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2016-10-06 14:44:54 +00:00
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<meta content='ChevyTahoe.x3d' name='title'/>
<meta content='30 May 2007' name='created'/>
<meta content='04 SEP 2015' name='modified'/>
<meta content='Chevy Tahoe' name='description'/>
<meta content='' name='identifier'/>
<meta content='Yumetech, Inc.' name='author of car body:'/>
<meta content='../../license.html' name='license'/>
<WorldInfo title='SavageVehicleMetadataTemplate'>
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<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"This is the version of SMAL employed, not of the model."'/>
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<!-- Identifying metadata for the current simulation of interest -->
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<MetadataString containerField='value' name='name' value='"ChevyTahoe"'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The plain language name of the vehicle this model represents, i.e. the base class (DDG-51), or vehicle designation (M1A2)."'/>
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<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"This is a placeholder element which ensures the proper validation of autogenerated SMAL code."'/>
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<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='height' value='2.22'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The maximum structural height of the object in meters. This may be used for clearance checking or other calculations."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='width' value='2.397'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The maximum width, beam, or wingspan of the vehicle in meters. This may be used for clearance checking or other calculations."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='length' value='5.465'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The maximum structural length of the object in meters. This may be used for clearance checking or other calculations."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='draft' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The vertical distance in meters from the deepest point (keel or other structure) to the waterline of a vehicle at its stated displacement or gross weight."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='wheelbase' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The longitudinal distance in meters from the center of the forwardmost roadwheel axle to the center of the rearmost roadwheel axle on this vehicle."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='trackWidth' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The horizontal distance in meters from the rightmost edge of the right wheel or track to the leftmost edge of the left wheel or track on this vehicle."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='grossWeight' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The standard operational weight of the vehicle in pounds or kilograms. This may be used in physics calculations."'/>
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<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"Sets the Center of Gravity of the object as an (x, y, z) distance in meters from the physical center of the object, which is located at (0, 0, 0)."'/>
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<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumSpeed' value='100'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The maximum rated speed for this vehicle in mph or kph."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='cruiseSpeed' value='55'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='The published cruise speed for this vehicle in mph or kph.'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumAltitude' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The absolute ceiling for this aircraft in feet or meters."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='cruiseAltitude' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The cruise ceiling for this aircraft in feet or meters."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumDepth' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The absolute depth for this submersible in feet or meters."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='cruiseDepth' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The cruise depth for this submersible in feet or meters."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumAcceleration' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The ideal maximum acceleration achievable by this vehicle in feet or meters per second squared, as in at maximum Power excess for aircraft."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumDeceleration' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The ideal best braking performance achievable by this vehicle in feet or meters per second squared."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='minimumTurnRadius' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The minimum turning radius for this vehicle in feet or meters, as in at best cornering speed for aircraft."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumTurnRate' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The maximum turning rate for this vehicle in degrees per second, as in at best cornering speed for aircraft."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumFuelCapacity' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The maximum usable internal fuel capacity of this vehicle in liters."'/>
<MetadataSet containerField='value' name='TacticalConstraints'>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumAirThreatRange' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The maximum effective range in miles or kilometers of the longest-range anti-aircraft weapon on this platform."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumSurfaceThreatRange' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The maximum effective range in miles or kilometers of the longest-range anti-surface weapon on this platform."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumSubsurfaceThreatRange' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The maximum effective range in miles or kilometers of the longest-range anti-submarine weapon on this platform."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumAirDetectionRange' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The maximum detection range of the longest-range air detection sensor on this platform."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumSurfaceDetectionRange' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The DIS enumeration for the overall type of this object (for vehicles this value should be 1)."'/>
<MetadataFloat containerField='value' name='maximumSubsurfaceDetectionRange' value='0'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The maximum detection range of the longest-range subsurface detection sensor on this platform."'/>
<MetadataSet containerField='value' name='CurrentConditionParameters'>
<!-- <MetadataString name="appinfo" value="This is a placeholder element which ensures the proper validation of autogenerated SMAL code."/> -->
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<MetadataSet containerField='value' name='DisConfiguration'>
<MetadataInteger containerField='value' name='entityKind' value='1'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The DIS enumeration for the overall type of this object (for vehicles this value should be 1)."'/>
<MetadataInteger containerField='value' name='entityDomain' value='1'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The DIS enumeration for the domain of operations of this object (air, surface, sub-surface, etc.)."'/>
<MetadataInteger containerField='value' name='entityCountry' value='225'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The DIS enumeration for the country of origin of this object (the value for United States is 225)."'/>
<MetadataInteger containerField='value' name='entityCategory' value='1'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The DIS enumeration for the type of this vehicle (cruiser or destroyer, tank or truck, bomber or fighter, etc.)."'/>
<MetadataInteger containerField='value' name='entitySubCategory' value='1'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The DIS enumeration for the class designation of this vehicle (CG-47 Ticonderoga, DDG-51 Arleigh Burke, M1A2, M880, B-52, F-22, etc."'/>
<MetadataInteger containerField='value' name='entitySpecific' value='1'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The DIS enumeration for the specific unit or variant of this object (CG-68, DDG-77, HMMVW w/TOW package, etc.)."'/>
<MetadataInteger containerField='value' name='entityExtra' value='1'>
<MetadataString name='appinfo' value='"The DIS enumeration for optional equipment or configurations for this vehicle."'/>
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