // convert the 'area' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : area_in_set , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > area , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to area_in_set to be a `presentation_area` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'in_set' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : area_in_set , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > in_set , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to area_in_set to be a `presentation_set` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < area_measure_with_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , area_measure_with_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < measure_with_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to area_measure_with_unit " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < area_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , area_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < derived_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to area_unit " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < product_definition_relationship > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , product_definition_relationship * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to product_definition_relationship " ) ; } do { // convert the 'id' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_definition_relationship , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > id , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to product_definition_relationship to be a `identifier` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_definition_relationship , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to product_definition_relationship to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_definition_relationship , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to product_definition_relationship to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'relating_product_definition' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_definition_relationship , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 3 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > relating_product_definition , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to product_definition_relationship to be a `product_definition` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'related_product_definition' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_definition_relationship , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 4 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > related_product_definition , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to product_definition_relationship to be a `product_definition` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < product_definition_usage > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , product_definition_usage * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to product_definition_usage " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < assembly_component_usage > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , assembly_component_usage * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition_usage * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 6 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 6 arguments to assembly_component_usage " ) ; } do { // convert the 'reference_designator' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : assembly_component_usage , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > reference_designator , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 5 to assembly_component_usage to be a `identifier` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < assigned_requirement > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , assigned_requirement * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < group_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to assigned_requirement " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to assigned_requirement to be a `SET [1:1] OF product_definition` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < compound_representation_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , compound_representation_item * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to compound_representation_item " ) ; } do { // convert the 'item_element' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : compound_representation_item , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > item_element , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to compound_representation_item to be a `compound_item_definition` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < atomic_formula > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , atomic_formula * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < compound_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to atomic_formula " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < attribute_assertion > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , attribute_assertion * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < attribute_language_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , attribute_language_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < attribute_classification_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to attribute_language_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to attribute_language_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF attribute_language_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < attribute_value_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , attribute_value_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to attribute_value_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'attribute_name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : attribute_value_assignment , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > attribute_name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to attribute_value_assignment to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'attribute_value' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : attribute_value_assignment , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > attribute_value , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to attribute_value_assignment to be a `attribute_type` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : attribute_value_assignment , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to attribute_value_assignment to be a `attribute_value_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < auxiliary_geometric_representation_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , auxiliary_geometric_representation_item * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < placement > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , placement * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to placement " ) ; } do { // convert the 'location' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : placement , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > location , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to placement to be a `cartesian_point` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < axis1_placement > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , axis1_placement * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < placement * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to axis1_placement " ) ; } do { // convert the 'axis' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > axis , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to axis1_placement to be a `direction` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < axis2_placement_2d > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , axis2_placement_2d * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < placement * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to axis2_placement_2d " ) ; } do { // convert the 'ref_direction' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > ref_direction , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to axis2_placement_2d to be a `direction` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < axis2_placement_3d > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , axis2_placement_3d * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < placement * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to axis2_placement_3d " ) ; } do { // convert the 'axis' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > axis , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to axis2_placement_3d to be a `direction` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'ref_direction' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > ref_direction , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to axis2_placement_3d to be a `direction` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < curve > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , curve * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to curve " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < bounded_curve > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , bounded_curve * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < curve * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to bounded_curve " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < b_spline_curve > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , b_spline_curve * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < bounded_curve * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 6 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 6 arguments to b_spline_curve " ) ; } do { // convert the 'degree' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : b_spline_curve , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > degree , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to b_spline_curve to be a `INTEGER` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'control_points_list' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : b_spline_curve , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > control_points_list , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to b_spline_curve to be a `LIST [2:?] OF cartesian_point` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'curve_form' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : b_spline_curve , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > curve_form , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to b_spline_curve to be a `b_spline_curve_form` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'closed_curve' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : b_spline_curve , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 3 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > closed_curve , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to b_spline_curve to be a `LOGICAL` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'self_intersect' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : b_spline_curve , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 4 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > self_intersect , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 5 to b_spline_curve to be a `LOGICAL` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < b_spline_curve_with_knots > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , b_spline_curve_with_knots * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < b_spline_curve * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 9 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 9 arguments to b_spline_curve_with_knots " ) ; } do { // convert the 'knot_multiplicities' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > knot_multiplicities , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 6 to b_spline_curve_with_knots to be a `LIST [2:?] OF INTEGER` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'knots' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > knots , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 7 to b_spline_curve_with_knots to be a `LIST [2:?] OF parameter_value` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'knot_spec' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > knot_spec , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 8 to b_spline_curve_with_knots to be a `knot_type` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < surface > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , surface * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to surface " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < bounded_surface > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , bounded_surface * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < surface * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to bounded_surface " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < b_spline_surface > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , b_spline_surface * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < bounded_surface * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 7 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 7 arguments to b_spline_surface " ) ; } do { // convert the 'u_degree' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : b_spline_surface , 6 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > u_degree , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to b_spline_surface to be a `INTEGER` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'v_degree' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : b_spline_surface , 6 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > v_degree , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to b_spline_surface to be a `INTEGER` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'surface_form' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : b_spline_surface , 6 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > surface_form , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to b_spline_surface to be a `b_spline_surface_form` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'u_closed' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : b_spline_surface , 6 > : : aux_is_derived [ 3 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > u_closed , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to b_spline_surface to be a `LOGICAL` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'v_closed' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : b_spline_surface , 6 > : : aux_is_derived [ 4 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > v_closed , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 5 to b_spline_surface to be a `LOGICAL` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'self_intersect' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : b_spline_surface , 6 > : : aux_is_derived [ 5 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > self_intersect , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 6 to b_spline_surface to be a `LOGICAL` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < b_spline_surface_with_knots > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , b_spline_surface_with_knots * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < b_spline_surface * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 12 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 12 arguments to b_spline_surface_with_knots " ) ; } do { // convert the 'u_multiplicities' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > u_multiplicities , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 7 to b_spline_surface_with_knots to be a `LIST [2:?] OF INTEGER` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'v_multiplicities' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > v_multiplicities , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 8 to b_spline_surface_with_knots to be a `LIST [2:?] OF INTEGER` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'u_knots' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > u_knots , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 9 to b_spline_surface_with_knots to be a `LIST [2:?] OF parameter_value` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'v_knots' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > v_knots , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 10 to b_spline_surface_with_knots to be a `LIST [2:?] OF parameter_value` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'knot_spec' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > knot_spec , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 11 to b_spline_surface_with_knots to be a `knot_type` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < product_definition > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , product_definition * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to product_definition " ) ; } do { // convert the 'id' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_definition , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > id , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to product_definition to be a `identifier` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_definition , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to product_definition to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'formation' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_definition , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > formation , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to product_definition to be a `product_definition_formation` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'frame_of_reference' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_definition , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 3 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > frame_of_reference , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to product_definition to be a `product_definition_context` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < rule_software_definition > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , rule_software_definition * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to rule_software_definition " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < rule_definition > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , rule_definition * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < rule_software_definition * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to rule_definition " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < back_chaining_rule > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , back_chaining_rule * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < rule_definition * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to back_chaining_rule " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < back_chaining_rule_body > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , back_chaining_rule_body * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < colour > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , colour * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < background_colour > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , background_colour * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < colour * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to background_colour " ) ; } do { // convert the 'presentation' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > presentation , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to background_colour to be a `area_or_view` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < beveled_sheet_representation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , beveled_sheet_representation * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < shape_representation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to beveled_sheet_representation " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < bezier_curve > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , bezier_curve * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < b_spline_curve * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 6 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 6 arguments to bezier_curve " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < bezier_surface > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , bezier_surface * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < b_spline_surface * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 7 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 7 arguments to bezier_surface " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < generic_expression > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , generic_expression * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < binary_generic_expression > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , binary_generic_expression * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < generic_expression * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to binary_generic_expression " ) ; } do { // convert the 'operands' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > operands , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to binary_generic_expression to be a `LIST [2:2] OF generic_expression` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < binary_numeric_expression > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , binary_numeric_expression * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < binary_representation_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , binary_representation_item * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to binary_representation_item " ) ; } do { // convert the 'binary_value' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : binary_representation_item , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > binary_value , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to binary_representation_item to be a `BINARY` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < block > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , block * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to block " ) ; } do { // convert the 'position' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > position , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to block to be a `axis2_placement_3d` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'x' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > x , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to block to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'y' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > y , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to block to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'z' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > z , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to block to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < expression > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , expression * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < generic_expression * > ( in ) ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < boolean_expression > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , boolean_expression * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < expression * > ( in ) ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < boolean_literal > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , boolean_literal * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to boolean_literal " ) ; } do { // convert the 'the_value' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > the_value , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to boolean_literal to be a `BOOLEAN` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < boolean_representation_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , boolean_representation_item * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < boolean_result > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , boolean_result * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to boolean_result " ) ; } do { // convert the 'operator' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > operator_ , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to boolean_result to be a `boolean_operator` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'first_operand' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > first_operand , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to boolean_result to be a `boolean_operand` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'second_operand' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > second_operand , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to boolean_result to be a `boolean_operand` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_curve > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_curve * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < bounded_curve * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to composite_curve " ) ; } do { // convert the 'segments' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : composite_curve , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > segments , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to composite_curve to be a `LIST [1:?] OF composite_curve_segment` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'self_intersect' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : composite_curve , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > self_intersect , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to composite_curve to be a `LOGICAL` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_curve_on_surface > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_curve_on_surface * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < composite_curve * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to composite_curve_on_surface " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < boundary_curve > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , boundary_curve * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < composite_curve_on_surface * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to boundary_curve " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < bounded_pcurve > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , bounded_pcurve * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < bounded_surface_curve > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , bounded_surface_curve * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < founded_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , founded_item * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < box_domain > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , box_domain * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < founded_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to box_domain " ) ; } do { // convert the 'corner' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > corner , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to box_domain to be a `cartesian_point` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'xlength' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > xlength , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to box_domain to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'ylength' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > ylength , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to box_domain to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'zlength' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > zlength , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to box_domain to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < half_space_solid > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , half_space_solid * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to half_space_solid " ) ; } do { // convert the 'base_surface' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : half_space_solid , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > base_surface , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to half_space_solid to be a `surface` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'agreement_flag' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : half_space_solid , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > agreement_flag , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to half_space_solid