2012-11-10 16:01:55 +00:00
#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
This is the main - module of PyAssimp .
import sys
if sys . version_info < ( 2 , 6 ) :
raise ' pyassimp: need python 2.6 or newer '
import ctypes
import os
import numpy
import logging ; logger = logging . getLogger ( " pyassimp " )
# Attach a default, null handler, to the logger.
# applications can easily get log messages from pyassimp
# by calling for instance
# >>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
# before importing pyassimp
class NullHandler ( logging . Handler ) :
def emit ( self , record ) :
h = NullHandler ( )
logger . addHandler ( h )
from . import structs
from . errors import AssimpError
from . import helper
assimp_structs_as_tuple = (
structs . Matrix4x4 ,
structs . Matrix3x3 ,
structs . Vector2D ,
structs . Vector3D ,
structs . Color3D ,
structs . Color4D ,
structs . Quaternion ,
structs . Plane ,
structs . Texel )
def make_tuple ( ai_obj , type = None ) :
res = None
if isinstance ( ai_obj , structs . Matrix4x4 ) :
res = numpy . array ( [ getattr ( ai_obj , e [ 0 ] ) for e in ai_obj . _fields_ ] ) . reshape ( ( 4 , 4 ) )
#import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
elif isinstance ( ai_obj , structs . Matrix3x3 ) :
res = numpy . array ( [ getattr ( ai_obj , e [ 0 ] ) for e in ai_obj . _fields_ ] ) . reshape ( ( 3 , 3 ) )
else :
res = numpy . array ( [ getattr ( ai_obj , e [ 0 ] ) for e in ai_obj . _fields_ ] )
return res
def call_init ( obj , caller = None ) :
# init children
if hasattr ( obj , ' _init ' ) :
obj . _init ( parent = caller )
# pointers
elif hasattr ( obj , ' contents ' ) :
if hasattr ( obj . contents , ' _init ' ) :
obj . contents . _init ( target = obj , parent = caller )
def _init ( self , target = None , parent = None ) :
Custom initialize ( ) for C structs , adds safely accessable member functionality .
: param target : set the object which receive the added methods . Useful when manipulating
pointers , to skip the intermediate ' contents ' deferencing .
if hasattr ( self , ' _is_init ' ) :
return self
self . _is_init = True
if not target :
target = self
for m in dir ( self ) :
name = m [ 1 : ] . lower ( )
if m . startswith ( " _ " ) :
obj = getattr ( self , m )
if m . startswith ( ' mNum ' ) :
if ' m ' + m [ 4 : ] in dir ( self ) :
continue # will be processed later on
else :
setattr ( target , name , obj )
# Create tuples
if isinstance ( obj , assimp_structs_as_tuple ) :
setattr ( target , name , make_tuple ( obj ) )
logger . debug ( str ( self ) + " : Added array " + str ( getattr ( target , name ) ) + " as self. " + name . lower ( ) )
if isinstance ( obj , structs . String ) :
setattr ( target , ' name ' , str ( obj . data ) )
setattr ( target . __class__ , ' __repr__ ' , lambda x : str ( x . __class__ ) + " ( " + x . name + " ) " )
setattr ( target . __class__ , ' __str__ ' , lambda x : x . name )
if m . startswith ( ' m ' ) :
if name == " parent " :
setattr ( target , name , parent )
logger . debug ( " Added a parent as self. " + name )
if hasattr ( self , ' mNum ' + m [ 1 : ] ) :
length = getattr ( self , ' mNum ' + m [ 1 : ] )
# -> special case: properties are
# stored as a dict.
if m == ' mProperties ' :
setattr ( target , name , _get_properties ( obj , length ) )
if not length : # empty!
setattr ( target , name , [ ] )
logger . debug ( str ( self ) + " : " + name + " is an empty list. " )
try :
if obj . _type_ in assimp_structs_as_tuple :
setattr ( target , name , numpy . array ( [ make_tuple ( obj [ i ] ) for i in range ( length ) ] , dtype = numpy . float32 ) )
logger . debug ( str ( self ) + " : Added an array of numpy arrays (type " + str ( type ( obj ) ) + " ) as self. " + name )
else :
setattr ( target , name , [ obj [ i ] for i in range ( length ) ] ) #TODO: maybe not necessary to recreate an array?
