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2015-08-08 16:02:37 +00:00
/** @file dox_cmd.h
* @brief General documentation for assimp_cmd
@mainpage ASSIMP Command-line tools
<img src="dragonsplash.png"></img>
@section intro Introduction
This document describes the usage of assimp's command line tools.
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This is *not* the SDK reference and programming-related stuff is not covered here.
<b>NOTE</b>: For simplicity, the following sections are written with Windows in mind. However
it's not different for Linux/Mac at all, except there's probably no assimp.exe ...
@section basic_use Basic use
Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where assimp.exe resides. The basic command line is:
assimp [command] [parameters]
The following commands are available:
<table border="1">
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<td><b>@link version version @endlink</b></td>
<td>Retrieve the current version of assimp</td>
<td><b>@link help help @endlink</b></td>
<td>Get a list of all commands (yes, it's this list ...)</td>
<td><b>@link dump dump @endlink</b></td>
<td>Generate a human-readable text dump of a model</td>
<td><b>@link extract extract @endlink</b></td>
<td>Extract an embedded texture image</td>
<td><b>@link iinfo info @endlink</b></td>
<td>Load a model and print basic statistics</td>
<td><b>@link cmpdump cmpdump @endlink</b></td>
<td>Regression checking tool</td>
If you use assimp's command line frequently, consider adding assimp to your PATH
@page version 'version'-Command
Display the version/revision of Assimp used.
@page help 'help'-Command
Display a really helpful text.
@page iinfo 'info'-Command
Load a model file and print basic statistics. Full postprocessing is applied unless the <tt>-r</tt> switch is specified. Sample output (<tt>assimp info ./test/models/3DS/mar_rifle.3ds</tt>):
Launching model import ... OK
Validating postprocessing flags ... OK
Importing file ... OK
import took approx. 0.02400 seconds
Memory consumption: 69444 B
Nodes: 2
Maximum depth 2
Meshes: 1
Animations: 0
Textures (embed.): 0
Materials: 1
Cameras: 0
Lights: 0
Vertices: 843
Faces: 572
Bones: 0
Animation Channels: 0
Primitive Types: triangles
Average faces/mesh 572
Average verts/mesh 843
Minimum point (-3.522588 -11.573204 -40.340359)
Maximum point (3.522622 30.196556 75.941292)
Center point (0.000017 9.311676 17.800467)
Named Materials:
Texture Refs:
Node hierarchy:
'<3DSRoot>', meshes: 0
-- 'm_rifle', meshes: 1
assimp info file [-r]
Required. Input file.
Optional. Don't perform any postprocessing. The long form of this parameter is <tt>--raw</tt>.
@page cmpdump 'cmpdump'-Command
<b>Used for Assimp's internal regression testing.</b> Compare two mini dumps (produced using <tt>assimp dump .. -b -s</tt>) and
report any differences. In the regression test suite, this facility is used to build a database of
'known-to-be-fine' mini dumps, which are regularly compared against current results to detect regressions.
assimp cmpdmp actual expected
Required. Mini dump now.
Required. Archived dump from some point in the past.
@page dump 'dump'-Command
Generate a text or binary dump of a model. This is the core component of Assimp's internal
regression test suite but it could also be useful for other developers to quickly
examine the contents of a model. Note that text dumps are not intended to be used as
intermediate format, Assimp is not able to read them again, nor is the file format
stable or well-defined. It may change with every revision without notice.
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Binary dumps (*.assbin) are backwards- and forwards-compatible.
assimp dump <model> [<out>] [-b] [-s] [common parameters]
Required. Relative or absolute path to the input model.
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Optional. Relative or absolute path to write the output dump to. If it is omitted,
the dump is written to <tt>&lt;model&gt;-dump.txt</tt>
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Optional. If this switch is specified, the dump is written in binary format.
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The long form of this parameter is <tt>--binary</tt>.
