2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/*! \file document.h */
# include "reader.h"
# include "internal/meta.h"
# include "internal/strfunc.h"
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
# include "memorystream.h"
# include "encodedstream.h"
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
# include <new> // placement new
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
# include <limits>
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
# ifdef __cpp_lib_three_way_comparison
# include <compare>
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
# endif
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
# ifdef __clang__
RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF ( switch - enum )
RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF ( c + + 98 - compat )
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
# elif defined(_MSC_VER)
RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF ( 4127 ) // conditional expression is constant
RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF ( 4244 ) // conversion from kXxxFlags to 'uint16_t', possible loss of data
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
# endif
2017-10-06 13:42:05 +00:00
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
# ifdef __GNUC__
# endif // __GNUC__
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
# include <iterator> // std::random_access_iterator_tag
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
# endif
# include <utility> // std::move
# endif
// Forward declaration.
template < typename Encoding , typename Allocator >
class GenericValue ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
template < typename Encoding , typename Allocator , typename StackAllocator >
class GenericDocument ;
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
\ brief Allows to choose default allocator .
User can define this to use CrtAllocator or MemoryPoolAllocator .
# define RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR MemoryPoolAllocator<CrtAllocator>
# endif
\ brief Allows to choose default stack allocator for Document .
User can define this to use CrtAllocator or MemoryPoolAllocator .
# endif
\ brief User defined kDefaultObjectCapacity value .
User can define this as any natural number .
// number of objects that rapidjson::Value allocates memory for by default
# endif
\ brief User defined kDefaultArrayCapacity value .
User can define this as any natural number .
// number of array elements that rapidjson::Value allocates memory for by default
# endif
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Name-value pair in a JSON object value.
This class was internal to GenericValue . It used to be a inner struct .
But a compiler ( IBM XL C / C + + for AIX ) have reported to have problem with that so it moved as a namespace scope struct .
https : //code.google.com/p/rapidjson/issues/detail?id=64
template < typename Encoding , typename Allocator >
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
class GenericMember {
public :
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
GenericValue < Encoding , Allocator > name ; //!< name of member (must be a string)
GenericValue < Encoding , Allocator > value ; //!< value of member.
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
//! Move constructor in C++11
GenericMember ( GenericMember & & rhs ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
: name ( std : : move ( rhs . name ) ) ,
value ( std : : move ( rhs . value ) )
//! Move assignment in C++11
GenericMember & operator = ( GenericMember & & rhs ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
return * this = static_cast < GenericMember & > ( rhs ) ;
# endif
//! Assignment with move semantics.
/*! \param rhs Source of the assignment. Its name and value will become a null value after assignment.
GenericMember & operator = ( GenericMember & rhs ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
if ( RAPIDJSON_LIKELY ( this ! = & rhs ) ) {
name = rhs . name ;
value = rhs . value ;
return * this ;
// swap() for std::sort() and other potential use in STL.
friend inline void swap ( GenericMember & a , GenericMember & b ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
a . name . Swap ( b . name ) ;
a . value . Swap ( b . value ) ;
private :
//! Copy constructor is not permitted.
GenericMember ( const GenericMember & rhs ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
} ;
// GenericMemberIterator
//! (Constant) member iterator for a JSON object value
\ tparam Const Is this a constant iterator ?
\ tparam Encoding Encoding of the value . ( Even non - string values need to have the same encoding in a document )
\ tparam Allocator Allocator type for allocating memory of object , array and string .
This class implements a Random Access Iterator for GenericMember elements
of a GenericValue , see ISO / IEC 14882 : 2003 ( E ) C + + standard , 24.1 [ lib . iterator . requirements ] .
\ note This iterator implementation is mainly intended to avoid implicit
conversions from iterator values to \ c NULL ,
e . g . from GenericValue : : FindMember .
\ note Define \ c RAPIDJSON_NOMEMBERITERATORCLASS to fall back to a
pointer - based implementation , if your platform doesn ' t provide
the C + + < iterator > header .
\ see GenericMember , GenericValue : : MemberIterator , GenericValue : : ConstMemberIterator
template < bool Const , typename Encoding , typename Allocator >
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
class GenericMemberIterator {
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
friend class GenericValue < Encoding , Allocator > ;
template < bool , typename , typename > friend class GenericMemberIterator ;
typedef GenericMember < Encoding , Allocator > PlainType ;
typedef typename internal : : MaybeAddConst < Const , PlainType > : : Type ValueType ;
public :
//! Iterator type itself
typedef GenericMemberIterator Iterator ;
//! Constant iterator type
typedef GenericMemberIterator < true , Encoding , Allocator > ConstIterator ;
//! Non-constant iterator type
typedef GenericMemberIterator < false , Encoding , Allocator > NonConstIterator ;
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
/** \name std::iterator_traits support */
typedef ValueType value_type ;
typedef ValueType * pointer ;
typedef ValueType & reference ;
typedef std : : ptrdiff_t difference_type ;
typedef std : : random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Pointer to (const) GenericMember
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
typedef pointer Pointer ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Reference to (const) GenericMember
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
typedef reference Reference ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Signed integer type (e.g. \c ptrdiff_t)
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
typedef difference_type DifferenceType ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Default constructor (singular value)
/*! Creates an iterator pointing to no element.
\ note All operations , except for comparisons , are undefined on such values .
GenericMemberIterator ( ) : ptr_ ( ) { }
//! Iterator conversions to more const
\ param it ( Non - const ) iterator to copy from
Allows the creation of an iterator from another GenericMemberIterator
that is " less const " . Especially , creating a non - constant iterator
from a constant iterator are disabled :
\ li const - > non - const ( not ok )
\ li const - > const ( ok )
\ li non - const - > const ( ok )
\ li non - const - > non - const ( ok )
\ note If the \ c Const template parameter is already \ c false , this
constructor effectively defines a regular copy - constructor .
Otherwise , the copy constructor is implicitly defined .
GenericMemberIterator ( const NonConstIterator & it ) : ptr_ ( it . ptr_ ) { }
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
Iterator & operator = ( const NonConstIterator & it ) { ptr_ = it . ptr_ ; return * this ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! @name stepping
Iterator & operator + + ( ) { + + ptr_ ; return * this ; }
Iterator & operator - - ( ) { - - ptr_ ; return * this ; }
Iterator operator + + ( int ) { Iterator old ( * this ) ; + + ptr_ ; return old ; }
Iterator operator - - ( int ) { Iterator old ( * this ) ; - - ptr_ ; return old ; }
//! @name increment/decrement
Iterator operator + ( DifferenceType n ) const { return Iterator ( ptr_ + n ) ; }
Iterator operator - ( DifferenceType n ) const { return Iterator ( ptr_ - n ) ; }
Iterator & operator + = ( DifferenceType n ) { ptr_ + = n ; return * this ; }
Iterator & operator - = ( DifferenceType n ) { ptr_ - = n ; return * this ; }
//! @name relations
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
template < bool Const_ > bool operator = = ( const GenericMemberIterator < Const_ , Encoding , Allocator > & that ) const { return ptr_ = = that . ptr_ ; }
template < bool Const_ > bool operator ! = ( const GenericMemberIterator < Const_ , Encoding , Allocator > & that ) const { return ptr_ ! = that . ptr_ ; }
template < bool Const_ > bool operator < = ( const GenericMemberIterator < Const_ , Encoding , Allocator > & that ) const { return ptr_ < = that . ptr_ ; }
template < bool Const_ > bool operator > = ( const GenericMemberIterator < Const_ , Encoding , Allocator > & that ) const { return ptr_ > = that . ptr_ ; }
template < bool Const_ > bool operator < ( const GenericMemberIterator < Const_ , Encoding , Allocator > & that ) const { return ptr_ < that . ptr_ ; }
template < bool Const_ > bool operator > ( const GenericMemberIterator < Const_ , Encoding , Allocator > & that ) const { return ptr_ > that . ptr_ ; }
# ifdef __cpp_lib_three_way_comparison
template < bool Const_ > std : : strong_ordering operator < = > ( const GenericMemberIterator < Const_ , Encoding , Allocator > & that ) const { return ptr_ < = > that . ptr_ ; }
# endif
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! @name dereference
Reference operator * ( ) const { return * ptr_ ; }
Pointer operator - > ( ) const { return ptr_ ; }
Reference operator [ ] ( DifferenceType n ) const { return ptr_ [ n ] ; }
//! Distance
DifferenceType operator - ( ConstIterator that ) const { return ptr_ - that . ptr_ ; }
private :
//! Internal constructor from plain pointer
explicit GenericMemberIterator ( Pointer p ) : ptr_ ( p ) { }
Pointer ptr_ ; //!< raw pointer
} ;
// class-based member iterator implementation disabled, use plain pointers
template < bool Const , typename Encoding , typename Allocator >
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
class GenericMemberIterator ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! non-const GenericMemberIterator
template < typename Encoding , typename Allocator >
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
class GenericMemberIterator < false , Encoding , Allocator > {
public :
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! use plain pointer as iterator type
typedef GenericMember < Encoding , Allocator > * Iterator ;
} ;
//! const GenericMemberIterator
template < typename Encoding , typename Allocator >
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
class GenericMemberIterator < true , Encoding , Allocator > {
public :
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! use plain const pointer as iterator type
typedef const GenericMember < Encoding , Allocator > * Iterator ;
} ;
// GenericStringRef
//! Reference to a constant string (not taking a copy)
\ tparam CharType character type of the string
This helper class is used to automatically infer constant string
references for string literals , especially from \ c const \ b ( ! )
character arrays .
The main use is for creating JSON string values without copying the
source string via an \ ref Allocator . This requires that the referenced
string pointers have a sufficient lifetime , which exceeds the lifetime
of the associated GenericValue .
\ b Example
\ code
Value v ( " foo " ) ; // ok, no need to copy & calculate length
const char foo [ ] = " foo " ;
v . SetString ( foo ) ; // ok
const char * bar = foo ;
// Value x(bar); // not ok, can't rely on bar's lifetime
Value x ( StringRef ( bar ) ) ; // lifetime explicitly guaranteed by user
Value y ( StringRef ( bar , 3 ) ) ; // ok, explicitly pass length
\ endcode
\ see StringRef , GenericValue : : SetString
template < typename CharType >
struct GenericStringRef {
typedef CharType Ch ; //!< character type of the string
//! Create string reference from \c const character array
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
# ifndef __clang__ // -Wdocumentation
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
This constructor implicitly creates a constant string reference from
a \ c const character array . It has better performance than
\ ref StringRef ( const CharType * ) by inferring the string \ ref length
from the array length , and also supports strings containing null
characters .
\ tparam N length of the string , automatically inferred
\ param str Constant character array , lifetime assumed to be longer
than the use of the string in e . g . a GenericValue
\ post \ ref s = = str
\ note Constant complexity .
\ note There is a hidden , private overload to disallow references to
non - const character arrays to be created via this constructor .
By this , e . g . function - scope arrays used to be filled via
\ c snprintf are excluded from consideration .
In such cases , the referenced string should be \ b copied to the
GenericValue instead .
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
# endif
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
template < SizeType N >
GenericStringRef ( const CharType ( & str ) [ N ] ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
: s ( str ) , length ( N - 1 ) { }
//! Explicitly create string reference from \c const character pointer
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
# ifndef __clang__ // -Wdocumentation
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
This constructor can be used to \ b explicitly create a reference to
a constant string pointer .
\ see StringRef ( const CharType * )
\ param str Constant character pointer , lifetime assumed to be longer
than the use of the string in e . g . a GenericValue
\ post \ ref s = = str
\ note There is a hidden , private overload to disallow references to
non - const character arrays to be created via this constructor .
By this , e . g . function - scope arrays used to be filled via
\ c snprintf are excluded from consideration .
In such cases , the referenced string should be \ b copied to the
GenericValue instead .
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
# endif
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
explicit GenericStringRef ( const CharType * str )
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
: s ( str ) , length ( NotNullStrLen ( str ) ) { }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Create constant string reference from pointer and length
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
# ifndef __clang__ // -Wdocumentation
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
/*! \param str constant string, lifetime assumed to be longer than the use of the string in e.g. a GenericValue
\ param len length of the string , excluding the trailing NULL terminator
\ post \ ref s = = str & & \ ref length = = len
\ note Constant complexity .
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
# endif
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
GenericStringRef ( const CharType * str , SizeType len )
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
: s ( RAPIDJSON_LIKELY ( str ) ? str : emptyString ) , length ( len ) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( str ! = 0 | | len = = 0u ) ; }
GenericStringRef ( const GenericStringRef & rhs ) : s ( rhs . s ) , length ( rhs . length ) { }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! implicit conversion to plain CharType pointer
operator const Ch * ( ) const { return s ; }
const Ch * const s ; //!< plain CharType pointer
const SizeType length ; //!< length of the string (excluding the trailing NULL terminator)
private :
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
SizeType NotNullStrLen ( const CharType * str ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( str ! = 0 ) ;
return internal : : StrLen ( str ) ;
/// Empty string - used when passing in a NULL pointer
static const Ch emptyString [ ] ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Disallow construction from non-const array
template < SizeType N >
GenericStringRef ( CharType ( & str ) [ N ] ) /* = delete */ ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
//! Copy assignment operator not permitted - immutable type
GenericStringRef & operator = ( const GenericStringRef & rhs ) /* = delete */ ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
} ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
template < typename CharType >
const CharType GenericStringRef < CharType > : : emptyString [ ] = { CharType ( ) } ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Mark a character pointer as constant string
/*! Mark a plain character pointer as a "string literal". This function
can be used to avoid copying a character string to be referenced as a
value in a JSON GenericValue object , if the string ' s lifetime is known
to be valid long enough .
