
228 lines
7.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License (LGPL).
* ASSIMP Viewer Utility
#if (!defined AV_MAIN_H_INCLUDED)
// include resource definitions
#include "resource.h"
// Include ASSIMP headers
#include "aiDefs.h"
#include "aiAnim.h"
#include "aiAssert.h"
#include "aiFileIO.h"
#include "aiMaterial.h"
#include "aiPostProcess.h"
#include "aiMesh.h"
#include "aiScene.h"
#include "aiTypes.h"
#include "IOSystem.h"
#include "IOStream.h"
#include "assimp.h"
#include "assimp.hpp"
// in order for std::min and std::max to behave properly
#ifdef min
#undef min
#endif // min
#ifdef max
#undef max
#endif // min
// default movement speed
#define MOVE_SPEED 10.0f
namespace AssimpView {
#include "AssetHelper.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "RenderOptions.h"
#include "Shaders.h"
#include "Background.h"
#include "LogDisplay.h"
// Function prototypes
int InitD3D(void);
int ShutdownD3D(void);
int CreateDevice (bool p_bMultiSample,bool p_bSuperSample, bool bHW = true);
int CreateDevice (void);
int Render (void);
int ShutdownDevice(void);
int GetProjectionMatrix (aiMatrix4x4& p_mOut);
int LoadAsset(void);
int CreateAssetData(void);
int DeleteAssetData(void);
int ScaleAsset(void);
int DeleteAsset(void);
int SetupFPSView();
aiVector3D GetCameraMatrix (aiMatrix4x4& p_mOut);
int CreateMaterial(AssetHelper::MeshHelper* pcMesh,const aiMesh* pcSource);
void HandleMouseInputFPS( void );
void HandleMouseInputLightRotate( void );
void HandleMouseInputLocal( void );
void HandleKeyboardInputFPS( void );
void HandleMouseInputLightIntensityAndColor( void );
void HandleMouseInputSkyBox( void );
// Dialog procedure for the progress bar window
INT_PTR CALLBACK ProgressMessageProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
// Main message procedure of the application
// The function handles all incoming messages for the main window.
// However, if does not directly process input commands.
// NOTE: Due to the impossibility to process WM_CHAR messages in dialogs
// properly the code for all hotkeys has been moved to the WndMain
INT_PTR CALLBACK MessageProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
// Dialog procedure for the about dialog
INT_PTR CALLBACK AboutMessageProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
// Dialog prcoedure for the help dialog
INT_PTR CALLBACK HelpDialogProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
// find a valid path to a texture file
// Handle 8.3 syntax correctly, search the environment of the
// executable and the asset for a texture with a name very similar to a given one
int FindValidPath(aiString* p_szString);
// Delete all resources of a given material
// Must be called before CreateMaterial() to prevent memory leaking
void DeleteMaterial(AssetHelper::MeshHelper* pcIn);
// Recreate all specular materials depending on the current specularity settings
// Diffuse-only materials are ignored.
// Must be called after specular highlights have been toggled
void UpdateSpecularMaterials();
// Handle command line parameters
// The function loads an asset specified on the command line as first argument
// Other command line parameters are not handled
void HandleCommandLine(char* p_szCommand);
// Position of the cursor relative to the 3ds max' like control circle
enum EClickPos
// Evil globals
extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance /*= NULL*/;
extern HWND g_hDlg /*= NULL*/;
extern IDirect3D9* g_piD3D /*= NULL*/;
extern IDirect3DDevice9* g_piDevice /*= NULL*/;
extern double g_fFPS /*= 0.0f*/;
extern char g_szFileName[MAX_PATH];
extern ID3DXEffect* g_piDefaultEffect /*= NULL*/;
extern ID3DXEffect* g_piNormalsEffect /*= NULL*/;
extern ID3DXEffect* g_piPassThroughEffect /*= NULL*/;
extern bool g_bMousePressed /*= false*/;
extern bool g_bMousePressedR /*= false*/;
extern bool g_bMousePressedM /*= false*/;
extern bool g_bMousePressedBoth /*= false*/;
extern float g_fElpasedTime /*= 0.0f*/;
extern D3DCAPS9 g_sCaps;
extern bool g_bLoadingFinished /*= false*/;
extern HANDLE g_hThreadHandle /*= NULL*/;
extern float g_fWheelPos /*= -10.0f*/;
extern bool g_bLoadingCanceled /*= false*/;
extern IDirect3DTexture9* g_pcTexture /*= NULL*/;
extern aiMatrix4x4 g_mWorld;
extern aiMatrix4x4 g_mWorldRotate;
extern aiVector3D g_vRotateSpeed /*= aiVector3D(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f)*/;
extern aiVector3D g_avLightDirs[1] /* =
{ aiVector3D(-0.5f,0.6f,0.2f) ,
aiVector3D(-0.5f,0.5f,0.5f)} */;
extern POINT g_mousePos /*= {0,0};*/;
extern POINT g_LastmousePos /*= {0,0}*/;
extern bool g_bFPSView /*= false*/;
extern bool g_bInvert /*= false*/;
extern EClickPos g_eClick;
extern unsigned int g_iCurrentColor /*= 0*/;
extern float g_fLightIntensity /*=0.0f*/;
extern float g_fLightColor /*=0.0f*/;
extern RenderOptions g_sOptions;
extern Camera g_sCamera;
extern AssetHelper *g_pcAsset /*= NULL*/;
// Contains the mask image for the HUD
// (used to determine the position of a click)
// The size of the image is identical to the size of the main
// HUD texture
extern unsigned char* g_szImageMask /*= NULL*/;
// Specifies the number of different shaders generated for
// the current asset. This number is incremented by CreateMaterial()
// each time a shader isn't found in cache and needs to be created
extern unsigned int g_iShaderCount /* = 0 */;
#endif // !! AV_MAIN_H_INCLUDED