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Optional. If this switch is specified, the dump is shortened to include only
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min/max values for all vertex components and animation channels. The resulting
file is much smaller, but the original model can't be reconstructed from it. This is
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used by Assimp's regression test suite, comparing those minidumps provides
a fast way to verify whether a loader works correctly or not.
The long form of this parameter is <tt>--short</tt>.
common parameters<br></tt><br>
Optional. Import configuration & postprocessing.
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See the @link common common parameters page @endlink for more information.
assimp dump test.3ds test.txt -l -cfull
assimp dump test.3ds test.txt -include-log -config=full
Dumps 'test.3ds' to 'test.txt' after executing full post-processing on tehe imported data.
The log output is included with the dump.
assimp dump files\*.*
assimp dump files\*.*
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Dumps all loadable model files in the 'files' subdir. The output dumps are named
<tt><mode-file>-dump.txt</tt>. The log is not included.
@page extract 'extract'-Command
Extracts one or more embedded texture images from models.
assimp extract <model> [<out>] [-t<n>] [-f<fmt>] [-ba] [-s] [common parameters]
Required. Relative or absolute path to the input model.
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Optional. Relative or absolute path to write the output images to. If the file name is
omitted the output images are named <tt><model-filename></tt><br>
The suffix <tt>_img&lt;n&gt;</tt> is appended to the file name if the -s switch is not specified
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(where <tt>&lt;n&gt;</tt> is the zero-based index of the texture in the model file).<br>
The output file format is determined from the given file extension. Supported
formats are BMP and TGA. If the file format can't be determined,
the value specified with the -f switch is taken.
Format settings are ignored for compressed embedded textures. They're always
written in their native file format (e.g. jpg).
Optional. Specifies the (zero-based) index of the embedded texture to be extracted from
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the model. If this option is *not* specified all textures found are exported.
The long form of this parameter is <tt>--texture=&lt;n&gt;</tt>.
Optional. Specifies whether output BMPs contain an alpha channel or not.
The long form of this parameter is <tt>--bmp-with-alpha=&lt;n&gt;</tt>.
Optional. Specifies the output file format. Supported
formats are BMP and TGA. The default value is BMP (if a full output filename is
specified, the output file format is taken from its extension, not from here).
The long form of this parameter is <tt>--format=&lt;n&gt;</tt>.
Optional. Prevents the tool from adding the <tt>_img&lt;n&gt;</tt> suffix to all filenames. This option
must be specified together with -t to ensure that just one image is written.
The long form of this parameter is <tt>--nosuffix</tt>.
common parameters<br></tt><br>
Optional. Import configuration & postprocessing. Most postprocessing-steps don't affect
embedded texture images, configuring too much is probably senseless here.
See the @link common common parameters page @endlink for more information.
assimp extract test.mdl test.bmp --texture=0 --validate-data-structure
assimp extract test.mdl test.bmp -t=0 -vds
Extracts the first embedded texture (if any) from test.mdl after validating the
imported data structure and writes it to <tt>test_img0.bmp</tt>.
assimp extract files\*.mdl *.bmp
assimp extract files\*.mdl *.bmp
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Extracts all embedded textures from all loadable .mdl files in the 'files' subdirectory
and writes them to bitmaps which are named <tt><model-file>_img<image-index>.bmp</tt>
@page common Common parameters
The parameters described on this page are commonly used by almost every assimp command. They
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specify how the library will postprocess the imported data. This is done by several
configurable pipeline stages, called 'post processing steps'. Below you can find a list
of all supported steps along with short descriptions of what they're doing. <br><b>Programmers</b>:
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more information can be found in the <tt>aiPostProcess.h</tt> header.
<table border="1">
<th>Long parameter</th>
<td>Move all vertices into worldspace and collapse the scene graph. Animation data is lost.