\ tparam CharType Character type of the string
\ param str Constant string , lifetime assumed to be longer than the use of the string in e . g . a GenericValue
\ return GenericStringRef string reference object
\ relatesalso GenericStringRef
\ see GenericValue : : GenericValue ( StringRefType ) , GenericValue : : operator = ( StringRefType ) , GenericValue : : SetString ( StringRefType ) , GenericValue : : PushBack ( StringRefType , Allocator & ) , GenericValue : : AddMember
template < typename CharType >
inline GenericStringRef < CharType > StringRef ( const CharType * str ) {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
return GenericStringRef < CharType > ( str ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Mark a character pointer as constant string
/*! Mark a plain character pointer as a "string literal". This function
can be used to avoid copying a character string to be referenced as a
value in a JSON GenericValue object , if the string ' s lifetime is known
to be valid long enough .
This version has better performance with supplied length , and also
supports string containing null characters .
\ tparam CharType character type of the string
\ param str Constant string , lifetime assumed to be longer than the use of the string in e . g . a GenericValue
\ param length The length of source string .
\ return GenericStringRef string reference object
\ relatesalso GenericStringRef
template < typename CharType >
inline GenericStringRef < CharType > StringRef ( const CharType * str , size_t length ) {
return GenericStringRef < CharType > ( str , SizeType ( length ) ) ;
//! Mark a string object as constant string
/*! Mark a string object (e.g. \c std::string) as a "string literal".
This function can be used to avoid copying a string to be referenced as a
value in a JSON GenericValue object , if the string ' s lifetime is known
to be valid long enough .
\ tparam CharType character type of the string
\ param str Constant string , lifetime assumed to be longer than the use of the string in e . g . a GenericValue
\ return GenericStringRef string reference object
\ relatesalso GenericStringRef
\ note Requires the definition of the preprocessor symbol \ ref RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING .
template < typename CharType >
inline GenericStringRef < CharType > StringRef ( const std : : basic_string < CharType > & str ) {
return GenericStringRef < CharType > ( str . data ( ) , SizeType ( str . size ( ) ) ) ;
# endif
// GenericValue type traits
namespace internal {
template < typename T , typename Encoding = void , typename Allocator = void >
struct IsGenericValueImpl : FalseType { } ;
// select candidates according to nested encoding and allocator types
template < typename T > struct IsGenericValueImpl < T , typename Void < typename T : : EncodingType > : : Type , typename Void < typename T : : AllocatorType > : : Type >
: IsBaseOf < GenericValue < typename T : : EncodingType , typename T : : AllocatorType > , T > : : Type { } ;
// helper to match arbitrary GenericValue instantiations, including derived classes
template < typename T > struct IsGenericValue : IsGenericValueImpl < T > : : Type { } ;
} // namespace internal
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
// TypeHelper
namespace internal {
template < typename ValueType , typename T >
struct TypeHelper { } ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , bool > {
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsBool ( ) ; }
static bool Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetBool ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , bool data ) { return v . SetBool ( data ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , bool data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & ) { return v . SetBool ( data ) ; }
} ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , int > {
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsInt ( ) ; }
static int Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetInt ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , int data ) { return v . SetInt ( data ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , int data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & ) { return v . SetInt ( data ) ; }
} ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , unsigned > {
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsUint ( ) ; }
static unsigned Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetUint ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , unsigned data ) { return v . SetUint ( data ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , unsigned data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & ) { return v . SetUint ( data ) ; }
} ;
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
# ifdef _MSC_VER
RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT ( sizeof ( long ) = = sizeof ( int ) ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , long > {
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsInt ( ) ; }
static long Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetInt ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , long data ) { return v . SetInt ( data ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , long data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & ) { return v . SetInt ( data ) ; }
} ;
RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT ( sizeof ( unsigned long ) = = sizeof ( unsigned ) ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , unsigned long > {
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsUint ( ) ; }
static unsigned long Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetUint ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , unsigned long data ) { return v . SetUint ( data ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , unsigned long data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & ) { return v . SetUint ( data ) ; }
} ;
# endif
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , int64_t > {
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsInt64 ( ) ; }
static int64_t Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetInt64 ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , int64_t data ) { return v . SetInt64 ( data ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , int64_t data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & ) { return v . SetInt64 ( data ) ; }
} ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , uint64_t > {
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsUint64 ( ) ; }
static uint64_t Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetUint64 ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , uint64_t data ) { return v . SetUint64 ( data ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , uint64_t data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & ) { return v . SetUint64 ( data ) ; }
} ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , double > {
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsDouble ( ) ; }
static double Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetDouble ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , double data ) { return v . SetDouble ( data ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , double data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & ) { return v . SetDouble ( data ) ; }
} ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , float > {
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsFloat ( ) ; }
static float Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetFloat ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , float data ) { return v . SetFloat ( data ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , float data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & ) { return v . SetFloat ( data ) ; }
} ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , const typename ValueType : : Ch * > {
typedef const typename ValueType : : Ch * StringType ;
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsString ( ) ; }
static StringType Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetString ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , const StringType data ) { return v . SetString ( typename ValueType : : StringRefType ( data ) ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , const StringType data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & a ) { return v . SetString ( data , a ) ; }
} ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , std : : basic_string < typename ValueType : : Ch > > {
typedef std : : basic_string < typename ValueType : : Ch > StringType ;
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsString ( ) ; }
static StringType Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return StringType ( v . GetString ( ) , v . GetStringLength ( ) ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , const StringType & data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & a ) { return v . SetString ( data , a ) ; }
} ;
# endif
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , typename ValueType : : Array > {
typedef typename ValueType : : Array ArrayType ;
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsArray ( ) ; }
static ArrayType Get ( ValueType & v ) { return v . GetArray ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , ArrayType data ) { return v = data ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , ArrayType data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & ) { return v = data ; }
} ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , typename ValueType : : ConstArray > {
typedef typename ValueType : : ConstArray ArrayType ;
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsArray ( ) ; }
static ArrayType Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetArray ( ) ; }
} ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , typename ValueType : : Object > {
typedef typename ValueType : : Object ObjectType ;
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsObject ( ) ; }
static ObjectType Get ( ValueType & v ) { return v . GetObject ( ) ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , ObjectType data ) { return v = data ; }
static ValueType & Set ( ValueType & v , ObjectType data , typename ValueType : : AllocatorType & ) { return v = data ; }
} ;
template < typename ValueType >
struct TypeHelper < ValueType , typename ValueType : : ConstObject > {
typedef typename ValueType : : ConstObject ObjectType ;
static bool Is ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . IsObject ( ) ; }
static ObjectType Get ( const ValueType & v ) { return v . GetObject ( ) ; }
} ;
} // namespace internal
// Forward declarations
template < bool , typename > class GenericArray ;
template < bool , typename > class GenericObject ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
// GenericValue
//! Represents a JSON value. Use Value for UTF8 encoding and default allocator.
A JSON value can be one of 7 types . This class is a variant type supporting
these types .
Use the Value if UTF8 and default allocator
\ tparam Encoding Encoding of the value . ( Even non - string values need to have the same encoding in a document )
\ tparam Allocator Allocator type for allocating memory of object , array and string .
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template < typename Encoding , typename Allocator = RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR >
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
class GenericValue {
public :
//! Name-value pair in an object.
typedef GenericMember < Encoding , Allocator > Member ;
typedef Encoding EncodingType ; //!< Encoding type from template parameter.
typedef Allocator AllocatorType ; //!< Allocator type from template parameter.
typedef typename Encoding : : Ch Ch ; //!< Character type derived from Encoding.
typedef GenericStringRef < Ch > StringRefType ; //!< Reference to a constant string
typedef typename GenericMemberIterator < false , Encoding , Allocator > : : Iterator MemberIterator ; //!< Member iterator for iterating in object.
typedef typename GenericMemberIterator < true , Encoding , Allocator > : : Iterator ConstMemberIterator ; //!< Constant member iterator for iterating in object.
typedef GenericValue * ValueIterator ; //!< Value iterator for iterating in array.
typedef const GenericValue * ConstValueIterator ; //!< Constant value iterator for iterating in array.
typedef GenericValue < Encoding , Allocator > ValueType ; //!< Value type of itself.
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typedef GenericArray < false , ValueType > Array ;
typedef GenericArray < true , ValueType > ConstArray ;
typedef GenericObject < false , ValueType > Object ;
typedef GenericObject < true , ValueType > ConstObject ;
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//!@name Constructors and destructor.
//! Default constructor creates a null value.
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue ( ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( ) { data_ . f . flags = kNullFlag ; }
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//! Move constructor in C++11
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GenericValue ( GenericValue & & rhs ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( rhs . data_ ) {
rhs . data_ . f . flags = kNullFlag ; // give up contents
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
# endif
private :
//! Copy constructor is not permitted.
GenericValue ( const GenericValue & rhs ) ;
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//! Moving from a GenericDocument is not permitted.
template < typename StackAllocator >
GenericValue ( GenericDocument < Encoding , Allocator , StackAllocator > & & rhs ) ;
//! Move assignment from a GenericDocument is not permitted.
template < typename StackAllocator >
GenericValue & operator = ( GenericDocument < Encoding , Allocator , StackAllocator > & & rhs ) ;
# endif
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public :
//! Constructor with JSON value type.
/*! This creates a Value of specified type with default content.
\ param type Type of the value .
\ note Default content for number is zero .
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explicit GenericValue ( Type type ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( ) {
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static const uint16_t defaultFlags [ ] = {
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
kNullFlag , kFalseFlag , kTrueFlag , kObjectFlag , kArrayFlag , kShortStringFlag ,
} ;
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RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT_ASSERT ( type > = kNullType & & type < = kNumberType ) ;
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data_ . f . flags = defaultFlags [ type ] ;
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// Use ShortString to store empty string.
if ( type = = kStringType )
data_ . ss . SetLength ( 0 ) ;
//! Explicit copy constructor (with allocator)
/*! Creates a copy of a Value by using the given Allocator
\ tparam SourceAllocator allocator of \ c rhs
\ param rhs Value to copy from ( read - only )
\ param allocator Allocator for allocating copied elements and buffers . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
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\ param copyConstStrings Force copying of constant strings ( e . g . referencing an in - situ buffer )
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\ see CopyFrom ( )
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template < typename SourceAllocator >
GenericValue ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & rhs , Allocator & allocator , bool copyConstStrings = false ) {
switch ( rhs . GetType ( ) ) {
case kObjectType : {
SizeType count = rhs . data_ . o . size ;
Member * lm = reinterpret_cast < Member * > ( allocator . Malloc ( count * sizeof ( Member ) ) ) ;
const typename GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > : : Member * rm = rhs . GetMembersPointer ( ) ;
for ( SizeType i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
new ( & lm [ i ] . name ) GenericValue ( rm [ i ] . name , allocator , copyConstStrings ) ;
new ( & lm [ i ] . value ) GenericValue ( rm [ i ] . value , allocator , copyConstStrings ) ;
data_ . f . flags = kObjectFlag ;
data_ . o . size = data_ . o . capacity = count ;
SetMembersPointer ( lm ) ;
break ;
case kArrayType : {
SizeType count = rhs . data_ . a . size ;
GenericValue * le = reinterpret_cast < GenericValue * > ( allocator . Malloc ( count * sizeof ( GenericValue ) ) ) ;
const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > * re = rhs . GetElementsPointer ( ) ;
for ( SizeType i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
new ( & le [ i ] ) GenericValue ( re [ i ] , allocator , copyConstStrings ) ;
data_ . f . flags = kArrayFlag ;
data_ . a . size = data_ . a . capacity = count ;
SetElementsPointer ( le ) ;
break ;
case kStringType :
if ( rhs . data_ . f . flags = = kConstStringFlag & & ! copyConstStrings ) {
data_ . f . flags = rhs . data_ . f . flags ;
data_ = * reinterpret_cast < const Data * > ( & rhs . data_ ) ;
SetStringRaw ( StringRef ( rhs . GetString ( ) , rhs . GetStringLength ( ) ) , allocator ) ;
break ;
default :
data_ . f . flags = rhs . data_ . f . flags ;
data_ = * reinterpret_cast < const Data * > ( & rhs . data_ ) ;
break ;
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//! Constructor for boolean value.
/*! \param b Boolean value
\ note This constructor is limited to \ em real boolean values and rejects
implicitly converted types like arbitrary pointers . Use an explicit cast
to \ c bool , if you want to construct a boolean JSON value in such cases .
# ifndef RAPIDJSON_DOXYGEN_RUNNING // hide SFINAE from Doxygen
template < typename T >
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explicit GenericValue ( T b , RAPIDJSON_ENABLEIF ( ( internal : : IsSame < bool , T > ) ) ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT // See #472
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# else
explicit GenericValue ( bool b ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
# endif
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: data_ ( ) {
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// safe-guard against failing SFINAE
RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT ( ( internal : : IsSame < bool , T > : : Value ) ) ;
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data_ . f . flags = b ? kTrueFlag : kFalseFlag ;
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//! Constructor for int value.
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explicit GenericValue ( int i ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( ) {
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data_ . n . i64 = i ;
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data_ . f . flags = ( i > = 0 ) ? ( kNumberIntFlag | kUintFlag | kUint64Flag ) : kNumberIntFlag ;
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//! Constructor for unsigned value.