to be a `BOOLEAN` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < boxed_half_space > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , boxed_half_space * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < half_space_solid * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to boxed_half_space " ) ; } do { // convert the 'enclosure' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > enclosure , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to boxed_half_space to be a `box_domain` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < breakdown_context > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , breakdown_context * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to breakdown_context " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < breakdown_element_group_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , breakdown_element_group_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < group_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to breakdown_element_group_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to breakdown_element_group_assignment to be a `SET [1:1] OF product_definition_or_breakdown_element_usage` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < breakdown_element_realization > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , breakdown_element_realization * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < breakdown_element_usage > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , breakdown_element_usage * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to breakdown_element_usage " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < breakdown_of > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , breakdown_of * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to breakdown_of " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < solid_model > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , solid_model * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to solid_model " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < manifold_solid_brep > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , manifold_solid_brep * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < solid_model * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to manifold_solid_brep " ) ; } do { // convert the 'outer' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : manifold_solid_brep , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > outer , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to manifold_solid_brep to be a `closed_shell` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < brep_with_voids > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , brep_with_voids * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < manifold_solid_brep * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to brep_with_voids " ) ; } do { // convert the 'voids' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > voids , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to brep_with_voids to be a `SET [1:?] OF oriented_closed_shell` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < bytes_representation_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , bytes_representation_item * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < binary_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to bytes_representation_item " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < date > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , date * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to date " ) ; } do { // convert the 'year_component' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : date , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > year_component , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to date to be a `year_number` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < calendar_date > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , calendar_date * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < date * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to calendar_date " ) ; } do { // convert the 'day_component' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > day_component , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to calendar_date to be a `day_in_month_number` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'month_component' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > month_component , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to calendar_date to be a `month_in_year_number` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < camera_image > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , camera_image * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < mapped_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to camera_image " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < camera_image_3d_with_scale > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , camera_image_3d_with_scale * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < camera_image * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to camera_image_3d_with_scale " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < camera_model > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , camera_model * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to camera_model " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < camera_model_d3 > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , camera_model_d3 * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < camera_model * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to camera_model_d3 " ) ; } do { // convert the 'view_reference_system' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : camera_model_d3 , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > view_reference_system , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to camera_model_d3 to be a `axis2_placement_3d` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'perspective_of_volume' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : camera_model_d3 , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > perspective_of_volume , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to camera_model_d3 to be a `view_volume` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < camera_model_d3_multi_clipping > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , camera_model_d3_multi_clipping * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < camera_model_d3 * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to camera_model_d3_multi_clipping " ) ; } do { // convert the 'shape_clipping' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > shape_clipping , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to camera_model_d3_multi_clipping to be a `SET [1:?] OF camera_model_d3_multi_clipping_interection_select` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < camera_model_d3_multi_clipping_intersection > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , camera_model_d3_multi_clipping_intersection * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to camera_model_d3_multi_clipping_intersection " ) ; } do { // convert the 'shape_clipping' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > shape_clipping , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to camera_model_d3_multi_clipping_intersection to be a `SET [2:?] OF camera_model_d3_multi_clipping_interection_select` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < camera_model_d3_multi_clipping_union > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , camera_model_d3_multi_clipping_union * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to camera_model_d3_multi_clipping_union " ) ; } do { // convert the 'shape_clipping' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > shape_clipping , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to camera_model_d3_multi_clipping_union to be a `SET [2:?] OF camera_model_d3_multi_clipping_union_select` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < camera_model_d3_with_hlhsr > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , camera_model_d3_with_hlhsr * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < camera_model_d3 * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to camera_model_d3_with_hlhsr " ) ; } do { // convert the 'hidden_line_surface_removal' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > hidden_line_surface_removal , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to camera_model_d3_with_hlhsr to be a `BOOLEAN` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < camera_model_with_light_sources > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , camera_model_with_light_sources * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < camera_model_d3 * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to camera_model_with_light_sources " ) ; } do { // convert the 'sources' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > sources , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to camera_model_with_light_sources to be a `SET [1:?] OF light_source` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < representation_map > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , representation_map * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to representation_map " ) ; } do { // convert the 'mapping_origin' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : representation_map , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > mapping_origin , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to representation_map to be a `representation_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'mapped_representation' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : representation_map , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > mapped_representation , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to representation_map to be a `representation` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < camera_usage > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , camera_usage * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation_map * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to camera_usage " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < capacitance_measure_with_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , capacitance_measure_with_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < measure_with_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to capacitance_measure_with_unit " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < capacitance_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , capacitance_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < derived_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to capacitance_unit " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < point > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , point * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to point " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cartesian_point > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cartesian_point * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < point * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to cartesian_point " ) ; } do { // convert the 'coordinates' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > coordinates , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to cartesian_point to be a `LIST [1:3] OF length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cartesian_transformation_operator > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cartesian_transformation_operator * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to cartesian_transformation_operator " ) ; } do { // convert the 'axis1' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : cartesian_transformation_operator , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > axis1 , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to cartesian_transformation_operator to be a `direction` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'axis2' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : cartesian_transformation_operator , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > axis2 , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to cartesian_transformation_operator to be a `direction` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'local_origin' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : cartesian_transformation_operator , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > local_origin , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to cartesian_transformation_operator to be a `cartesian_point` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'scale' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : cartesian_transformation_operator , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 3 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > scale , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to cartesian_transformation_operator to be a `REAL` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cartesian_transformation_operator_2d > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cartesian_transformation_operator_2d * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < cartesian_transformation_operator * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to cartesian_transformation_operator_2d " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cartesian_transformation_operator_3d > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cartesian_transformation_operator_3d * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < cartesian_transformation_operator * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to cartesian_transformation_operator_3d " ) ; } do { // convert the 'axis3' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > axis3 , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to cartesian_transformation_operator_3d to be a `direction` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cc_design_approval > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cc_design_approval * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < approval_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to cc_design_approval " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to cc_design_approval to be a `SET [1:?] OF approved_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cc_design_certification > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cc_design_certification * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < certification_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to cc_design_certification " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to cc_design_certification to be a `SET [1:?] OF certified_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cc_design_contract > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cc_design_contract * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < contract_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to cc_design_contract " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to cc_design_contract to be a `SET [1:?] OF contracted_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cc_design_date_and_time_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cc_design_date_and_time_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < date_and_time_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to cc_design_date_and_time_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to cc_design_date_and_time_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF date_time_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cc_design_person_and_organization_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cc_design_person_and_organization_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < person_and_organization_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to cc_design_person_and_organization_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to cc_design_person_and_organization_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF cc_person_organization_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cc_design_security_classification > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cc_design_security_classification * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < security_classification_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to cc_design_security_classification " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to cc_design_security_classification to be a `SET [1:?] OF cc_classified_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cc_design_specification_reference > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cc_design_specification_reference * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < document_reference * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to cc_design_specification_reference " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to cc_design_specification_reference to be a `SET [1:?] OF cc_specified_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < celsius_temperature_measure_with_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , celsius_temperature_measure_with_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < measure_with_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to celsius_temperature_measure_with_unit " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < centre_of_symmetry > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , centre_of_symmetry * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < derived_shape_aspect * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to centre_of_symmetry " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < change > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , change * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < action_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to change " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to change to be a `SET [1:?] OF work_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < change_request > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , change_request * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < action_request_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to change_request " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to change_request to be a `SET [1:?] OF change_request_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < character_glyph_style_outline > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , character_glyph_style_outline * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < founded_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to character_glyph_style_outline " ) ; } do { // convert the 'outline_style' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > outline_style , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to character_glyph_style_outline to be a `curve_style` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < character_glyph_style_stroke > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , character_glyph_style_stroke * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < founded_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to character_glyph_style_stroke " ) ; } do { // convert the 'stroke_style' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > stroke_style , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to character_glyph_style_stroke to be a `curve_style` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < symbol_representation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , symbol_representation * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to symbol_representation " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < generic_character_glyph_symbol > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , generic_character_glyph_symbol * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < symbol_representation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to generic_character_glyph_symbol " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < character_glyph_symbol > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , character_glyph_symbol * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < generic_character_glyph_symbol * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to character_glyph_symbol " ) ; } do { // convert the 'character_box' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : character_glyph_symbol , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > character_box , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to character_glyph_symbol to be a `planar_extent` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'baseline_ratio' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : character_glyph_symbol , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > baseline_ratio , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to character_glyph_symbol to be a `ratio_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < character_glyph_symbol_outline > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , character_glyph_symbol_outline * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < character_glyph_symbol * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 6 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 6 arguments to character_glyph_symbol_outline " ) ; } do { // convert the 'outlines' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > outlines , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 5 to character_glyph_symbol_outline to be a `SET [1:?] OF annotation_fill_area` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < character_glyph_symbol_stroke > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , character_glyph_symbol_stroke * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < character_glyph_symbol * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 6 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 6 arguments to character_glyph_symbol_stroke " ) ; } do { // convert the 'strokes' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > strokes , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 5 to character_glyph_symbol_stroke to be a `SET [1:?] OF curve` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < general_property > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , general_property * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to general_property " ) ; } do { // convert the 'id' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : general_property , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > id , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to general_property to be a `identifier` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : general_property , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to general_property to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : general_property , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to general_property to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < characteristic_data_column_header > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , characteristic_data_column_header * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < general_property * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to characteristic_data_column_header " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < general_property_relationship > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , general_property_relationship * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to general_property_relationship " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : general_property_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to general_property_relationship to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : general_property_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to general_property_relationship to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'relating_property' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : general_property_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > relating_property , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to general_property_relationship to be a `general_property` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'related_property' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : general_property_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 3 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > related_property , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to general_property_relationship to be a `general_property` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < characteristic_data_column_header_link > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , characteristic_data_column_header_link * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < general_property_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to characteristic_data_column_header_link " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < characteristic_data_table_header > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , characteristic_data_table_header * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < general_property * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to characteristic_data_table_header " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < characteristic_data_table_header_decomposition > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , characteristic_data_table_header_decomposition * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < general_property_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to characteristic_data_table_header_decomposition " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < group > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , group * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to group " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : group , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to group to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : group , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to group to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < characteristic_type > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , characteristic_type * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < group * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to characteristic_type " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < characterized_class > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , characterized_class * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < characterized_object > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , characterized_object * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to characterized_object " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : characterized_object , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to characterized_object to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : characterized_object , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to characterized_object to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < conic > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , conic * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < curve * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to conic " ) ; } do { // convert the 'position' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : conic , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > position , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to conic to be a `axis2_placement` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < circle > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , circle * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < conic * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to circle " ) ; } do { // convert the 'radius' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > radius , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to circle to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < circular_runout_tolerance > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , circular_runout_tolerance * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_tolerance_with_datum_reference * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to circular_runout_tolerance " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < class_by_extension > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , class_by_extension * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < class_t * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to class_by_extension " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < class_by_intension > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , class_by_intension * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < class_t * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to class_by_intension " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < class_system > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , class_system * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < group * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to class_system " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < effectivity_context_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , effectivity_context_assignment * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to effectivity_context_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'assigned_effectivity_assignment' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : effectivity_context_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > assigned_effectivity_assignment , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to effectivity_context_assignment to be a `effectivity_assignment` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'role' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : effectivity_context_assignment , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > role , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to effectivity_context_assignment to be a `effectivity_context_role` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < class_usage_effectivity_context_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , class_usage_effectivity_context_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < effectivity_context_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to class_usage_effectivity_context_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to class_usage_effectivity_context_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF class_usage_effectivity_context_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < topological_representation_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , topological_representation_item * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to topological_representation_item " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < connected_face_set > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , connected_face_set * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < topological_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to connected_face_set " ) ; } do { // convert the 'cfs_faces' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : connected_face_set , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > cfs_faces , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to connected_face_set to be a `SET [1:?] OF face` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < closed_shell > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , closed_shell * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < connected_face_set * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to closed_shell " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < coaxiality_tolerance > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , coaxiality_tolerance * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_tolerance_with_datum_reference * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to coaxiality_tolerance " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < colour_specification > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , colour_specification * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < colour * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to colour_specification " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : colour_specification , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to colour_specification to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < colour_rgb > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , colour_rgb * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < colour_specification * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to colour_rgb " ) ; } do { // convert the 'red' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > red , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to colour_rgb to be a `REAL` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'green' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > green , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to colour_rgb to be a `REAL` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'blue' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > blue , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to colour_rgb to be a `REAL` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < common_datum > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , common_datum * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < comparison_expression > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , comparison_expression * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < complex_clause > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , complex_clause * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < compound_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to complex_clause " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < complex_conjunctive_clause > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , complex_conjunctive_clause * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < complex_clause * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to complex_conjunctive_clause " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < complex_disjunctive_clause > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , complex_disjunctive_clause * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < complex_clause * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to complex_disjunctive_clause " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < modified_solid > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , modified_solid * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < solid_model * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to modified_solid " ) ; } do { // convert the 'rationale' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : modified_solid , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > rationale , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to modified_solid to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'base_solid' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : modified_solid , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > base_solid , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to modified_solid to be a `base_solid_select` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < shelled_solid > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , shelled_solid * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < modified_solid * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to shelled_solid " ) ; } do { // convert the 'deleted_face_set' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : shelled_solid , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > deleted_face_set , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to shelled_solid to be a `SET [1:?] OF face_surface` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'thickness' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : shelled_solid , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > thickness , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to shelled_solid to be a `length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < complex_shelled_solid > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , complex_shelled_solid * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < shelled_solid * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 6 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 6 arguments to complex_shelled_solid " ) ; } do { // convert the 'thickness_list' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > thickness_list , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 5 to complex_shelled_solid to be a `LIST [1:?] OF length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_assembly_definition > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_assembly_definition * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to composite_assembly_definition " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_assembly_sequence_definition > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_assembly_sequence_definition * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to composite_assembly_sequence_definition " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < laminate_table > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , laminate_table * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to laminate_table " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < part_laminate_table > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , part_laminate_table * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < laminate_table * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to part_laminate_table " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_assembly_table > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_assembly_table * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < part_laminate_table * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to composite_assembly_table " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_curve_segment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_curve_segment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < founded_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to composite_curve_segment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'transition' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : composite_curve_segment , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > transition , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to composite_curve_segment to be a `transition_code` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'same_sense' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : composite_curve_segment , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > same_sense , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to composite_curve_segment to be a `BOOLEAN` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'parent_curve' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : composite_curve_segment , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > parent_curve , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to composite_curve_segment to be a `curve` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < material_designation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , material_designation * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to material_designation " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : material_designation , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to material_designation to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'definitions' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : material_designation , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > definitions , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to material_designation to be a `SET [1:?] OF characterized_definition` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_material_designation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_material_designation * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < material_designation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to composite_material_designation " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_shape_aspect > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_shape_aspect * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < shape_aspect * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to composite_shape_aspect " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_sheet_representation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_sheet_representation * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < shape_representation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to composite_sheet_representation " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_text > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_text * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to composite_text " ) ; } do { // convert the 'collected_text' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : composite_text , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > collected_text , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to composite_text to be a `SET [2:?] OF text_or_character` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_text_with_associated_curves > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_text_with_associated_curves * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < composite_text * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to composite_text_with_associated_curves " ) ; } do { // convert the 'associated_curves' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > associated_curves , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to composite_text_with_associated_curves to be a `SET [1:?] OF curve` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_text_with_blanking_box > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_text_with_blanking_box * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < composite_text * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to composite_text_with_blanking_box " ) ; } do { // convert the 'blanking' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > blanking , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to composite_text_with_blanking_box to be a `planar_box` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_text_with_delineation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_text_with_delineation * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < composite_text * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to composite_text_with_delineation " ) ; } do { // convert the 'delineation' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > delineation , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to composite_text_with_delineation to be a `text_delineation` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < composite_text_with_extent > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , composite_text_with_extent * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < composite_text * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to composite_text_with_extent " ) ; } do { // convert the 'extent' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > extent , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to composite_text_with_extent to be a `planar_extent` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < compound_shape_representation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , compound_shape_representation * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < shape_representation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to compound_shape_representation " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < concentricity_tolerance > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , concentricity_tolerance * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_tolerance_with_datum_reference * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to concentricity_tolerance " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < concept_feature_relationship > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , concept_feature_relationship * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to concept_feature_relationship " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : concept_feature_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to concept_feature_relationship to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : concept_feature_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to concept_feature_relationship to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'relating_product_concept_feature' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : concept_feature_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > relating_product_concept_feature , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to concept_feature_relationship to be a `product_concept_feature` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'related_product_concept_feature' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : concept_feature_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 3 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > related_product_concept_feature , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to concept_feature_relationship to be a `product_concept_feature` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < concept_feature_relationship_with_condition > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , concept_feature_relationship_with_condition * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < concept_feature_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to concept_feature_relationship_with_condition " ) ; } do { // convert the 'conditional_operator' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > conditional_operator , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to concept_feature_relationship_with_condition to be a `concept_feature_operator` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < product_concept_feature > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , product_concept_feature * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to product_concept_feature " ) ; } do { // convert the 'id' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_concept_feature , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > id , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to product_concept_feature to be a `identifier` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_concept_feature , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to product_concept_feature to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_concept_feature , 3 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to product_concept_feature to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < conditional_concept_feature > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , conditional_concept_feature * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_concept_feature * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to conditional_concept_feature " ) ; } do { // convert the 'condition' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : conditional_concept_feature , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > condition , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to conditional_concept_feature to be a `concept_feature_relationship_with_condition` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < conductance_measure_with_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , conductance_measure_with_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < measure_with_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to conductance_measure_with_unit " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < conductance_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , conductance_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < derived_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to conductance_unit " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < configuration_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , configuration_item * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to configuration_item " ) ; } do { // convert the 'id' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : configuration_item , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > id , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to configuration_item to be a `identifier` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : configuration_item , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to configuration_item to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : configuration_item , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to configuration_item to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'item_concept' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : configuration_item , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 3 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > item_concept , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to configuration_item to be a `product_concept` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'purpose' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : configuration_item , 5 > : : aux_is_derived [ 4 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > purpose , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to configuration_item to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < configurable_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , configurable_item * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < configuration_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 6 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 6 arguments to configurable_item " ) ; } do { // convert the 'item_concept_feature' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > item_concept_feature , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 5 to configurable_item to be a `SET [1:?] OF product_concept_feature_association` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < effectivity > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , effectivity * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to effectivity " ) ; } do { // convert the 'id' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : effectivity , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > id , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to effectivity to be a `identifier` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < product_definition_effectivity > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , product_definition_effectivity * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < effectivity * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to product_definition_effectivity " ) ; } do { // convert the 'usage' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_definition_effectivity , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > usage , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to product_definition_effectivity to be a `product_definition_relationship` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < configuration_effectivity > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , configuration_effectivity * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition_effectivity * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to configuration_effectivity " ) ; } do { // convert the 'configuration' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > configuration , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to configuration_effectivity to be a `configuration_design` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < configuration_item_relationship > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , configuration_item_relationship * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to configuration_item_relationship " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : configuration_item_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to configuration_item_relationship to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : configuration_item_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to configuration_item_relationship to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'relating_configuration_item' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : configuration_item_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > relating_configuration_item , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to configuration_item_relationship to be a `configuration_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'related_configuration_item' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : configuration_item_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 3 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > related_configuration_item , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to configuration_item_relationship to be a `configuration_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < configuration_item_hierarchical_relationship > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , configuration_item_hierarchical_relationship * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < configuration_item_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to configuration_item_hierarchical_relationship " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < configuration_item_revision_sequence > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , configuration_item_revision_sequence * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < configuration_item_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to configuration_item_revision_sequence " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < configured_effectivity_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , configured_effectivity_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < effectivity_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to configured_effectivity_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to configured_effectivity_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF configured_effectivity_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < configured_effectivity_context_assignment > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , configured_effectivity_context_assignment * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < effectivity_context_assignment * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to configured_effectivity_context_assignment " ) ; } do { // convert the 'items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to configured_effectivity_context_assignment to be a `SET [1:?] OF configured_effectivity_context_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < conical_stepped_hole_transition > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , conical_stepped_hole_transition * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to conical_stepped_hole_transition " ) ; } do { // convert the 'transition_number' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > transition_number , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to conical_stepped_hole_transition to be a `positive_integer` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'cone_apex_angle' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > cone_apex_angle , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to conical_stepped_hole_transition to be a `plane_angle_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'cone_base_radius' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > cone_base_radius , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to conical_stepped_hole_transition to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < elementary_surface > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , elementary_surface * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < surface * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to elementary_surface " ) ; } do { // convert the 'position' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : elementary_surface , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > position , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to elementary_surface to be a `axis2_placement_3d` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < conical_surface > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , conical_surface * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < elementary_surface * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to conical_surface " ) ; } do { // convert the 'radius' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > radius , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to conical_surface to be a `length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'semi_angle' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > semi_angle , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to conical_surface to be a `plane_angle_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < connected_edge_set > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , connected_edge_set * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < topological_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to connected_edge_set " ) ; } do { // convert the 'ces_edges' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > ces_edges , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to connected_edge_set to be a `SET [1:?] OF edge` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < connected_face_sub_set > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , connected_face_sub_set * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < connected_face_set * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to connected_face_sub_set " ) ; } do { // convert the 'parent_face_set' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > parent_face_set , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to connected_face_sub_set to be a `connected_face_set` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < constructive_geometry_representation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , constructive_geometry_representation * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to constructive_geometry_representation " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < representation_relationship > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , representation_relationship * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to representation_relationship " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : representation_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to representation_relationship to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : representation_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to representation_relationship to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'rep_1' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : representation_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > rep_1 , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to representation_relationship to be a `representation` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'rep_2' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : representation_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 3 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > rep_2 , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to representation_relationship to be a `representation` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < constructive_geometry_representation_relationship > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , constructive_geometry_representation_relationship * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to constructive_geometry_representation_relationship " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < contact_ratio_representation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , contact_ratio_representation * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to contact_ratio_representation " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < invisibility > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , invisibility * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 1 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 1 arguments to invisibility " ) ; } do { // convert the 'invisible_items' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : invisibility , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > invisible_items , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to invisibility to be a `SET [1:?] OF invisible_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < context_dependent_invisibility > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , context_dependent_invisibility * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < invisibility * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to context_dependent_invisibility " ) ; } do { // convert the 'presentation_context' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > presentation_context , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to context_dependent_invisibility to be a `invisibility_context` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < over_riding_styled_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , over_riding_styled_item * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < styled_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to over_riding_styled_item " ) ; } do { // convert the 'over_ridden_style' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : over_riding_styled_item , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > over_ridden_style , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to over_riding_styled_item to be a `styled_item` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < context_dependent_over_riding_styled_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , context_dependent_over_riding_styled_item * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < over_riding_styled_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to context_dependent_over_riding_styled_item " ) ; } do { // convert the 'style_context' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : context_dependent_over_riding_styled_item , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > style_context , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to context_dependent_over_riding_styled_item to be a `LIST [1:?] OF style_context_select` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < context_dependent_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , context_dependent_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < named_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to context_dependent_unit " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : context_dependent_unit , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to context_dependent_unit to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < conversion_based_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , conversion_based_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < named_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to conversion_based_unit " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to conversion_based_unit to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'conversion_factor' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > conversion_factor , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to conversion_based_unit to be a `measure_with_unit` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < csg_shape_representation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , csg_shape_representation * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < shape_representation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to csg_shape_representation " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < csg_solid > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , csg_solid * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < solid_model * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to csg_solid " ) ; } do { // convert the 'tree_root_expression' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > tree_root_expression , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to csg_solid to be a `csg_select` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < currency > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , currency * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < context_dependent_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to currency " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < currency_measure_with_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , currency_measure_with_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < measure_with_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to currency_measure_with_unit " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < curve_bounded_surface > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , curve_bounded_surface * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < bounded_surface * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to curve_bounded_surface " ) ; } do { // convert the 'basis_surface' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > basis_surface , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to curve_bounded_surface to be a `surface` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'boundaries' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > boundaries , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to curve_bounded_surface to be a `SET [1:?] OF boundary_curve` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'implicit_outer' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > implicit_outer , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to curve_bounded_surface to be a `BOOLEAN` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < curve_dimension > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , curve_dimension * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < dimension_curve_directed_callout * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to curve_dimension " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < curve_replica > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , curve_replica * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < curve * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to curve_replica " ) ; } do { // convert the 'parent_curve' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > parent_curve , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to curve_replica to be a `curve` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'transformation' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > transformation , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to curve_replica to be a `cartesian_transformation_operator` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < curve_style > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , curve_style * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < founded_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to curve_style " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to curve_style to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'curve_font' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > curve_font , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to curve_style to be a `curve_font_or_scaled_curve_font_select` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'curve_width' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > curve_width , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to curve_style to be a `size_select` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'curve_colour' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > curve_colour , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to curve_style to be a `colour` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < curve_style_font > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , curve_style_font * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < founded_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to curve_style_font " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to curve_style_font to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'pattern_list' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > pattern_list , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to curve_style_font to be a `LIST [1:?] OF curve_style_font_pattern` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < curve_style_font_and_scaling > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , curve_style_font_and_scaling * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < founded_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to curve_style_font_and_scaling " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to curve_style_font_and_scaling to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'curve_font' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > curve_font , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to curve_style_font_and_scaling to be a `curve_style_font_select` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'curve_font_scaling' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > curve_font_scaling , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to curve_style_font_and_scaling to be a `REAL` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < curve_style_font_pattern > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , curve_style_font_pattern * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < founded_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to curve_style_font_pattern " ) ; } do { // convert the 'visible_segment_length' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > visible_segment_length , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to curve_style_font_pattern to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'invisible_segment_length' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > invisible_segment_length , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to curve_style_font_pattern to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < curve_swept_solid_shape_representation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , curve_swept_solid_shape_representation * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < shape_representation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to curve_swept_solid_shape_representation " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cylindrical_surface > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cylindrical_surface * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < elementary_surface * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to cylindrical_surface " ) ; } do { // convert the 