logger . debug ( str ( self ) + " : Added list of " + str ( obj ) + " " + name + " as self. " + name + " (type: " + str ( type ( obj ) ) + " ) " )
# initialize array elements
for e in getattr ( target , name ) :
call_init ( e , caller = target )
except IndexError :
logger . error ( " in " + str ( self ) + " : mismatch between mNum " + name + " and the actual amount of data in m " + name + " . This may be due to version mismatch between libassimp and pyassimp. Quitting now. " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
except ValueError as e :
logger . error ( " In " + str ( self ) + " -> " + name + " : " + str ( e ) + " . Quitting now. " )
if " setting an array element with a sequence " in str ( e ) :
logger . error ( " Note that pyassimp does not currently "
" support meshes with mixed triangles "
" and quads. Try to load your mesh with "
" a post-processing to triangulate your "
" faces. " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
else : # starts with 'm' but not iterable
setattr ( target , name , obj )
logger . debug ( " Added " + name + " as self. " + name + " (type: " + str ( type ( obj ) ) + " ) " )
call_init ( obj , caller = target )
if isinstance ( self , structs . Mesh ) :
_finalize_mesh ( self , target )
if isinstance ( self , structs . Texture ) :
_finalize_texture ( self , target )
return self
Python magic to add the _init ( ) function to all C struct classes .
for struct in dir ( structs ) :
if not ( struct . startswith ( ' _ ' ) or struct . startswith ( ' c_ ' ) or struct == " Structure " or struct == " POINTER " ) and not isinstance ( getattr ( structs , struct ) , int ) :
setattr ( getattr ( structs , struct ) , ' _init ' , _init )
class AssimpLib ( object ) :
Assimp - Singleton
load , release , dll = helper . search_library ( )
#the loader as singleton
_assimp_lib = AssimpLib ( )
def pythonize_assimp ( type , obj , scene ) :
""" This method modify the Assimp data structures
to make them easier to work with in Python .
Supported operations :
- MESH : replace a list of mesh IDs by reference to these meshes
- ADDTRANSFORMATION : add a reference to an object ' s transformation taken from their associated node.
: param type : the type of modification to operate ( cf above )
: param obj : the input object to modify
: param scene : a reference to the whole scene
if type == " MESH " :
meshes = [ ]
for i in obj :
meshes . append ( scene . meshes [ i ] )
return meshes
if type == " ADDTRANSFORMATION " :
def getnode ( node , name ) :
if node . name == name : return node
for child in node . children :
n = getnode ( child , name )
if n : return n
node = getnode ( scene . rootnode , obj . name )
if not node :
raise AssimpError ( " Object " + str ( obj ) + " has no associated node! " )
setattr ( obj , " transformation " , node . transformation )
def recur_pythonize ( node , scene ) :
""" Recursively call pythonize_assimp on
nodes tree to apply several post - processing to
pythonize the assimp datastructures .
node . meshes = pythonize_assimp ( " MESH " , node . meshes , scene )
for mesh in node . meshes :
mesh . material = scene . materials [ mesh . materialindex ]
for cam in scene . cameras :
pythonize_assimp ( " ADDTRANSFORMATION " , cam , scene )
#for light in scene.lights:
# pythonize_assimp("ADDTRANSFORMATION", light, scene)
for c in node . children :
recur_pythonize ( c , scene )
def load ( filename , processing = 0 ) :
Loads the model with some specific processing parameters .
filename - file to load model from
processing - processing parameters
result Scene - object with model - data
throws AssimpError - could not open file
#read pure data
#from ctypes import c_char_p, c_uint
#model = _assimp_lib.load(c_char_p(filename), c_uint(processing))
model = _assimp_lib . load ( filename . encode ( " ascii " ) , processing )
if not model :
#Uhhh, something went wrong!
raise AssimpError ( " could not import file: %s " % filename )
scene = model . contents . _init ( )
recur_pythonize ( scene . rootnode , scene )
return scene
def release ( scene ) :
from ctypes import pointer
_assimp_lib . release ( pointer ( scene ) )
def _finalize_texture ( tex , target ) :
setattr ( target , " achformathint " , tex . achFormatHint )
2012-11-29 18:07:56 +00:00
data = numpy . array ( [ make_tuple ( getattr ( tex , " pcData " ) [ i ] ) for i in range ( tex . mWidth * tex . mHeight ) ] )
2012-11-10 16:01:55 +00:00
setattr ( target , " data " , data )
def _finalize_mesh ( mesh , target ) :
""" Building of meshes is a bit specific.