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explicit GenericValue ( unsigned u ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( ) {
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data_ . n . u64 = u ;
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data_ . f . flags = ( u & 0x80000000 ) ? kNumberUintFlag : ( kNumberUintFlag | kIntFlag | kInt64Flag ) ;
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//! Constructor for int64_t value.
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
explicit GenericValue ( int64_t i64 ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( ) {
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
data_ . n . i64 = i64 ;
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data_ . f . flags = kNumberInt64Flag ;
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if ( i64 > = 0 ) {
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data_ . f . flags | = kNumberUint64Flag ;
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if ( ! ( static_cast < uint64_t > ( i64 ) & RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2 ( 0xFFFFFFFF , 0x00000000 ) ) )
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . f . flags | = kUintFlag ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
if ( ! ( static_cast < uint64_t > ( i64 ) & RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2 ( 0xFFFFFFFF , 0x80000000 ) ) )
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data_ . f . flags | = kIntFlag ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
else if ( i64 > = static_cast < int64_t > ( RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2 ( 0xFFFFFFFF , 0x80000000 ) ) )
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . f . flags | = kIntFlag ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Constructor for uint64_t value.
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
explicit GenericValue ( uint64_t u64 ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( ) {
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
data_ . n . u64 = u64 ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . f . flags = kNumberUint64Flag ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
if ( ! ( u64 & RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2 ( 0x80000000 , 0x00000000 ) ) )
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . f . flags | = kInt64Flag ;
2015-12-17 17:16:25 +00:00
if ( ! ( u64 & RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2 ( 0xFFFFFFFF , 0x00000000 ) ) )
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . f . flags | = kUintFlag ;
2015-12-17 17:16:25 +00:00
if ( ! ( u64 & RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2 ( 0xFFFFFFFF , 0x80000000 ) ) )
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . f . flags | = kIntFlag ;
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2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Constructor for double value.
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explicit GenericValue ( double d ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( ) { data_ . n . d = d ; data_ . f . flags = kNumberDoubleFlag ; }
//! Constructor for float value.
explicit GenericValue ( float f ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( ) { data_ . n . d = static_cast < double > ( f ) ; data_ . f . flags = kNumberDoubleFlag ; }
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//! Constructor for constant string (i.e. do not make a copy of string)
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue ( const Ch * s , SizeType length ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( ) { SetStringRaw ( StringRef ( s , length ) ) ; }
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//! Constructor for constant string (i.e. do not make a copy of string)
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
explicit GenericValue ( StringRefType s ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( ) { SetStringRaw ( s ) ; }
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//! Constructor for copy-string (i.e. do make a copy of string)
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue ( const Ch * s , SizeType length , Allocator & allocator ) : data_ ( ) { SetStringRaw ( StringRef ( s , length ) , allocator ) ; }
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//! Constructor for copy-string (i.e. do make a copy of string)
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue ( const Ch * s , Allocator & allocator ) : data_ ( ) { SetStringRaw ( StringRef ( s ) , allocator ) ; }
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//! Constructor for copy-string from a string object (i.e. do make a copy of string)
/*! \note Requires the definition of the preprocessor symbol \ref RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING.
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GenericValue ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & s , Allocator & allocator ) : data_ ( ) { SetStringRaw ( StringRef ( s ) , allocator ) ; }
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# endif
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//! Constructor for Array.
\ param a An array obtained by \ c GetArray ( ) .
\ note \ c Array is always pass - by - value .
\ note the source array is moved into this value and the sourec array becomes empty .
GenericValue ( Array a ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( a . value_ . data_ ) {
a . value_ . data_ = Data ( ) ;
a . value_ . data_ . f . flags = kArrayFlag ;
//! Constructor for Object.
\ param o An object obtained by \ c GetObject ( ) .
\ note \ c Object is always pass - by - value .
\ note the source object is moved into this value and the sourec object becomes empty .
GenericValue ( Object o ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_ ( o . value_ . data_ ) {
o . value_ . data_ = Data ( ) ;
o . value_ . data_ . f . flags = kObjectFlag ;
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//! Destructor.
/*! Need to destruct elements of array, members of object, or copy-string.
~ GenericValue ( ) {
if ( Allocator : : kNeedFree ) { // Shortcut by Allocator's trait
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switch ( data_ . f . flags ) {
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
case kArrayFlag :
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue * e = GetElementsPointer ( ) ;
for ( GenericValue * v = e ; v ! = e + data_ . a . size ; + + v )
v - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ;
Allocator : : Free ( e ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
break ;
case kObjectFlag :
for ( MemberIterator m = MemberBegin ( ) ; m ! = MemberEnd ( ) ; + + m )
m - > ~ Member ( ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
Allocator : : Free ( GetMembersPointer ( ) ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
break ;
case kCopyStringFlag :
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
Allocator : : Free ( const_cast < Ch * > ( GetStringPointer ( ) ) ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
break ;
default :
break ; // Do nothing for other types.
//!@name Assignment operators
//! Assignment with move semantics.
/*! \param rhs Source of the assignment. It will become a null value after assignment.
GenericValue & operator = ( GenericValue & rhs ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
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if ( RAPIDJSON_LIKELY ( this ! = & rhs ) ) {
this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ;
RawAssign ( rhs ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return * this ;
//! Move assignment in C++11
GenericValue & operator = ( GenericValue & & rhs ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
return * this = rhs . Move ( ) ;
# endif
//! Assignment of constant string reference (no copy)
/*! \param str Constant string reference to be assigned
\ note This overload is needed to avoid clashes with the generic primitive type assignment overload below .
\ see GenericStringRef , operator = ( T )
GenericValue & operator = ( StringRefType str ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
GenericValue s ( str ) ;
return * this = s ;
//! Assignment with primitive types.
/*! \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t
\ param value The value to be assigned .
\ note The source type \ c T explicitly disallows all pointer types ,
especially ( \ c const ) \ ref Ch * . This helps avoiding implicitly
referencing character strings with insufficient lifetime , use
\ ref SetString ( const Ch * , Allocator & ) ( for copying ) or
\ ref StringRef ( ) ( to explicitly mark the pointer as constant ) instead .
All other pointer types would implicitly convert to \ c bool ,
use \ ref SetBool ( ) instead .
template < typename T >
RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : IsPointer < T > ) , ( GenericValue & ) )
operator = ( T value ) {
GenericValue v ( value ) ;
return * this = v ;
//! Deep-copy assignment from Value
/*! Assigns a \b copy of the Value to the current Value object
\ tparam SourceAllocator Allocator type of \ c rhs
\ param rhs Value to copy from ( read - only )
\ param allocator Allocator to use for copying
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
\ param copyConstStrings Force copying of constant strings ( e . g . referencing an in - situ buffer )
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
template < typename SourceAllocator >
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue & CopyFrom ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & rhs , Allocator & allocator , bool copyConstStrings = false ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( static_cast < void * > ( this ) ! = static_cast < void const * > ( & rhs ) ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ;
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new ( this ) GenericValue ( rhs , allocator , copyConstStrings ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return * this ;
//! Exchange the contents of this value with those of other.
\ param other Another value .
\ note Constant complexity .
GenericValue & Swap ( GenericValue & other ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
GenericValue temp ;
temp . RawAssign ( * this ) ;
RawAssign ( other ) ;
other . RawAssign ( temp ) ;
return * this ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
//! free-standing swap function helper
Helper function to enable support for common swap implementation pattern based on \ c std : : swap :
\ code
void swap ( MyClass & a , MyClass & b ) {
using std : : swap ;
swap ( a . value , b . value ) ;
// ...
\ endcode
\ see Swap ( )
friend inline void swap ( GenericValue & a , GenericValue & b ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { a . Swap ( b ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Prepare Value for move semantics
/*! \return *this */
GenericValue & Move ( ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { return * this ; }
//!@name Equal-to and not-equal-to operators
//! Equal-to operator
\ note If an object contains duplicated named member , comparing equality with any object is always \ c false .
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\ note Complexity is quadratic in Object ' s member number and linear for the rest ( number of all values in the subtree and total lengths of all strings ) .
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
template < typename SourceAllocator >
bool operator = = ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & rhs ) const {
typedef GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > RhsType ;
if ( GetType ( ) ! = rhs . GetType ( ) )
return false ;
switch ( GetType ( ) ) {
case kObjectType : // Warning: O(n^2) inner-loop
if ( data_ . o . size ! = rhs . data_ . o . size )
return false ;
for ( ConstMemberIterator lhsMemberItr = MemberBegin ( ) ; lhsMemberItr ! = MemberEnd ( ) ; + + lhsMemberItr ) {
typename RhsType : : ConstMemberIterator rhsMemberItr = rhs . FindMember ( lhsMemberItr - > name ) ;
if ( rhsMemberItr = = rhs . MemberEnd ( ) | | lhsMemberItr - > value ! = rhsMemberItr - > value )
return false ;
return true ;
case kArrayType :
if ( data_ . a . size ! = rhs . data_ . a . size )
return false ;
for ( SizeType i = 0 ; i < data_ . a . size ; i + + )
if ( ( * this ) [ i ] ! = rhs [ i ] )
return false ;
return true ;
case kStringType :
return StringEqual ( rhs ) ;
case kNumberType :
if ( IsDouble ( ) | | rhs . IsDouble ( ) ) {
double a = GetDouble ( ) ; // May convert from integer to double.
double b = rhs . GetDouble ( ) ; // Ditto
return a > = b & & a < = b ; // Prevent -Wfloat-equal
return data_ . n . u64 = = rhs . data_ . n . u64 ;
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default :
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return true ;
//! Equal-to operator with const C-string pointer
bool operator = = ( const Ch * rhs ) const { return * this = = GenericValue ( StringRef ( rhs ) ) ; }
//! Equal-to operator with string object
/*! \note Requires the definition of the preprocessor symbol \ref RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING.
bool operator = = ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & rhs ) const { return * this = = GenericValue ( StringRef ( rhs ) ) ; }
# endif
//! Equal-to operator with primitive types
/*! \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t, \c double, \c true, \c false
template < typename T > RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : OrExpr < internal : : IsPointer < T > , internal : : IsGenericValue < T > > ) , ( bool ) ) operator = = ( const T & rhs ) const { return * this = = GenericValue ( rhs ) ; }
//! Not-equal-to operator
/*! \return !(*this == rhs)
template < typename SourceAllocator >
bool operator ! = ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & rhs ) const { return ! ( * this = = rhs ) ; }
//! Not-equal-to operator with const C-string pointer
bool operator ! = ( const Ch * rhs ) const { return ! ( * this = = rhs ) ; }
//! Not-equal-to operator with arbitrary types
/*! \return !(*this == rhs)
template < typename T > RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : IsGenericValue < T > ) , ( bool ) ) operator ! = ( const T & rhs ) const { return ! ( * this = = rhs ) ; }
//! Equal-to operator with arbitrary types (symmetric version)
/*! \return (rhs == lhs)
template < typename T > friend RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : IsGenericValue < T > ) , ( bool ) ) operator = = ( const T & lhs , const GenericValue & rhs ) { return rhs = = lhs ; }
//! Not-Equal-to operator with arbitrary types (symmetric version)
/*! \return !(rhs == lhs)
template < typename T > friend RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : IsGenericValue < T > ) , ( bool ) ) operator ! = ( const T & lhs , const GenericValue & rhs ) { return ! ( rhs = = lhs ) ; }
//!@name Type
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Type GetType ( ) const { return static_cast < Type > ( data_ . f . flags & kTypeMask ) ; }
bool IsNull ( ) const { return data_ . f . flags = = kNullFlag ; }
bool IsFalse ( ) const { return data_ . f . flags = = kFalseFlag ; }
bool IsTrue ( ) const { return data_ . f . flags = = kTrueFlag ; }
bool IsBool ( ) const { return ( data_ . f . flags & kBoolFlag ) ! = 0 ; }
bool IsObject ( ) const { return data_ . f . flags = = kObjectFlag ; }
bool IsArray ( ) const { return data_ . f . flags = = kArrayFlag ; }
bool IsNumber ( ) const { return ( data_ . f . flags & kNumberFlag ) ! = 0 ; }
bool IsInt ( ) const { return ( data_ . f . flags & kIntFlag ) ! = 0 ; }
bool IsUint ( ) const { return ( data_ . f . flags & kUintFlag ) ! = 0 ; }
bool IsInt64 ( ) const { return ( data_ . f . flags & kInt64Flag ) ! = 0 ; }
bool IsUint64 ( ) const { return ( data_ . f . flags & kUint64Flag ) ! = 0 ; }
bool IsDouble ( ) const { return ( data_ . f . flags & kDoubleFlag ) ! = 0 ; }
bool IsString ( ) const { return ( data_ . f . flags & kStringFlag ) ! = 0 ; }
// Checks whether a number can be losslessly converted to a double.
bool IsLosslessDouble ( ) const {
if ( ! IsNumber ( ) ) return false ;
if ( IsUint64 ( ) ) {
uint64_t u = GetUint64 ( ) ;
volatile double d = static_cast < double > ( u ) ;
return ( d > = 0.0 )
& & ( d < static_cast < double > ( ( std : : numeric_limits < uint64_t > : : max ) ( ) ) )
& & ( u = = static_cast < uint64_t > ( d ) ) ;
if ( IsInt64 ( ) ) {
int64_t i = GetInt64 ( ) ;
volatile double d = static_cast < double > ( i ) ;
return ( d > = static_cast < double > ( ( std : : numeric_limits < int64_t > : : min ) ( ) ) )
& & ( d < static_cast < double > ( ( std : : numeric_limits < int64_t > : : max ) ( ) ) )
& & ( i = = static_cast < int64_t > ( d ) ) ;
return true ; // double, int, uint are always lossless
// Checks whether a number is a float (possible lossy).
bool IsFloat ( ) const {
if ( ( data_ . f . flags & kDoubleFlag ) = = 0 )
return false ;
double d = GetDouble ( ) ;
return d > = - 3.4028234e38 & & d < = 3.4028234e38 ;
// Checks whether a number can be losslessly converted to a float.
bool IsLosslessFloat ( ) const {
if ( ! IsNumber ( ) ) return false ;
double a = GetDouble ( ) ;
if ( a < static_cast < double > ( - ( std : : numeric_limits < float > : : max ) ( ) )
| | a > static_cast < double > ( ( std : : numeric_limits < float > : : max ) ( ) ) )
return false ;
double b = static_cast < double > ( static_cast < float > ( a ) ) ;
return a > = b & & a < = b ; // Prevent -Wfloat-equal
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//!@name Null
GenericValue & SetNull ( ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; new ( this ) GenericValue ( ) ; return * this ; }
//!@name Bool
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bool GetBool ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsBool ( ) ) ; return data_ . f . flags = = kTrueFlag ; }
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//!< Set boolean value
/*! \post IsBool() == true */
GenericValue & SetBool ( bool b ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; new ( this ) GenericValue ( b ) ; return * this ; }
//!@name Object
//! Set this value as an empty object.