'radius' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > radius , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to cylindrical_surface to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < cylindricity_tolerance > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , cylindricity_tolerance * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_tolerance * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to cylindricity_tolerance " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < date_representation_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , date_representation_item * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < date_time_representation_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , date_time_representation_item * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < dated_effectivity > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , dated_effectivity * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < effectivity * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to dated_effectivity " ) ; } do { // convert the 'effectivity_end_date' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const UNSET * > ( & * arg ) ) break ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > effectivity_end_date , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to dated_effectivity to be a `date_time_or_event_occurrence` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'effectivity_start_date' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > effectivity_start_date , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to dated_effectivity to be a `date_time_or_event_occurrence` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < datum > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , datum * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < shape_aspect * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to datum " ) ; } do { // convert the 'identification' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > identification , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to datum to be a `identifier` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < datum_feature > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , datum_feature * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < shape_aspect * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to datum_feature " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < datum_feature_callout > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , datum_feature_callout * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < draughting_callout * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to datum_feature_callout " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < datum_reference > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , datum_reference * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to datum_reference " ) ; } do { // convert the 'precedence' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : datum_reference , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > precedence , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to datum_reference to be a `INTEGER` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'referenced_datum' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : datum_reference , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > referenced_datum , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to datum_reference to be a `datum` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < datum_target > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , datum_target * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < shape_aspect * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to datum_target " ) ; } do { // convert the 'target_id' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : datum_target , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > target_id , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to datum_target to be a `identifier` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < datum_target_callout > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , datum_target_callout * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < draughting_callout * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to datum_target_callout " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < default_tolerance_table > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , default_tolerance_table * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to default_tolerance_table " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < default_tolerance_table_cell > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , default_tolerance_table_cell * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < compound_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to default_tolerance_table_cell " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < defined_symbol > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , defined_symbol * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < geometric_representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to defined_symbol " ) ; } do { // convert the 'definition' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > definition , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to defined_symbol to be a `defined_symbol_select` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'target' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > target , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to defined_symbol to be a `symbol_target` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < definitional_representation > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , definitional_representation * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to definitional_representation " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < definitional_representation_relationship > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , definitional_representation_relationship * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to definitional_representation_relationship " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < definitional_representation_relationship_with_same_context > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , definitional_representation_relationship_with_same_context * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < definitional_representation_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to definitional_representation_relationship_with_same_context " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < degenerate_pcurve > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , degenerate_pcurve * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < point * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to degenerate_pcurve " ) ; } do { // convert the 'basis_surface' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : degenerate_pcurve , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > basis_surface , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to degenerate_pcurve to be a `surface` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'reference_to_curve' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : degenerate_pcurve , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > reference_to_curve , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to degenerate_pcurve to be a `definitional_representation` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < toroidal_surface > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , toroidal_surface * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < elementary_surface * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to toroidal_surface " ) ; } do { // convert the 'major_radius' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : toroidal_surface , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > major_radius , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to toroidal_surface to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'minor_radius' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : toroidal_surface , 2 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > minor_radius , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to toroidal_surface to be a `positive_length_measure` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < degenerate_toroidal_surface > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , degenerate_toroidal_surface * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < toroidal_surface * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to degenerate_toroidal_surface " ) ; } do { // convert the 'select_outer' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
try { GenericConvert ( in - > select_outer , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 4 to degenerate_toroidal_surface to be a `BOOLEAN` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < descriptive_representation_item > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , descriptive_representation_item * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < representation_item * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to descriptive_representation_item " ) ; } do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : descriptive_representation_item , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to descriptive_representation_item to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < product_definition_context > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , product_definition_context * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < application_context_element * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to product_definition_context " ) ; } do { // convert the 'life_cycle_stage' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : product_definition_context , 1 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > life_cycle_stage , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to product_definition_context to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < design_context > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , design_context * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition_context * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 3 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 3 arguments to design_context " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < design_make_from_relationship > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , design_make_from_relationship * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < product_definition_relationship * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 5 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 5 arguments to design_make_from_relationship " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < diameter_dimension > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , diameter_dimension * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < dimension_curve_directed_callout * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to diameter_dimension " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < ratio_measure_with_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , ratio_measure_with_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < measure_with_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to ratio_measure_with_unit " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < dielectric_constant_measure_with_unit > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , dielectric_constant_measure_with_unit * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < ratio_measure_with_unit * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to dielectric_constant_measure_with_unit " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < dimension_callout > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , dimension_callout * in )
size_t base = GenericFill ( db , params , static_cast < draughting_callout * > ( in ) ) ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 2 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 2 arguments to dimension_callout " ) ; } return base ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < > size_t GenericFill < draughting_callout_relationship > ( const DB & db , const LIST & params , draughting_callout_relationship * in )
size_t base = 0 ;
if ( params . GetSize ( ) < 4 ) { throw STEP : : TypeError ( " expected 4 arguments to draughting_callout_relationship " ) ; } do { // convert the 'name' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : draughting_callout_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 0 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > name , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 0 to draughting_callout_relationship to be a `label` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'description' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : draughting_callout_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 1 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > description , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 1 to draughting_callout_relationship to be a `text` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'relating_draughting_callout' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : draughting_callout_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 2 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > relating_draughting_callout , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 2 to draughting_callout_relationship to be a `draughting_callout` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
do { // convert the 'related_draughting_callout' argument
std : : shared_ptr < const DataType > arg = params [ base + + ] ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const ISDERIVED * > ( & * arg ) ) { in - > ObjectHelper < Assimp : : StepFile : : draughting_callout_relationship , 4 > : : aux_is_derived [ 3 ] = true ; break ; }
try { GenericConvert ( in - > related_draughting_callout , arg , db ) ; break ; }
catch ( const TypeError & t ) { throw TypeError ( t . what ( ) + std : : string ( " - expected argument 3 to draughting_callout_relationship to be a `draughting_callout` " ) ) ; }
} while ( 0 ) ;
return base ;