We override here the various datasets that can
not be process as regular fields .
For instance , the length of the normals array is
mNumVertices ( no mNumNormals is available )
nb_vertices = getattr ( mesh , " mNumVertices " )
def fill ( name ) :
mAttr = getattr ( mesh , name )
if mAttr :
data = numpy . array ( [ make_tuple ( getattr ( mesh , name ) [ i ] ) for i in range ( nb_vertices ) ] , dtype = numpy . float32 )
setattr ( target , name [ 1 : ] . lower ( ) , data )
else :
setattr ( target , name [ 1 : ] . lower ( ) , [ ] )
def fillarray ( name ) :
mAttr = getattr ( mesh , name )
data = [ ]
for index , mSubAttr in enumerate ( mAttr ) :
if mSubAttr :
data . append ( [ make_tuple ( getattr ( mesh , name ) [ index ] [ i ] ) for i in range ( nb_vertices ) ] )
setattr ( target , name [ 1 : ] . lower ( ) , numpy . array ( data , dtype = numpy . float32 ) )
fill ( " mNormals " )
fill ( " mTangents " )
fill ( " mBitangents " )
fillarray ( " mColors " )
fillarray ( " mTextureCoords " )
# prepare faces
faces = numpy . array ( [ f . indices for f in target . faces ] , dtype = numpy . int32 )
setattr ( target , ' faces ' , faces )
def _get_properties ( properties , length ) :
Convenience Function to get the material properties as a dict
and values in a python format .
result = { }
#read all properties
for p in [ properties [ i ] for i in range ( length ) ] :
#the name
p = p . contents
key = str ( p . mKey . data )
#the data
from ctypes import POINTER , cast , c_int , c_float , sizeof
if p . mType == 1 :
arr = cast ( p . mData , POINTER ( c_float * int ( p . mDataLength / sizeof ( c_float ) ) ) ) . contents
value = numpy . array ( [ x for x in arr ] )
elif p . mType == 3 : #string can't be an array
value = cast ( p . mData , POINTER ( structs . String ) ) . contents . data
elif p . mType == 4 :
arr = cast ( p . mData , POINTER ( c_int * int ( p . mDataLength / sizeof ( c_int ) ) ) ) . contents
value = numpy . array ( [ x for x in arr ] )
else :
value = p . mData [ : p . mDataLength ]
result [ key ] = value
return result
def aiGetMaterialFloatArray ( material , key ) :
from ctypes import byref , pointer , cast , c_float , POINTER , sizeof , c_uint
out = structs . Color4D ( )
max = c_uint ( sizeof ( structs . Color4D ) )
r = _assimp_lib . dll . aiGetMaterialFloatArray ( pointer ( material ) ,
key [ 0 ] ,
key [ 1 ] ,
key [ 2 ] ,
byref ( out ) ,
byref ( max ) )
if ( r != AI_SUCCESS ) :
raise AssimpError ( " aiGetMaterialFloatArray failed! " )
out . _init ( )
return [ out [ i ] for i in range ( max . value ) ]
def aiGetMaterialString ( material , key ) :
from ctypes import byref , pointer , cast , c_float , POINTER , sizeof , c_uint
out = structs . String ( )
r = _assimp_lib . dll . aiGetMaterialString ( pointer ( material ) ,
key [ 0 ] ,
key [ 1 ] ,
key [ 2 ] ,
byref ( out ) )
if ( r != AI_SUCCESS ) :
raise AssimpError ( " aiGetMaterialString failed! " )
return str ( out . data )
def decompose_matrix ( matrix ) :
if not isinstance ( matrix , structs . Matrix4x4 ) :
raise AssimpError ( " pyassimp.decompose_matrix failed: Not a Matrix4x4! " )
scaling = structs . Vector3D ( )
rotation = structs . Quaternion ( )
position = structs . Vector3D ( )
from ctypes import byref , pointer
_assimp_lib . dll . aiDecomposeMatrix ( pointer ( matrix ) , byref ( scaling ) , byref ( rotation ) , byref ( position ) )
return scaling . _init ( ) , rotation . _init ( ) , position . _init ( )