/*! \post IsObject() == true */
GenericValue & SetObject ( ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; new ( this ) GenericValue ( kObjectType ) ; return * this ; }
//! Get the number of members in the object.
SizeType MemberCount ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ; return data_ . o . size ; }
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
//! Get the capacity of object.
SizeType MemberCapacity ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ; return data_ . o . capacity ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Check whether the object is empty.
bool ObjectEmpty ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ; return data_ . o . size = = 0 ; }
//! Get a value from an object associated with the name.
/*! \pre IsObject() == true
\ tparam T Either \ c Ch or \ c const \ c Ch ( template used for disambiguation with \ ref operator [ ] ( SizeType ) )
\ note In version 0.1 x , if the member is not found , this function returns a null value . This makes issue 7.
Since 0.2 , if the name is not correct , it will assert .
If user is unsure whether a member exists , user should use HasMember ( ) first .
A better approach is to use FindMember ( ) .
\ note Linear time complexity .
template < typename T >
RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : NotExpr < internal : : IsSame < typename internal : : RemoveConst < T > : : Type , Ch > > ) , ( GenericValue & ) ) operator [ ] ( T * name ) {
GenericValue n ( StringRef ( name ) ) ;
return ( * this ) [ n ] ;
template < typename T >
RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : NotExpr < internal : : IsSame < typename internal : : RemoveConst < T > : : Type , Ch > > ) , ( const GenericValue & ) ) operator [ ] ( T * name ) const { return const_cast < GenericValue & > ( * this ) [ name ] ; }
//! Get a value from an object associated with the name.
/*! \pre IsObject() == true
\ tparam SourceAllocator Allocator of the \ c name value
\ note Compared to \ ref operator [ ] ( T * ) , this version is faster because it does not need a StrLen ( ) .
And it can also handle strings with embedded null characters .
\ note Linear time complexity .
template < typename SourceAllocator >
GenericValue & operator [ ] ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & name ) {
MemberIterator member = FindMember ( name ) ;
if ( member ! = MemberEnd ( ) )
return member - > value ;
else {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( false ) ; // see above note
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
// This will generate -Wexit-time-destructors in clang
// static GenericValue NullValue;
// return NullValue;
// Use static buffer and placement-new to prevent destruction
static char buffer [ sizeof ( GenericValue ) ] ;
return * new ( buffer ) GenericValue ( ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
template < typename SourceAllocator >
const GenericValue & operator [ ] ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & name ) const { return const_cast < GenericValue & > ( * this ) [ name ] ; }
//! Get a value from an object associated with name (string object).
GenericValue & operator [ ] ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) { return ( * this ) [ GenericValue ( StringRef ( name ) ) ] ; }
const GenericValue & operator [ ] ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) const { return ( * this ) [ GenericValue ( StringRef ( name ) ) ] ; }
# endif
//! Const member iterator
/*! \pre IsObject() == true */
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
ConstMemberIterator MemberBegin ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ; return ConstMemberIterator ( GetMembersPointer ( ) ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Const \em past-the-end member iterator
/*! \pre IsObject() == true */
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
ConstMemberIterator MemberEnd ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ; return ConstMemberIterator ( GetMembersPointer ( ) + data_ . o . size ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Member iterator
/*! \pre IsObject() == true */
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
MemberIterator MemberBegin ( ) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ; return MemberIterator ( GetMembersPointer ( ) ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! \em Past-the-end member iterator
/*! \pre IsObject() == true */
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
MemberIterator MemberEnd ( ) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ; return MemberIterator ( GetMembersPointer ( ) + data_ . o . size ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
//! Request the object to have enough capacity to store members.
/*! \param newCapacity The capacity that the object at least need to have.
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . It must be the same one as used before . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ note Linear time complexity .
GenericValue & MemberReserve ( SizeType newCapacity , Allocator & allocator ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ;
if ( newCapacity > data_ . o . capacity ) {
SetMembersPointer ( reinterpret_cast < Member * > ( allocator . Realloc ( GetMembersPointer ( ) , data_ . o . capacity * sizeof ( Member ) , newCapacity * sizeof ( Member ) ) ) ) ;
data_ . o . capacity = newCapacity ;
return * this ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Check whether a member exists in the object.
\ param name Member name to be searched .
\ pre IsObject ( ) = = true
\ return Whether a member with that name exists .
\ note It is better to use FindMember ( ) directly if you need the obtain the value as well .
\ note Linear time complexity .
bool HasMember ( const Ch * name ) const { return FindMember ( name ) ! = MemberEnd ( ) ; }
//! Check whether a member exists in the object with string object.
\ param name Member name to be searched .
\ pre IsObject ( ) = = true
\ return Whether a member with that name exists .
\ note It is better to use FindMember ( ) directly if you need the obtain the value as well .
\ note Linear time complexity .
bool HasMember ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) const { return FindMember ( name ) ! = MemberEnd ( ) ; }
# endif
//! Check whether a member exists in the object with GenericValue name.
This version is faster because it does not need a StrLen ( ) . It can also handle string with null character .
\ param name Member name to be searched .
\ pre IsObject ( ) = = true
\ return Whether a member with that name exists .
\ note It is better to use FindMember ( ) directly if you need the obtain the value as well .
\ note Linear time complexity .
template < typename SourceAllocator >
bool HasMember ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & name ) const { return FindMember ( name ) ! = MemberEnd ( ) ; }
//! Find member by name.
\ param name Member name to be searched .
\ pre IsObject ( ) = = true
\ return Iterator to member , if it exists .
Otherwise returns \ ref MemberEnd ( ) .
\ note Earlier versions of Rapidjson returned a \ c NULL pointer , in case
the requested member doesn ' t exist . For consistency with e . g .
\ c std : : map , this has been changed to MemberEnd ( ) now .
\ note Linear time complexity .
MemberIterator FindMember ( const Ch * name ) {
GenericValue n ( StringRef ( name ) ) ;
return FindMember ( n ) ;
ConstMemberIterator FindMember ( const Ch * name ) const { return const_cast < GenericValue & > ( * this ) . FindMember ( name ) ; }
//! Find member by name.
This version is faster because it does not need a StrLen ( ) . It can also handle string with null character .
\ param name Member name to be searched .
\ pre IsObject ( ) = = true
\ return Iterator to member , if it exists .
Otherwise returns \ ref MemberEnd ( ) .
\ note Earlier versions of Rapidjson returned a \ c NULL pointer , in case
the requested member doesn ' t exist . For consistency with e . g .
\ c std : : map , this has been changed to MemberEnd ( ) now .
\ note Linear time complexity .
template < typename SourceAllocator >
MemberIterator FindMember ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & name ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( name . IsString ( ) ) ;
MemberIterator member = MemberBegin ( ) ;
for ( ; member ! = MemberEnd ( ) ; + + member )
if ( name . StringEqual ( member - > name ) )
break ;
return member ;
template < typename SourceAllocator > ConstMemberIterator FindMember ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & name ) const { return const_cast < GenericValue & > ( * this ) . FindMember ( name ) ; }
//! Find member by string object name.
\ param name Member name to be searched .
\ pre IsObject ( ) = = true
\ return Iterator to member , if it exists .
Otherwise returns \ ref MemberEnd ( ) .
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
MemberIterator FindMember ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) { return FindMember ( GenericValue ( StringRef ( name ) ) ) ; }
ConstMemberIterator FindMember ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) const { return FindMember ( GenericValue ( StringRef ( name ) ) ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
# endif
//! Add a member (name-value pair) to the object.
/*! \param name A string value as name of member.
\ param value Value of any type .
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . It must be the same one as used before . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ note The ownership of \ c name and \ c value will be transferred to this object on success .
\ pre IsObject ( ) & & name . IsString ( )
\ post name . IsNull ( ) & & value . IsNull ( )
\ note Amortized Constant time complexity .
GenericValue & AddMember ( GenericValue & name , GenericValue & value , Allocator & allocator ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( name . IsString ( ) ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
ObjectData & o = data_ . o ;
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
if ( o . size > = o . capacity )
MemberReserve ( o . capacity = = 0 ? kDefaultObjectCapacity : ( o . capacity + ( o . capacity + 1 ) / 2 ) , allocator ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
Member * members = GetMembersPointer ( ) ;
members [ o . size ] . name . RawAssign ( name ) ;
members [ o . size ] . value . RawAssign ( value ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
o . size + + ;
return * this ;
//! Add a constant string value as member (name-value pair) to the object.
/*! \param name A string value as name of member.
\ param value constant string reference as value of member .
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . It must be the same one as used before . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ pre IsObject ( )
\ note This overload is needed to avoid clashes with the generic primitive type AddMember ( GenericValue & , T , Allocator & ) overload below .
\ note Amortized Constant time complexity .
GenericValue & AddMember ( GenericValue & name , StringRefType value , Allocator & allocator ) {
GenericValue v ( value ) ;
return AddMember ( name , v , allocator ) ;
//! Add a string object as member (name-value pair) to the object.
/*! \param name A string value as name of member.
\ param value constant string reference as value of member .
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . It must be the same one as used before . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ pre IsObject ( )
\ note This overload is needed to avoid clashes with the generic primitive type AddMember ( GenericValue & , T , Allocator & ) overload below .
\ note Amortized Constant time complexity .
GenericValue & AddMember ( GenericValue & name , std : : basic_string < Ch > & value , Allocator & allocator ) {
GenericValue v ( value , allocator ) ;
return AddMember ( name , v , allocator ) ;
# endif
//! Add any primitive value as member (name-value pair) to the object.
/*! \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t
\ param name A string value as name of member .
\ param value Value of primitive type \ c T as value of member
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ pre IsObject ( )
\ note The source type \ c T explicitly disallows all pointer types ,
especially ( \ c const ) \ ref Ch * . This helps avoiding implicitly
referencing character strings with insufficient lifetime , use
\ ref AddMember ( StringRefType , GenericValue & , Allocator & ) or \ ref
AddMember ( StringRefType , StringRefType , Allocator & ) .
All other pointer types would implicitly convert to \ c bool ,
use an explicit cast instead , if needed .
\ note Amortized Constant time complexity .
template < typename T >
RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : OrExpr < internal : : IsPointer < T > , internal : : IsGenericValue < T > > ) , ( GenericValue & ) )
AddMember ( GenericValue & name , T value , Allocator & allocator ) {
GenericValue v ( value ) ;
return AddMember ( name , v , allocator ) ;
GenericValue & AddMember ( GenericValue & & name , GenericValue & & value , Allocator & allocator ) {
return AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ;
GenericValue & AddMember ( GenericValue & & name , GenericValue & value , Allocator & allocator ) {
return AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ;
GenericValue & AddMember ( GenericValue & name , GenericValue & & value , Allocator & allocator ) {
return AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ;
GenericValue & AddMember ( StringRefType name , GenericValue & & value , Allocator & allocator ) {
GenericValue n ( name ) ;
return AddMember ( n , value , allocator ) ;
//! Add a member (name-value pair) to the object.
/*! \param name A constant string reference as name of member.
\ param value Value of any type .
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . It must be the same one as used before . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ note The ownership of \ c value will be transferred to this object on success .
\ pre IsObject ( )
\ post value . IsNull ( )
\ note Amortized Constant time complexity .
GenericValue & AddMember ( StringRefType name , GenericValue & value , Allocator & allocator ) {
GenericValue n ( name ) ;
return AddMember ( n , value , allocator ) ;
//! Add a constant string value as member (name-value pair) to the object.
/*! \param name A constant string reference as name of member.
\ param value constant string reference as value of member .
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . It must be the same one as used before . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ pre IsObject ( )
\ note This overload is needed to avoid clashes with the generic primitive type AddMember ( StringRefType , T , Allocator & ) overload below .
\ note Amortized Constant time complexity .
GenericValue & AddMember ( StringRefType name , StringRefType value , Allocator & allocator ) {
GenericValue v ( value ) ;
return AddMember ( name , v , allocator ) ;
//! Add any primitive value as member (name-value pair) to the object.
