Open Asset Import Library is a library to load various 3d file formats into a shared, in-memory format. It supports more than __40 file formats__ for import and a growing selection of file formats for export.
[]( "Average time to resolve an issue")
[]( "Percentage of issues still open")
APIs are provided for C and C++. There are various bindings to other languages (C#, Java, Python, Delphi, D). Assimp also runs on Android and iOS.
Additionally, assimp features various __mesh post processing tools__: normals and tangent space generation, triangulation, vertex cache locality optimization, removal of degenerate primitives and duplicate vertices, sorting by primitive type, merging of redundant materials and many more.
- Ask a question at [The Assimp-Discussion Board](
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- Nothing has worked? File a question or an issue-report at [The Assimp-Issue Tracker](
And we also have a Gitter-channel:Gitter [](<br>
Take a look into the file. We are available in vcpkg, and our build system is CMake; if you used CMake before there is a good chance you know what to do.
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