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This is intended for applications which don't support scenegraph-oriented rendering.</td>
<td>Computes 'smooth' per-vertex normal vectors if necessary. Mutually exclusive with -gn</td>
<td>Computes 'hard' per-face normal vectors if necessary. Mutually exclusive with -gsn</td>
<td>If one UV channel and normal vectors are given, compute tangents and bitangents</td>
<td>Optimize the index buffer. If this flag is not specified all vertices are referenced once.</td>
<td>Remove redundant materials from the imported data.</td>
<td>Find and process degenerates primitives.</td>
<td>Split large meshes over a specific threshold in smaller sub meshes. The default vertex & face limit is 1000000</td>
<td>Limit the number of bones influencing a single vertex. The default limit is 4.</td>
<td>Performs a full validation of the imported data structure. Recommended to avoid crashes if
an import plugin produces rubbish</td>
<td>Improve the cache locality of the vertex buffer by reordering the index buffer
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to achieve a lower ACMR (average post-transform vertex cache miss ratio)</td>
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<td>Splits meshes which consist of more than one kind of primitives (e.g. lines and triangles mixed up)
in 'clean' submeshes. </td>
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<td>Converts the imported data to left-handed coordinate space</td>
<td>Flip UV coordinates from upper-left origin to lower-left origin</td>
<td>Flip face winding order from CCW to CW</td>
<td>Evaluate per-texture UV transformations (e.g scaling, offset) and build pretransformed UV channels</td>
<td>Replace abstract mapping descriptions, such as 'spherical' or 'cylindrical' with proper UV channels</td>
<td>Run a heuristic algorithm to detect meshes with wrong face winding order/normals. </td>
<td>Triangulate poylgons with 4 and more points. Lines, points and triangles are not affected. </td>
<td>Search the data structure for instanced meshes and replace them by references. This can
reduce vertex/face counts but the postprocessing-step takes some time.</td>
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<td>Simplify and optimize the scenegraph. Use it with care, all hierarchy information could be lost.
Animations remain untouched. </td>
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<td>Optimize mesh usage. Meshes are merged, if possible. Very effective in combination with <tt>--optimize-graph</tt></td>
<td>Will transform uv-coordinates if possible.</td>
<td>Will look for invalid data in the imported model structure.</td>
<td>Removes nearly losslessly or according to a configured threshold bones from the model.</td>
<td>Split meshes with too many bones. Necessary for our (limited) hardware skinning shader.</td>
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For convenience some default postprocessing configurations are provided.
The corresponding command line parameter is <tt>-c&lt;name&gt;</tt> (or <tt>--config=&lt;name&gt;</tt>).
<table border="1">
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<th>List of steps executed</th>
<td>Fast post processing config, performs some essential optimizations and computes tangents</td>
<td><tt>-cts, -gn, -jiv, -tri, -guv, -sbpt</tt></td>
<td>Balanced post processing config; performs most optimizations</td>
<td><tt>-cts, -gsn, -jiv, -icl, -lbw, -rrm, -slm, -tri, -guv, -sbpt, -fd, -fiv</tt></td>
<td>Full post processing. May take a while but results in best output quality for most purposes</td>
<td><tt>-cts, -gsn, -jiv, -icl, -lbw, -rrm, -slm, -tri, -guv, -sbpt, -fd, -fiv, -fi, -vds -om</tt></td>
The <tt>-tuv, -ptv, -og</tt> flags always need to be enabled manually.
There are also some common flags to customize Assimp's logging behaviour:
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<td><tt>-l</tt> or <tt>--show-log</tt></td>
<td>Show log file on console window (stderr)</td>
<td><tt>-lo&lt;file&gt;</tt> or <tt>--log-out=&lt;file&gt;</tt></td>
<td>Streams the log to &lt;file&gt;</td>
<td><tt>-v</tt> or <tt>--verbose</tt></td>
<td>Enables verbose logging. Debug messages will be produced too. This might
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decrease loading performance and result in *very* long logs ... use with caution if you experience strange issues.</td>