/*! \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t
\ param name A constant string reference as name of member .
\ param value Value of primitive type \ c T as value of member
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ pre IsObject ( )
\ note The source type \ c T explicitly disallows all pointer types ,
especially ( \ c const ) \ ref Ch * . This helps avoiding implicitly
referencing character strings with insufficient lifetime , use
\ ref AddMember ( StringRefType , GenericValue & , Allocator & ) or \ ref
AddMember ( StringRefType , StringRefType , Allocator & ) .
All other pointer types would implicitly convert to \ c bool ,
use an explicit cast instead , if needed .
\ note Amortized Constant time complexity .
template < typename T >
RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : OrExpr < internal : : IsPointer < T > , internal : : IsGenericValue < T > > ) , ( GenericValue & ) )
AddMember ( StringRefType name , T value , Allocator & allocator ) {
GenericValue n ( name ) ;
return AddMember ( n , value , allocator ) ;
//! Remove all members in the object.
/*! This function do not deallocate memory in the object, i.e. the capacity is unchanged.
\ note Linear time complexity .
void RemoveAllMembers ( ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ;
for ( MemberIterator m = MemberBegin ( ) ; m ! = MemberEnd ( ) ; + + m )
m - > ~ Member ( ) ;
data_ . o . size = 0 ;
//! Remove a member in object by its name.
/*! \param name Name of member to be removed.
\ return Whether the member existed .
\ note This function may reorder the object members . Use \ ref
EraseMember ( ConstMemberIterator ) if you need to preserve the
relative order of the remaining members .
\ note Linear time complexity .
bool RemoveMember ( const Ch * name ) {
GenericValue n ( StringRef ( name ) ) ;
return RemoveMember ( n ) ;
bool RemoveMember ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) { return RemoveMember ( GenericValue ( StringRef ( name ) ) ) ; }
# endif
template < typename SourceAllocator >
bool RemoveMember ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & name ) {
MemberIterator m = FindMember ( name ) ;
if ( m ! = MemberEnd ( ) ) {
RemoveMember ( m ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
//! Remove a member in object by iterator.
/*! \param m member iterator (obtained by FindMember() or MemberBegin()).
\ return the new iterator after removal .
\ note This function may reorder the object members . Use \ ref
EraseMember ( ConstMemberIterator ) if you need to preserve the
relative order of the remaining members .
\ note Constant time complexity .
MemberIterator RemoveMember ( MemberIterator m ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( data_ . o . size > 0 ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( GetMembersPointer ( ) ! = 0 ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( m > = MemberBegin ( ) & & m < MemberEnd ( ) ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
MemberIterator last ( GetMembersPointer ( ) + ( data_ . o . size - 1 ) ) ;
if ( data_ . o . size > 1 & & m ! = last )
* m = * last ; // Move the last one to this place
m - > ~ Member ( ) ; // Only one left, just destroy
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
- - data_ . o . size ;
return m ;
//! Remove a member from an object by iterator.
/*! \param pos iterator to the member to remove
\ pre IsObject ( ) = = true & & \ ref MemberBegin ( ) < = \ c pos < \ ref MemberEnd ( )
\ return Iterator following the removed element .
If the iterator \ c pos refers to the last element , the \ ref MemberEnd ( ) iterator is returned .
\ note This function preserves the relative order of the remaining object
members . If you do not need this , use the more efficient \ ref RemoveMember ( MemberIterator ) .
\ note Linear time complexity .
MemberIterator EraseMember ( ConstMemberIterator pos ) {
return EraseMember ( pos , pos + 1 ) ;
//! Remove members in the range [first, last) from an object.
/*! \param first iterator to the first member to remove
\ param last iterator following the last member to remove
\ pre IsObject ( ) = = true & & \ ref MemberBegin ( ) < = \ c first < = \ c last < = \ ref MemberEnd ( )
\ return Iterator following the last removed element .
\ note This function preserves the relative order of the remaining object
members .
\ note Linear time complexity .
MemberIterator EraseMember ( ConstMemberIterator first , ConstMemberIterator last ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( data_ . o . size > 0 ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( GetMembersPointer ( ) ! = 0 ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( first > = MemberBegin ( ) ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( first < = last ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( last < = MemberEnd ( ) ) ;
MemberIterator pos = MemberBegin ( ) + ( first - MemberBegin ( ) ) ;
for ( MemberIterator itr = pos ; itr ! = last ; + + itr )
itr - > ~ Member ( ) ;
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
std : : memmove ( static_cast < void * > ( & * pos ) , & * last , static_cast < size_t > ( MemberEnd ( ) - last ) * sizeof ( Member ) ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . o . size - = static_cast < SizeType > ( last - first ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return pos ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
//! Erase a member in object by its name.
/*! \param name Name of member to be removed.
\ return Whether the member existed .
\ note Linear time complexity .
bool EraseMember ( const Ch * name ) {
GenericValue n ( StringRef ( name ) ) ;
return EraseMember ( n ) ;
bool EraseMember ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) { return EraseMember ( GenericValue ( StringRef ( name ) ) ) ; }
# endif
template < typename SourceAllocator >
bool EraseMember ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & name ) {
MemberIterator m = FindMember ( name ) ;
if ( m ! = MemberEnd ( ) ) {
EraseMember ( m ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
Object GetObject ( ) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ; return Object ( * this ) ; }
ConstObject GetObject ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsObject ( ) ) ; return ConstObject ( * this ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//!@name Array
//! Set this value as an empty array.
/*! \post IsArray == true */
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue & SetArray ( ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; new ( this ) GenericValue ( kArrayType ) ; return * this ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Get the number of elements in array.
SizeType Size ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ; return data_ . a . size ; }
//! Get the capacity of array.
SizeType Capacity ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ; return data_ . a . capacity ; }
//! Check whether the array is empty.
bool Empty ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ; return data_ . a . size = = 0 ; }
//! Remove all elements in the array.
/*! This function do not deallocate memory in the array, i.e. the capacity is unchanged.
\ note Linear time complexity .
void Clear ( ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue * e = GetElementsPointer ( ) ;
for ( GenericValue * v = e ; v ! = e + data_ . a . size ; + + v )
v - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
data_ . a . size = 0 ;
//! Get an element from array by index.
/*! \pre IsArray() == true
\ param index Zero - based index of element .
\ see operator [ ] ( T * )
GenericValue & operator [ ] ( SizeType index ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( index < data_ . a . size ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
return GetElementsPointer ( ) [ index ] ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
const GenericValue & operator [ ] ( SizeType index ) const { return const_cast < GenericValue & > ( * this ) [ index ] ; }
//! Element iterator
/*! \pre IsArray() == true */
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
ValueIterator Begin ( ) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ; return GetElementsPointer ( ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! \em Past-the-end element iterator
/*! \pre IsArray() == true */
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
ValueIterator End ( ) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ; return GetElementsPointer ( ) + data_ . a . size ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Constant element iterator
/*! \pre IsArray() == true */
ConstValueIterator Begin ( ) const { return const_cast < GenericValue & > ( * this ) . Begin ( ) ; }
//! Constant \em past-the-end element iterator
/*! \pre IsArray() == true */
ConstValueIterator End ( ) const { return const_cast < GenericValue & > ( * this ) . End ( ) ; }
//! Request the array to have enough capacity to store elements.
/*! \param newCapacity The capacity that the array at least need to have.
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . It must be the same one as used before . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ note Linear time complexity .
GenericValue & Reserve ( SizeType newCapacity , Allocator & allocator ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ;
if ( newCapacity > data_ . a . capacity ) {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
SetElementsPointer ( reinterpret_cast < GenericValue * > ( allocator . Realloc ( GetElementsPointer ( ) , data_ . a . capacity * sizeof ( GenericValue ) , newCapacity * sizeof ( GenericValue ) ) ) ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
data_ . a . capacity = newCapacity ;
return * this ;
//! Append a GenericValue at the end of the array.
/*! \param value Value to be appended.
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . It must be the same one as used before . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ pre IsArray ( ) = = true
\ post value . IsNull ( ) = = true
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ note The ownership of \ c value will be transferred to this array on success .
\ note If the number of elements to be appended is known , calls Reserve ( ) once first may be more efficient .
\ note Amortized constant time complexity .
GenericValue & PushBack ( GenericValue & value , Allocator & allocator ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ;
if ( data_ . a . size > = data_ . a . capacity )
Reserve ( data_ . a . capacity = = 0 ? kDefaultArrayCapacity : ( data_ . a . capacity + ( data_ . a . capacity + 1 ) / 2 ) , allocator ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GetElementsPointer ( ) [ data_ . a . size + + ] . RawAssign ( value ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return * this ;
GenericValue & PushBack ( GenericValue & & value , Allocator & allocator ) {
return PushBack ( value , allocator ) ;
//! Append a constant string reference at the end of the array.
/*! \param value Constant string reference to be appended.
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . It must be the same one used previously . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ pre IsArray ( ) = = true
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ note If the number of elements to be appended is known , calls Reserve ( ) once first may be more efficient .
\ note Amortized constant time complexity .
\ see GenericStringRef
GenericValue & PushBack ( StringRefType value , Allocator & allocator ) {
return ( * this ) . template PushBack < StringRefType > ( value , allocator ) ;
//! Append a primitive value at the end of the array.
/*! \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t
\ param value Value of primitive type T to be appended .
\ param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory . It must be the same one as used before . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ pre IsArray ( ) = = true
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ note If the number of elements to be appended is known , calls Reserve ( ) once first may be more efficient .
\ note The source type \ c T explicitly disallows all pointer types ,
especially ( \ c const ) \ ref Ch * . This helps avoiding implicitly
referencing character strings with insufficient lifetime , use
\ ref PushBack ( GenericValue & , Allocator & ) or \ ref
PushBack ( StringRefType , Allocator & ) .
All other pointer types would implicitly convert to \ c bool ,
use an explicit cast instead , if needed .
\ note Amortized constant time complexity .
template < typename T >
RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : OrExpr < internal : : IsPointer < T > , internal : : IsGenericValue < T > > ) , ( GenericValue & ) )
PushBack ( T value , Allocator & allocator ) {
GenericValue v ( value ) ;
return PushBack ( v , allocator ) ;
//! Remove the last element in the array.
\ note Constant time complexity .
GenericValue & PopBack ( ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( ! Empty ( ) ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GetElementsPointer ( ) [ - - data_ . a . size ] . ~ GenericValue ( ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return * this ;
//! Remove an element of array by iterator.
\ param pos iterator to the element to remove
\ pre IsArray ( ) = = true & & \ ref Begin ( ) < = \ c pos < \ ref End ( )
\ return Iterator following the removed element . If the iterator pos refers to the last element , the End ( ) iterator is returned .
\ note Linear time complexity .
ValueIterator Erase ( ConstValueIterator pos ) {
return Erase ( pos , pos + 1 ) ;
//! Remove elements in the range [first, last) of the array.
\ param first iterator to the first element to remove
\ param last iterator following the last element to remove
\ pre IsArray ( ) = = true & & \ ref Begin ( ) < = \ c first < = \ c last < = \ ref End ( )
\ return Iterator following the last removed element .
\ note Linear time complexity .
ValueIterator Erase ( ConstValueIterator first , ConstValueIterator last ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( data_ . a . size > 0 ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( GetElementsPointer ( ) ! = 0 ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( first > = Begin ( ) ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( first < = last ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( last < = End ( ) ) ;
ValueIterator pos = Begin ( ) + ( first - Begin ( ) ) ;
for ( ValueIterator itr = pos ; itr ! = last ; + + itr )
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
itr - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ;
std : : memmove ( static_cast < void * > ( pos ) , last , static_cast < size_t > ( End ( ) - last ) * sizeof ( GenericValue ) ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . a . size - = static_cast < SizeType > ( last - first ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return pos ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
Array GetArray ( ) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ; return Array ( * this ) ; }
ConstArray GetArray ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsArray ( ) ) ; return ConstArray ( * this ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//!@name Number
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
int GetInt ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( data_ . f . flags & kIntFlag ) ; return data_ . n . i . i ; }
unsigned GetUint ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( data_ . f . flags & kUintFlag ) ; return data_ . n . u . u ; }
int64_t GetInt64 ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( data_ . f . flags & kInt64Flag ) ; return data_ . n . i64 ; }
uint64_t GetUint64 ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( data_ . f . flags & kUint64Flag ) ; return data_ . n . u64 ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
//! Get the value as double type.
/*! \note If the value is 64-bit integer type, it may lose precision. Use \c IsLosslessDouble() to check whether the converison is lossless.
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
double GetDouble ( ) const {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsNumber ( ) ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
if ( ( data_ . f . flags & kDoubleFlag ) ! = 0 ) return data_ . n . d ; // exact type, no conversion.
if ( ( data_ . f . flags & kIntFlag ) ! = 0 ) return data_ . n . i . i ; // int -> double
if ( ( data_ . f . flags & kUintFlag ) ! = 0 ) return data_ . n . u . u ; // unsigned -> double
if ( ( data_ . f . flags & kInt64Flag ) ! = 0 ) return static_cast < double > ( data_ . n . i64 ) ; // int64_t -> double (may lose precision)
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( ( data_ . f . flags & kUint64Flag ) ! = 0 ) ; return static_cast < double > ( data_ . n . u64 ) ; // uint64_t -> double (may lose precision)
//! Get the value as float type.
