
197 lines
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Raw Normal View History

General - Added format auto-detection to most loaders - Simplified BaseImporter::CanRead() with some utility methods - improved fast_atof -> no overruns anymore. Fuck you, irrlicht. - added assimp_cmd tool to allow command line model processing. Mainly adebugging tool for internal purposes, but others might find it useful, too. - vc8/vc9: revision number is now written to DLL version header - mkutil: some batch scripts to simplify tagging & building of release versions - some API cleanup - fixing some doxygen markup (+now explicit use of @file <filename>) - Icon for assimp_view and assimp_cmd 3DS - Normal vectors are not anymore inverted in some cases - Improved pivot handling - Improved handling of x-flipped meshes Collada - fixed a minor bug (visual_scene element) LWS - WIP implementation. No animations yet, some bugs and crashes. - Animation system remains disabled, WIP code - many test files for LWS, but most of them test the anim support, which is, read above, currently disabled. STL - fixing a log warning which appears for every model - added binary&ascii test spider, exported from truespace MD3 - Cleaning up output tags for automatically joined player models. IRR - Fixing coordinate system issues. - Instance handling improved. - Some of the reported crashes not yet fixed. PretransformVertices - Numerous performance improvements. - Added config option to preserve the hierarchy during the step. RemoveRedundantMaterials - Added config option to specify a list of materials which are kept in every case. UNREAL - Added support for the old unreal data format (*.a,*.d,*.uc) - tested only with exports from Milkshape - more Unreal stuff to come soon git-svn-id: 67173fc5-114c-0410-ac8e-9d2fd5bffc1f
2009-03-05 22:32:13 +00:00
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CameraMotion (unnamed)
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