/*! \note If the value is 64-bit integer type, it may lose precision. Use \c IsLosslessFloat() to check whether the converison is lossless.
float GetFloat ( ) const {
return static_cast < float > ( GetDouble ( ) ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
GenericValue & SetInt ( int i ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; new ( this ) GenericValue ( i ) ; return * this ; }
GenericValue & SetUint ( unsigned u ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; new ( this ) GenericValue ( u ) ; return * this ; }
GenericValue & SetInt64 ( int64_t i64 ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; new ( this ) GenericValue ( i64 ) ; return * this ; }
GenericValue & SetUint64 ( uint64_t u64 ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; new ( this ) GenericValue ( u64 ) ; return * this ; }
GenericValue & SetDouble ( double d ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; new ( this ) GenericValue ( d ) ; return * this ; }
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue & SetFloat ( float f ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; new ( this ) GenericValue ( static_cast < double > ( f ) ) ; return * this ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//!@name String
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
const Ch * GetString ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsString ( ) ) ; return ( data_ . f . flags & kInlineStrFlag ) ? data_ . ss . str : GetStringPointer ( ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Get the length of string.
/*! Since rapidjson permits "\\u0000" in the json string, strlen(v.GetString()) may not equal to v.GetStringLength().
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
SizeType GetStringLength ( ) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsString ( ) ) ; return ( ( data_ . f . flags & kInlineStrFlag ) ? ( data_ . ss . GetLength ( ) ) : data_ . s . length ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Set this value as a string without copying source string.
/*! This version has better performance with supplied length, and also support string containing null character.
\ param s source string pointer .
\ param length The length of source string , excluding the trailing null terminator .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ post IsString ( ) = = true & & GetString ( ) = = s & & GetStringLength ( ) = = length
\ see SetString ( StringRefType )
GenericValue & SetString ( const Ch * s , SizeType length ) { return SetString ( StringRef ( s , length ) ) ; }
//! Set this value as a string without copying source string.
/*! \param s source string reference
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ post IsString ( ) = = true & & GetString ( ) = = s & & GetStringLength ( ) = = s . length
GenericValue & SetString ( StringRefType s ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; SetStringRaw ( s ) ; return * this ; }
//! Set this value as a string by copying from source string.
/*! This version has better performance with supplied length, and also support string containing null character.
\ param s source string .
\ param length The length of source string , excluding the trailing null terminator .
\ param allocator Allocator for allocating copied buffer . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ post IsString ( ) = = true & & GetString ( ) ! = s & & strcmp ( GetString ( ) , s ) = = 0 & & GetStringLength ( ) = = length
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue & SetString ( const Ch * s , SizeType length , Allocator & allocator ) { return SetString ( StringRef ( s , length ) , allocator ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Set this value as a string by copying from source string.
/*! \param s source string.
\ param allocator Allocator for allocating copied buffer . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ post IsString ( ) = = true & & GetString ( ) ! = s & & strcmp ( GetString ( ) , s ) = = 0 & & GetStringLength ( ) = = length
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue & SetString ( const Ch * s , Allocator & allocator ) { return SetString ( StringRef ( s ) , allocator ) ; }
//! Set this value as a string by copying from source string.
/*! \param s source string reference
\ param allocator Allocator for allocating copied buffer . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ post IsString ( ) = = true & & GetString ( ) ! = s . s & & strcmp ( GetString ( ) , s ) = = 0 & & GetStringLength ( ) = = length
GenericValue & SetString ( StringRefType s , Allocator & allocator ) { this - > ~ GenericValue ( ) ; SetStringRaw ( s , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Set this value as a string by copying from source string.
/*! \param s source string.
\ param allocator Allocator for allocating copied buffer . Commonly use GenericDocument : : GetAllocator ( ) .
\ return The value itself for fluent API .
\ post IsString ( ) = = true & & GetString ( ) ! = s . data ( ) & & strcmp ( GetString ( ) , s . data ( ) = = 0 & & GetStringLength ( ) = = s . size ( )
\ note Requires the definition of the preprocessor symbol \ ref RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING .
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue & SetString ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & s , Allocator & allocator ) { return SetString ( StringRef ( s ) , allocator ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
# endif
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
//!@name Array
//! Templated version for checking whether this value is type T.
\ tparam T Either \ c bool , \ c int , \ c unsigned , \ c int64_t , \ c uint64_t , \ c double , \ c float , \ c const \ c char * , \ c std : : basic_string < Ch >
template < typename T >
bool Is ( ) const { return internal : : TypeHelper < ValueType , T > : : Is ( * this ) ; }
template < typename T >
T Get ( ) const { return internal : : TypeHelper < ValueType , T > : : Get ( * this ) ; }
template < typename T >
T Get ( ) { return internal : : TypeHelper < ValueType , T > : : Get ( * this ) ; }
template < typename T >
ValueType & Set ( const T & data ) { return internal : : TypeHelper < ValueType , T > : : Set ( * this , data ) ; }
template < typename T >
ValueType & Set ( const T & data , AllocatorType & allocator ) { return internal : : TypeHelper < ValueType , T > : : Set ( * this , data , allocator ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Generate events of this value to a Handler.
/*! This function adopts the GoF visitor pattern.
Typical usage is to output this JSON value as JSON text via Writer , which is a Handler .
It can also be used to deep clone this value via GenericDocument , which is also a Handler .
\ tparam Handler type of handler .
\ param handler An object implementing concept Handler .
template < typename Handler >
bool Accept ( Handler & handler ) const {
switch ( GetType ( ) ) {
case kNullType : return handler . Null ( ) ;
case kFalseType : return handler . Bool ( false ) ;
case kTrueType : return handler . Bool ( true ) ;
case kObjectType :
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
if ( RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY ( ! handler . StartObject ( ) ) )
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return false ;
for ( ConstMemberIterator m = MemberBegin ( ) ; m ! = MemberEnd ( ) ; + + m ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( m - > name . IsString ( ) ) ; // User may change the type of name by MemberIterator.
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
if ( RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY ( ! handler . Key ( m - > name . GetString ( ) , m - > name . GetStringLength ( ) , ( m - > name . data_ . f . flags & kCopyFlag ) ! = 0 ) ) )
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return false ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
if ( RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY ( ! m - > value . Accept ( handler ) ) )
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return false ;
return handler . EndObject ( data_ . o . size ) ;
case kArrayType :
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
if ( RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY ( ! handler . StartArray ( ) ) )
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return false ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
for ( const GenericValue * v = Begin ( ) ; v ! = End ( ) ; + + v )
if ( RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY ( ! v - > Accept ( handler ) ) )
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return false ;
return handler . EndArray ( data_ . a . size ) ;
case kStringType :
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
return handler . String ( GetString ( ) , GetStringLength ( ) , ( data_ . f . flags & kCopyFlag ) ! = 0 ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
default :
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( GetType ( ) = = kNumberType ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
if ( IsDouble ( ) ) return handler . Double ( data_ . n . d ) ;
else if ( IsInt ( ) ) return handler . Int ( data_ . n . i . i ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
else if ( IsUint ( ) ) return handler . Uint ( data_ . n . u . u ) ;
else if ( IsInt64 ( ) ) return handler . Int64 ( data_ . n . i64 ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
else return handler . Uint64 ( data_ . n . u64 ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
private :
template < typename , typename > friend class GenericValue ;
template < typename , typename , typename > friend class GenericDocument ;
enum {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
kBoolFlag = 0x0008 ,
kNumberFlag = 0x0010 ,
kIntFlag = 0x0020 ,
kUintFlag = 0x0040 ,
kInt64Flag = 0x0080 ,
kUint64Flag = 0x0100 ,
kDoubleFlag = 0x0200 ,
kStringFlag = 0x0400 ,
kCopyFlag = 0x0800 ,
kInlineStrFlag = 0x1000 ,
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
// Initial flags of different types.
kNullFlag = kNullType ,
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
// These casts are added to suppress the warning on MSVC about bitwise operations between enums of different types.
kTrueFlag = static_cast < int > ( kTrueType ) | static_cast < int > ( kBoolFlag ) ,
kFalseFlag = static_cast < int > ( kFalseType ) | static_cast < int > ( kBoolFlag ) ,
kNumberIntFlag = static_cast < int > ( kNumberType ) | static_cast < int > ( kNumberFlag | kIntFlag | kInt64Flag ) ,
kNumberUintFlag = static_cast < int > ( kNumberType ) | static_cast < int > ( kNumberFlag | kUintFlag | kUint64Flag | kInt64Flag ) ,
kNumberInt64Flag = static_cast < int > ( kNumberType ) | static_cast < int > ( kNumberFlag | kInt64Flag ) ,
kNumberUint64Flag = static_cast < int > ( kNumberType ) | static_cast < int > ( kNumberFlag | kUint64Flag ) ,
kNumberDoubleFlag = static_cast < int > ( kNumberType ) | static_cast < int > ( kNumberFlag | kDoubleFlag ) ,
kNumberAnyFlag = static_cast < int > ( kNumberType ) | static_cast < int > ( kNumberFlag | kIntFlag | kInt64Flag | kUintFlag | kUint64Flag | kDoubleFlag ) ,
kConstStringFlag = static_cast < int > ( kStringType ) | static_cast < int > ( kStringFlag ) ,
kCopyStringFlag = static_cast < int > ( kStringType ) | static_cast < int > ( kStringFlag | kCopyFlag ) ,
kShortStringFlag = static_cast < int > ( kStringType ) | static_cast < int > ( kStringFlag | kCopyFlag | kInlineStrFlag ) ,
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
kObjectFlag = kObjectType ,
kArrayFlag = kArrayType ,
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
kTypeMask = 0x07
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
} ;
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static const SizeType kDefaultArrayCapacity = RAPIDJSON_VALUE_DEFAULT_ARRAY_CAPACITY ;
static const SizeType kDefaultObjectCapacity = RAPIDJSON_VALUE_DEFAULT_OBJECT_CAPACITY ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
struct Flag {
char payload [ sizeof ( SizeType ) * 2 + 6 ] ; // 2 x SizeType + lower 48-bit pointer
char payload [ sizeof ( SizeType ) * 2 + sizeof ( void * ) + 6 ] ; // 6 padding bytes
# else
char payload [ sizeof ( SizeType ) * 2 + sizeof ( void * ) + 2 ] ; // 2 padding bytes
# endif
uint16_t flags ;
} ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
struct String {
2017-10-06 13:42:05 +00:00
SizeType length ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
SizeType hashcode ; //!< reserved
const Ch * str ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
} ; // 12 bytes in 32-bit mode, 16 bytes in 64-bit mode
// implementation detail: ShortString can represent zero-terminated strings up to MaxSize chars
// (excluding the terminating zero) and store a value to determine the length of the contained
// string in the last character str[LenPos] by storing "MaxSize - length" there. If the string
// to store has the maximal length of MaxSize then str[LenPos] will be 0 and therefore act as
// the string terminator as well. For getting the string length back from that value just use
// "MaxSize - str[LenPos]".
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
// This allows to store 13-chars strings in 32-bit mode, 21-chars strings in 64-bit mode,
// 13-chars strings for RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION=1 inline (for `UTF8`-encoded strings).
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
struct ShortString {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
enum { MaxChars = sizeof ( static_cast < Flag * > ( 0 ) - > payload ) / sizeof ( Ch ) , MaxSize = MaxChars - 1 , LenPos = MaxSize } ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
Ch str [ MaxChars ] ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
inline static bool Usable ( SizeType len ) { return ( MaxSize > = len ) ; }
inline void SetLength ( SizeType len ) { str [ LenPos ] = static_cast < Ch > ( MaxSize - len ) ; }
inline SizeType GetLength ( ) const { return static_cast < SizeType > ( MaxSize - str [ LenPos ] ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
} ; // at most as many bytes as "String" above => 12 bytes in 32-bit mode, 16 bytes in 64-bit mode
// By using proper binary layout, retrieval of different integer types do not need conversions.
union Number {
struct I {
int i ;
char padding [ 4 ] ;
} i ;
struct U {
unsigned u ;
char padding2 [ 4 ] ;
} u ;
# else
struct I {
char padding [ 4 ] ;
int i ;
} i ;
struct U {
char padding2 [ 4 ] ;
unsigned u ;
} u ;
# endif
int64_t i64 ;
uint64_t u64 ;
double d ;
} ; // 8 bytes
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
struct ObjectData {
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
SizeType size ;
SizeType capacity ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
Member * members ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
} ; // 12 bytes in 32-bit mode, 16 bytes in 64-bit mode
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
struct ArrayData {
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
SizeType size ;
SizeType capacity ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue * elements ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
} ; // 12 bytes in 32-bit mode, 16 bytes in 64-bit mode
union Data {
String s ;
ShortString ss ;
Number n ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
ObjectData o ;
ArrayData a ;
Flag f ;
} ; // 16 bytes in 32-bit mode, 24 bytes in 64-bit mode, 16 bytes in 64-bit with RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE const Ch * GetStringPointer ( ) const { return RAPIDJSON_GETPOINTER ( Ch , data_ . s . str ) ; }
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE const Ch * SetStringPointer ( const Ch * str ) { return RAPIDJSON_SETPOINTER ( Ch , data_ . s . str , str ) ; }
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE GenericValue * GetElementsPointer ( ) const { return RAPIDJSON_GETPOINTER ( GenericValue , data_ . a . elements ) ; }
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE GenericValue * SetElementsPointer ( GenericValue * elements ) { return RAPIDJSON_SETPOINTER ( GenericValue , data_ . a . elements , elements ) ; }
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE Member * GetMembersPointer ( ) const { return RAPIDJSON_GETPOINTER ( Member , data_ . o . members ) ; }
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE Member * SetMembersPointer ( Member * members ) { return RAPIDJSON_SETPOINTER ( Member , data_ . o . members , members ) ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
// Initialize this value as array with initial data, without calling destructor.
void SetArrayRaw ( GenericValue * values , SizeType count , Allocator & allocator ) {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . f . flags = kArrayFlag ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
if ( count ) {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericValue * e = static_cast < GenericValue * > ( allocator . Malloc ( count * sizeof ( GenericValue ) ) ) ;
SetElementsPointer ( e ) ;
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std : : memcpy ( static_cast < void * > ( e ) , values , count * sizeof ( GenericValue ) ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
SetElementsPointer ( 0 ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
data_ . a . size = data_ . a . capacity = count ;
//! Initialize this value as object with initial data, without calling destructor.
void SetObjectRaw ( Member * members , SizeType count , Allocator & allocator ) {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . f . flags = kObjectFlag ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
if ( count ) {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
Member * m = static_cast < Member * > ( allocator . Malloc ( count * sizeof ( Member ) ) ) ;
SetMembersPointer ( m ) ;
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
std : : memcpy ( static_cast < void * > ( m ) , members , count * sizeof ( Member ) ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
SetMembersPointer ( 0 ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
data_ . o . size = data_ . o . capacity = count ;
//! Initialize this value as constant string, without calling destructor.
void SetStringRaw ( StringRefType s ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . f . flags = kConstStringFlag ;
SetStringPointer ( s ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
data_ . s . length = s . length ;
//! Initialize this value as copy string with initial data, without calling destructor.
void SetStringRaw ( StringRefType s , Allocator & allocator ) {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
Ch * str = 0 ;
if ( ShortString : : Usable ( s . length ) ) {
data_ . f . flags = kShortStringFlag ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
data_ . ss . SetLength ( s . length ) ;
str = data_ . ss . str ;
} else {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
data_ . f . flags = kCopyStringFlag ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
data_ . s . length = s . length ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
str = static_cast < Ch * > ( allocator . Malloc ( ( s . length + 1 ) * sizeof ( Ch ) ) ) ;
SetStringPointer ( str ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
std : : memcpy ( str , s , s . length * sizeof ( Ch ) ) ;
str [ s . length ] = ' \0 ' ;
//! Assignment without calling destructor
void RawAssign ( GenericValue & rhs ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
data_ = rhs . data_ ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
// data_.f.flags = rhs.data_.f.flags;
rhs . data_ . f . flags = kNullFlag ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
template < typename SourceAllocator >
bool StringEqual ( const GenericValue < Encoding , SourceAllocator > & rhs ) const {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( IsString ( ) ) ;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( rhs . IsString ( ) ) ;
const SizeType len1 = GetStringLength ( ) ;
const SizeType len2 = rhs . GetStringLength ( ) ;
if ( len1 ! = len2 ) { return false ; }
const Ch * const str1 = GetString ( ) ;
const Ch * const str2 = rhs . GetString ( ) ;
if ( str1 = = str2 ) { return true ; } // fast path for constant string
return ( std : : memcmp ( str1 , str2 , sizeof ( Ch ) * len1 ) = = 0 ) ;
Data data_ ;
} ;
//! GenericValue with UTF8 encoding
typedef GenericValue < UTF8 < > > Value ;
// GenericDocument
//! A document for parsing JSON text as DOM.
\ note implements Handler concept
\ tparam Encoding Encoding for both parsing and string storage .
\ tparam Allocator Allocator for allocating memory for the DOM
\ tparam StackAllocator Allocator for allocating memory for stack during parsing .
\ warning Although GenericDocument inherits from GenericValue , the API does \ b not provide any virtual functions , especially no virtual destructor . To avoid memory leaks , do not \ c delete a GenericDocument object via a pointer to a GenericValue .
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
template < typename Encoding , typename Allocator = RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR , typename StackAllocator = RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR >
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
class GenericDocument : public GenericValue < Encoding , Allocator > {
public :
typedef typename Encoding : : Ch Ch ; //!< Character type derived from Encoding.
typedef GenericValue < Encoding , Allocator > ValueType ; //!< Value type of the document.
typedef Allocator AllocatorType ; //!< Allocator type from template parameter.
//! Constructor
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
/*! Creates an empty document of specified type.
\ param type Mandatory type of object to create .
\ param allocator Optional allocator for allocating memory .
\ param stackCapacity Optional initial capacity of stack in bytes .
\ param stackAllocator Optional allocator for allocating memory for stack .
explicit GenericDocument ( Type type , Allocator * allocator = 0 , size_t stackCapacity = kDefaultStackCapacity , StackAllocator * stackAllocator = 0 ) :
GenericValue < Encoding , Allocator > ( type ) , allocator_ ( allocator ) , ownAllocator_ ( 0 ) , stack_ ( stackAllocator , stackCapacity ) , parseResult_ ( )
if ( ! allocator_ )
ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW ( Allocator ) ( ) ;
//! Constructor
/*! Creates an empty document which type is Null.
\ param allocator Optional allocator for allocating memory .
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
\ param stackCapacity Optional initial capacity of stack in bytes .
\ param stackAllocator Optional allocator for allocating memory for stack .
GenericDocument ( Allocator * allocator = 0 , size_t stackCapacity = kDefaultStackCapacity , StackAllocator * stackAllocator = 0 ) :
allocator_ ( allocator ) , ownAllocator_ ( 0 ) , stack_ ( stackAllocator , stackCapacity ) , parseResult_ ( )
if ( ! allocator_ )
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW ( Allocator ) ( ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Move constructor in C++11
GenericDocument ( GenericDocument & & rhs ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
: ValueType ( std : : forward < ValueType > ( rhs ) ) , // explicit cast to avoid prohibited move from Document
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
allocator_ ( rhs . allocator_ ) ,
ownAllocator_ ( rhs . ownAllocator_ ) ,
stack_ ( std : : move ( rhs . stack_ ) ) ,
parseResult_ ( rhs . parseResult_ )
rhs . allocator_ = 0 ;
rhs . ownAllocator_ = 0 ;
rhs . parseResult_ = ParseResult ( ) ;
# endif
~ GenericDocument ( ) {
Destroy ( ) ;
//! Move assignment in C++11
GenericDocument & operator = ( GenericDocument & & rhs ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
// The cast to ValueType is necessary here, because otherwise it would
// attempt to call GenericValue's templated assignment operator.
ValueType : : operator = ( std : : forward < ValueType > ( rhs ) ) ;
// Calling the destructor here would prematurely call stack_'s destructor
Destroy ( ) ;
allocator_ = rhs . allocator_ ;
ownAllocator_ = rhs . ownAllocator_ ;
stack_ = std : : move ( rhs . stack_ ) ;
parseResult_ = rhs . parseResult_ ;
rhs . allocator_ = 0 ;
rhs . ownAllocator_ = 0 ;
rhs . parseResult_ = ParseResult ( ) ;
return * this ;
# endif
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
//! Exchange the contents of this document with those of another.
\ param rhs Another document .
\ note Constant complexity .
\ see GenericValue : : Swap
GenericDocument & Swap ( GenericDocument & rhs ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
ValueType : : Swap ( rhs ) ;
stack_ . Swap ( rhs . stack_ ) ;
internal : : Swap ( allocator_ , rhs . allocator_ ) ;
internal : : Swap ( ownAllocator_ , rhs . ownAllocator_ ) ;
internal : : Swap ( parseResult_ , rhs . parseResult_ ) ;
return * this ;
// Allow Swap with ValueType.
// Refer to Effective C++ 3rd Edition/Item 33: Avoid hiding inherited names.
using ValueType : : Swap ;
//! free-standing swap function helper
Helper function to enable support for common swap implementation pattern based on \ c std : : swap :
\ code
void swap ( MyClass & a , MyClass & b ) {
using std : : swap ;
swap ( a . doc , b . doc ) ;
// ...
\ endcode
\ see Swap ( )
friend inline void swap ( GenericDocument & a , GenericDocument & b ) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { a . Swap ( b ) ; }
//! Populate this document by a generator which produces SAX events.
/*! \tparam Generator A functor with <tt>bool f(Handler)</tt> prototype.
\ param g Generator functor which sends SAX events to the parameter .
\ return The document itself for fluent API .
template < typename Generator >
GenericDocument & Populate ( Generator & g ) {
ClearStackOnExit scope ( * this ) ;
if ( g ( * this ) ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( stack_ . GetSize ( ) = = sizeof ( ValueType ) ) ; // Got one and only one root object
ValueType : : operator = ( * stack_ . template Pop < ValueType > ( 1 ) ) ; // Move value from stack to document
return * this ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//!@name Parse from stream
//! Parse JSON text from an input stream (with Encoding conversion)
/*! \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag.
\ tparam SourceEncoding Encoding of input stream
\ tparam InputStream Type of input stream , implementing Stream concept
\ param is Input stream to be parsed .
\ return The document itself for fluent API .
template < unsigned parseFlags , typename SourceEncoding , typename InputStream >
GenericDocument & ParseStream ( InputStream & is ) {
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericReader < SourceEncoding , Encoding , StackAllocator > reader (
stack_ . HasAllocator ( ) ? & stack_ . GetAllocator ( ) : 0 ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
ClearStackOnExit scope ( * this ) ;
parseResult_ = reader . template Parse < parseFlags > ( is , * this ) ;
if ( parseResult_ ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( stack_ . GetSize ( ) = = sizeof ( ValueType ) ) ; // Got one and only one root object
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
ValueType : : operator = ( * stack_ . template Pop < ValueType > ( 1 ) ) ; // Move value from stack to document
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return * this ;
//! Parse JSON text from an input stream
/*! \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag.
\ tparam InputStream Type of input stream , implementing Stream concept
\ param is Input stream to be parsed .
\ return The document itself for fluent API .
template < unsigned parseFlags , typename InputStream >
GenericDocument & ParseStream ( InputStream & is ) {
return ParseStream < parseFlags , Encoding , InputStream > ( is ) ;
//! Parse JSON text from an input stream (with \ref kParseDefaultFlags)
/*! \tparam InputStream Type of input stream, implementing Stream concept
\ param is Input stream to be parsed .
\ return The document itself for fluent API .
template < typename InputStream >
GenericDocument & ParseStream ( InputStream & is ) {
return ParseStream < kParseDefaultFlags , Encoding , InputStream > ( is ) ;
//!@name Parse in-place from mutable string
//! Parse JSON text from a mutable string
/*! \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag.
\ param str Mutable zero - terminated string to be parsed .
\ return The document itself for fluent API .
template < unsigned parseFlags >
GenericDocument & ParseInsitu ( Ch * str ) {
GenericInsituStringStream < Encoding > s ( str ) ;
return ParseStream < parseFlags | kParseInsituFlag > ( s ) ;
//! Parse JSON text from a mutable string (with \ref kParseDefaultFlags)
/*! \param str Mutable zero-terminated string to be parsed.
\ return The document itself for fluent API .
GenericDocument & ParseInsitu ( Ch * str ) {
return ParseInsitu < kParseDefaultFlags > ( str ) ;
//!@name Parse from read-only string
//! Parse JSON text from a read-only string (with Encoding conversion)
/*! \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag (must not contain \ref kParseInsituFlag).
\ tparam SourceEncoding Transcoding from input Encoding
\ param str Read - only zero - terminated string to be parsed .
template < unsigned parseFlags , typename SourceEncoding >
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericDocument & Parse ( const typename SourceEncoding : : Ch * str ) {
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( ! ( parseFlags & kParseInsituFlag ) ) ;
GenericStringStream < SourceEncoding > s ( str ) ;
return ParseStream < parseFlags , SourceEncoding > ( s ) ;
//! Parse JSON text from a read-only string
/*! \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag (must not contain \ref kParseInsituFlag).
\ param str Read - only zero - terminated string to be parsed .
template < unsigned parseFlags >
GenericDocument & Parse ( const Ch * str ) {
return Parse < parseFlags , Encoding > ( str ) ;
//! Parse JSON text from a read-only string (with \ref kParseDefaultFlags)
/*! \param str Read-only zero-terminated string to be parsed.
GenericDocument & Parse ( const Ch * str ) {
return Parse < kParseDefaultFlags > ( str ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
template < unsigned parseFlags , typename SourceEncoding >
GenericDocument & Parse ( const typename SourceEncoding : : Ch * str , size_t length ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( ! ( parseFlags & kParseInsituFlag ) ) ;
MemoryStream ms ( reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( str ) , length * sizeof ( typename SourceEncoding : : Ch ) ) ;
EncodedInputStream < SourceEncoding , MemoryStream > is ( ms ) ;
ParseStream < parseFlags , SourceEncoding > ( is ) ;
return * this ;
template < unsigned parseFlags >
GenericDocument & Parse ( const Ch * str , size_t length ) {
return Parse < parseFlags , Encoding > ( str , length ) ;
GenericDocument & Parse ( const Ch * str , size_t length ) {
return Parse < kParseDefaultFlags > ( str , length ) ;
template < unsigned parseFlags , typename SourceEncoding >
GenericDocument & Parse ( const std : : basic_string < typename SourceEncoding : : Ch > & str ) {
// c_str() is constant complexity according to standard. Should be faster than Parse(const char*, size_t)
return Parse < parseFlags , SourceEncoding > ( str . c_str ( ) ) ;
template < unsigned parseFlags >
GenericDocument & Parse ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & str ) {
return Parse < parseFlags , Encoding > ( str . c_str ( ) ) ;
GenericDocument & Parse ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & str ) {
return Parse < kParseDefaultFlags > ( str ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//!@name Handling parse errors
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//! Whether a parse error has occurred in the last parsing.
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
bool HasParseError ( ) const { return parseResult_ . IsError ( ) ; }
//! Get the \ref ParseErrorCode of last parsing.
ParseErrorCode GetParseError ( ) const { return parseResult_ . Code ( ) ; }
//! Get the position of last parsing error in input, 0 otherwise.
size_t GetErrorOffset ( ) const { return parseResult_ . Offset ( ) ; }
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
//! Implicit conversion to get the last parse result
# ifndef __clang // -Wdocumentation
/*! \return \ref ParseResult of the last parse operation
\ code
Document doc ;
ParseResult ok = doc . Parse ( json ) ;
if ( ! ok )
printf ( " JSON parse error: %s (%u) \n " , GetParseError_En ( ok . Code ( ) ) , ok . Offset ( ) ) ;
\ endcode
# endif
operator ParseResult ( ) const { return parseResult_ ; }
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Get the allocator of this document.
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
Allocator & GetAllocator ( ) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT ( allocator_ ) ;
return * allocator_ ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
//! Get the capacity of stack in bytes.
size_t GetStackCapacity ( ) const { return stack_ . GetCapacity ( ) ; }
private :
// clear stack on any exit from ParseStream, e.g. due to exception
struct ClearStackOnExit {
explicit ClearStackOnExit ( GenericDocument & d ) : d_ ( d ) { }
~ ClearStackOnExit ( ) { d_ . ClearStack ( ) ; }
private :
ClearStackOnExit ( const ClearStackOnExit & ) ;
ClearStackOnExit & operator = ( const ClearStackOnExit & ) ;
GenericDocument & d_ ;
} ;
// callers of the following private Handler functions
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
// template <typename,typename,typename> friend class GenericReader; // for parsing
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
template < typename , typename > friend class GenericValue ; // for deep copying
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
public :
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
// Implementation of Handler
bool Null ( ) { new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( ) ; return true ; }
bool Bool ( bool b ) { new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( b ) ; return true ; }
bool Int ( int i ) { new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( i ) ; return true ; }
bool Uint ( unsigned i ) { new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( i ) ; return true ; }
bool Int64 ( int64_t i ) { new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( i ) ; return true ; }
bool Uint64 ( uint64_t i ) { new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( i ) ; return true ; }
bool Double ( double d ) { new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( d ) ; return true ; }
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
bool RawNumber ( const Ch * str , SizeType length , bool copy ) {
if ( copy )
new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( str , length , GetAllocator ( ) ) ;
new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( str , length ) ;
return true ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
bool String ( const Ch * str , SizeType length , bool copy ) {
if ( copy )
new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( str , length , GetAllocator ( ) ) ;
new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( str , length ) ;
return true ;
bool StartObject ( ) { new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( kObjectType ) ; return true ; }
bool Key ( const Ch * str , SizeType length , bool copy ) { return String ( str , length , copy ) ; }
bool EndObject ( SizeType memberCount ) {
typename ValueType : : Member * members = stack_ . template Pop < typename ValueType : : Member > ( memberCount ) ;
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
stack_ . template Top < ValueType > ( ) - > SetObjectRaw ( members , memberCount , GetAllocator ( ) ) ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00
return true ;
bool StartArray ( ) { new ( stack_ . template Push < ValueType > ( ) ) ValueType ( kArrayType ) ; return true ; }
bool EndArray ( SizeType elementCount ) {
ValueType * elements = stack_ . template Pop < ValueType > ( elementCount ) ;
stack_ . template Top < ValueType > ( ) - > SetArrayRaw ( elements , elementCount , GetAllocator ( ) ) ;
return true ;
private :
//! Prohibit copying
GenericDocument ( const GenericDocument & ) ;
//! Prohibit assignment
GenericDocument & operator = ( const GenericDocument & ) ;
void ClearStack ( ) {
if ( Allocator : : kNeedFree )
while ( stack_ . GetSize ( ) > 0 ) // Here assumes all elements in stack array are GenericValue (Member is actually 2 GenericValue objects)
( stack_ . template Pop < ValueType > ( 1 ) ) - > ~ ValueType ( ) ;
stack_ . Clear ( ) ;
stack_ . ShrinkToFit ( ) ;
void Destroy ( ) {
RAPIDJSON_DELETE ( ownAllocator_ ) ;
static const size_t kDefaultStackCapacity = 1024 ;
Allocator * allocator_ ;
Allocator * ownAllocator_ ;
internal : : Stack < StackAllocator > stack_ ;
ParseResult parseResult_ ;
} ;
//! GenericDocument with UTF8 encoding
typedef GenericDocument < UTF8 < > > Document ;
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
//! Helper class for accessing Value of array type.
Instance of this helper class is obtained by \ c GenericValue : : GetArray ( ) .
In addition to all APIs for array type , it provides range - based for loop if \ c RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RANGE_FOR = 1.
template < bool Const , typename ValueT >
class GenericArray {
public :
typedef GenericArray < true , ValueT > ConstArray ;
typedef GenericArray < false , ValueT > Array ;
typedef ValueT PlainType ;
typedef typename internal : : MaybeAddConst < Const , PlainType > : : Type ValueType ;
typedef ValueType * ValueIterator ; // This may be const or non-const iterator
typedef const ValueT * ConstValueIterator ;
typedef typename ValueType : : AllocatorType AllocatorType ;
typedef typename ValueType : : StringRefType StringRefType ;
template < typename , typename >
friend class GenericValue ;
GenericArray ( const GenericArray & rhs ) : value_ ( rhs . value_ ) { }
GenericArray & operator = ( const GenericArray & rhs ) { value_ = rhs . value_ ; return * this ; }
~ GenericArray ( ) { }
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
operator ValueType & ( ) const { return value_ ; }
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
SizeType Size ( ) const { return value_ . Size ( ) ; }
SizeType Capacity ( ) const { return value_ . Capacity ( ) ; }
bool Empty ( ) const { return value_ . Empty ( ) ; }
void Clear ( ) const { value_ . Clear ( ) ; }
ValueType & operator [ ] ( SizeType index ) const { return value_ [ index ] ; }
ValueIterator Begin ( ) const { return value_ . Begin ( ) ; }
ValueIterator End ( ) const { return value_ . End ( ) ; }
GenericArray Reserve ( SizeType newCapacity , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . Reserve ( newCapacity , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericArray PushBack ( ValueType & value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . PushBack ( value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericArray PushBack ( ValueType & & value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . PushBack ( value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericArray PushBack ( StringRefType value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . PushBack ( value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
template < typename T > RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : OrExpr < internal : : IsPointer < T > , internal : : IsGenericValue < T > > ) , ( const GenericArray & ) ) PushBack ( T value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . PushBack ( value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericArray PopBack ( ) const { value_ . PopBack ( ) ; return * this ; }
ValueIterator Erase ( ConstValueIterator pos ) const { return value_ . Erase ( pos ) ; }
ValueIterator Erase ( ConstValueIterator first , ConstValueIterator last ) const { return value_ . Erase ( first , last ) ; }
ValueIterator begin ( ) const { return value_ . Begin ( ) ; }
ValueIterator end ( ) const { return value_ . End ( ) ; }
# endif
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
private :
GenericArray ( ) ;
GenericArray ( ValueType & value ) : value_ ( value ) { }
ValueType & value_ ;
} ;
2017-10-06 13:42:05 +00:00
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
//! Helper class for accessing Value of object type.
Instance of this helper class is obtained by \ c GenericValue : : GetObject ( ) .
In addition to all APIs for array type , it provides range - based for loop if \ c RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RANGE_FOR = 1.
template < bool Const , typename ValueT >
class GenericObject {
public :
typedef GenericObject < true , ValueT > ConstObject ;
typedef GenericObject < false , ValueT > Object ;
typedef ValueT PlainType ;
typedef typename internal : : MaybeAddConst < Const , PlainType > : : Type ValueType ;
typedef GenericMemberIterator < Const , typename ValueT : : EncodingType , typename ValueT : : AllocatorType > MemberIterator ; // This may be const or non-const iterator
typedef GenericMemberIterator < true , typename ValueT : : EncodingType , typename ValueT : : AllocatorType > ConstMemberIterator ;
typedef typename ValueType : : AllocatorType AllocatorType ;
typedef typename ValueType : : StringRefType StringRefType ;
typedef typename ValueType : : EncodingType EncodingType ;
typedef typename ValueType : : Ch Ch ;
template < typename , typename >
friend class GenericValue ;
GenericObject ( const GenericObject & rhs ) : value_ ( rhs . value_ ) { }
GenericObject & operator = ( const GenericObject & rhs ) { value_ = rhs . value_ ; return * this ; }
~ GenericObject ( ) { }
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
operator ValueType & ( ) const { return value_ ; }
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
SizeType MemberCount ( ) const { return value_ . MemberCount ( ) ; }
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
SizeType MemberCapacity ( ) const { return value_ . MemberCapacity ( ) ; }
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
bool ObjectEmpty ( ) const { return value_ . ObjectEmpty ( ) ; }
template < typename T > ValueType & operator [ ] ( T * name ) const { return value_ [ name ] ; }
template < typename SourceAllocator > ValueType & operator [ ] ( const GenericValue < EncodingType , SourceAllocator > & name ) const { return value_ [ name ] ; }
ValueType & operator [ ] ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) const { return value_ [ name ] ; }
# endif
MemberIterator MemberBegin ( ) const { return value_ . MemberBegin ( ) ; }
MemberIterator MemberEnd ( ) const { return value_ . MemberEnd ( ) ; }
2021-02-05 20:45:37 +00:00
GenericObject MemberReserve ( SizeType newCapacity , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . MemberReserve ( newCapacity , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
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bool HasMember ( const Ch * name ) const { return value_ . HasMember ( name ) ; }
bool HasMember ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) const { return value_ . HasMember ( name ) ; }
# endif
template < typename SourceAllocator > bool HasMember ( const GenericValue < EncodingType , SourceAllocator > & name ) const { return value_ . HasMember ( name ) ; }
MemberIterator FindMember ( const Ch * name ) const { return value_ . FindMember ( name ) ; }
template < typename SourceAllocator > MemberIterator FindMember ( const GenericValue < EncodingType , SourceAllocator > & name ) const { return value_ . FindMember ( name ) ; }
MemberIterator FindMember ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) const { return value_ . FindMember ( name ) ; }
2017-10-06 13:42:05 +00:00
# endif
2017-10-05 08:10:22 +00:00
GenericObject AddMember ( ValueType & name , ValueType & value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericObject AddMember ( ValueType & name , StringRefType value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericObject AddMember ( ValueType & name , std : : basic_string < Ch > & value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
# endif
template < typename T > RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : OrExpr < internal : : IsPointer < T > , internal : : IsGenericValue < T > > ) , ( ValueType & ) ) AddMember ( ValueType & name , T value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericObject AddMember ( ValueType & & name , ValueType & & value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericObject AddMember ( ValueType & & name , ValueType & value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericObject AddMember ( ValueType & name , ValueType & & value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericObject AddMember ( StringRefType name , ValueType & & value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericObject AddMember ( StringRefType name , ValueType & value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
GenericObject AddMember ( StringRefType name , StringRefType value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
template < typename T > RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( ( internal : : OrExpr < internal : : IsPointer < T > , internal : : IsGenericValue < T > > ) , ( GenericObject ) ) AddMember ( StringRefType name , T value , AllocatorType & allocator ) const { value_ . AddMember ( name , value , allocator ) ; return * this ; }
void RemoveAllMembers ( ) { value_ . RemoveAllMembers ( ) ; }
bool RemoveMember ( const Ch * name ) const { return value_ . RemoveMember ( name ) ; }
bool RemoveMember ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) const { return value_ . RemoveMember ( name ) ; }
# endif
template < typename SourceAllocator > bool RemoveMember ( const GenericValue < EncodingType , SourceAllocator > & name ) const { return value_ . RemoveMember ( name ) ; }
MemberIterator RemoveMember ( MemberIterator m ) const { return value_ . RemoveMember ( m ) ; }
MemberIterator EraseMember ( ConstMemberIterator pos ) const { return value_ . EraseMember ( pos ) ; }
MemberIterator EraseMember ( ConstMemberIterator first , ConstMemberIterator last ) const { return value_ . EraseMember ( first , last ) ; }
bool EraseMember ( const Ch * name ) const { return value_ . EraseMember ( name ) ; }
bool EraseMember ( const std : : basic_string < Ch > & name ) const { return EraseMember ( ValueType ( StringRef ( name ) ) ) ; }
# endif
template < typename SourceAllocator > bool EraseMember ( const GenericValue < EncodingType , SourceAllocator > & name ) const { return value_ . EraseMember ( name ) ; }
MemberIterator begin ( ) const { return value_ . MemberBegin ( ) ; }
MemberIterator end ( ) const { return value_ . MemberEnd ( ) ; }
# endif
private :
GenericObject ( ) ;
GenericObject ( ValueType & value ) : value_ ( value ) { }
ValueType & value_ ;
} ;
2015-11-26 01:33:39 +00:00